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For Eric... I am devastated that you

did not see this reach publication in
your Earth life.
I love you, my brother.

I. Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
II. Game Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
III. Gather Power Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
IV. Determine First Player Phase . . . . . . . . . . 14
V. The Doom Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
VI. Action Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
VII. Movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
VIII. Battle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
IX. Spell Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
X. Awakening Your Great Old One . . . . . . . . 31
XI. Victory: Ending and Winning the Game . . . 32
XII. Two-Player Game . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
XIII. Player Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
XIV. Frequently Asked Questions . . . . . . . . . 44
XV. Rule Omega - The Final Question . . . . . . . 47
XVI. Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Credits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

The time would be easy to know, for then mankind
would have become as the Great Old Ones; free and
wild and beyond good and evil, with laws and morals
thrown aside and all men shouting and killing and
reveling in joy. Then the liberated Old Ones would
teach them new ways to shout and kill and revel
and enjoy themselves, and all the Earth would flame
with a holocaust of ecstasy and freedom.
-H. P. Lovecraft

rophets, philosophers and madmen all saw the end of the

world coming; for years theyd tried to warn us with their
indecipherable scrawling and conspiratorial whispers. The signs
were obvious enough, and in retrospect it would have been easy to
know. In those dark days, mankind seemed to have a death wish. Long
had we been poisoning the air we breathed, the water we drank, and
the Earth from where our food came. Wars, famine, plague stretched
cancerously across the globe and death followed inexorably behind.
Certainly a few cared. Foolish kind-hearted souls tried to stem the tide,
tried to reverse the damage wed done to the planet, but it was all for
naught. For the Old Ones had other plans. Theyd come from the stars in
the infancy of the world, when the Earth was nothing but chaos, magma,
and churning elemental nonsense. Their inexplicable agenda was never
made clear, but eon by eon, epoch by epoch, they guided this doomed
outpost more to their liking. And by the end of the world, theyd finally
completed their conflicting, yet eerily compatible agendas. The poisons,
waste and irradiation had served to make the Earth more hospitable to

them, more to their pleasure. As the stars aligned to herald the return
of the Old Ones, their influence grew, hastening the sickness of this
primitive planet.
Finally, the wars. The alien horrors of the Old Ones barely had to lift
a claw or tentacle. It simply took a psychic nudge here, a rumbling
emanation there. Mankind did the rest. Wars erupted, flowing forth
from the third world, and engulfing the streets of the first. Massacres
on Main Street were the norm. Strange new weapons were developed
to attempt to stem the tide, but nothing prevailed. Men, women,
even children ran through the streets, shouting, Killing, burning and
destroying. Blood flowed in ways unparalleled in human history.
The world burned with a holocaust of ecstasy and freedom, as the Old
Ones rose from their eons-long slumber. For moments, all was silent, as
if all of existence held its breath.

Thus began the real battle.

I. Components
Player Hint Cards (4)
Map Boards of Earth (2)
(printed on both halves, front and back)
Faction-specific Markers (8)
(4 for the Doom Track, and 4 for the Power Tracks)
Ritual of Annihilation Tracks (3)
(1 three-player, 1 four-player and 1 five-player)
Doom Track
Six-sided Dice (20)
Rectangular Faction Cards (4)
Triangular Ritual of Annihilation Marker (1)
Circular First Player Token (1)
Rectangular Spell Books (24)
(6 per Faction)
Circular Desecration Markers (12)
(for Yellow Sign only)
Octagonal Gates (24)
Hexagonal Elder Sign Chits (36)
(two-sided: one side has the Elder Sign, the other has a
number - either 1, 2, or 3)
18 chits read 1
12 chits read 2
6 chits read 3
Plastic Figures of the Four Factions (64)
(24 Acolyte Cultists, six each in the four Faction colors;
green, blue, red, and yellow)

4 Deep Ones
2 Shoggoths
2 Starspawn
3 Nightgaunts
3 Flying Polyps
2 Hunting Horrors

The Four Factions

FACTION PORTRAIT: a handy spot to place your Captured Cultists.

Each Faction contains Units consisting of a governing Great Old One

(sometimes more than one), its Cultists, its Monsters, six Spell Books,
a Faction card, and two Faction Markers. The Spell Books and Monsters
are unique per Faction, and as you bring Spell Books into play, your
Faction grows in strength and your options multiply.

POWER TRACK: Use your Power Marker to Track your current Power
throughout the game.

The Factions play quite differently from one another. Strategies which
are effective for Cthulhu may not work for Yellow Sign.

SET-UP INFORMATION AND GLYPH: All Factions start with a

Controlled Gate and six Acolyte Cultists, but the information is
repeated here for completeness. Also shows your Factions Glyph
(which will be on the map in your starting Area).

Faction Card
Your Faction Card contains a great deal of information.
FACTION NAME: self-explanatory.

2 Ghouls
4 Fungi from Yuggoth
3 Dark Young

UNIQUE ABILITY: Every Faction has its own special talent. This is
yours and it is available throughout the game.


gives Cost and Combat for your Cultists and Monsters, plus notes, if
any. Next to the name is a number which is how
many of that Unit are available. (Its always six
for Acolyte Cultists, for instance.)
Great Old Ones silhouette, plus gives Cost and
Combat, plus notes. All Great Old Ones have
extensive notes, which describe how to Awaken
that Great Old One step-by-step, give the Combat
formula for that Great Old One (if any), and
describe the Great Old Ones special ability,
which may take the form of an Action.

6 Undead
4 Byakhee
The King in Yellow


each of these six spaces has a requirement which
must be met before you may place a Spell Book
in that slot.


Great Cthulhu Faction Card

II. Game Basics

The Map
The map is divided into Areas. Each Area
represents a coherent part of the world and
is defined as either Ocean or Land. Each
Area has its name prominently printed on it.
To clarify on the normal Earth map, Ocean
Areas consist of the North Pacific, South
Pacific, North Atlantic, South Atlantic,
Indian Ocean, and Arctic Ocean. All other
Areas (including Antarctica) are Land.
Future maps have differently-named Areas,
but still define each as Ocean or Land.
For most game purposes, there is no
difference between Ocean and Land. Units,
including Cultists, can freely move
into the Ocean, build Gates there,
and so forth. Occasional Spell
Books distinguish between Ocean
and Land. Notably Yha Nthlei and

The Map Board
The map is in two pieces, and is in printed on both sides. The two sides have identical continental shapes,
but the five-player side of the map is divided into far more Land Areas than the three player side.

Three-Player Gameboard

THREE-PLAYER GAME: Place the game board so both three-player sides are face-up. The map will
display thirteen total Areas.

TWO- AND FOUR-PLAYER GAME: Place the game board so that one three player side is face-up,
and one five player side is face up. For your first games, we recommend that you use a setup in which
the Eastern Hemisphere is five-player, and the Western Hemisphere is three-player. In either case,
the map will display seventeen total Areas.

FIVE-PLAYER GAME: Do NOT place both five-player sides face-up unless you are playing a five
player game (only possible if you have one of the Faction expansions). The five-player game displays
twenty-one total Areas.

Dice and Gates

Take the dice and Gates and place them within easy reach of the players.

The map is printed on both sides,

and is in two halves. Both sides
have identical continental shapes,
but one side is the five-player side
(with more Areas), and one is
the three-player side (with fewer

Ritual and Doom Tracks

The game box contains three Ritual of Annihilation Tracks (henceforth usually termed a Ritual Track).
Each is labeled for use in a three-, four- , or five-player game. Set up the appropriate Ritual Track board
next to the Doom Track. Place the two unused Ritual Tracks back in the game box. These Tracks will not
be needed.
Place the Doom Track at a map board end.

Two- and Four-Player Gameboard

Each player now picks a Faction. You may do so by blindly choosing a
random Faction Power Marker from a cup, but it does not violate the spirit
of the game to simply select a favorite Faction. In the latter case, disputes
can be settled by permitting the younger players first choice.

Ritual Track and Doom Track

Next, each player takes his Faction card, his six Spell Books, and the plastic
figures for his Cultists, Monsters, and Great Old One(s). Each player
places his Faction Card before him and places one Faction Marker on the
zero space of his Power Track. If he has not already done so, he also places
one Faction Marker on the zero space on the Doom Track.

the lowest spot on the Ritual

Place the Ritual of Annihilation Marker on
of Annihilation Track. (The spot labeled five.
place their Faction Marker on
Once all players have chosen their Faction,
the zero space on the Doom Track.
h the Elder Sign on top),
Turn all the Elder Sign chits face down (wit
Track, within reach of all
and mix them up. Place them near the Doom

The Pool
Each player has a Pool, in which he keeps not-yet-in-play Spell Books
and plastic figures within easy reach. Set it up near your Faction Card.
Feel free to read your Spell Books. Yellow Sign should also place the
Desecration Markers in his Pool.

