Hierarchical Architecture of Self-Assembled Carbon Nitride Nanocrystals (
Hierarchical Architecture of Self-Assembled Carbon Nitride Nanocrystals (
Hierarchical Architecture of Self-Assembled Carbon Nitride Nanocrystals (
quantity of these NPs and their location with respect to the larger
structures (see later) were dependent upon the deposition and
drying conditions.
The second class of structure had the shape of thin plates with
rounded edges. Since they were the components of the larger
flower-like structures (described later), they have been termed
nano-petals. XRD analysis of these nano-petals showed that they
were crystalline, and all the diffraction peaks were consistent with
(h00) preferential orientation, as shown in Fig. 1b. The crystallographic information was indexed to hexagonal b-C3N4 (P63/m
and c0 = 2.4041 A
(176)) with lattice constants a0 = 6.4017 A
This indicated that these nano-petals were two-dimensional (2D)
aligned crystallites of b-C3N4 which preferentially aligned
themselves perpendicularly to the surface of the Si substrate, as
shown in Fig. 1c and 1d. The number and length of these nanopetals increased with increasing laser ablation time from 0.52 h
for the same laser fluence. With even longer ablation times (3 h),
the concentration of these nano-petals in the suspension increased,
and upon subsequent drying of the liquid, they began to aggregate
and self-assemble (Fig. 1e). By carefully controlling the drying
process, flower-like spiked, crystalline superstructures were
formed (Fig. 1f). This third class of structure, now fully threedimensional, with sizes 120 mm, is created when many nano-petal
structures coalesce at a common centre with multi-fold symmetry.
Fig. 2a shows a symmetric carbon nitride flower together with
its nano-petal building blocks (which look like flattened rods in the
TEM). Fig. 2b shows that these nano-petals appear fused together
and interwoven to form a lattice-like framework of the flower-like
superstructure. The figure also shows the NPs that surround each
nano-petal, and which fill in the holes within the framework to
produce a dense, solid structure. EDX analysis confirms that
carbon and nitrogen are present in all these structures, and MDA
(Fig. 2c) was also consistent with crystalline hexagonal b-phase
1256 | J. Mater. Chem., 2007, 17, 12551257
carbon nitride oriented along the [001] zone axis.8 Several [001]
patterns in Fig. 2c can be identified at the same time, indicating
that the nano-petals consist of several domains, with different
rotational orientations contributing to the diffraction pattern. The
HR-TEM image in Fig. 2d shows that the nano-petals at the
very edge of the flower contain very few defects and are single
crystalline, as was anticipated from the MDA pattern. The lattice
fringes (d200 = 0.28 nm, d140 = 0.15 nm) and their angles (106u)
are in good agreement with the calculated values for hexagonal
The smaller NPs, which lie in and around the nano-petal
framework comprising the flowers, appeared to be mobile with
respect to this framework, and diffused outward from the centre of
the flower with longer drying times. The results of this diffusion
can be seen in Fig. 2e, where the solid carbon nitride flower
(similar to that in Fig. 2a) has become hollow. The nanoparticles
have diffused from the centre but remain loosely attached to the
outside, making the outer shell of the flower appear fuzzy. The
thickness of the fuzzy shell was y140 nm and that of the hollow
core was y200 nm (shown as a lighter colour in the image). When
the suspension was placed onto a hot-plate at 200 uC, the
hollowing process was accelerated, but there was no obvious
morphology change of the overall flower.
For lower ammonia concentration (25%), a fourth class of
structure was observed. Instead of nano-petals, the carbon nitride
formed one-dimensional (1D) elongated nanoneedles or nanorods
(NRs). For low laser power (50 mJ) and short ablation time (2 h),
the product contained mostly a sparse collection of these isolated
NRs (Fig. 3a). However, with increasing laser power (125 mJ) and
This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2007