Northrup Rodney Maysel 1988 Mexico
Northrup Rodney Maysel 1988 Mexico
Northrup Rodney Maysel 1988 Mexico
z ^ortt|rups in ^cxico
March U,
Dear Bro.
TN 37901-2^29
little hopes of ever going to Bible College but with what little training
they have they are building congregations and starting new mission points.
I never tell a man here in Mexico he can't preach. Since he doesn't know
he can't, he preaches. Then I say to him that I appreciate his work and,
if he wishes,
If he says,
say, "I'll teach you," and, as more and more men baptize and teach, I be
come a pastor of pastors and then I need help! The Video-Mex Ministries
which we mention is part of this teaching program and part of the help I
to Horizons , that of our daughter, Mrs. Mark Lichte, who now lives in San
Antonio, Texas, and that of another daughter who lives in Caracas, Vene
Here are
& Mrs.
Buck Run
San Antonio, TX 78230
San Francisco
Rodney G. Northrup
Northrup swam
3 5'^^
In achntiorLJbe- providing fi
L.-r..Magdalena, Berenice,
Ana Silvia, Sheila, Mark,
tributions reflect your desire for a share in ."Gieai and marvelous are your deeds,
Lord God Alininhiy.
spreading the Gospel to all peoples.
We truly ap
Jusi niul inu". nio your ways,
preciate your partnership. We especially enjoy hear
King of the ages.
Ing personal accounts of your life in Christ so we < Who will noi fear you, O Lord.
can pray specifically for you. Please Join the "Sup and bring glory lo your name?
program so that
to do this. Please continue
to pray that we will
make the best possible selection.
Maysel's work for the Lord
The winter tourism publicity shows sunny. Mexican beaches and food being
served in a tropical setting. There really are places like that in Mexico and
we've seen some of them.
Some visitors are disappointed with this land of
contrasts when they arrive at Rancho Altamira and find that we live in the
desert. Mexico has the Pacific Ocean on the west coast, the Gulf of Mexico on
the east coast and has a toe dipping in Carribean waters. A shopping trip to
one of the Saltillo Saturday street markets helps one to adjust to the desert.
Produce from various parts of Mexico are shipped in and you'll find every
thing from A to Z grown in Mexico. There are ^pples (manzanas), avaoado (aguaoate), beets (betabel), bananas (platano), beans (frijoles), cabbage (repollo), coconut, corn, cauliflower, celery (apio), cucumbers (pepino), eggs
(huevos), figs (higos), garlic, grapes, grapefruit, honey, Jioama, limes,
lettuce, mangos, nopales, onions, oranges, papaya, peas, peanuts, pineapple,
potatoes, strawberries, tomatoes, tangerines, rice, sugar cane, wheat, water
Tucson, Arizona flew here in a Cessna 185. They came a day early to visit
with us before continuing on with about 24 other planes and 75 people to in
teresting places in Mexico. After an overnight stay they shared with us at
the Sunday morning church service held in Spanish where I interviewed them
for the congregation (with translations).
The Plettners hosted a dinner out
at "La Canasta" (The Basket) for Robert L. Walker, Lowell Tate, Gordon Clif
ford^ Evelyn Leckron, Donna Vaughan, Rodney and Maysel Northrup. We really en
joyed and appreciated this Care and Share time together.
It took over 300 homemade cookies, lots of sandwiches and gallons of or
ange Kool-aid to serve refreshments at our camp rally held January 28th in
Saltillo for children and Christian parents involved in the camp June 26-29,
1988 on Rancho Altamira. Hours were spent preparing. The video taken by our
son-in-law, Rafael Macaya of Caracas, Venezuela, during camp brought lots of
Two musical numbers by several staff members and campers using
eight guitars were enjoyed by all.
Singing together again was a
real treat
for the children who had attended camp.
13 - 16
20 - 24
20 - 24
I John 4:4.(Living Bible). "I tell you that if two of you on earth
agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my FATHER in
heaven." Matthew 18:19. (New International version). If our God will grant
the request
imagine what
he would do if
two or
three thousand of us begin asking for the same thing on the same day.
Even though we Christians may have some differences, we all have one
common enemySatan.
It- is very important that we pray daily for specific things on schedul
ed days for the Lord's work at home and for your missionaries.
MONDAY -Pray by name for each member of the families of the. missionaries you
are supporting,asking God to protect them from Satan and his schemes.
Pray that the missionaries might be Holy Spirit alert to people's
movements, bridges between the established religion and Christianity
and felt
spiritual needs
Pray for those who are abused and who are hungry. Ask the
Lord to show us ways we can help them. Pray for the means by which
the missionaries can educate their own children whether in boarding
school, at home, in the public school system or away at college.
THURSDAY - Pray for the growth and protection of new congregations in lands
being evangelized by your missionaries. Pray for God's protection of
them from unfaithful native teachers, witch doctors, voodooism and
animism which are very strong in many unevangelized countries. The
Satanic power of witch doctors and voodoo priests is nearly unbeliev
able where Christ is not known.
FRIDAY - Pray for the presidents and governing officials of the lands where
your missionaries are working that doors for evangelism will remain
SATURDAY - Pray for the health of each missionary by name - for their equip
ment, especially cars and planes they use to travel from one place to
another. It seems Satan especially attacks missionaries' cars.
SUNDAY - Pray by name for the spiritual welfare of each missionary you are
Ask God to
and that they will make a conscious effort for daily individual and
family devotional times. If you have found a book of special spiri
tual value to you, send it to them. Suggest the home congregation es
tablish a spiritual "Book of the Month Club" for different types of
material for the missionary to read. If he has a video player, send
tapes that deal with home life, spiritual enrichment or entertainment
Humor is valuable for balance.