Cultural World Views
Cultural World Views
Cultural World Views
Kofi Annan Skylight Confessions
A Man of Peace in a World of War Alice HOFFMAN 272pp Tp $29.95
Stanley MEISLER 486pp Hb $39.95 A new book by Alice Hoffman is always something to
This is the first and only biography in English of look forward to. And her latest offering will not
one of the world's most widely admired leaders, disappoint her many fans. With just a touch of magic,
published to coincide with his retirement from the this strange story of love and loss unfolds, revealing
UN. Born in Ghana and educated in North its characters with warmth and tenderness. It is
America and Europe, Kofi Annan was elected beautifully told through the lives of Arlyn Singer and
Secretary-General of the United Nations in 1996, John Moody. On the eve of the funeral of Arlyn's
the first Black African to serve in that position and father, she makes a bargain with herself to find the
the first to come up through the ranks. As a man of her dreams, who will simply walk into her life
Secretary-General, many regard him on par with Dag Hammarskjold, that very evening. John Moody is an architecture student from out of town.
his great predecessor 50 years ago. Written by a distinguished foreign Heading to a party, he gets hopelessly lost and asks Arlyn for directions,
affairs correspondent who has known him for many years, this and ends up staying with her for a few days. Arlyn gives herself to John
describes Annan's real achievements, but does not soft-pedal his totally. After all, she sees him as her future and her fate. But as their lives
problems. Due Feb entwine, John feels he was trapped by Arlyn, that he fell under a spell that
he couldn't escape. As love, passion and dreams subside, one of them will
escape and the other will be haunted for the rest of their life. Not everyone
Silencing Dissent can have their 'happy ever after' dream after all. Stephanie Hoy
How the Australian Government
is Controlling Public Opinion
and Stifling Debate Valentine’s Day 14 February
Clive HAMILTON & Sarah MADDISON Why not give your Valentine a book...
(Editors) 300pp Pb $24.95 and get a free movie ticket too!
For over a decade, the Howard government has
found ways to silence its critics, one by one. Like Salmon Fishing in the Yemen
the proverbial frog in boiling water, Australians Paul TORDAY 321pp Tp $32.95
have become accustomed to repeated attacks Every now and then you come across a novel that is beguiling, unexpected
on respected individuals and organisations. For a government that and simply special. This is one of those books! Fred Jones is a fishery
claims to support freedom of speech and freedom of choice, only scientist, whose speciality is freshwater invertebrate biology. He is
certain kinds of speech and choices appear to be acceptable. This married, respected in his field, middle-aged and has started a diary to
book uncovers the tactics used by Howard and his colleagues to record his sense of intellectual and emotional restlessness. One day a
undermine dissenting and independent opinion. Bullying, intimidation, weird request is sent to his workplace - by a land
public denigration, threats of withdrawal of funding, personal agent acting on behalf of her client, a Yemeni sheikh,
harassment, increased government red tape and manipulation of the who wishes to introduce salmon into his local wadi
rules are all tools of trade for a government that wants to keep a lid on because he thinks salmon fishing is a levelling and
public debate. The victims are charities, academics, researchers, civilising force. From dismissing it out of hand, Fred
journalists, judges, public sector organisations, and even parliament becomes embroiled in the scheme, swept along by
itself. Deeply disturbing, this book raises serious questions about the the sheikh's great faith and belief, although Fred
state of democracy in Australia. Due Feb himself is a rational atheist. Slowly Fred emerges
from his narrow and unfulfilled life and learns how to
Griffith Review #15 be human - and even to fall in love. Told in diary
entries, departmental memos, e-mails, interviews
Divided Nation and Hansard extracts, this is a deeply satisfying story
Julianne SCHULTZ (Ed) 240pp Pb $19.95 of faith, absurdity, humanity and fish. Lindy
Another thought-provoking issue of the always-
interesting Griffith Review, this time exploring Our most popular book over Christmas was The God Delusion (Tp
the fissures beneath the surface of Australian $34.95). Richard Dawkins adopts the rigorous approach of a scientist and
society. In a time of affluence and relative applies it to the questions of religion, religous faith and the existence of
stability, there are tensions arising - cultural, God. Not cupid material, perhaps, but most engaging.
political, economic and racial. Essays examine
such things as the disadvantaged western 2 for 1 movie vouchers
Sydney suburbs, the invisibility of indigenous Perfume by Patrick Suskind (Pb $24.95) is an exceptionally riveting novel
women, how 'Canberra' stands for federal politics rather than a place, which came out in 1989, but is still in constant
how Hobart is the second least affordable capital city in Australia, demand. It’s one of those rare books that everyone
boarding house standards, the fixation on 'Middle-Eastern enjoys immensely. To celebrate the release of the
appearance', and much more besides. Food for thought indeed. Lindy movie (starring Ben Wishaw, Alan Rickman and
Dustin Hoffman), due in cinemas this month, just
buy a copy of the book and receive a two-for-one
movie voucher ie: buy one full price adult ticket and
get one free ticket to the same session.
