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The document discusses several medications used to treat respiratory conditions like asthma and COPD along with their classifications, dosages, indications, contraindications, side effects and nursing responsibilities.

Medications mentioned include procaterol, doxofylline, levodropropizine, ventolin, combivent and cefuroxime. They are used to treat conditions like bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, pulmonary emphysema and infections.

Potential side effects discussed include nausea, vomiting, headache, palpitations, tachycardia, hypokalemia, hypersensitivity reactions and more.

Generic & Dosage & Route of

Classification Indication Action Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing Responsibility

Brand Name Administration

Tranexemic Acid Anticoagulants Oral : 1-1.5g (2-4x Treatment and Inhibits Hypersentivity Gastrointestinal Assess patient history
a day) prophylaxis of breakdown of disturbances Monitor anticoagulant cover
(Dostan, /antiplatelets hemmorrhage fibrin clots. It Active intravascular
Hemostan) TIV: slowly 0.5- clotting Hypotension Perform eye examination, liver
associated with acts primarily
1g (3x daily) excessive by blocking the function test, blood test
Severe renal Thrombotic
fibrinolysis. binding of Obtain prothrombin time
Infusion: rate at insufficiency Complication
Prophylaxis of plasminogen
25-50mg daily Reduced dosage for children and
hereditary and plasmin to Microscopic Disturbance of colour
angiodema fibrin; direct patients with renal impairment
hematuria vision associated with
inhibition of use, Advise to report visual
plasmin occurs
abnormalities to the physician
only to limitd

Generic & Brand Classificatio Dosage & Route of

Indication Action Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing Responsibility
Name n Administration

Procaterol Antiasthmatic Tab/Syr Adult 10 mL or Bronchial Hyperthyroidism; Palpitation,

& COPD one 50 mcg tab at asthma, chronic HTN; heart disease; tachycardia.
Meptin Nebulaser Preparations bedtime or bid. Childn bronchitis, DM. Excessive Tremor, headache
sol ≥6 yr 5 mL or one 25 pulmonary amount may cause & dull headache.
mcg tab at bedtime or emphysema cardiac arrhythmia Nausea, vomiting.
bid, ≤5 yr 0.25 mL/kg and arrest. Pregnant
body wt bid or tid. patient or suspected
Nebuliser soln Adult 30- of being pregnant.
50 mcg. Childn 10-30 Lactation. Elderly.
mcg. Meptin Air Adult
20 mcg (2 puffs) each
time. Childn 10 mcg (1
puff) each time. Meptin
Swinghaler Adult 20
mcg (2 puffs), max: 8
puffs/day. Childn 10 mcg
(1 puff), max: 4
Generic & Brand Dosage & Route of
Classification Indication Action Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing Responsibility
Name Administration

Doxofylline Antiasthmatic Tab Adult 1 tab bid- Bronchial asthma Bronchodilator Acute MI, Nausea, vomiting, Use with caution in patients with
& COPD tid. Syr Childn >12 yr & pulmonary hypotension, lactation epigastric pain, hypoxemia, hyperthyroidism,
Ansimar 10 mL once-tid, <12 disease w/ spastic cephalalgia, liver disease, renal disease, in
those with history of peptic ulcer
yr 6-9 mg/kg bid. bronchial irritability,
and in elderly. Frequently,
component insomnia, patients with CHF have
May be taken with or tachycardia, markedly prolonged drug serum
without food extrasystole, levels following discontinuation
tachypnea, of Ansimar
Adverse reactions
may cause the
withdrawal from
treatment; a lower
dose rechallenge
may start only after
the advice of a

Generic & Dosage & Route of Adverse

Classification Indication Action Contraindication Nursing Responsibility
Brand Name Administration Reaction

Levodropropizin Antiasthmatic Adult & childn >12 Symptomatic Patients w/ GI effects, Tell to avoid driving or other
e & COPD yr 10 mL, >2 yr 1 treatment of excessive exhaustion, hazardous activities until
Preparations: mg/kg, 10-20 kg 3 cough discharge of faintness, stabilized on his medication.
Levofront mL, 20-30 kg 5 mL. mucus, w/ limited somnolence,
Antitussive Avoid alcohol and other CNS
All doses to be mucociliary clouding of depressants so not to enhance
taken tid function, severe consciousness, sedating property of the drug
liver dysfunction. numbness,
Should be taken on Pregnancy, dizziness, Advice to avoid smoking, smoke
an empty stomach lactation. Childn headache, filled environment
(Take between <24 mth palpitations.
meals.) Suggest sugarless lozenges to
Rarely, allergic
decrease throat irritation and
reactions cough
Generic & Dosage & Route of Contraindicatio
Classification Indication Action Adverse Reaction Nursing Responsibility
Brand Name Administration n