Starting Placement

Complete Cthulhu Faction

Each player must check his Faction sheet to find his Start Area. All players
start with a Controlled Gate and
six Acolyte Cultists in the same
Area, marked with his Factions

Unit and Gate Limits

You are limited by the number of figures in your pool. For instance, you can never have more than six
Acolyte Cultists. If you have Summoned all the Monsters of a particular type, you cannot Summon more.
Only one Gate can exist per Area.

Elder Signs


REMEMBER: To show that

you Control the Gate, place a
Cultist atop it.


III. Gather Power Phase

This takes place in two parts.
1. All players add up earned Power.
2. Check for Minimum Power
The first part of the turn. Once you are experienced with the game, all players can perform this
simultaneously. If this is the first game for anyone, it is best to go through it player by player.
During this step, the players earn the Power which they will later expend. To record Power earned, move
the Power Token to the right on your Faction cards Power Track, up one point for each Power. If you have
eight Power, place the Power Token on the spot marked eight.

NOTE: In the early game,

focus on increasing your
Power base. High Power gives
you more options and creates

How to Earn Power

1. Earn one Power for each Cultist you have on the map.
2. Earn two Power for each Gate you Control.
3. Earn one Power for each abandoned Gate on the map - each
player gains one Power per Gate.
4. Return all Captured Cultists to their owners Pools, and earn one
Power for each Cultist you return. You may not choose to keep a
Cultist prisoner - they must be returned.
In addition, each Faction has some special way to gain Power. This
differs per Faction and might require a particular Spell Book.

Game Set Up and Ready to Play

Example: Rich has two Controlled Gates and three Cultists. He

also has Captured one Cultist. He gets three Power from his
Cultists, and four Power for his two Gates. One Gate on the map
is currently unControlled, so he gets one Power from that source
(as do all other players). He must sacrifice his Captured Cultist,
which gets him an additional one Power. His total Power going into
the Action Round Phase is set to nine.

Earning Power



NOTE: Each Monster type

has at least one dedicated
Spell Book, as does your
Great Old One.

The Power Track goes to twenty. You may have a Power higher than twenty. If a player reaches twentyone or more Power, you need to keep Track of it by other means. The easiest is to wrap around your
Faction Marker, so for instance if your Power is twenty-three, you would place your Faction Marker on
the three space, and just remember that it is really twenty-three. Then, when it hits zero place it on the
twenty slot instead.

IMPORTANT: Monsters and Great Old Ones do not (with rare exceptions) produce Power!
Only Cultists can produce power!

Minimum Power Rule

At the end of Gather Power, if your Power is less than half that of the player with the most Power, set
your Power to be half of his (round fractions up). Example: after a disastrous turn, Rich finds himself
with only four Power at the end of Gather Power. Fortunately, Angela has thirteen Power, which is also
the most, so Rich sets his Power to seven (half of thirteen - fractions are rounded up).

IV. Determine First Player Phase

On the first turn of the game, Cthulhu is the First Player. If you are in a game without the Cthulhu Faction,
choose the first player by any means you wish. (We recommend either selecting the fattest player or just
going by alphabetic order per Faction name i.e., Black Goat is before Yellow Sign.)
On all subsequent turns after the first, the First Player Marker is given to the player who has the most
Power after the Gather Power Phase. If two (or more) players are tied for most Power, then the player
who had the First Player Token last round decides which of the tied players receives the First Player
Marker. (He can choose himself, if he is involved in the tie.)
After the First Player is determined, he takes the First Player Token and sets it in front of him. He
chooses whether to have the Clockwise side face-up, or the Counterclockwise side. Whichever side he
selects determines the order of play for the rest of that turn, including all Action Rounds. If you are using
some other object as your First Player Token, simply point it unambiguously at the player whom you wish


to Phase after you. For instance, if the first player puts the First Player Token Clockwise side up, then the
player to take an Action after him is the person sitting on his left. The direction of the First Player Token
can be switched on each Determine First Player Phase. If instead he had used a figure for his First Player
Counter, he would point the figure towards the person on his left.

V. The Doom Phase

The Doom Phase has four steps.
1. Doom Track advancement
2. Rituals of Annihilation
3. Special Events
4. Victory/Defeat determination

IMPORTANT: The entire Doom Phase is skipped on the first turn of play. On that turn, simply
proceed directly from Determine First Player Phase to Action Phase.

Doom Track Advancement

Each Doom Phase, each players Marker advances on the Doom Track a number of spaces equal to his
total Controlled Gates. For instance, if he Controls two Gates, he advances two spaces. This can be done
simultaneously or in any order.

Ritual of Annihilation
Next, starting with the First Player, each player chooses if he wishes to perform a Ritual of Annihilation.
Each player, in order from the First Player and around the board, receives the chance to do one and only
one Ritual of Annihilation.
To perform a Ritual of Annihilation:
1. The player spends Power equal to the current position of the Ritual Marker on the Track (this ranges
from five to ten).
2. The player now advances the Ritual Marker one step up the Ritual of Annihilation Track, which often
increases the cost for later players.


3. Finally, the player now advances his Doom Marker on the Doom Track one step for each Gate he
Controls (doubling his Doom boost for this turn based on Gates). In addition, for each Great Old
One he Controls in play, he gains an Elder Sign.

out). Second, each Faction has its own unique method of earning Elder Signs. See your Faction sheet and
Spell Books for specifics.

Again, each player gets only ONE chance to perform a Ritual of Annihilation per Doom Phase.

Example Rich is First Player, and has three Gates and Nyarlathotep on the map. At the start of the
Doom Phase, he advances his Doom Marker three spaces, for his three Gates. All other players
also advance, according to their Gate total.
During the Ritual of Annihilation step. Rich decides to perform a Ritual of Annihilation.
The Ritual Marker is in the five space, so Rich pays five Power (and advances the Ritual Marker
to the six space). Rich now advances his Doom Marker another three spaces (for his three Gates),
and receives an Elder Sign for his Great Old One. This Doom Phase he advanced a total of six spaces
on the Doom Track, plus he received an Elder Sign.
1. Start of Doom Phase

If he had not performed the Ritual of Annihilation, he would have five more Power entering the
Action Phase, but would be missing out on those three extra Doom points and Elder Sign. The
next player to perform a Ritual of Annihilation must pay six, since Rich advanced the Marker.
If the Ritual Marker is on the ten space, and a Ritual is performed, the Ritual Marker moves to the
Instant Death space. This means that at the end of the Doom Phase, the game ends, and victory is
determined. All players who sit after the current player in the turn order can perform a Ritual of
Annihilation at a cost of ten Power, and all players may reveal Elder Signs, of course.

Elder Sign Chits

Elder Sign chits symbolize the shattering of the bonds that once held the Great Old Ones in check.
They actually represent the destruction of Elder Signs, but for simplicity, we simply call them Elder
Signs instead of Elder Sign chits in most of the text.
Elder Signs are gathered in two major ways. First, you earn one Elder Sign for each Great Old One
you Control on the map when doing a Ritual of Annihilation (For example, Yellow Sign can earn two
Elder Signs if he performs a Ritual of Annihilation when he has both the King in Yellow and Hastur

When you earn an Elder Sign, take a face-down Elder Sign chit from the pool and (without revealing it to
other players), place it face down on or by your Faction sheet. You may examine your own Elder Sign chits
freely. All Elder Signs have a number - one, two, or three - written on them.This indicates how many Doom
points that Elder Sign is worth. There are eighteen Elder Sign chits worth one point, twelve that are worth
two points, and six that are worth three points.
Elder Signs may be revealed AT ANY TIME. Usually, it is best to keep Elder Signs secret till the moment
you can win by revealing them, but sometimes circumstances affect this.
In the unlikely event of all Elder Signs being handed out to players, when a new Elder Sign is earned,
simply give the player a Doom point instead.

NOTE: If Elder Signs are revealed before the end of the game, after incrementing your Doom Track,
do NOT place the revealed Elder Signs back into the Elder Sign pool - place them back in the box,
not to be used again till your next game of Cthulhu Wars.

Special Events
Many Spell Books and special abilities take effect in the Doom Phase. Unless otherwise stated, these
occur after Rituals of Annihilation (if any), but before Victory Determination. In case of a dispute, the
First Player takes his action first, and then proceed around the table. Some map events also occur here
(available in later expansions). Some examples include Black Goats Blood Sacrifice, and the two Doom
Phase Spell Books Great Cthulhu receives.

Victory/Defeat Determination
If any player has thirty or more Doom points, or the Ritual of Annihilation Marker is in the Instant Death
box, the game now ends. Proceed to determine victory as described in Section XI. Victory: Ending and
Winning the Game.

