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Foamin C®: Light Weight Cellular Concrete and Cement

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This technical manual is meant to give the main principles for the production of LIGHT WEIGHT
CELLULAR CONCRETE AND CEMENT, to obtain a high quality product, which is definitely
profitable compared to the majority of other similar products. Its unique and unalterable
characteristics are: Lightness, Thermal Insulation, Thermal Inertia, Acoustics Insulation, Fire
Resistance and easiness in laying.
Under the same weight conditions of other building materials, our product shows a satisfactory
Mechanical Strength, always suitable for the recommended use.

1) With cement and aggregates, the required components to produce the FOAMIN C light weight
cellular cement are:
The FOAMIN C Foamy Agent, theFoam Producer, the Mixer and the Mixture Transporting
A) FOAMIN C foamy compound:
Physical specifications
Specific weight
Viscosity at 20C
Viscosity at 0C

= Brown clear liquid; non nauseous, innocuous for the skin

and mucus membranes, non toxic, non fermentable
= Proteic
= 1.16 0.03
= 1.15 gr/cc
= 105 ctstock max
= 3510 ctstock max
= 6.70.3
= in a cool ventilated place. Do not expose to direct sunlight
= in its sealed original container and in compliance with the
indicated storage standards: approx. 3 years

Solubility in water at 20C


= total
= oils, grease and similar substances
= 0.60.2 biodegradable pursuant to the law

FOANIN C has been specifically developed for the preparation of light weight cellular cements
FOAMIN C easily mixes with water and is used in a 2% (2 L FOAMIN C : 100 L clean water)
diluted solution; it does not spoil concrete hydration and does not affect the construction materials
as well as the reinforced structures. It is flameproof and does not give off poisonous fumes. It also
does not change the cements mineralogical reaction, which occurs during the setting and
hardening time.
The purpose of the foam producer is to produce foam in a constant and uniform way.
Non-continuous or continuous foam producers can be used:
The NON-CONTINUOUS FOAM PRODUCER is a 150 or 300 litres container with an air
compressor to supply the air that is necessary to obtain the foam. When the mixture (agent +
water) in the container is finished, the foam producer needs to be stopped and refilled. 2500 L of
best quality foam can be obtained with roughly 2 L of FOAMIN C + 150 lt of water.
The CONTINUOUS FOAM PRODUCER is a two calibrated pumps machine, with an air
compressor: it is able to produce foam continuously.
These types of foam producers have a production of 300 or 600 L/min. foam.
The required type of cement-mixer to produce l.w.c.c. is the one normally used in the building
The FOAMIN C light weight cellular cement production (cement + water + FOAMIN C foam)
requires the use of a reversible cement-mixer, with horizontal rotation axis. This kind of mixer
quickly gives a good blend of foam and cement slurry, giving a homogeneous product with the right
This simple and functional equipment increases the work rate and thereby reduces labour costs.
For the FOAMIN C light weight cellular concrete production (sand + cement + water + FOAMIN
C foam) it is suitable to use the mixers normally used for concrete (also truck mixers) with the
rotation axis as close as possible to a horizontal position.
For transporting light weight cellular cement (made with cement, water and foam only), we suggest
rotating volumetric pumps or peristaltic pumps, we do not advise using piston pumps.
Indicatively, are required only two men to produce and cast from 25 to 35 m of
light-weight cellular cement in an 8 hours day.
Any type of pumps are suitable to transport light weight cellular concretes.
If you have to use a piston pump, make sure to use a long-piston one, to limit the breakage of the
foam. The quantity of foam lost will depend on the pistons pressure and it will have to be replaced
to maintain the l.w.c.c. requested consistency.
2) Light weight cellular cement/concrete production