Erdosteine Cough & Cold Oral Erdosteine contains Active peptic Epigastralgia, Tell to avoid driving or other
Preparations Adult: 300 mg bid. As a mucolytic two sulfhydryl ulcer. nausea, vomiting, hazardous activities until
Ectrin cap, Ectrin Max duration: 10 in the treatment groups, which are loose stools, stabilized on his medication.
susp , Zertin Mucokinetics/E days. of respiratory freed after spasmodic colitis,
cap Zertin susp xpectorants Avoid alcohol and other CNS
tract disorders metabolic headache. depressants so not to enhance
and productive transformation in sedating property of the drug
cough the liver. The
liberated sulfhydryl Advice to avoid smoking, smoke
groups break the filled environment
disulphide bonds,
which hold the
glycoprotein fibres
of mucus together.
This makes the
bronchial secretions
more fluid and

Generic & Brand Dosage & Route of

Classification Indication Action Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing Responsibility
Name Administration
Acetylcysteine Mucokinetics/ Given 30 minutes - Treatment of Decreases viscosity of Hypersensitivity, Nausea, vomiting Use with in 96 hrs. after
Expectorants 1hr before meals respiratory respiratory tract Phenylketenoria and other GI opening and store in
Fluimicil, affections secretions and promote symptoms, refrigerator
Fluimicil Solution Neb: 3-5ml of 20% If broncho spasm occurs,
characterized by their removal by generalized uticaria
for Im/Iv sol. Or 6-10ml of provide assistance with
thick and viscous breaking disulfide accompanied by metered inhaled dose of
injection, 10% sol. 3-4x daily hyper secretions; bonds. In mild fever, bronchodilator; wash face
Solmucol acute and chronic acetaminophen hypotension, and rinse mouth after use
Oral: 200mg 3x/day
bronchitis and its overdose, it protects wheezing, dyspnea, to remove sticky feeling
exacerbation; the liver from injury and stomatitis Tell to avoid driving or
pulmonary by restoring other hazardous activities
until stabilized on his
emphysema; glutathione levels or
mucoviscidosis and acting as alternate Avoid alcohol and other
bronchiectasis. substrate for CNS depressants so not to
Antidote for acetaminophen enhance sedating property
paracetamol, of the drug
carbon Advice to avoid smoking,
tetrachloride, smoke filled environment
arsenic, metallic
mercury inhalation,

Generic & Classificatio Dosage & Route of Adverse

Indication Action Contraindication Nursing Responsibility
Brand Name n Administration Reaction
Butamirate Cough & Oral Cough Butamirate is Persistent cough Rarely, skin rash, Tell to avoid driving or other
Citrate Cold Cough suppressant suppressant. reported to or chronic cough nausea, diarrhoea hazardous activities until
Preparations Adult: 30 mg/day in have a central or when there is or dizziness. stabilized on his medication.
Sinecod forte 3-4 divided doses. action that is excessive
Antitussives Avoid alcohol and other
Up to 90 mg/day used as a secretions CNS depressants so not to
may be used. As cough enhance sedating property
modified-release suppressant of the drug
preparations: 50 mg in non-
2 or 3 times daily productive Advice to avoid smoking,
cough. smoke filled environment

Suggest sugarless lozenges

to decrease throat irritation
and cough

Generic & Classificatio Dosage & Route of Adverse Nursing

Indication Action Contraindication
Brand Name n Administration Reaction Responsibility

Potassium Electrolytes Adults & elderly Hypokalemia. Renal

Chloride Prophylaxis 2 durules Prophylaxis insufficiency,
daily. Hypokalemia during treatment hyperkalemia,
Kalium Durule Adjust dosage w/ diuretics untreated
according to serum K Addison's disease,
level. Suggested dose: constriction of the
2 durules bid or more esophagus &/or
until serum K is obstructive
restored to normal, then changes in the
prophylactic dosage alimentary tract

Should be taken with

food (Swallow whole
w/ 1/2 glass of liqd, do
not break/chew/crush.
Do not administer to a
patient in a supine

Generic & Classificatio Dosage & Route of Indication Action Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing
Brand Name n Administration Responsibility