2. Ritual of Annihilation Step



VI. Action Phase

During the Action Phase, each player in turn moves Units, casts spells, engages in battle, and otherwise
interacts. All Actions have a Power cost (sometimes zero) which must be spent before the Action occurs.
The first player takes one action. When he finishes, the next player in turn takes an action. This
continues until all players are out of Power and cannot take any more Actions. At this point the Action
Phase ends.
In other words, the Action Phase keeps circling around until everyone is out of Power. Remember you get
ONE action each time it is your turn to have a go.
If you run out of Power, you must sit helplessly while the other players complete their turns, skipping
you. If you have zero Power when it is time for you to take an Action, you are skipped. You cannot even
perform actions which cost zero Power.
Three types of Actions exist: Common Actions, Unique Actions, and Unlimited Actions. You must do at
least one Common or Unique Action whenever play passes round to you.
On rare occasions, a player may have one or more Power, yet not wish to do an Action. In this case, the
player is allowed to Pass, which drops his Power to zero, and ends his turn.
Common Actions: Spend the appropriate amount of Power and perform the Action. Though you only
get one Action, some Common Actions (such as Move) permit you to do more than one thing with
that Action.
Unique Actions: Just like Common Actions - the only difference is that they are unique to a particular
Faction. For instance, only Black Goat can use the unique Ghroth Action. Unique Actions are usually
tied to a Spell Book or a Great Old Ones special ability. If you do not yet have the appropriate Spell
Book or Great Old One in play, you cannot perform that unique Action.


Unlimited Actions: You can perform Unlimited Actions in addition to your single Common or Unique
Action. Some Unlimited Actions have special requirements.
To repeat: A player can only perform ONE Common or Unique Action during an Action round. He may,
additionally, perform one or more Unlimited actions. For instance, if you choose to take the Recruit
Cultist action, you get one Cultist, and that ends your Action round (unless you have Unlimited Actions
available). If you choose to take the Create Gate action, you create one Gate, and your Action round ends.
One notable exception is the Move action, which permits you to move multiple Units.

Common Actions
1. Recruit Cultist
2. Summon Monster
3. Awaken Great Old One
4. Build Gate
5. Move
6. Battle
7. Capture Cultist

Since a Great Old One can

be Killed (after which he
must be re-Awakened), do
not bring it out before you
can protect it with other
Units. Two exceptions
are the King in Yellow
and Cthulhu, since they
are (comparatively)
inexpensive to replace.

Recruit Cultist: Cost one for Acolyte Cultist (requires Unit)

You must have a Unit in the Area where you recruit a Cultist. You may only recruit one Cultist per
Action round. This does not require a Gate or anything beyond a Units presence.
If you currently have no Units on the map, you do not need a Unit in an Area where the Cultist is
recruited. In this manner, you can return to play even if wiped off the map.
You must have a Cultist in your Unit Pool to perform this Action. i.e., you cannot have more than six
Acolyte Cultists on the map.


Summon Monster: Cost varies (typically one, two or three power)

REMEMBER: Monsters
with Combat zero are
surprisingly useful. They
can protect Cultists from
being Captured by other
Monsters, they can Capture
Cultists themselves,
and they can be taken as
casualties in Battle, sparing
more expensive Units. This
last is particularly handy
when facing an enemy
with an auto-Kill such
as Cthulhus Devour or a
Nightgaunts Abduct.

You can Summon ONE Monster per Action (exception: Black Goats Fertility Cult Ability). A Monster can
only be Summoned to an Area where you Control a Gate. (The seeming exceptions, such as Devolve or
Desecration are, technically, not Summon actions). Pay the Monsters cost (printed on your Faction Card),
and place it in the Area.

Awaken Great Old One: Cost varies (other requirements apply)

Great Old Ones have prerequisites beyond simply spending Power. For instance, to Awaken ShubNiggurath you need a Controlled Gate, plus you must eliminate two of your Cultists in the Area. In
general, Great Old Ones are the most expensive Units in the game.
Every Great Old One is unique, with its own Awakening requirements, its own Combat, and its own
special ability. Some even make unique Actions available when they are in play.

Build Gate: Cost three (requires Cultist)

To build a Gate you must have a Cultist in an Area without a Gate. Pay three Power, and place the Gate.
Immediately place the Cultist atop the Gate to indicate you now Control it. (Technically, this is a use of
the unlimited Control Gate action). You can only build ONE Gate per Action round.
Only one Gate can exist per Area. If a Gate is already present, you cannot build one.

Move: Cost one per Unit moved

To Move, spend as much Power as you wish, then for each Power spent, you may move one Unit from
its current Area into an adjacent Area. Example: Rich spends three Power. He can now move three Units.
Most Factions have special abilities which modify or affect or replace movement.
You cannot move a Unit more than once per Action - i.e., you cannot spend two Power to move a single
Unit twice during one Action round. You CAN move Units from different Areas into the same Area, or
into different Areas, or from the same Area into different Areas, or any combination you please.


Movement is the only Common Action which permits you to do more

than one thing during an Action Round (and then all it permits is
more Movement).

Battle: Cost one

If you have fewer than six Spell Books, Battle is a Common Action.
(Note: with six Spell Books, Battle becomes Unlimited, but it still costs one
Power!) Choose any area in which both you and an enemy Faction have at
least one Unit. You must be able to roll at least one Combat die in order to
declare a Battle.

Movement Example: Start

If more than one enemy Faction has forces present, you must fight only
one. Only two Factions fight at a time. All other Factions present are merely
idle bystanders.
Simply moving into an Area containing enemy Units does not trigger a
Battle! Units can co-exist in an Area without a Battle ensuing.

Capture Cultist: Cost one

We have a hierarchy of Units in Cthulhu Wars. Cultists, the natural prey,
are at the bottom. Monsters outrank Cultists, and Great Old Ones are at the
top of the heap.

Movement Example: One Action Costs One Power

If you have a Monster in an area, and an enemy has Cultists, but NO

Monsters or Great Old Ones, you may use this Action to Capture a Cultist.
The Captured Cultist is removed from the map and placed on your Faction
Card, on your Great Old Ones portrait. Your opponent chooses which
Cultist is Captured. For instance, he does not have to choose the Cultist
Controlling his Gate, unless he has no other choice. Also if he has more than
one type of Cultist present (later expansions), he can pick between them.

Movement Example: One Action Costs Three Power


Pass: All Remaining Power

To protect against Capture by an enemy Monster, you need a
Monster of your own in the Area. Note that even if a Cultist
has a Combat rating, or a Monster has a Combat of zero, the
latter can still Capture the Cultist. Capture is not Battle, and
Battle abilities do not apply.
A Great Old One can Capture an enemy Cultist even if the
enemy has a Monster present. To protect against Capture by
a Great Old One, you need your own Great Old One in the
Area. Or you need to attack the enemy Great Old One and
drive it away, or simply flee.

If you wish to take no further actions, you may choose to discard all remaining Power
dropping your total
to zero. This ends the Action Phase for you (unless another players Action provides
you with Power).

Unique Actions
As the game continues, you will unlock Spell Books which give you access to new Actions.
Also, some
Great Old Ones have special Actions (such as the King in Yellows Desecrate).

Unlimited Actions
You can perform as many Unlimited Actions as you wish in a round, in addition to a single
Common or
Unique Action.
You may NOT take an Unlimited Action if you have zero Power - you can do nothing

in this case.

Unlimited is not the same as anytime. For instance, you cannot Control an empty Gate with
Cultist except when it is time for you to take an Action.

Control or Abandon Gate: Cost zero

If you have a Cultist in an Area with an abandoned Gate, this Action moves your Cultist
onto the Gate to
take possession. You can also use this Action to move a Cultist off a Gate, abandoning
If two players both have Cultists in an Area with an abandoned Gate, the first player
to have his Action
opportunity roll round will be able to take the Gate.

Example A: Rich has a Monster in Europe, and Guy has two

Cultists there, but no Monsters. On Richs turn he spends
one Power on the Capture Cultist action to grab one of Guys
Cultists. Guys turn is next, and he moves in a Monster to
protect his remaining Cultist.


Example B: Rich has Monsters and a Cultist in Europe.

Angela moves Cthulhu into Europe. On the next turn, Rich
must evacuate his Cultist, move his own Great Old One
into the area, or drive away Cthulhu in a battle. Otherwise
Cthulhu can Capture the Cultist.

One common use of this is when Black Goat has the Red Sign Spell Book in effect. She
might Summon
a Dark Young, abandon the Gate in the Area with her Cultist, and Control the Gate with
the newlySummoned Dark Young, all in the same Action (she took the Summon Action, followed
up by the two
Unlimited Actions of Abandon and Control Gate).

Never leave an Acolyte Cultist

alone on a Gate in a critical area
once Cthulhu has the Dreams Spell
Book! Place a second Cultist in the
Area if possible. While this wont
prevent Dreams, since you pick
which Cultist is affected, Cthulhu
has to pay a total of six Power in
order to steal the Gate.


