The Rite of Enthronement
The Rite of Enthronement
The Rite of Enthronement
May you be King of those who are deceived by erroneous opinions, or whom
discord keeps aloof, and call them back to the honor of truth and unity of faith, so
that soon there may be but one flock and one Shepherd. AMEN.
O Sacred Heart of Jesus, who did make known to St. Margaret Mary, your ardent
desire to reign over Christian families, behold us gathered here today to proclaim
your absolute dominion over our home.
Henceforth we purpose to lead a life like unto yours, so that among us may
flourish the virtues for which you promised peach on earth, and for this end we
will banish from our midst, the spirit of the world which you abhorred so much.
You will reign over our understanding by the simplicity of our faith.
You will reign over our hearts by an ardent love for you; and may the flame of this
love be kept burning in our hearts by the frequent reception of the Holy Eucharist.
O Divine Heart, preside over our encounters, bless our undertakings, both
spiritual and temporal, banish all worry and care, sanctify our joys and soothe our
sorrows. If any of us should ever have the misfortune to grieve your Sacred Heart,
remind him or her of your goodness and mercy toward the repentant sinner.
Lastly, when the hour of separation will sound and death will plunge our home
into mourning, then shall we all and everyone of us be resigned to your eternal
decrees, and seek consolation in the thought that we shall one day be reunited in
heaven, where we shall sing the praises and blessings of your Sacred Heart for all
May the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the glorious patriarch St. Joseph offer you
this, our consecration, and remind us of the same all the days of our life.
Glory to the Divine Heart of Jesus our King and our Father!
(The priest here asks those present to say with him one Our Father and one Hail Mary for all the absent
members, whether living or deceased, so that all may share in the graces of the Enthronement)
the Truth , and the Life. Repeat for us those words: This day I must abide in this
Yes, dear Lord, take up your abode with us, so that we may live in your love and in
your presence, we who proclaim you as our King and wish no other! May your
triumphant Heart, O Jesus, be forever loved, blessed, and glorified in this home!
Your Kingdom come! Amen!
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us! (3x)
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.
St. Joseph, pray for us.
St. Margaret Mary, pray for us.
All: Glory to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus forever and ever! Amen.
Priest: May the blessing of Almighty God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, descend
upon you and remain forever. Amen.