(Not valid on discount days or Saturday evenings).
The Guest
Hwang SOK-YONG 240pp Pb $29.95 Poetry
During the Korean War, Hwanghae Province in
North Korea was the setting of a gruesome 52-day Blistered Days
massacre. In an act of collective amnesia, the Lily BRETT 140pp Pb $22.95
atrocities were attributed to American military, but Rich with the noise, rhythm, soul and sorrow of
in truth they resulted from strife between Christian post-9/11, 21st-century New York, Brett's sixth
and Communist neighbours. 40 years later, Ryu book of poetry soars as high as the Twin Towers
Yosop, a minister living in America, returns to his once stood and digs as deep as the most
home village, where his older brother once played subterranean of the city's subway lines. Vibrant,
a notorious role in the bloodshed. Besieged by urgent, savage at times, but still so beautiful - and
vivid memories and visited by the troubled spirits of the deceased, Yosop so human. In Brett's words, "It embraces the
must face the survivors of the tragedy and lay his brother's soul to rest. exuberance of life and the tragedy, the absurdity
Internationally renowned author Hwang Sok-yong brings to life a dark and the pain." Due Feb
chapter of history, a story of a family's quest to redeem one brother's
legacy of hate and a generation's struggle for reconciliation. Orpheus
Don PATERSON 96pp Pb $35.00
Historical Fiction Rainer Maria Rilke was one of the 20th century's
great lyric poets. His 59 Sonnets to Orpheus were
completed in less than a month and famously
Daughter of the Crocodile described by the poet as "perhaps the most
House of the Ptolomies Quartet #2 mysterious - in the way they arrived and entrusted
Duncan SPROTT 464pp Tp $29.95 themselves to me - the most enigmatic dictation I
Having waited two years for this book, I'm pleased have ever received". For poets, Orpheus
to report that it does not disappoint. The Ptolomies represents the ultimate journey into life and death
- Greek Pharaohs in Egypt for 12 generations - - the mythical poet who could enchant any living
were a family whose flaws were legion and whose thing - even the beasts and the trees. In this, his
legend lives on. Sprott has done a mountain of fifth collection of poems, Paterson, himself a
research and produced a rip-roaring tale of master of the sonnet form, offers a radiant and at
murder and incest to rival any soap opera. The times distressing version of the great work. His
pace is excellent, moving from Ptolomy II through translation is an act of intense and sustained attention that yields new poems
to Ptolomy V and the first of the Kleopatras, told in the slinkiest of tones by of striking authority, independence and lyric grace.