Battle: Cost one (with six Spell Books)

If you are not sure what to
do, look at your Spell Book
requirements. You cannot go
far wrong so long as you strive
to gain new Spell Books.

The Battle Action becomes Unlimited if you have six Spell Books. An Unlimited Battle Action still costs
one Power. It is legal to perform an unlimited Battle as your sole action on your turn.
Even when Battle is unlimited you can still only initiate one Battle per Area per Action Phase.

Interruption Abilities
In the core game, Cthulhus Devolve Spell Book can be used after any players action, even if it is not
your turn. In future expansions more interrupting type abilities will be added. When these are used in
the Action Phase, they always occur after another players action. If two players each want to use such
an ability and there is a dispute over whose action goes first, resolve it by turn order (i.e., starting player
goes first).

VII. Movement
Most Units can only move into a single adjacent area. Simply pick up the designated Units from their
current Area and place them in their destination. They cannot be prevented from moving by the presence
of enemy Units. If you move a Cultist who is currently occupying a Gate, you lose Control of that Gate.
All Units, even Cultists, can move into Ocean Areas.
Though you can move multiple Units in an Action Phase, any given Unit can only move ONCE per Phase.

VIII. Battle
Ongoing and Battle Abilities
Ongoing and Battle effects are obtained via Spell Books or special abilities. Battle effects include Pre-Battle
and Post-Battle effects. For instance, Crawling Chaoss Harbinger ability means he receives Power or Elder


Signs when Nyarlathotep is involved in a Battle in which an enemy Great Old One is Killed or Pained. He
does not need to perform an action for this function - he just pushes his Power Marker up the Track (or
grabs his Elder Signs) during Post-Battle.

NOTE: Pre-Battle, Battle, and Post-Battle abilities are not Actions.

Thus Cthulhus Devour ability costs no Power.
The Attacker performs his abilities first in each part of the Battle sequence, followed by the Defender. If
a Faction which is not directly involved in the Battle has an ability that might affect the battle, his abilities
happen last.

Pre-Battle Effects
Pre-Battle effects happen before the dice for the Battle are rolled, but after the Battle is announced (and
paid for). For instance, this is when Crawling Chaoss Seek and Destroy triggers. Normally, only the
Factions who are fighting can use Pre-Battle abilities, unless an ability specifically states otherwise.
The Attacker (the Faction which initiated the Battle) does any Pre-Battle effects first, followed by the
Defender. (For instance, if Cthulhu is the Attacker, and Crawling Chaos chooses a Nightgaunt to be
Devoured, that Nightgaunt cannot use Abduct.)

Battle and Battle Effects

All participants in a battle now determine their total Combat rating. All Cultists and Monsters have a
Combat, typically a number ranging from zero to three. A few Spell Books have Battle effects - such Spell
Books usually happen simultaneously but as always, if order matters, the Attacker goes first.

NOTE: Most Great Old Ones have combat ratings which require a simple calculation.
Its worth the effort, because it generally results in a high rating.
Each player then rolls a number of six-sided dice equal to the total Combat of all his Units in the area.
Combat is simultaneous! Even if you take turns rolling the dice, do not inflict casualties until after both
players have rolled and totaled the results.


Some Spell Books and abilities may worsen or ease Battle results. Dont forget
to apply them! Post-Battle effects, just like Pre-battle, are done in the order of
Attacker first, then Defender.

Example: Rich has two Starspawn (three each), two Deep Ones (one each), and three
Acolyte Cultists (zero) in an area, totaling eight dice in Battle.
Skull or six equal a Kill

For each six rolled, score one Kill result. For each four or five, score a Pain
result. (Rolls of one through three do nothing.)
If you are using the special deluxe dice, then the side with the skull scores
a Kill, the two sides with the slash marks will score a Pain, and the three
blank sides are a Miss. The odds of scoring a Pain or a Kill with the regular
dice are exactly the same but the Deluxe dice look cooler.

Slashes, four or five equal a Pain

Simple Battle Example: 1. Angela attacks Frank in East Africa. She has two
Byakhee, an Acolyte Cultist, and the King in Yellow. Frank has two Acolyte
Cultists. Angelas Byakhee give her one more die than the number of Byakhee
in the Area, and her Cultist and the King have Combats of zero, so she rolls
three dice. Frank is playing Black Goat, and his Frenzy Spell Book is in play,
so his Cultists each have a Combat of one.
2. Frank rolls two dice. Angela rolls two Pains and no Kills, while Frank rolls
a Kill and no Pains. Angela chooses to Kill one of her Byakhee, and Frank
must retreat both Cultists out of the Area.

IMPORTANT: Pained Units cannot retreat into an Area containing

Units belonging to the Faction they just Battled (they CAN retreat into
an Area containing Units of a third Faction). If one or more Units
cannot retreat, Kill one of the Pained Units, and the rest may remain
in the area with no further penalty.

1. Simple Battle Attack

2. Result

Results and Post-Battle Effects

After dice are rolled, losses are inflicted simultaneously. Tell (or show)
your opponent your results, and then suffer your opponents results. Each
player determines how to apply the results inflicted on him, as follows:

First, for each Kill you have received, remove one Unit (your choice). Attacker takes his losses
first if there is a dispute.

Blank, one, two or three equal a Miss


If you still have Units left after all Kills are satisfied, then for each Pain you suffer, you must
retreat one Unit into an adjacent area of your choice. Attacker retreats first. Exception - Crawling
Chaos Madness Spell Book. Note that though Crawling Chaos chooses the order and where Units
retreat, he still does not choose which particular Units are to be retreated they are still chosen
by the owner.


Complex Battle Example: 1. Rich attacks Angela in East Africa. He has

Cthulhu, a Shoggoth, two Deep Ones, and three Cultists. She has the
King in Yellow and five Undead.
2. In the Pre-Battle Phase Richs Shoggoth Absorbs one of his own
Deep Ones, and Cthulhu Devours one of Angelas Units. She chooses
an undead (she had no choice really, because the King cannot be
picked for Devour, as a Great Old One).
3. Rich then rolls twelve dice (six for Cthulhu, two plus three for
the Absorbent Shoggoth, and one for his remaining Deep One), and
Angela rolls her three dice (the amount she gets for having four
remaining Undead).

1. Complex Battle Attack

2. Pre-battle

4. Rich scores one Kill and six Pains. Angela gets one Kill and two Pains.
Rich Kills one of his Cultists, and Pains two Deep Ones. Angela Kills one
more Undead, and the remaining three, plus the King, are Pained. Richs
excess Pain result is ignored.

5. Post Battle

5. In Post-Battle, Frank, as Black Goat, moves two Ghouls into the Area
via Necrophagy. Rich must retreat two more Units out of the Area. He
chooses one of his remaining Cultists plus his Shoggoth and Cthulhu. He
has just one Cultist left unaffected. (Angela isnt affected by Necrophagy
because all of her Units are already Pained.)
6. Now Crawling Chaos steps in. He has the Madness ability, and so he
gets to choose where all Units retreat. He decides to retreat Cthulhu
First, and moves Cthulhu to Arabia, one green Cultist to West Africa,
the Deep One to the Indian Ocean, and the Shoggoth to the South Atlantic.
(No Yellow Sign Units were in any of these Areas.) Since East Africa is
now entirely surrounded by Cthulhus Units, the Yellow Sign is unable
to retreat, and must lose one of his Pained Units. He chooses an Undead,
and so the King and his two remaining Undead stay behind, along with
Cthulhus Cultist, who is now en prise, vulnerable to the King.


3. Roll

4. Score

6. Result


IX. Spell Books

Spell Books are new abilities that your Faction gains by meeting certain requirements.
Once earned, they
remain in effect throughout the game. Each individual Spell Book enhances your Faction
significantly, plus
when you finally achieve all six Spell Books, useful game effects are triggered. (Notably
, Battle becomes
Unlimited and you can now win the game.)
A major part of your game strategy is tied up in which Spell Book you choose, and the
order in which you
do so.

Earning Spell Books

Earning Spell Books works a lot like a video game achievement. Fulfill
one of the requirements listed on your Faction sheet, and take the Spell
Book of your choice and place it over that requirement. You never lose
that Spell Book, even if the requirement is no longer true. Example: Great
Cthulhu has a requirement which states Control Three Gates in Ocean
Areas. As soon as his Faction meets that requirement, he gains a Spell
Book and places it on his Faction sheet, in the appropriate slot. Even if the
very next round, someone drives him out of one (or all!) of his Ocean
Gates, he retains the Spell Book.

Spell Book Requirement Actions

Some Spell Book requirements state "As your Action for a round, do
[X]." In these cases, your ONLY action for that round is to perform
the Spell Books requirement. For instance, Crawling Chaos has the
requirement of As your Action for a round, spend four Power. This does not mean spend
four Power on a
single Action such as a large Move. It means that Crawling Chaos must spend four Power
and do nothing
else that Action round. Only then he receives the Spell Book.

