MCC Tips
MCC Tips
MCC Tips
Unless youre one of the fortunate few, you have experienced many issues with the Master Chief
Collection. Some of these issues are inherent to the game and cannot be alleviated without software
patches from 343 Industries. Unfortunately, there is nothing that the individual player can do about
those. However, there are a number of issues that are related to the Xbox One platform itself that the
player may be able to control.
On the following pages, you will find a collection of these tips collated from other players. This list is not
endorsed by Microsoft , 343 Industries, or anyone else (including myself). It is information freely
available at many forums and has been collated into this document for convenience. There is no
guarantee that following this guidance will ensure proper or satisfactory operation of Halo: MCC, as
there are known cases where none of this guidance resulted in proper game operation.
1. Initial Installation
2. Patch Installation (Simple)
3. Patch Installation (Complete)
4. NAT Reset (Simple)
5. NAT Reset (Port Forwarding)
Initial Installation
1. If installing from a disk, go OFFLINE until installation has completed.
(Settings Network Settings)
2. If installing from a disk or digital, some users have reported success by first RESTORING
FACTORY DEFAULTS - which will remove your customization of the Xbox One interface .
(Settings System)
3. Once installation is complete, completely power down your Xbox in the following manner:
a. Put the Xbox into sleep mode using:
i. The controller; or,
ii. The Turn Xbox Off selection from the Settings Power & Startup menu; or,
iii. Holding the lighted power button on the front of the console.
b. Unplug the power supply cord from the wall.
c. Wait approximately 1 minute.
d. Plug in the power supply cord and turn on the console.
4. Remember to reconnect to Xbox Live after the console reboots. More than 15GB of patches
must be installed prior to playing.
(Settings Network Settings)
5. Turn off the INSTANT-ON feature to prevent the Xbox from updating its software without giving
you the option of performing a complete power-down to ensure stability after installation. It
also avoids a known problem with Instant-On resetting NAT status, particularly if you connect to
your router using the UPnP protocol.
(Settings Power & Startup Save Energy)
IP address
Subnet mask
Primary DNS
Secondary DNS
Wired MAC
Wireless MAC
3. Note the final section of the IP address. The allowable range for this number is 0 to 255. Most
routers use a sequential set of 10 or 20 numbers for assigning local IP addresses to devices. You
want to choose an IP address that is outside of this range so simply adding or subtracting 50 or
so from the final number would work. Alternatively, the configuration software for your router
should have an IP Address Range listed somewhere. Just choose a number outside of that
The Xbox gives you an IP address of For the next step, use IP address
Note: Dont use 255. The highest number you should manually set is 254.
4. Rather than let your router choose the IP address, have the Xbox request a specific address. To
do this:
5. Now set up your router to forward the Xbox Live ports to the manually assigned IP address.
Since this is different for each router, the instructions here will have to be used in conjunction
with your router manual and / or the information at
a. Open your router software and find the Port Forwarding menu.
b. Forward the following TCP ports to your manually-set IP address:
53, 80, 3074