none other than Seshat the Writer, Goddess of History, the Lady of
Hieroglyphs. Cara
ABBEY’S BOOKSHOP 3 1 3 1 Yo r k S t r e e t , S y d n e y N S W 2 0 0 0
In the Name of Honour Beyond These Walls
Mukhtar MAI 192pp Tp $29.95 Escaping the Warsaw Ghetto
Mukhtar Mai came to prominence in June 2002 when A Young Girl's Story
journalists in Pakistan learned of her gang rape, Janina BAUMAN 289pp Pb $22.95
punishment for an 'honour crime' allegedly committed Bauman was 13 when Hitler invaded Poland, her
by her brother, an offence for which there was never pleasant, middle-class upbringing in no way
any proof. After the horrific rape, custom dictated that preparing her for the horrors to come. Using her
she kill herself. But Mai defied custom. In an childhood diaries, she reconstructs her life in the
unprecedented act of courage, she took her rapists to infamous Warsaw Ghetto in a manner reminiscent of
court, pitting herself against the system with Anne Frank. Her teenage hopes and dreams are laid bare as she
extraordinary courage. Timely and topical, this is an struggles to create her own identity. Terrifyingly unsentimental, she recalls
inspirational true story of a woman who fought and the crooks, profiteers, Nazis and anti-Semites, while turning the same
triumphed against exceptional odds. Due Feb dispassionate eye upon her own immaturity and ability to live in the
Infidel moment, mostly inured to the suffering of those around her. Her
experience of being Jewish in Poland during WWII taught her that the
My Life hardest of struggles is to remain human in inhuman conditions. Her post-
Ayaan HIRSI ALI 368pp Tp $34.95 war life has been defined by an ongoing battle for justice for all, first in
The brutal murder of the Dutch film-maker Theo van Poland, from where she and her husband were eventually deported, then
Gogh in 2004 shocked the world. Shot and mutilated in Israel, where the injustices against the Palestinians were so blatant that
by a Muslim fanatic as he cycled to work, it was a stark they could no longer take pride in their country, emigrating to England
reminder of the dangers of challenging an extreme where she and her family have lived since the early 70s. Cara
Islamic worldview. It also changed the life of Ayaan
Hirsi Ali, van Gogh's collaborator on the film that had
offended his murderer. Born in Somalia and raised a Children’s reviewed by Lindy Jones
Muslim, she had escaped an arranged marriage and The Boy's Book
made a new life as a Dutch parliamentarian, championing the reform of Islam
How to be the Best at Everything
and its attitude to women's rights. She now has 24-hour police protection, but
still willingly speaks for her cause. Recounting the extraordinary transition Hb 128pp $16.95
from a third-world upbringing to her current status as one of Time Magazine's This book will tell boys (and their fathers!) how to do all
100 most influential people in the world, this remarkable autobiography is as sorts of amazing things: build a basic raft, find water in
gripping as it is inspiring. Due Feb a desert, tie essential knots, make stink bombs, fly a
helicopter, annoy someone (okay, most boys don't need
Pistols! Treason! Murder! help with that!), survive an earthquake, juggle, write secret codes and
Jonathan WALKER 352pp Pb $32.95 much, much more. A vastly entertaining book - and plenty of girls will love
This is a highly original biography of Geralamo Vano, it too!
one of Venice's first spy masters. Through surveillance Songlines and Stone Axes
reports and 17th century archives, historian Jonathan 60,000 Years Ago - 1788
Walker uncovers a coded world of politics and John NICHOLSON 32pp Hb $29.95
espionage, terror and intense paranoia. For survival The award-winning Nicholson is back with a
and in the perfection of his art, Vano developed superb fascinating book on pre-European Australian
skills in spinning fictions. His deceits led to the arrest networks of trade and ceremonial exchange.
and execution of guilty and innocent men, before being Indigenous people traded not only finished goods
put on trial himself in 1622. Walker brings Vano to life and raw materials, such as ochre, skins, stone,
and pieces together the universe through which he moved. Interested in implements, glue and medicinal goods, but also
pushing the boundaries of how history is told, he includes playful comic strips, intangibles, such as songs, stories and ceremonies. Clear and interesting
transcripts of imaginary conversations and a bar-crawl around contemporary prose is teamed with his trademark detailed pencil illustrations to present
Venice. a little-known story of trade in indigenous Australia. Highly recommended.
A Human Being Died That Night Taste of Lightning
Forgiving Apartheid's Chief Killer Kate CONSTABLE 288pp Pb $15.95
Pumla GOBODO-MADIKIZELA 193pp Pb $26.95 Tansy works as a laundry maid in the castle of Arvestel. She is coerced
The author served on the Human Rights Violations Committee in South into helping the Witch Woman to trap the young priest-king Skir, who is
Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission for two years. This officially a guest, but in reality a hostage. They escape with the help of
extraordinary book is the result of her interviews with Eugene de Kock Perrin, who has unusual powers of communication. These three
(nicknamed Prime Evil), the commanding officer of the apartheid death youngsters, representing the warring Three Kingdoms, must put aside
squads, who was sentenced to 212 years for crimes against humanity. The their natural animosities to help each other. A thrilling adventure, a little
practicalities of remorse, forgiveness and understanding are redefined as the slow while the scene is set, but building to an exciting finish, with the
author's questions about the nature and value of vengeance are answered by promise of more to come. Ages 12+
a man who symbolises the worst excesses of Apartheid South Africa. In The Adventures of Marco Polo
finding and cherishing de Kock's humanity, the author's empathy and
Russell FREEDMAN, Bagram IBATOULLINE (Illus) 64pp Hb $30
compassion should be an inspiration to all. Cara Was Marco Polo one of the greatest travellers in the history of the world or
Fun Home was one of the greatest liars? According to this book, his travels most
likely happened, explaining that the different translations have omitted and
A Family Tragicomic expanded details of the journeys he undertook. The text is clear and fills
Alison BECHDEL 232pp Tp $39.95 most of the pages, while the illustrations are a mixture of original artwork
Acclaimed for her affectionately spiky cartoon satires of and archival images. A fascinating account. Aimed at upper primary ages.