Faction Card with One Earned Spell Book


Similarly, Black Goat has the requirement of As your Action, eliminate two of your Cultists. This does not
mean you must lose two Cultists in Battle (or whatever). It just means that Black Goat, as her only Action
for the round, picks up two of her Cultists (from anywhere) and places them back in her pool. This costs
her no Power.
For another example, when Shub-Niggurath is awakened, her player must also eliminate two Cultists. This
does NOT count as fulfilling the eliminate two Cultists Spell Book, and is part of an entirely separate
Action (i.e., Awaken Shub-Niggurath).

Spell Book Effects

Some Spell Books enable new Actions unique to your Faction.
Many Spell Book effects are ongoing. An ongoing effect is always available for free, once you have gained
the Spell Book. Some ongoing Spell Books can take effect during an enemys turn. Example: when Crawling
Chaoss Madness Spell Book is in play, he uses it during enemy actions, not just his own. Great Cthulhu
can use Regenerate, a Battle ability, even if an enemy declared the Battle against him, so long as he has a
Starspawn in the fight.

Beware Yellow Signs

Screaming Dead Spell Book.
He can use it to move, then
immediately use Zingaya,
Desecration, or Capture (or
take an action elsewhere).
This is also true of the He
Who is Not to be Named Spell
Book which generally comes
into play later.

Some Spell Books are tied to particular Units. For instance, Cthulhus Absorb Spell Book is useless without
a Shoggoth (plus a Unit to absorb!).

X. Awakening Your Great Old One

Each Great Old One has a high cost, plus specific requirements which must be fulfilled to bring it onto
the map. In combat, a Great Old One is treated as any other Unit. They usually have special rules for how
many dice they roll in combat. Yes, a single Kill eliminates your Great Old One.


XI. Victory: Ending and Winning the Game

Doom Track Victory or Instant Death Victory
When a player advances his Doom Marker to or beyond thirty on the Doom Track, the game ends at the
conclusion of this Doom Phase. All players may finish performing Rituals of Annihilation and
exposing Elder Signs as they desire.
In addition, if a player performs a Ritual of Annihilation while the Ritual Marker is on the ten
box, the Marker moves to the Instant Death space, and the game ends at the conclusion of this
Doom Phase. Players may continue to expose Elder Signs, and may perform one further Ritual of
Annihilation if they have not yet had a chance (at a cost of ten each).
Both the Doom Track and Instant Death victories occur at the end of the Doom Phase. At this time,
the player with the most Doom points is the winner, unless he does not have all six Spell Books,
in which case the player who is furthest along the Track and does have six Spell Books wins. The
Doom Track goes to forty to enable players to keep Track of extra Doom points beyond thirty.

Action Phase Victory

ONLY win the game if
you have earned all six
Spell Books on your
Faction card! (See the
Earning Spell Books
section later on.) The
game can end several
different ways..

A player can reveal Elder Signs at any time during the Action Phase (even when it is not his turn). If this brings
his total Doom points to thirty or more, the game immediately ends. Other players may also turn in their Elder
Signs at this time. Again, a player can only win if he has six Spell Books.
Because this happens during the Action Phase, no one has a chance to perform Rituals of Annihilation before the
game ends.

Tied Game
If the game ends by Doom Track, Instant Death, or Action Phase victory, and two players have equal Doom Track
totals (and both have six Spell Books) the game ends in a draw, and the two share victory.

XII. Two-Player Game

Normal Two-Player Setup

ses a Faction.
four player Ritual Track. The first player choo
Lay out the normal four-player map and the
ons. The first player then rece
The second player then selects TWO Facti
Each player therefore Controls two Factions.

Action Round Order

then the other. He

take an Action for one of his Factions, and
When it is a players Action round, he must
per Faction, but he can take them in any orde
takes only one Common or Unique Action

Faction Interaction

than those
e, trade Power, or interact in any way other
The players Factions do not cooperate in Battl
you so wish.
. They can even Battle one another, should
permissible to the normal multi-player game

Doom Track and Victory

s, he is eligible for

r of a players Factions have six Spell Book

The game ends in the normal fashion. If eithe


aled Elder Signs) of

Add together the total Doom points (plus reve
the most total Doom wins.

all a players Factions. The player with

Losing the Game

If the game ends via any means (Doom Track, Instant Death, or Action Phase) and no player has six Spell Books,
the game ends anyway. All Factions are sucked back through the collapsing Gates and humanity survives after all.
(Yay!) But all players lose together.



Epic Two-Player Setup

If you own the six to eight player map, and own six or more different Factions, set it up
to the six
player side, and take the six player Ritual Track. The first player chooses a Faction. The
second player
then selects TWO Factions. The first player then selects TWO Factions, and the second
player then
selects one last remaining Faction. Each player therefore Controls three Factions.

Action Round Order

When it is a players Action round, he must take an Action for each of his three Factions.
He takes
only one Common or Unique Action per Faction, but he can take them in any order.

Faction Interaction
The players Factions do not cooperate in Battle, trade Power, or interact in any way other
than those
permissible to the normal multi-player game. They can even Battle one another, should
you so choose.

Doom Track and Victory

As per the normal two player game. Only one of your three Factions has to have six Spell
Books to
make you eligible for victory.


XIII. Player Tips

General Tips
The play can be divided into two main Phases - the early game and the late game.
Early Game: in the first two to three turns players should try to acquire Spell Books, build up a power
base, and Summon at least a minimal army. Be choosy about when you awaken your Great Old One,
because this generally leaves you weak for the rest of that turn. Combat in the early game is opportunistic,
based on attempts to Capture enemy Gates or fulfill Spell Book requirements.
Late Game: this starts once you have your Great Old One out and three to four Spell Books under your
belt. You still need to finish up your last Spell Books, but you can now afford a Ritual of Annihilation once
in a while. Remember that the earlier you do your Rituals, the cheaper they are (and the more expensive
your enemys become). At this point the purpose of Battle changes. You now seek to reduce your
opponents Gates so they are less effective at Rituals. If one player surges ahead in Doom points, get the
other players to work with you against him. If YOU are the player who surges ahead, try to break up such


Playing the Great Cthulhu

Your Spell Books and abilities, even unused, cast a baleful influence on
your enemys activities. Submerge, Dreams, and Yha Nthlei all cast a
pall over the map hindering your opponents.
In the early game, you get Spell Books quickly. Get Cthulhu out on turn
two or three, even if he is vulnerable to an enemy attack. After all, you
can re-Awaken him. It is far easier to get your two Kill/Devour Spell
Books once Cthulhu takes the field.
In the late game, use Submerge to strike critical enemy areas. With
Regeneration or Absorb plus Cthulhus Immortal ability, you can hurl
your forces into battle with impunity. Cthulhu only rolls six dice, but
an Absorbent Shoggoth gives you beef, plus Cthulhus Devour ability is
better than a free Kill.
Devolve: Keep a Deep One in your Pool to render you immune to
Capture. Just Devolve a threatened Cultist immediately.
Dreams: This means that your enemies dare not leave a Cultist alone on
a Gate. You may not often use Dreams vs. experienced players, but it
affects their behavior throughout the game.
Absorb: Turns Shoggoths into major combat dice. You only need one
Shoggoth per attack, so long as he has food available. Remember that
Cultists and Deep Ones are also useful to soak up hits so you may not
want to Absorb them all.

thulhus Faction is focused on destruction. Of all Factions, your

Units are the most effective in a fight. On the other hand you
are limited in obtaining Elder Signs, so you need to use your combat
strength to ruin your enemys bases and keep them from taking the


Yha Nthlei: like Dreams, this inhibits the enemy. Your foes are less
likely to conquer your Gates, and you dont care as much if they do.
Submerge: A critical Spell Book in the late game. Once Cthulhus army
submerges, not only is he safe from harm, but other players react in
desperation. If you attack an Ocean Area, you can Submerge again after
the strike.

Thwarting Great Cthulhu

Cthulhu has strong Units, but not many of them. Each loss is a setback
for him. When he hurls his might against an Area he is going to win, but
you can mitigate this by not putting all your eggs in one basket. Killing
Cthulhu himself isnt particularly effective (unless you are Crawling
Chaos, since Harbinger then gives you two Power or Elder Signs),
because next turn hell be back at Rlyeh, ready to Submerge and make
your life hell.

Cthulhu: Epilogue
"It was gargantuan. A mountainous form rising from the sea,
surrounded by lesser monstrosities that oozed and dragged themselves
toward us with distorted limbs, tentacles, and pseudopods. When we
heard that the Pacific Islands were empty, we didnt understand. We
still thought in human terms. We hadnt considered that the colossal
Thing had been eating, scouring the islands of life. And now it was here,
hungry again." -David Mendiola

Regeneration: With this, Starspawn inure your army to harm, making

them the flip-side to Absorbs massive damage output. Cthulhu
accompanied by two Starspawns is well-armored even against enemy
Great Old Ones.


