Plain English For Lawyers PDF
Plain English For Lawyers PDF
Plain English For Lawyers PDF
Volume 66 | Issue 4
Article 3
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Acting Dean and Professor of Law, University of California, Davis. B.A. 1959, Wil-
liams College; LL.B. 1962, Stanford University. The author wishes to thank Deena G. Peterson
and Ronald R. McClain for their research on sexism in legal writing and to thank Ralph C.
Taylor, John L. Vohs, Max Byrd, and Richard Haas for their critical comments on an early draft
of this article.
2. Mylward v. Welden (Ch. 1596), reprintedin C. MONRo, ACrA CANCELLARIAE 692
3. Letter to Joseph C. Cabell (September 9, 1817), reprintedin 17 WRrrINGS OF THOMAS
JEFFERSON 417-18 (A. Bergh ed. 1907).
4. Nader, Gobbledygook, LADIES' HoME JOURNAL, Sept. 1977, at 68; see also TIME, Jan. 16,
1978, at 60; L.A. Times, Jan. 29, 1978, I, at 2, col. 5; Wall St. J., Dec. 5, 1977, at 40, col. 1.
[Vol. 66:727
tice his care in arranging words. There are no wide gaps between the
subjects and their verbs or between the verbs and their objects, and
there are no ambiguities to leave us wondering who did what to whom.
Notice his use of verbs. Most of them are in simple form, and all but
two are in the active voice. Notice the length and construction of his
sentences. Most of them contain only one main thought, and they vary
in length: the shortest is six words, and the longest is twenty-seven
These and other elements of plain English style are discussed in
this article. Readers are urged to work the exercises in Appendix A
and to compare their work with the suggestions contained in Appendix
by (])
was (
by the (ddant.
Five words in that nine word sentence are glue: a, by, was, by, and the.
How can we say the same thing in a tighter sentence with less glue?
First, move defendant to the front and make it the subject of the sen-
[Vol. 66:727
tence. Second, use jury trial in place of trial by jury. The sentence
would thus read:
The defendant requested a jury trial.
If the working words are circled, the rewritten sentence looks like this:
The defnant r
Again there are four working words, but the glue words have been cut
from five to two. The sentence means the same as the original, but it is
tighter and one-third shorter.
Here is another example:
The ruling by the trial judge was prejudicial error for the reason
that it cut off cross-examination with respect to issues which
were vital.
If the working words are circled, we have:
The (
)by the
for the
that it (E)()cross-examination with respect to
s which were (1
In a sentence of twenty-four words, eleven carry the meaning and thirteen are glue.
Note the string of words the ruling by the trialjudge. That tells us
that it was the trial judge's ruling. Why not just say the trialIjudge's
ruling? The same treatment will tighten up the words at the end of the
sentence. Issues which were vital tells us they were vital issues. Why
not say vital issues? Now note the phrase/or the reason that. Does it
say any more than because? If not, we can use one word in place of
four. Likewise, with respect to can be reduced to on. Rewritten, the
sentence looks like this:
The trial judge's ruling was prejudicial error because it cut off
cross-examination on vital issues.
Here it is with the working words circled:
was reu c
The revised sentence uses fifteen words in place of the original twentyfour, and eleven of the fifteen are working words. The sentence is both
tighter and stronger than the original.
Consider a third example, but this time use a pencil and paper to
rewrite the sentence yourself.
Stru ons)
The rewritten sentence is nine words shorter than the original, and nine
of its twelve words are working words. (See Exercise 1, Appendix A.)
B. Avoid CompoundPrepositions
Compound prepositions and their close cousins are a fertile source
of surplus words. They use several words to do the work of one or
two, and they suck the vital juices from your writing. You saw some
examples in the last section. With respect to was used instead of on.
Forthe reason that was used instead of because.
Every time you see one of these pests on your page, swat it. Use a
simple form instead. Here is a list of common ones:
by means of
by reason of
because of
by virtue of
for the purpose of
for the reason that
from the point of view of
in accordance with
by, under
inasmuch as
in connection with
in favor of
with, about, concerning
in order to
in relation to
from, for
by, under
about, concerning
[Vol. 66:727
in terms of
in the event that
in the nature of
on the basis of
by, from
prior to
subsequent to
with a view to
with reference to
about, concerning
with regard to
about, concerning
with respect to
on, about
Once you develop a dislike for surplus words, you will fmd many
common word clusters that can be trimmed from your sentences with
no loss of meaning. Consider this example:
The fact that the defendant was young may have influenced the
What meaning does thefact that add? Why not say:
The defendant's youth may have influenced the jury.