a) The various components of l.w.c.c. are put in the mixer in the following sequence:
(for mixtures of cement only)
water-cement-sand-foam (for sand and cement mixtures)
b) Water-cement, (or water- cement- sand) have to be put slowly in while the cement-mixer is in
motion and left to mix until a pasty slurry (or mortar) is obtained.
Once the slurry has become homogeneous the foam should be added, according to the quantity
suggested by the Instruction Sheet (tab. B). The mixing process should then continue until all the
foam is completely mixed with the pasty slurry (or mortar).
At this stage the material is ready for casting.
If using a cement-mixer with paddles, which let the mixture pass through, it is important to cover
the inside blades with wooden or steel boards; this to avoid the making of lumps.
c) The l.w.c.c. should not be kept in the mixer or transporting containers longer than necessary, to
avoid air-bubbles collapsing as well as setting, before it is used.
Therefore, mixing, transporting and casting should be completed as quickly as possible, in order to
guarantee successful results with FOAMIN C light weight cellular cements or concretes.
d) The material can be cured either naturally or, more quickly, by using a curing forced method.
This subject will be fully dealt with in PART TWO.
e) We suggest to keep the manufactured product made with air cured light weight cellular
concrete, after de-molding, for a period of 28 days, before using it.
We recommend treating the material as normal concrete, during setting & hardening time, which
means to avoid a rapid evaporation of the remaining moisture to prevent concrete dehydration
which, if allowed to occur, would cause strength lowering.
Instructions should be followed in order to exploit the best physical and mechanical properties of
FOAMIN C l.w.c.c..

a) Aggregates:
Aggregates used to produce light weight cellular concrete can be either calcareous or siliceous
sands, river or press-crushed type. Aggregates of high siliceous content give the best results and it
is very important that do not contain organic substances or dirt. It is important to study the
granulometric curve of the aggregate being used, to obtain the best results when making a normal
type concrete and also when manufacturing light weight cellular concretes.
The theoretical graph shows the aggregates granulometric curves that are most suitable to
produce various densities of l.w.c.c.. (tab.A)
b) Foam:
The foam is a white, creamy, homogeneous fluid, containing micro- bubbles.
The foam must go through the foam producer continuously and its weight should be of 70-75 gr.
per liter. The foam weight will be effective over a long period, provided the foam producer is well
kept and regularly cleaned.

c) Cement:

The best cement to be used is the Portland R 425; however, all types can be used, also Pozzolana
or slag cement.
The natural, cellular structure of l.w.c.c. requires new, fine cement to obtain a homogeneous
product, which allows the forming of a cement stratum around the air bubbles, to ensure a perfect
and even three-dimensional structure.
The above mentioned structure is not obtainable if the cement is old and has formed lumps by
absorbing moisture.
The use of sub-standard cement would cause a strength decrease and would take a much longer
setting time.
Since not all the types of cement give equal plasticity to the mortar, even having the same
water/cement ratio, it is better to choose those types of cement that can bear the largest quantity of
The Fly Ash, that we can find in several cements, can be tolerated in light-weight cements or
concretes only if it is in small quantity and completely oil-free.
The presence of traces of oil in the Fly Ash occur when the coal from which is derived, has not
been completely burnt.
d) Water/cement ratio:
The water and cement ratio depends on the advised density (tab. B)
After conducting preliminary tests, the above mentioned ratio can be reduced by lowering the
quantity of water or increasing the quantity of cement. Once the quantity of l.w.c.c. components
has been chosen, carry out a test and check the Humid Density of the l.w.c.c. produced,
comparing with the one of the table attached (tab. B). By increasing or decreasing the foam
quantity is possible to obtain the desired density of l.w.c.c..
If producing a cement mortar at a very low water/cement ratio, part of the foam will be destroyed by
the mortar low plasticity; if this happens, it will be sufficient to replace the quantity of foam that
was destroyed, in order to obtain the required final density.
e) Additives:
Only few additives are compatible with the FOAMIN C foamy agent, except the ones to assist the
de-molding and to accelerate the setting. The additives compatibility with the foaming agent
should always be checked beforehand.

