Sound Healing
Sound Healing
Sound Healing
Sound healing
John Stuart Reid and Annaliese Kohinoor
illustrate how sound is fast regaining its place as the
pre-eminent healing modality. Having been first
used by the ancients, sound therapy has undergone
a period of re-discovery and is now poised to reveal
the intricacies of healing both at the cellular and
psychological levels.
Sound will be the medicine of the
future. Edgar Cayce
ost ancient cultures used the
seemingly magical power of
sound to heal. Sound healing
had almost disappeared in the West
until the 1930s when acoustic
researchers discovered ultrasound and its
medical properties. With this discovery,
research burgeoned and today the
ancient art of sound healing is rapidly
developing into a new science.
There is now a mass of research into
the healing benefits of ultrasound,
including its use in breaking up kidney
stones and even shrinking tumours.13
In addition, infrasound and audible
sound are now recognized as having
immense healing properties.
The Aboriginal people of Australia
are the first known culture to heal with
sound. Their yidaki (modern name,
didgeridoo) has been used
as a healing tool for at
least 40,000 years. The
Aborigines healed broken bones, muscle
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Fig.1a (top): Liquid CymaGlyph in a drop of water under the influence of sound.
Note the fine tendrils emerging from nodal points, evidence of sonic scaffolding.
Image created on the CymaScope by Erik Larson. Fig. 1b (bottom): Liquid
Cymaglyph in a drop of water under the influence of sound. Note the matrix of
tubular macro vortices, in particular the vortex that begins near the three o'clock
position and snakes up to the two
oclock position before tracking
further left. Image created
on the CymaScope by
Erik Larson.
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Fig. 2a (left): A pentagon form created by a low fequency sine tone, demonstrating that sound and life are
inextricably linked: Sound can create pentagonal structures which contain phi, the physical constant of all life.
Image by Erik Larson, Sonic Age America. Fig. 2b (right): The pentagon contains phi, the Golden Mean, the
ratio 1: 1.618, that is prevalent in all life.
Fig. 3a (left): Many species of Radiloaria exhibit angular surface strucures, often involving hexagons and pentagons. Fig. 3b (right): Many viruses exhibit polygonal outer shells. Fig. 4 (below): The CymaScope.
He analyses sea creatures, shells, butterflies, flowers and many other life forms
to validate the phi ratio as one of the
defining characteristics of life.
One group of researchers has proposed that the earliest life forms were
viruses, which are typically angular in
structure, unlike the globular nature of
bacterial life.8 Angular sound structures
are commonly observed on the
CymaScope, providing us with a hypothetical model for the way in which the
earliest life forms were shaped in the
ancient seas. The surfaces of microscopic bubbles, created near
hydrothermal vents, could have been
host to angular patterns of sonic vibration. Simple creatures that exhibit
angular geometry, such as radiolaria and
starfish, provide additional evidence that
sound may have been responsible for
triggering and/or structuring life.
Sound healing overview
If sound was responsible for triggering
life and ordering organisms, we should
not be surprised that sound is such a
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channels.10 Situated within a cells membrane, ion channels are the means by
which the cell receives nourishment and
communicates with neighbouring cells.
In dysfunctional cells it is proposed that
some of these vital channels are shut
down. In this hypothesis, sound opens
the closed channels, supporting the cell
to resume normal functioning and replication.
Dr James Gimzewski, of UCLA,
California, has taken a revolutionary
approach to studying cellular function.11
He uses an atomic force microscope, a
kind of super-sensitive microphone, to
listen to the sounds emitted by cells. The
focus of this new science, called sonocytology, is mapping the pulsations of the
cells outer membrane, thus identifying
the song of the cell. Gimzewskis work
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Principles of Resonance
Everything has a frequency to which it is naturally
tuned. This is known as its Prime Resonant Frequency
(PRF). At this frequency, an object will more readily
absorb energy. Each component of your body has its
own prime resonant frequency.
has revealed that every cell in our bodies has a unique sonic signature and sings to its neighbours.
Sonocytology is a potentially powerful, diagnostic tool for
identifying the sounds of healthy cells versus those of injurious
ones. But it introduces an even more exciting prospect: the
ability to play the destructive sounds of rogue cells back to
them greatly amplified, so that they implode and are destroyed.
In this scenario there would be no collateral damage to surrounding cells since healthy cells would not resonate with these
Dr Gimzewski, himself a Nobel Prize winner, is one of a
large number of innovative minds at work in our world that
share the vision of creating modalities to assist the body to
heal. Audible sound therapy may offer the greatest potential in
non-invasive healing. In the years to come we may well see
diagnostic and therapeutic beds that resemble a scene from the
futuristic, Star Trek sick bay. We will certainly see a proliferation in modalities in which sound is the governing principle.
Sound heals life naturally.
1. Using ultrasound to break up kidney stones.
2. Paliwal S et al. Induction of cancer-specific cytotoxicity towards
human prostate and skin cells using quercetin and ultrasound. Br J Can
3. A safe, simple, novel medical device technology for the treatment of
solid cancer tumours in the absence of any drug. Gendel Ltd. CEFUS
Therapy (Combined Electric Field and Ultrasound), .
4. Ellis R. Big bang sound waves explain galaxy clustering.
New Scientist, Jan. 12, 2005.
5. Alexandersson, O. Living Water: Victor Schauberger and the Secrets of
Natural Energy, Gateway Books, 1996.
6. Micro vortex generation in microchannel liquid flow, YK Lee et al.
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. American Physical
Society. Session JE.004 Micro-Fluid Dynamics, Nov, 2002.
7. Lauterwasser A. Water Sound Images, Macromedia Publishing,
Newmarket, NH, USA, 2006.
8. Young, M. Viruses have plagued the Earth for 3 billion years. New
Scientist, no 2446, 8 May, 2004.
9. Cymatherapy International. .
10. Corey, D. Mechanically Activated Ion Channels. Howard Hughes
Medical Institute;
11. Pelling A, Sehati S, Gralla E, Valentine J, and Gimzewski J. Local
nanomechanical motion of the cell Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Science,
20 Aug 2004;305;5687:114750.,
12. The DNA of Healing,; Emotional
Freedom Technique (EFT),; Gould C, Hypnotherapy
within the UK. .
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