Thefact that is almost always surplus.
from these examples:
her death
he knew that
although, even though
Here are other examples of common word clusters you can eliminate with no loss of meaning:
is concerned
during, while
by, under
(omit it entirely and start with
the subject)
doubtless, no doubt
whether, the question whether
this topic
The title search did not disclose the easement granted six
years before.
When. you see the words it is and there are, stop to see if you can
replace a clause by a shorter construction:
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Sometimes you can clean out surplus words by replacing a clause with
an adjective or adverb:
Lawyer's tautologies have ancient roots. Professor Mellinkoff explains9 that, at several points in history, the English and their lawyers
had two languages to choose from: first, a choice between the language
of the Celts and that of their Anglo-Saxon conquerors; later, a choice
between English and Latin; and later still, a choice between English
and French. Lawyers started using a word from each language, joined
in a pair, to express a single meaning. (For example, free and clear
comes from the Old Englishfreo and the Old French cler.) This redundant doubling was used sometimes for clarity, sometimes for emphasis, and sometimes just because it was the fashion. Doubling
became traditional in legal languge and persisted long after any practical purpose was dead.
Ask a modem lawyer why he or she uses a term like suffer or
permit in a simple real estate lease. The first answer likely will be: "for
precision." True, there is a small difference in meaning between suffer
and its companion permit. But suffer in this sense is now rare in ordinary usage, andpermit would do the job if it were used alone.
The lawyer might then tell you that suffer orpermit is better because it is a traditional legal term of art. Traditional it may be, but a
term of art it is not. A term of art is a short expression that (a) conveys
a fairly well-agreed meaning, and (b) saves the many words that would
otherwise be needed to convey that meaning. Suffer orpermit fails to
satisfy the second condition, and perhaps the first as well. The word
hearsay is an example of a true term of art. First, its core meaning is
fairly well-agreed in modem evidence law, although its meaning at the
margin has always inspired scholarly debate.10 Second, hearsay enables a lawyer to use one word instead of many to say that a statement
is being offered into evidence to prove that what it asserts is true, and
that the statement is not one made by the declarant while testifying at
the trial or hearing. Any word that can say all that deserves our praise
and deference. But suffer orpermit does not.
In truth, suffer orpermit probably found its way into that real estate lease because the lawyer was working from a form that had been
used around the office for years. The author of the form, perhaps long
dead, probably worked from some even older form that might, in turn,
have been inspired by a formbook or some now defunct appellate case
where the phrase was used but not examined.
If you want your legal writing to have a musty, formbook smell, by
all means use as many tautological phrases as you can find. If you
D. MELLINKOFF, supra note 1, at 38-39, 121-22.
Compare FED. R. EviD. 801(c) and CAL. EviD. CODE 1200 (West 1966) with C. McCORMICK, HANDBOOK OF THE LAW OF EVIDENCE 246 (2d ed. E. Cleary 1972).
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want it to be crisp, do not use any. When one looms up on your page,
stop to see if one of the several words, or perhaps a fresh word, will
carry your intended meaning. You will find, for example, that the
phrase last will andtestament can be replaced by the single word will."
This is not as simple as it sounds. Lawyers are busy, cautious
people. The redundant phrase has worked in the past; a new one
might somehow raise a question. To check it in the law library will
take some time. But remember-once you slay one of these old monsters, it will stay dead for the rest of your career. If your memory is
short, keep a card file of slain redundancies. Such trophies distinguish
a lawyer from a scrivener. (See Exercise 5, Appendix A.)
Here are two ways a lawyer might write to a client to explain why
the lawyer's bill is higher than the client expects.
Example One: The statement for professional services which you will
find enclosed herewith is, in all likelihood, somewhat in excess of your
expectations. In the circumstances, I believe it is appropriate for me to
responsible for this development. Primary among them is the mutually unanticipated expenditure of time which is being necessitated by
the litigation involved herein. To wit, the counsel retained on behalf
of the several parties defendant is endeavoring, perhaps in emulationem
vicini,to effect depletion of our resources and destruction of our morale
by undertaking deposition proceedings with the purpose of obtaining
testimony from numerous deponents whose factual knowledge with respect to the instant litigation is negligible at best ....