The main advantage l.w.c.c. produced with the FOAMIN C is the possibility to vary the density so
to meet the insulation and strength requirements.
Following the list of the obtainable densities, showing the suggested sand cement quantities and
the necessary FOAMIN C foam per cubic meter of mix, you can have the starting quantities to
make the preliminary tests. All the quantities (tab.B) are approximate because they depend on the
specific weight of local cements and sands.

a) Air curing:
This is the generally used method, therefore it needs little explanation. Problems may occur only
with inclement weather and when the work is not being carried out in a heated or indoor area.
In the l.w.c.c. pre-fabrication, it may not be possible to make a daily cast during the winter time,
while it is possible to do it in the summer time, except when temperatures are too high.
Therefore to keep constant the work throughout the wintertime it is necessary to use an
accelerated curing method. The choice of the method depends on its productive poperties:

- Accelerated curing:
The use of a fast setting cement and accelerating additives can allow a daily cast of the product,
within certain temperatures. The quantity of foaming agent varies according to the ambient
temperature both during the working cycle than after the l.w.c.c. setting time. It is advisable to do
preliminary tests, in order to determine the most suitable dosage of fast setting additive according
to the ambient condition and the production requirements.
When using a fast setting additive, this must be put in the mixer with the water, before adding the
- Steam curing:
Light weight cellular concrete can also be steam-cured to reduce the setting and hardening time.
Unlike normal concrete, l.w.c.c. comprises many air bubbles that increase in quantity as the
product density decreases. The steam effect increases the mass inner temperature and expands
the air inside the bubbles.
Thus, if the cement stratum around the air bubbles is not hard enough, the stratum will burst
causing a drop of light weight cellular concrete surface; the material will rise and the surface may
puff out and will crumble very easily for at least 1-2 cm.
To avoid these problems the following measures should be adopted:
The material has to rest for 5-7 hours after casting, before starting the steam curing. Care should
be taken to make sure the material has completed the setting and has entered the hardening
The steam temperature must be rigidly controlled throughout the cycle and shall never exceed 6570 C.
A good complete cycle lasts 12 hours and it is divided this way:
6 hours of initial stage, in which the temperature is slowly increasing;
4 hours at a constant 65/ 70C temperature;
2 hours with a slowly decreasing temperature, to avoid a thermal shock.
During the following period of time keep the product covered with a cellophane sheet to avoid that
a sudden dehydration may induce a decrease of mechanical resistance and the possibility of
a) Thermal conductivity- One of the basic properties of l.w.c.c. is its high thermal-insulating value,
which remains unaltered over the years. In fact, it has become one of the most widely employed
materials in the insulation field.
The thermal conductivity coefficient value = 0,85 of light weight cellular cement with density 400
kg/m, is strictly connected to the material density, to the bubbles quantity, size and their perfect
The thermal conductivity coefficient is defined by the formula: (tab. C)


m h C


Thermal conductivity coefficient, in Kcal/mhC;




Quantity of heat transmitted in the time unit, (Kcal);

Surface 1 m; Thickness 1 m.;
1 hour;
1 C difference of temperature between two sides.

You may calculate the thermal transmission from the value obtained with the following formula.

The equation is:

+ +

[ ]
m h C


1* 2



where the value

Total thermal transmission coefficient, in Kcal/m hC

Thermal transmission coefficient of the two opposite
surfaces in kcal/m hC (convention and radiation of air)
Sample thickness in m.
Thermal conductivity coefficient in Kcal/m hC

0,20 +

[ ]
m h C

1 is generally accepted to be in the order of 0,20. (tab.D)

b) Thermal capacity
When studying or planning walls, floors or ceilings insulation it is important to consider the
insulating material Thermal Capacity, (Q), too.
For a wall, floor or ceiling made with only one product, the thermal capacity is given by:

Kcal/m C

= Thickness in m.
= Density in Kg/m
= Specific heat in K cal/KgC


On examination, the above equation shows that, besides giving optimum values of thermal
insulation, the FOAMIN C light weight cellular cement /concrete has the relevant properties of a
thermal accumulator. In other words, a FOAMIN C light weight cellular cement / concrete, when
the ambient temperature drops, gives off some of the heat previously stored and absorbs it when
the ambient temperature rises up.
For instance, in the winter time, when the internal temperature changes because of cool air
circulation, the inside temperature of a house with good thermal capacity structures does not
change much. On the other hand, with some insulating materials walls, (as wood, expanded
polystyrene,......etc.), we have a good K value, but they do not act as good thermal accumulators.
This is the reason why, when planning insulation, it is better to consider both thermal insulation
and thermal capacity.