Playing the Crawling Chaos

enemies from attacking your Cultists at least theyll need to send more
than one Monster. You wont need Nyarlathotep himself for a while, and
he is stronger later in the game anyway. Your most awkward Spell Book
requirement is often Capture a Cultist, so look for any chance to pull
this off.
In the late game, everything changes. Nyarlathotep now has a huge
combat ability (up to twelve dice), and instead of fearing battle, you
should seek it. Smite their Great Old Ones for the Harbinger bonus. You
can perform Rituals more safely than other players, because you can
restore the power imbalance with Thousand Forms, so you are not left
as vulnerable afterwards.
More than any other player, you can hit an enemy where he is weak. As
a result, if one player has surged ahead, the rest may try to convince
you to save the day. Go ahead and save the day, but be sure to exact
promises and tribute from the others. For instance, Before I strike, I
want you to evacuate your Gate in South America. Promises are not
binding in Cthulhu Wars, so make sure you see the money before
taking whatever action you see fit.

rawling Chaos is all about opportunism; striking at the weak

and vulnerable. While some other Factions have a faster start
on attaining Spell Books, Crawling Chaos is often the Faction that
completes his collection first. Your Units are not mighty in battle, and
your Spell Books are defensive in nature. You are good at harassment,
and debilitating foes over time.
In the early game, focus on safety and power-building. Use Flight to set
up bases in inaccessible Areas. Nightgaunts with Abduct discourage


Emissary of the Outer Gods: Less useful when Great Old Ones are
out, but it does keep expensive Nyarlathotep safe from cheap attacks.
Remember to use Madness to use a Pain to retreat him somewhere safe!
Abduct: In the early game, this protects Gates from enemy Monsters.
In the late game it is not as good, as you often need your Nightgaunts to
soak up enemy Kills. It can sometimes be combined with Invisibility to
pick off a good Monster.

Invisibility: Safely place an invulnerable Flying Polyp in an enemy Area.

Also good to cancel obnoxious Units such as Starspawn.
Seek and Destroy: Now your Gates are protected across the world from
weak-to-medium attacks, since you can throw in a two-dice
Monster at will. While on the offensive, your attacks are
cheaper, since your Horror joins in for free. Also gives
Nyarlathotep extra meat shields in case he is ambushed.
Madness: Your signature Spell Book. It is not immediately
destructive, but over the course of the game, your enemies
Units scatter inconveniently and it takes time and energy to
restore the situation.
Thousand Forms: Early in the round, it forces enemies to give up a
Power advantage. Late in the round, it boosts you when they are most
vulnerable. Combined with Harbinger, you can achieve a surprise
Power surge that makes your foes whine.

Thwarting Crawling Chaos

Nyarlathotep is terrifying, but if you do Kill him, it is a major setback,

and Crawling Chaos may take a whole turn to recover. His Cultists
have no real defensive capability, unlike other players (Cthulhu has
Devolve, Yellow Sign Passion, and Black Goat Frenzy), so they are
There is not much you can do about his power drain
abilities. Just suck it up and remember that it may be
better to let your own Power drop rather than give him an
undeserved boost.

Crawling Chaos: Epilogue

"The uncertainty is the worst. No one looks up. I remember when
we could see the sun. You cant now, because They blanket the sky. No
one wants to look up, and They know that. Everyday we live with the
knowledge that it might your last day. The only warning is a slither of
sucking wind, flapping of wings, or the brush of something utterly alien
on your skin. Then youre gone. I see fewer and fewer friends as time
passes. How long before it is my time?" -David Mendiola

Crawling Chaos Units are excellent at staving off weak raids, but less
effective against a major attack. Therefore take the gloves off and hit
him with everything - as the Germans say, Klotzen, nicht Kleckern!


Playing the Black Goat

In the early game, the most common mistake a novice Black Goat player
makes is to initiate a diaspora of Cultists to immediately achieve the
Have Units in X Area Spell Books. But your enemies will move in
once you are helpless from lack of Power. Build up at a sedate rate.
Ensure that when you move Units into an Area they have support and
protection, and in general use cheap Monsters to occupy Areas for
Spell Book purposes, rather than Cultists. Thousand Young is best used
defensively, for instance when an enemy moves on one of your Gates,
reactively Summon a heap of trouble for him. Create a stronghold where
you can Summon Shub-Niggurath safely.
In the late game, you can sadly annoy other players. Ghroth slows
and cripples rivals. Battle becomes common, so Necrophagy can occur
multiple times in a single turn. Avatar steals weak enemy bases
with prejudice - teleport to the spot, and they must send someone to
your homeland. You can then Capture their Cultist or, if the Gate is
abandoned, Recruit your own Cultist to take it over.

s befits a fertility cult, Black Goats emphasis is on occupation

and expansion sort of like a fungus infection. Unlike other
Factions, you tend to be geographically restricted. You are not deadly in
battle (in fact, you have no battle Spell Books except Frenzy), but you
have plenty of cheap throwaway Units, so you are resilient. As you hole
up in your homeland, your abilities let you target enemies by remote
Control. This is your true strength.

The enemy often comes to you, in an attempt to stop the hurting, so sit
tight. If you do need to strike at a distance, you have Avatar. You may
not have as many Gates as other, more mobile, Factions, but you can
make up for this even with just two Gates plus Shub-Niggurath, Blood
Sacrifice nets you two Elder Signs and four Doom Points per Doom
phase if you Ritual.
Frenzy: Excellent both defensive and offensively. If a foe moves a
Monster into an area, hoping for a cheap Capture, declare combat, and
Pain him right back out.
Necrophagy: Use with impunity, as Ghouls are cheap (free, after
Thousand Young). In a small battle, it can clean out an entire area,
allowing your Ghoul to Recruit a Cultist and take the Gate. Teleporting
Ghouls around the world also helps meet Spell Book requirements.


Ghroth: A complex action, requiring timing and preparation, but worth

the trouble. Some players focus on Ghroth as a central strategy. Others
keep it as an occasional treat. Both techniques are effective.
Red Sign: Gives you potentially more baseline Power than
any other Faction, plus Gate-Controlling Units that cant
be Captured. Remember, when you Summon a Dark
Young under Red Sign, you can place it right on the Gate
(replacing the Cultist who Summoned it.)
The Thousand Young: Its utility is obvious, but it contains
subtle touches. For instance, Summon a single Ghoul for zero
Power, in effect marking time while seeing what the other players
do. It is also demoralizing for a foe to launch a mighty attack on you,
destroying three or four of your Units, only to have you Summon your
lost Units right back at trivial cost.
Blood Sacrifice: Lets you earn an Elder Sign every Doom Phase. As a
bonus, it puts Cultists back in your Pool, so you can Recruit them for
use with Avatar or Necrophagy Gate-stealing.

Once she is established, she is hard to stop, because she gets extra
Power from Red Sign, and extra Elder Signs from Blood Sacrifice. At
some point, you may need to go take out one of her citadels. Luckily,
all three of the other Factions can pull this off with their Great
Old Ones, properly used. Dont make the mistake of trying
to extirpate Black Goat entirely - you will fail, and if you
keep focusing on her, other enemies may surge ahead.
Remember: Dont try to cure the Black Goat infection, just
keep it contained.

Black Goat: Epilogue

"You cant rest these days. We have nowhere to simply lie down.
Our streets are overrun with beasts, loping with cloven hooves and
jackal grins. The skies are no better, filled by flying abominations,
dripping with fungus. I hear they take your brain. I dont know what
they do with it. Eat it? They say not. Something worse. But whatever
you do, dont go into the newly-grown woodlands. Youll find Them
there, giant horrors all mouths and tentacles. And at the center, stands
the one who made Them. No, my friend, stay out of the forest."
-David Mendiola

Thwarting Black Goat

Black Goat is hard to dig out once settled in. However, she is easy
to fend off in the first place, as her offensive action is limited. Her
Monsters are feeble, and have other tasks to perform besides fighting.
This means that her main tool for conquest are Avatar and Necrophagy,
and both involve starting out weak in the target Area. React vigorously
to drive her back.


Playing the Yellow Sign

In the early game, be aware that you earn Spell Books more slowly than
other players, but concentrate on them. Awaken the King in Yellow
soon (in the first turn, usually). Its easy to send the King in Yellow to
North America after Desecrating Europe or Asia, but occasionally its
wiser to get into Africa early and even harsh on enemies by Capturing
Cultists with the King, or spreading Zingaya. Many players prefer to
migrate straight to Africa or America after Awakening the King, and
save the Desecration of Europe or Asia for last.

ou are constrained by strange rules, and seem to be playing your

own separate game. However, in doing so, you do plunge the other
players into a living nightmare. You leave a trail of scattered Units
across the map, forcing foes to spend an inordinate amount of time and
energy to expunge your traces. You have no real home base, but are
nomadic, leaving ruin in your wake. You get actions more quickly than
other players, and can often do two things in the same round, which
gives you a flexibility no one else has. Your Units are weak, but usually
free, and numerous, which makes you resistant to loss. In effect, you
cant dish it out, but you sure can take it.