domestic gay/lesbian/transgender life, Bechdel has
combined her artistic skills with a memoir of her family. All Aboard the Dinotrain
Blending humour and heartbreak, the tales from the Deb LUND, Howard FINE (Illus) 32pp Pb $15
family funeral home where she and her brother grew up Last year, Dinosailors (Pb $15) went down a treat
are amusing and bleak. Her father's closeted with young lads aged 3-6. This should be equally well
homosexuality and early death are topics she returns to received! Our fearless band of dinosaurs takes off on
again and again as she matures, redefining her identity a steam train to seek adventure and, of course,
and her relationship with him. It's a wonderful graphic-biography and the love things don't go to plan. A rollicking text that reads out
she feels for her family infuses every page. Cara loud very well. Big, colourful illustrations make it a
delight to share.
ABBEY’S BOOKSHOP 5 1 3 1 Yo r k S t r e e t , S y d n e y N S W 2 0 0 0
History Platform Papers #11
Khrushchev's Cold War Making Art Outsite Metropolitan
The Inside Story of an American Adversary Australia
Aleksandr FURSENKO & Timothy J NAFTALI Lyndon TERRACINI Pb $13.95
640pp Hb $53.95 The author proposes a new structure for the
Nikita Khrushchev was a leader who risked war to get making of Australian art, which he calls a regional
peace during the most dangerous years of the 20th state of mind. A cultural pyramid with a broad
century. The authors bring to life head-to-head community base rooted in community culture and
confrontations between Khrushchev and Presidents tied to its place of origin and its own special quality
Eisenhower and Kennedy. Drawing from their unrivalled of life. He points to works like The Summer of the
access to Politburo and Soviet intelligence materials, 17th Doll (Pb $21.95) and Cloudstreet (Pb
they reveal for the first time three moments when Khrushchev's inner circle $26.95), that have resonated profoundly within us and describes how his
restrained him from plunging the superpowers into war. Combining new work in northern NSW and Queensland has shown him that every town,
insights into the Cuban crisis, startling narratives on the hot spots of Suez, Iraq, city and suburb has a deep understanding of its own culture.
Berlin and Southeast Asia, and vivid portraits of leaders in the developing world
who challenged Moscow and Washington - Castro, Lumumba, Nasser and Cabinet Government in Australia, 1901-2006
Mao - this is one of the most gripping and authoritative studies of the crisis Practice, Principles, Performance
years of the Cold War. Patrick WELLER 304pp Pb $49.95
The first comprehensive study of the development of the central
Virtue & Terror institution of government over the first century of its life. Based on
Maximilien ROBESPIERRE 160pp Pb $29.95 detailed archival research and 30 years experience writing about central
In this dazzling new series, philosopher and cultural government in Australia, Weller provides an understanding of both the
critic Slavoj Zizek introduces key writings on revolution. history and the working of the institution. Packed with political insights
Robespierre's account of the French Revolution and anecdotes, lively portraits of our prime ministers and their cabinet
remains one of the most powerful and unnerving colleagues along with the airing of many fascinating details of memos
justifications for political violence ever written, and has and meetings long buried in the archives, this is a detailed history, as
extraordinary resonance in a world obsessed with well as a politics primer. Due Feb
terrorism and appalled by the language of its
proponents. Yet today, the French Revolution is Communism
celebrated as the event which gave birth to a nation A Love Story
built on the principles of enlightenment. So how should Jeff SPARROW 386pp Pb $24.95
a contemporary audience approach Robespierre's vindication of revolutionary For more than 70 years, idealists and rebels of
terror? Zizek takes a helter-skelter route through these contradictions, all stripes saw in the Communist Party the best
marshalling all the breadth of analogy for which he is famous. hope for a world remade. Who were the people
who dedicated themselves to that beautiful
Beneath the Metropolis dream? How did they experience its shimmering
The Secret Lives of Cities promise-and cope with its shattering collapse?