a) Resistance to compression
In the l.w.c.c., under normal condition of humidity, mechanical resistance proportionally drops with
the density decrease and it mainly depends on the quantity and quality of the cement, the sand
type and their granulometric curve.
Compression strength in l.w.c.c. can be tested after 2 days, 7 days, 28 days or 180 days.
It is necessary to emphasize that the FOAMIN C light weight cellular concretes mechanic
strengths increase about 100% in the period of time between 28 days and 12 months.
The ratio between strength and density is characterized by the so called
Specific-Strength Module ( M )

M =


where :


Specific strength module

Concrete strength (at 28 days in Kg/cm)
Air-dryed concrete density (at Kg/m)

The effective data of compressive strength, elasticity modulus, etc., are strictly connected to local
aggregates and cements: thats because all our tables must be considered as guidance only and
have to be supported by many local tests. (tab. E)
b) Modulus of elasticity
In the light weight cellular concrete, the strains due to compression or traction do not follow
HOOKs rule.
The European Concrete Committee advices to apply the following formula for the Modulus of
Elasticity: ( E )
E = 5000 . K . Yvd
for short time deformation
E = 3000 . K . Yvd for long time deformation


Modulus of elasticity in Kg/cm

Cellular concrete density in g/cm
Compressive strength in Kg/cm

c) Humidity content and absorbing capacity

Due to the absorption of the water and the humidity existing in the air light weight cellular concrete
contains small quantities of moisture, just like normal concrete. Such quantity is entirely dependent
on the ambient conditions (atmosphere humidity), type of aggregate and type of structure.

Therefore, with a good choice of aggregate and l.w.c.c. density, thanks to the structure of mainly
closed cells, the humidity values will be very low (tab. F).
With regard to humidity condensation, caused on the surfaces by the ambient conditions, it should
be pointed out that, contrary to what happens to normal concrete, on l.w.c.c. such phenomenon
does not occur or if it occurs it will be in a totally irrelevant measure.
d) Contraction and Expansion:
Like all cement-base materials, light weight cellular concretes are subject to contraction
phenomenon during the setting stage.
The amount depends on several variables such as: material density, type and quantity of cement
per m, type of curing system, aggregates quality and granulometric curve.
Indicatively, the average density contraction values obtained after 28 days (the period of time
within the most part of the hardening process occurs) has given the following figures:






1,700 kg / m

The expansion and the contraction of light weight cellular concrete/cements due to thermal
changes is very limited. This property together with their thermal-insulating capacity and their
incombustibility, allows the structure to be used as a fireproof wall as well as external cover for
e) Frost and Fire Resistance
-Light weight cellular concrete has given excellent results to frost and thaw cycles, thanks to its
cellular structure, with close cells.
It is however advisable to protect the external unit surfaces, exposed to atmospheric conditions
(rain, frost, snow, etc.), by coating or using a water repellent paint.
-Fire resistance is very high, because of the structure of the material, the nature of the
components, the high insulating value and the low expansion coefficient.
It follows, the FOAMIN C light weight cellular cements and concretes incombustibility also gives
to the material very good fire-resistant properties.
f) Sound insulation
The l.w.c.c. have a high acoustic absorbing capacity and a reasonably good acoustic insulating
quality. When light weight cellular concrete is used for partition walls, the acoustic and thermal
insulation turns out to be much higher than the one obtained with traditional masonry walls.

Indicative values of acoustic insulation:


Kg / m


15 cm.
25 cm.








We should anyway consider that:

Light weight cellular concretes and cements have very good acoustic absorbing capacities
and no special qualities as acoustic insulation.


Main applications referred to the densities:

Light Weight Cellular Cement and Concrete have several and always increasing applications in all
types of construction work. Some of the most common applications are listed below:
300 - 600 Kg/m (l.w.c. cement)
Light weight and insulating cements for floors' foundation, for heat insulation and slope for flat
roofs, rigid floors foundation ; tennis courts foundation ; interspace concrete filling; raceways
insulation; thermo insulating blocks; steel structures fireproofing ; tunnels and pipelines
compensating mass ; dumps foundation and coverings ; land reclamation and consolidation ;
underground cavities infill and all types of infill where an elevated thermal insulation is required.