The King in Yellow, despite his lack of Combat, is a terror. He moves

quickly around the board with his undead bodyguard, and his ability
to take a second action (with Screaming Dead) means you can move
into an enemy area and immediately use Zingaya, Capture a Cultist,
or Shriek additional Byakhee there in preparation for devastating
effect. You dont spend much Power on Summoning Monsters (most
are generated via Desecration attempts), so focus on other priorities.
Remember to leave a trail of Monster breadcrumbs behind you, so they
can suckle Power on your Desecrations. Even if an enemy moves into
the area to attack you, this will cost them two Power (one to move,
one to Battle), so even a rearguards elimination is no tragedy. Plus it
puts your Monster back into your Pool to be recalled upon the next
Desecration or Zyngaya.
In the late game, you need to finish remaining Spell Books. Usually you
have few Gates, so you rely on Third Eye or your two Great Old Ones
for Elder Signs. Thanks to Vengeance, when Hastur rolls into action,
you can ensure an enemy Great Old One will die. By this time you
should be getting significant Power from Feast, to be used for Rituals
or other purposes. With Hastur, you now have two choices for your
double-actions - either the King or Hastur can move, and then you can
do something else useful. In the late game, Hasturs signature move is
to use He Who Is Not To Be Named to enter an enemys space, then

Shriek of the Byakhee to give him a bodyguard, and then declare Battle
(unlimited with six Spell Books) to assassinate any other Great Old
Passion: Can actually resurrect you when out of Power. It also hinders
the foe. (i.e., they may choose to attack someone else, rather than give
you Power).
Zingaya: The biggest problem with Desecration is mustering the
troops. With Zingaya, you not only get a Unit, but your enemy
is down a Cultist.
Shriek of the Byakhee: Flexible, and gives both defense
and offense. Shriek when an enemy invades, or after
Screaming Dead or He Who is Not to be Named to give
your Great Old Ones oomph.
Screaming Dead: Youll use this a LOT, so dont put it off. It
neednt be the first Spell Book you acquire, but it shouldnt be the last
He Who is Not to be Named: The basic function is to assassinate an
opposing Great Old One, but it has other uses which become obvious
with experience. Remember the extra action does not have to involve
Third Eye: Once you finish earning Spell Books, Third Eye keeps you
interested in Desecrating. In effect, you get an Elder Sign for two
Power (one to move and one to Desecrate), plus at the same time you
earn a potential power source and a new Monster. Its the best bargain
in the game!

Thwarting the Yellow Sign

If you are playing against Yellow Sign, remember his Monsters are
puny. Because they are also numerous, you need to attack him more
than once to knock out an area, but at least you dont have to fear
serious losses. Third Eye is terrifying, but he needs both his Great Old
Ones out, plus enough Monsters to succeed at Desecrating. This gives
you many tools to stop him.
One of Yellow Signs oddities is that he tends to have too many
Cultists sitting around in Europe - he is benefited by losing
a few of them early game, so he can use the King to bring
them forth around the world. So if you want to cause the
most damage, dont hit Europe, strike at the King himself.
You are unlikely to Kill the King, but just scattering his
zombie army really hurts.
Yellow Sign has plenty of weak pseudo-bases (in the form of
Desecration Tokens) scattered round the map. You cant spend all
your time attacking these, but do it when convenient.
Yellow Sign is constrained by his need to Desecrate certain areas. If
you can keep him out of, say, Africa or the Americas, you stop his
progress. This is easier said than done, but each turn you delay his
advance, the more desperate he gets.

Yellow Sign: Epilogue

"Ive done horrible things. I killed lifelong friends. Parents. Children.
Why, you ask? Because the King in Yellow. He whispered secrets and
portents. It just made sense. Dont worry, my victims didnt stay dead.
They are a gift to the Unnamed One and so they follow, like the others.
So the King in Yellow has his entourage as he spreads his message."
-David Mendiola


XIV. Frequently Asked Questions

Q. On the map of Earth, why does the North Atlantic have a little
section seeping over to the Pacific side of central America?
A. It is our way of indicating that the North Atlantic and the North
Pacific are adjacent.
Q. If my Units in an Area have zero Combat dice, but I have special
Battle abilities I can use, can I declare a Battle?
A. No. The Units IN THE AREA must have at least one Combat die to
declare Battle. For instance, if you have only a Nightgaunt in an Area,
you cant declare Battle there as Crawling Chaos, even if you have Seek
and Destroy. .
Q. If I have six Spell Books (so Battle is unlimited), can I Battle and
then do another action (such as Moving out of the Battle Area)?
A. Yes. Unlimited Actions can be done in any order. You may still only
engage in one Battle per Area, however. You could use unlimited Battle
in an Area, then (as your Action) move into a new Area, and Battle
NOTE: In fact, it is theoretically possible to Battle in an Area, get
Pained into a neighboring Area, Battle again, get Pained again, and keep
up a sequence of Battles in this way until you run out of Power, lose
your Units, or get Pained into an Area where you have already Battled
this Action. The only limit is that you can only initiate one Battle per
Q. What happens if all Units on a side are exempted via Invisibility or
eliminated by effects such as Abduct or Devour before a battle?
A. Obviously there is no need to roll dice. The Power to start the Battle
is still spent. Post-Battle effects can take place if appropriate.

Q. Cthulhu gets a Spell Book in the first Doom Phase! Does this mean he
gets it before his first action?!
A. No! There is no Doom Phase in the first turn. Therefore, Cthulhu
earns this Spell Book in the Doom Phase of the Second turn - AFTER the
first turn ends.
Q. Two of Cthulhus Spell Books require you to Kill or Devour an
enemy in a Battle. But doesnt Devour take place before the Battle? Also,
just when exactly do I receive these battle-oriented Spell Books? In the
middle of the fight?
A. Pre- and Post-Battle effects count as happening during a Battle.
Cthulhus two battle Spell Books are not received until the Battle is
fully completed and all post-Battle effects are finished.
Q. Can actions such as Cthulhus Dreams Spell Book or Yellow Signs
Zingaya be used to simply remove an enemy Cultist if you lack Units to
make the replacement?
A. No. If you cannot make the replacement, you cannot perform the
Q. Nyarlathoteps Combat is based on his Spell Books, plus his
A. For each Spell Book he and his opponent have on their Faction sheet,
he gets one Combat. For instance, if Nyarlathotep has all six Spell Books
while his opponent has only earned three, he gets nine Combat. His
total does not count Spell Books he has not yet earned, and it does not
count Spell Books earned for an Independent Great Old One (available
in some expansions).

Q. Can I use Black Goats Avatar with one of my own Units?

A. Certainly.
Q. How much Power does the Crawling Chaos get for Killing or Paining
A. He receives two Power, since that is now half the cost to Awaken
Cthulhu (since, obviously, he has been Awakened once). Of course he
could just take two Elder Signs instead.
Q. When the Crawling Chaos exempts a Unit with his Invisibility Spell
Book, does he pick the Unit? Can he pick an enemy? Can he exempt his
Flying Polyp?
A. Yes, yes, and yes. Remember he cannot exempt a Great Old One.
Q. Yellow Signs Undead and Byakhee have Combat values that change
depending on how many are present in the area. If an Undead or
Byakhee is exempted via Invisibility, since it is still present does it
affect the Combat of the remaining Units?
A. An invisible Unit does not count as being present in the Area for
this purpose. If you have two Undead in an Area, and one is turned
invisible, the remaining Undead rolls zero dice, not one. The intent is
that Invisibility is supposed to be useful.
Q. What if the Flying Polyp is eliminated by Devour or some other
effect after using Invisibility on a Unit? Does this cancel the
A. No. Effects, once initiated, remain regardless of the fate of the
instigating Unit.
Q. Who selects which Acolyte Cultist is transformed via Zyngaya?
A. The victim.