Alex MARSHALL 257pp Hb $44.95 This is the story of Guido Baracchi, the playboy
The pulse of great cities may be most palpable above and dilettante whose love affair with Marxism
ground, but it is below the busy streets where we can took him from his father's astronomical
observe their rich archaeological history and the observatory to the rough halls of the legendary
infrastructure that keeps them running. Marshall Wobblies. He debated Bob Menzies at the University of Melbourne, he
investigates how geological features, archaeological wooed novelist Katharine Susannah Prichard on a luxury ocean liner
remnants of past civilisations and layered networks and he belonged to illegal organisations in two world wars. The Sun
transporting water, electricity, and people, have shaped dubbed him 'Melbourne's Lenin', and ASIO classified him "a person of
these cities through centuries of political turbulence and bad moral character and violent and unstable political views". From
advancements in engineering - and how they are determining the course of the Weimar Germany to Stalin's Russia, from Melbourne's Pentridge gaol to
cities' future. From the first century catacombs of Rome, the New York subway the bohemian colony of Montsalvat, Baracchi entwined political intrigue
system, and the swamps and ancient quays beneath London, to San with a series of tempestuous romances with poets, artists and
Francisco's fault lines, the depleted aquifer below Mexico City and Mao Tse- playwrights. Yet communism remained his real love and broke his heart -
tung's extensive network of secret tunnels under Beijing, these subterranean in a betrayal that still resonates in the political choices available today.
environments offer a unique cross-section of a city's history and future. Impassioned, funny and beautifully written, this book rediscovers a
Stunningly illustrated with photographs, drawings and maps, this book reveals fascinating life - and makes a provocative argument about the history
the hidden worlds beneath our feet, and charts the cities' development through and the future of radical politics. Due Feb
centuries of forgotten history, political change, and technological innovation.
Due Feb Voyages to the South Seas
In Search of Terres Australes
The Furthest Shore Danielle CLODE 216pp Hb $32.95
Images of Terra Australis from the This is an epic narrative encompassing a
Middle Ages to Captain Cook remarkable period of French and Australian
William EISLER 192pp Hb $49.95 history, when Australia was France's Mars and
The unknown and mysterious Great Southland, or Terra marsupials were her aliens. Tracing the often
Australis, captured the European imagination for tragic voyages of Bougainville, Lapérouse,
centuries before it became a documented fact. This book D'Entrecasteaux, Baudin, Freycinet, d'Urville
traces the history of pictorial imagery associated with the and others to Australia from 1768-1828, Clode
Fifth Continent. It discusses and presents imagery from documents the changing society that launched
all parts of the southern continent: Java, Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea, these ambitious endeavours and the scientific
the South Pacific Islands and Tierra del Fuego as it evolved up to the discoveries they brought back. Australia may
Enlightenment. Many European explorers had a passionate interest in have been colonised by England but for many years, by sheer weight of
depicting the plants, animals and native inhabitants of the southern world. The specimens and scientific documentation, Australia's biodiversity
images associated with the search for the southern continent - paintings, hand- belonged to France. This is the story of noble men impoverished by their
coloured maps, drawings, tapestries and artefacts - are discussed in the passion and nobodies who made their names through physical courage
context of the link between art and exploration. Beautifully illustrated with and intellectual achievement. It is the story of the young men who risked
Portuguese, Spanish, French, Dutch and English images, this book is an their lives for adventure and excitement and, above all, the pursuit of
exciting visual account of the construction of Terra Australis, both in the scientific knowledge. Due Feb
European imagination and as scientific fact.