Hydrocortisone Oral: 5-30mg (2x-4x Tuberculous Glucocortocoid with Systemic fungal Depression, Teach all aspect of
Adrenocortic a day meningitis, anti-inflammatory infection, IM use in Flushing, sweating, drug usage, the
Cortizan, ostertoid trichinosis effect because of its idiopathic headache, mood danger of stopping
Efficort,Pharma IM/IV: 100-250mg abruptly and signs
hormones with ability to inhibit thrombocytopenic changes,
cort,Solu-Cortef (succinate) then 50- of early renal
neurologic or prostaglandin purpura; hypertension, insufficiency :
100mg Im as myocardial synthesis, inhibit administration of circulatory collapse, (weakness, joint
needed; Im/Iv 15- involment, macrophages, live virus vaccines thrombophlebitis, pains, fever
240mg every 12 hrs dermatologic leucocytes and in patients receiving embolism, anorexia, nausea, d
disease, fibroblast at sites of immunosuppressive tachycardia, edema, yspnea, fainting)
Give medication
respiratory inflammation, corticoid doses; fungal infections ,
with food Advise to
disease phagocytosis and pyschosis; acute increase intraocular
lysosomal enzyme glomerulonephritis; pressure, blurred emergency ID as
relese. It can also amebiasis; vision, diarrhea, steroid user
cause reversal of nonasthmatic nausea, abdominal, Instruct to notify
increased capillary bronchial disease; distention, poor physician of
permeability children <2yrs, wound healing, decreased
AIDS, TB. weakness therapeutic
response for
proper dose
Instruct to monitor
and report signs
and symptoms of
Generic/ Classification Indication Mechanism of Contradiction Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Trade Name Action

Amikacin Anti-infectives Treatment of Inhibits proyein Contraindicated in EENT: ototoxicity  Assess patient for infection (vital
serious gram- synthesis in patients who has (vestibular and signs, appearance of wound, sputum, urine
(amikin) negative bacilliary bacterial at level previous cochlear)GU:nephrotoxici and stool; WBC) at beginning and
infections caused of 30s ribosomes. hypersensitivity to ty throughout therapy.
Dosage:  Obtain specimens for culture and
by staphylococci the drug.
MS:muscle paralysis sensitivity before initiating therapy.
250 mg when penicillins
 Monitor intake and output and daily
or ather less toxic weight to assess hydration status and renal
Therapeutic MISC:
Frequency: drugs are function.
contraindicated. hypersensitivity reactions  Assess patient for signs of
Every 6 hours bactericidal
superinfection (fever, upper respiratory
action. infection, increasing malaise and diarrhea)
 Monitor blood levels periodically
during therapy for toxicity and overdose.

Generic / Trade Dosage / Classification Indication Contra- Indication Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Name Frequency

Cefuroxime 750mg/tab  Anti-infective  Infections of the  Hypersensitivity to  Diarrhea 1. Determine history of

Antibiotic middle ear corn product  Nausea hypersensitivity reactions
 Tonsillitis  Hypersensitivity,  Vomiting to cephalosporin, and
Second hand
 Throat infection saying disease stomach  Abdominal pain
generation of related antibiotic.
 Laryngitis  Duodenal ulcers  Headache
Cephalosporin 2. Teach the client that the
 Bronchitis  Pregnancy (1st term)  Rash
 Hives tablets should be
 Pneumonia  Breast-feeding (for the
 Urinary tract  Vaginitis swallowed whole and taken
period of treatment
infections  Headache with a full glass of water to
should be stopped)  Mouth ulcers
 Skin infections avoid the bitter taste.
 Hypersensitivity to  Thromboplebitis to IV
 Gonorrhea 3. Report onset of loose stool.
cephalosporin and site 4. Monitor I&O rates and
 Acute bacterial
related antibiotics  Increased serum pattern.
specifically chronic
obstructive creatinine and BUN 5. Report any significant
 Decreased creatinine changes.
pulmonary disease
clearance 6. Educate the client to take
 It is effective for the cefuroxime until you finish
treatment of the prescription, even if
penicillinase- you feel better because
producing Neisseria sopping of the medication
Gonorrhea (PNNG) may cause the bacteria to
 It is used for become resistant to the
surgical antibiotic.
reducing or
Ventolin Every 6 hours  Bronchodilator  Treatment/ prevention of  Hypersensitive  Cough 1. Instruct the patient on the
Nebulizer bronchospasm reaction  Headache how to use the nebulizer.
 Urticania  Nervousness 2. Instruct the patient on the
 Anginoedema  Sinus inflammation
) frequency of nebulization.
 Rashes  Sore or dry throat
 Tremor
3. Instruct the patient what to
 Anaphylaxis
 Oropharyngeal edema  Trouble sleeping do during the asthma attack.
 Unusual taste in 4. Advice the client when to
mouth attend for follow-up visits.
 Vomiting
 Paradoxical
 Hypokalemia
 Immediate

Combivent Every 6 hours  Bronchodila  Chronic obstructive  Difficult urination bronchospasm 1. Determine the
Nebulizer tor pulmonary disorder  Glaucoma  Cardiovascular effect history for allergies.
 Heart rhythm problem  Coronary 2. Educate the client
 Hypertension not to store it near
 Problem with blood
 Cardiac arrhythmias heat or open flame
circulation to the heart  Hypertension 3. Tell the client to
 Hypersensitive to soya  Hypersensitive avoid spraying it to
lecithin reaction the eye.
 Urticania 4. Inform the client
 Anginoedema that it should not be
 Rashes
used more
 Anaphylaxis-
frequently than
Oropharyngeal edema
5. Tell the client that
use of other inhaler
needs a medical

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