Q. What if other players do not have enough Cultists to satisfy the

demands of Ghroth?
A. They lose as many Cultists as Black Goat chooses. If they do not
have enough Cultists to meet the demand, the excess is ignored.
Q. Regarding Crawling Chaoss Madness Spell Book, must he obey
normal restrictions on retreating Units (I.e., not into an area containing
Units of the Faction just battled)?
A. Yes, he must obey normal retreat rules. He also does not get to
choose WHICH Units retreat, only their destination. Also note that
with Madness, Crawling Chaos can retreat players in either order, i.e.,
retreating the Defender first.
Q. Black Goat has a Spell Book requirement Share Areas with all
enemies? Do the enemies all have to be in the same Areas with your
A. No. For example, in a three player game versus Cthulhu and Yellow
Sign, if you have a Unit in an Area with Cthulhus Units and also
have a Unit in an Area with a Yellow Sign Unit, this requirement is
immediately fulfilled. Note that this requirement can be met during an
enemys turn.
Q. When Crawling Chaoss Thousand Forms or Black Goats Ghroth
abilities are used, can a player insist on taking part of the loss, even if
the other players dont want him to? What if a player has no Power or
no Cultists - can he disagree with the division?
A. In the first case, this would count as a disagreement which needs
to be resolved. In the second - if a player refuses to contribute to the
effect, he does not participate in further negotiations, and his agreement
is immaterial.


Q. If a Ghoul is already in the target Area, can it be Summoned there via

A. Only if it was not involved in the Battle. Note that an Invisible Ghoul
is not involved and thus could react via Necrophagy!

Q. If a Factions Units cannot retreat (because they are surrounded),

and lose a Unit as a result, and then Necrophagy occurs, do they lose a
second Unit as a result of the extra Pain?
A. No. Only one Unit is ever lost due to inability to retreat per battle.

Q. If Nyarlathotep is alone in an Area, and Emissary is in play, and he

receives a Pain, but cannot retreat because he is surrounded by enemy
Units, what happens? Is he Killed? What if another Unit is with him,
and only one Pain is rolled can Nyarlathotep be picked to take the Pain
so his companion is spared.
A. No, he ignores the Pain. To answer the second question, yes, in this
rare case Nyarlathotep could take the Pain to spare the other Unit. Of
course if two Pains were rolled, the companion would have to be chosen
to die.

Q. The King in Yellow can perform Desecration, but what does it do,
A. The inhabitants are now shrieking in terror, fleeing their cities, or
performing desperate obeisance to the King, but the immediate practical
game effect is that it gives Yellow Sign a Unit, and a Spell Book when
performed in the right Areas. Also, if it is successfully performed after
the Third Eye Spell Book is in effect, it may give Yellow Sign an Elder

Q. When is Shub-Nigguraths Combat total figured? For instance, if

Cthulhu Devours a Cultist just before the battle, does this decrease
Shub-Nigguraths total for the battle itself?
A. All Pre-Battle abilities happen BEFORE dice are rolled. Combat dice
are figured at the instant of battle. In the example given, Cthulhus
Devour would indeed decrease Shub-Nigguraths combat.

Q. When Yellow Sign takes the Screaming Dead or He Who is Not to

be Named action, does he have to pay the normal Power cost for his
second, subsequent Action?
A. Yes! For instance, if he moved using Screaming Dead, and then
immediately attempted a Desecration, this would cost him three Power
total, or two power, if Third Eye was in effect.

XV. Rule Omega - The Final Question

e have sought diligently for more than a year to cover all possible rules
questions, and to make the game as true to Lovecraft as we can. But we are
mere mortals, and as such, subject to err.
If you come across some ability or spell card conflict, and cannot find the answer
in one of our FAQs (or our website FAQ online), we recommend that the players in
the game vote on the desired outcome - the owner of the game should probably get
a bonus - like his vote counts for double. In the end, Cthulhu Wars is your game. If
you feel compelled to add house rules to cover such issues, do so with our blessing.

Q. If the Black Goat Faction is in a Battle, and uses Necrophagy does she
also suffer extra Pain?
A. Yes, both sides in the battle suffer additional Pain equal to the
Ghouls called. The newly-called Ghouls cannot be chosen to take the
extra Pain for her, either.



XVI. Glossary
ACOLYTE: The only type of Cultist appearing in the core Cthulhu
Wars game. Later expansions add new Cultists.

ELIMINATED: Units can be destroyed in many ways. When a Unit

is removed from the board, it is returned to your pool (except when
Captured), and can be awakened, Summoned, or recruited again.

AREA: A map region, whether ocean or land.

ATTACKER: That Faction which just declared a Battle.
BATTLE ABILITY/EFFECT: These are earned through Spell Books or
special abilities. Battle Abilities are classified as Pre-Battle, Battle, or
Post-Battle. In any dispute, the Attacker uses his Spell Books first in
each segment, then the Defender uses theirs.
CULTIST: A human who serves the Great Old Ones. They live on Earth
and can be recruited in any Area. Their figures are identical to one
another, distinguished only by their Faction color. In the basic game, the
only type of Cultist is the Acolyte.
DEFENDER: A Faction involved in a Battle which it did not declare.


ENEMY: A Unit or Faction Controlled by another player, i.e., not you.

ALL Factions are enemy except the one you Control. In the two player
game, even other Factions you Control are considered enemy when you
are performing the turn of a particular Faction.
FRIENDLY: A Unit Controlled by you.
GATE: A construct of alien science, constructed by Cultists. Gates
channel Power to a Faction, plus permit the Summoning of Monsters
and (sometimes) Great Old Ones.
IN PLAY: Some Spell Books and abilities refer to a Unit as being in
play. A Unit is in play if it is on the map, or, if it is off the map, still
Controlled by its owner. For example, Cthulhu on its Faction card via
Submerge is in play. A Captured Cultist on an enemy Faction card is
not in play.

KILLED: This refers to a Unit which was chosen to receive an enemy

six result in Combat. Units can be eliminated in many ways that do not
count as a Kill. For example, Cthulhus Devour ability does not count as
a Kill.
MONSTER: Non-human entities who serve the Great Old Ones. They
usually arrive through Gates.
GREAT OLD ONE: Otherworldly alien sovereigns who seek to conquer
Earth. Most Factions have only one Great Old One (exception: Yellow
Sign). Many abilities and Spell Books refer to Monsters and Cultists.
Such abilities do NOT apply to a Great Old One. All Great Old Ones
have their own unique Awakening requirements, their own Combat
totals (often a formula), and their own unique abilities (sometimes as
an Action).

ONGOING: An ongoing Spell Book is permanently in effect, so long as

you have satisfied its conditions. For instance, Black Goats Thousand
Young Spell Book causes her Faction Monsters to cost one less Power
as long as you meet the prerequisite of having Shub-Niggurath in play.
Some ongoing effects permit a user to make a choice at certain times
(for instance, Cthulhus Devolve Spell Book). But all ongoing effects are
free of cost and can be repeated.
POOL: The pile of Units, Spell Books, and other Tokens which you have
not yet managed to place on the map.
POST-BATTLE: An effect that happens after dice are rolled in a battle.
(for instance, Shub-Nigguraths Necrophagy ability.)
PRE-BATTLE: An effect that happens after a Battle has been declared,
but before dice are rolled. (For instance, Cthulhus Devour ability.)
UNIT: A Cultist, Monster, or Great Old One. Does not include Gates.


Design - Sandy Petersen
Production - Robert Atkins
Art - Richard Luong
Sculpting - Fenris Games
Art Direction, Game Layout & Illustration - Rich Fleider
Rulebook Layout & Photography - Leslie Lee
Prepress Layout, Manufacturing & Logistics - H. Cody Hallett
Editing - Frank Bauroth, Arthur Petersen
Support - Ben Donges, H. Cody Hallett, Arthur Petersen, Lincoln Petersen
Play Testing and Development - Frank Bauroth, Kyle Beasley, Jonathan Cohen, David Coon, John Coon,
Peter Dannenberg, Mike Davis, Ben Donges, Angela Fleider, Rich Fleider, Aaron Harvey, Jared Harvey,
Joseph Harvey, Brian Hehmann, Guy Hoyle, Fabian Kuechler, Chris Lemens, Andrew Lucio, Shovaen Patel,
Arthur Petersen, Grant Petersen, Lincoln Petersen, Spencer Petersen, Greg Robertson, Paul Slusser,
Jessica Watkins, Lori Wilson, Pedro Ziviani.

Special Thanks To - Ameliazoth, Donovan Albanesi, Ben Ayerbach, Craig Brown, Sean Brulet,
Anthony Callison, Squirrel Eiserloh, David Evans, Eric Glasgow, Ian Guistino, Susan Guistino,
Vance Hampton, Cyran J. Harrington, Ken Harward, Jason Harvey, Seth Harvey, Michelle Harvey,
Jerry Howland, Mike Langlois, Joey Larsen, Michelle Larsen, Cora Lemens, Tara Lemens, Reed Little,
Tiffany Lucio, Johnny Lundell, Ryan Medeiros, Dave Mendiola, Mius, Justin Moe, Chris Mortin,
Christopher Musgrave, Dan Pepin, Deborah Petersen, Elizabeth Petersen, Wendy Petersen,
Ben Pope, Brian Pope, Aaron Porter, Rayden Porter, Rylee Porter, Andrew Olson, Greg Robertson,
Stephen Robertson, Eric Saxton, Ryan Stelly, Jordon Trebas,
and Naomi the Pup of Tindalos.





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