600 - 900 Kg/m (light weight cellular concrete)

Stables and pig-sties foundations; industrial foundations; partition and tampooning slabs; ceiling
slabs; concrete + Light Weight Concrete mixed panels.


900 - 1200 Kg/m sand-cement mixture (light weight cellular concrete)

Blocks for outside walls; slabs for partitions; concrete and light weight concrete mixed panels for
covering; foundations for elastic floors.


1200 - 1700 Kg/m sand-cement mixture (light weight cellular concrete)

Prefabricated panels for civil and industrial buildings plugging; walls casting; gardens ornaments.


It has been stated that the technical characteristic of the LWCC produced with FOAMIN C are:

perfect thermal insulation;

excellent thermal inertia;
good compression strength, compared to different consistencies;
absolutely fire-resistant;
time inalterability;

We display some of the product specific applications:

a) Rigid pavement floor foundations (ceramic tiles, marble, paving, tiles, etc., laid
down with mortar.)
A 400 Kg/m density cement-only mixture is generally used to obtain a thermal insulation and an
acoustic absorption, to load the structure as little as possible. The floor foundation minimum
advisable thickness is of 4 5 cm.
Before casting, the l.w.c.c. foundation, the underneath concrete must be wet, avoiding the
formation of large pools of water.
For a better sound-proof result, it is advised to detach the l.w.c.c. slab from the partition walls by
lying strips of tarred paper board, of glass wool or of rubber panels along the wall perimeter and to
lay sound insulating panels under the l.w.c.c..
b) Elastic pavement floor foundation (carpets, woods, rubber, linoleum, etc.)
As such floor coverings are directly glued to the floor foundation, the most suitable density is of
1400 Kg/m.
These types of pavement can be laid down on light weight cellular cement 400 Kg/m slab, with a
45 cm mortar slab on top, too.
c) Heat insulation and sloping of flat roofs
A 400 Kg/m cement-only mixture is the ideal density for such application and the standard sloping
should be of 11,5%.
The thickness at the end of the slope should not be less than 5 cm.
It is recommended to wet the floor before casting l.w.c.c, avoiding water pools, and in the summer
time it is advised to keep the light weight cellular cement wet for 48 hours after casting, to avoid a
fast dehydration.
d) Interspace filling
For this application the standard density is about 300 Kg/m of cement-only mixture. The
interspace should be filled in following stages (30-50 cm at the time) every 12 hours or more.
e) Floor foundations for agricultural and industrial buildings
In this case, the most suitable density is given by 1200 Kg/m or a foundation of 400-500 Kg/m
density, with at least a 10 cm concrete slab on top.
It is worth noting that this application has given interesting results in the construction of stables and
pig-sties, where the pavement insulation provides an ideal thermal insulation for the animals.

f) Concrete blocks for masonry and small panels

Concerning these products, the density may vary from 800 to 1100 Kg/m, depending on physical
strength, thermal insulation and size of the blocks required for the application.
For the blocks casting, steel or wooden perimetral moulds should be used (the moulds for the
pavement should be made of steel or concrete).
To demould or fasten the setting, only high quality products must be used.

g) All types of panels, including partitions.

The right density for this range goes from 1200 to 1700 Kg/m.
The density for such applications should be chosen considering the required strength, thickness
and dimensions of panels.
For mixed slabs (normal concretes + light weight cellular concrete), it is better to cast the light
weight cellular concrete immediately after the concrete in order to allow simultaneous setting and
perfect adhesion between the two different materials.

This brochure is intended to be a guide to the use of FOAMIN C foaming agent, describing some
different ways to use it for the production of light weight cellular concretes and cements.
The values shown in this bulletin are typical laboratory averages and are meant to serve only as a
guide. Such values have to be taken as general rules and there is no guarantee, especially if the
product applications and methods occur out of our control.



32, 36040 BRENDOLA (VI)
TEL 0444/569182 FAX 0444/401181


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