ABBEY’S BOOKSHOP 7 1 3 1 Yo r k S t r e e t , S y d n e y N S W 2 0 0 0
The Emergence of Probability Reading the Rocks
A Philosophical Study of Early Ideas The Autobiography of the Earth
about Probability, Induction and Marcia BJORNERUD 256pp Pb $29.00
Statistical Inference To many of us, the Earth's crust is a relic of ancient,
Ian HACKING 244pp Pb $44.95 unknowable history. But to a geologist, stones are richly
Historical records show that there was no real illustrated narratives, telling gothic tales of cataclysm
concept of probability in Europe before the mid and reincarnation. For more than four billion years, in
17th century, although the use of dice and other sand, granite and garnet schists, the planet has kept a
randomising objects was commonplace. Hacking rich and idiosyncratic journal of its past. Fulbright
presents a philosophical critique of early ideas Scholar Bjornerud takes us on an eye-opening tour of
about probability, induction and statistical inference, and the growth of Deep Time, explaining in elegant prose what we see
this new family of ideas in the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries. The and feel beneath our feet. Using anecdotes and metaphors to remind us that
contemporary debates centre around figures such as Pascal, Leibniz, our home is a living thing with lessons to teach, she shows us how our planet
and Jacques Bernoulli. Hacking invokes a wider intellectual framework has long maintained a delicate balance and how the global give-and-take has
involving the growth of science, economics and the theology of the sustained life on Earth through numerous upheavals. But with the rapidly
period. He argues that the transformations that made it possible for escalating effects of human beings on their home planet, that cosmic balance
probability concepts to emerge have constrained all subsequent is being threatened, and the consequences may be catastrophic. Containing a
development of probability theory and determine the space within which glossary and detailed timescale, plus vivid description and historic accounts,
philosophical debate on the subject is still conducted. First published in this is literally a history of the world, for all friends of the Earth. Due Feb
1975, this edition includes a new introduction that contextualises his
book in light of new work and philosophical trends. From Clockwork to Crapshoot
A History of Physics
Ethically Challenged? Roger G NEWTON 364pp Hb $59.95
Big Questions for Science Newton, whose previous works have been widely praised for erudition and
Johathan MILLS (Editor) 128pp Pb $9.95 accessibility, presents a history of physics from the early beginning to our day
From stem cell technology and genetic - with the associated mathematics, astronomy and chemistry. Along the way,
screening to new reproductive possibilities, the he gives brief explanations of the scientific concepts at issue, biographical
unprecedented developments in science are thumbnail sketches of the protagonists and descriptions of the changing
among the most contentious issues of our times. instruments that enabled scientists to make their discoveries. He traces a
In the second volume of The Deakin Debates, a profound change from a deterministic explanation of the world - accepted at
leading surgeon, lawyer, ethicist, religious leader least since the time of the ancient Greek and Taoist Chinese civilisations - to
and two scientists pose crucial questions about the notion of probability, enshrined as the very basis of science with the
the future we all face. These incisive and wide- quantum revolution at the beginning of the 20th century. With this change,
ranging essays explore the ethical decisions we Newton finds another fundamental shift in the focus of physicists - from the
must make and ask the question: what must we protect about our cause of dynamics or motion to the basic structure of the world. His work
humanity for future generations? Due Feb identifies what may well be the defining characteristic of physics in the 21st
The Universe
A Biography The Man Who Ran the Moon
John GRIBBIN 256pp Hb $59.95 James Webb, JFK and the Secret
Gribbin navigates the latest frontiers of History of Project Apollo
scientific discovery to tell us what we really Piers BIZONY 266pp Hb $39.95
know about the history of the universe. In spring 1961, the former Washington businessman
Along the way, he describes how the James Webb took charge of the grandest
universe began, what the early universe exploration project ever known: America's bid for the
looked like, how its structure developed and Moon. He persuaded John F Kennedy to support
what emerged to hold it all together. He him and gained control of 5% of the US federal
describes where the elements came from, budget. Webb's NASA supervised half a million
how stars and galaxies formed and the workers across America as they built new machines,
story of how life emerged. He even looks to launch pads and control centres. But in 1967, a
the future: is the history of the universe spacecraft caught fire, killing three astronauts. The press exposed a series of
going to end with a Big Crunch or a Big Rip? failures, as well as the profiteering of Webb's business partners. To protect
Due Feb NASA's future, Webb faced political and press interrogations and took the
Ancient Australian Landscapes blame for the corruption and deaths. His sacrifice enabled his colleagues to
land on the Moon by the end of the decade.
C R TWIDALE Pb $34.95
Some parts of the Australian landscape are
more than 100 million years old. The dinosaurs
GM Crops
roamed a land in which Kakadu, the The Impact and the Potential
Macdonnell and Flinders ranges, the Arcoona Jennifer THOMSON 168pp Pb $39.95
Plateau and the Mt Lofty Ranges, and many Genetically modified crops - are they monsters of
parts of the Yilgarn Craton of Western nature or could they provide answers to some of
Australia and the Eastern Uplands were our most pressing environmental concerns? Will
recognisably present. Landscape remnants of they create super-weeds, run amuck and change
equal age are probably preserved in other life as we know it, or are these fears greatly
continents, in parts of southern Africa and exaggerated? Internationally respected
South America, for instance, but a combination microbiologist Jennifer Thomson takes us through
of circumstances has permitted many of the the issues and concerns surrounding the
very old Australian surfaces to be dated with reasonable confidence. development of GM crops and their impact on the
Thus, in Australia, some landscape elements are much older than the environment. She explains how such crops are
accepted theory suggests they ought to be. This has serious implications developed and assessed, and discusses the likelihood of negative effects on
for general geomorphological theory and for the conventional models of biodiversity, pollen spread and organic farming.
landscape evolution. Due Feb
ABBEY’S BOOKSHOP 9 1 3 1 Yo r k S t r e e t , S y d n e y N S W 2 0 0 0
Miscellaneous Gittinomics
Immigrants Living the Good Life Without Money, Stress,
Your Country Needs Them Overwork and Joyless Consumption
Philippe LEGRAIN 384pp Tp $35.00 Ross GITTINS 264pp Pb $26.95
Immigration divides our globalising world like no other While the very word 'economics' strikes fear into the
issue. We are swamped by bogus asylum-seekers hearts of many, as the great English economist
and infiltrated by terrorists, our jobs stolen, our benefit Alfred Marshall puts it, economics is the study of
system abused, our way of life destroyed - or so we mankind in the ordinary business of life. And it's this
are told. Legrain, author of the critically acclaimed ordinary business of life that Gittins wants to
Open World (Pb $26.95), has written the first book explain to us: be it to do with work, leisure and the
that looks beyond the headlines. Why are ever-rising shortage of time; homes and housework; buying
numbers of people from poor countries arriving in Europe, North America and and saving; parents and their kids; kids and their education; or our
Australasia? Can we keep them out? Should we even be trying? Combining happiness and the things that may threaten it - crime, taxation, health and
compelling first-hand reporting from around the world, incisive socio- ageing. Economics is the stuff of life, our life, and we need to understand it.
economic analysis and a broad understanding of what is at stake politically Written in a friendly and accessible style, Gittins sums up all the things he
and culturally, this is a passionate, but lucid, book. In our open world, more wants to share with us after more than 30 years as an acclaimed journalist
people will inevitably move across borders, says Legrain, and we should with The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age. Due Feb
generally welcome them. They do the jobs we can't or won't do, while their
diversity enriches us all. Left and right; free-marketeers and campaigners for The Woman at the Washington Zoo
global justice; enlightened patriots - all should rally behind the cause of free Writings on Politics, Family and Fate
migration, because They Need Us and We Need Them! Due Feb Marjorie WILLIAMS & Timothy NOAH 240pp Pb $27.00
One of Washington's finest writers on people, politics
Helen Garner and the Meaning of Everything and life is collected here for the first time. Williams
Alex JONES 190pp Pb $25.00 knew Washington from top to bottom. Beloved for her
An improvisation on a number of themes by Helen Garner, on one level this sharp analysis, elegant prose and exceptional ability
book is a study of literary semiotics and linguistic meaning. Perhaps more to intuit character, she wrote political profiles for the
importantly, it is a careful picture of what it was like to be in Sydney, and living Washington Post and Vanity Fair that came to be
the life of the mind, during the Big Brother season of 2005. considered the final word on the capital's most
powerful figures. Her accounts of playing ping-pong
Plus ca Change with Richard Darman, of Barbara Bush's stepmother
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to the Cirque Du Soleil First Lady, and of Bill Clinton angrily telling Al Gore
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This is the story of the French language - second only to English for the here - open a window on a seldom-glimpsed human reality behind
number of countries where it is officially spoken and the official tongue of two Washington's determinedly blank facade. Williams also penned a weekly
G-7 countries and three European nations. It is a language with rules so column for the Post's op-ed page and epistolary book review for the online
complex that only a few people ever completely master it. Through their own magazine Slate. Her essays for these and other publications tackled
experiences of living in, and travelling to, French-speaking countries, the subjects ranging from politics to parenthood. During the last years of her
authors show how the French language developed and changed over the life, she wrote about her own mortality as she battled liver cancer, using this
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how it gained and maintained its global appeal. Written in a chronological and the randomness of life. Due Feb
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For the past 30 years, our school kids have been subjected to more feel, but really have no idea. In early 2006, Sauers conducted an
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