Example Two: The bill I am sending you with this letter is probably
higher than you expected, and I would like to explain the three reasons
why. First, the case is taking more time than either you or I expected.
The defendants' lawyer, perhaps driven by spite, is trying to wear us
down by taking the pretrial testimony of many persons who know little,
if anything, about the facts ....
services instead of bill? The client calls it a bill. So does the lawyer,
usually. By tradition, the bill itself can be captioned statementforpro11. Historically, will referred to the disposition of realty and testament to personalty. See
W. PAGE, WILLS 1.3 (Bowe-Parker rev. ed. 1960). Today, will suffices for both realty and
personalty. See, eg., CAL. PROB. CODE 20 (West Supp. 1978).
To grip and move your reader's mind, use concrete words, not abstractions. To see the difference, suppose that Moses's plagues on
Egypt had been described in the language of a modem environmental
impact report:
EXODus 8:7
[Vol. 66:727
Aristotle put the case for familiar words this way: "Style to be
good. must be clear, as is proved by the fact that speech which fails to
convey a plain meaning will fail to do just what speech has to do ...
Clearness is secured by using the words. . . that are current and ordinary.""4 Given a choice between a familiar word and one that will
send your reader groping for the dictionary, use the familiar word. The
reader's attention is a precious commodity, and you cannot afford to
waste it by creating your own distractions.
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Lawyers who have an affinity for said claim it is more precise than
ordinary words like the, or this, or those. They say it means "the exact
same one mentioned above." But the extra precision is either illusory
or unnecessary, as the example above shows. If only one conspiracy
has been mentioned in the preceding material, there is no danger of our
mistaking this conspiracy for some other conspiracy, and saidis unnecessary. If more than one conspiracy has been previously mentioned,
saiddoes not tell us which of the several is meant. The extra precision
is thus illusory. If the were put in place of all the said's, the sentence
would be no less precise and much less clumsy.
Aforementioned is said's big brother, and it is just as useless. "The
fifty acre plot aforementioned shall be divided. . . ." If only one fifty
acre plot has been mentioned before, then aforementioned is unnecessary, and if more than one fifty acre plot has been mentioned before,
then aforementionedis imprecise. When precision is important, use a
specific reference: "The fifty acre plot described in paragraph 2(f) shall
be divided. . ....
Res gestae is an example of a Latin lawyerism that can obscure a
dangerous gap in analysis. Translated, it means "things done." In the
early 1800's, it was used to denote statements that were made as part of
the transaction in issue (the "things done") and that were therefore admissible in evidence despite the hearsay rule. Perhaps because res
gestae is far removed from ordinary English, lawyers and judges began
to treat it as a ragbag. They used it carelessly to cover many different
kinds of statements made at or about the time ,ofthe transaction in
issue. 7 With policy and analysis obscured, res gestae became little
more than a label to express the conclusion that a particular statement
ought to be admitted into evidence over hearsay objection. Wigmore
said: "The phrase "res gestae" has long been not only entirely useless,
but even positively harmful. . . . It is harmful, because by its ambiguity it invites the confusion of one rule with another and thus creates
uncertainty as to the limitations of both.""' The moral is this: Do not
be too impressed by the Latin and archaic English words you read in
law books. Their antiquity does not make them superior. When your
pen is poised to write a lawyerism, stop to see if your meaning can be
expressed as well or better in a word or two of ordinary English. (See
Exercise 7, Appendix A.)
17. See, ag., cases described in Showalter v. Western Pacific R.R., 16 Cal.2d 460, 106 P.2d
895 (1940).
18. 6 J. WIGMORB, EVIDENCE 1767 at 255 (Chadbourne rev. ed. 1976).
20. The leading candidate for longest statutory passage, 341(e)(1) of the Internal Revenue
Code, contains 522 words.
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A Guide to Clarity
Passages like the one above suggest a two-part guide to clarity and
ease of understanding in legal writing:
(1) In most sentences, put only one main thought.
(2) Keep the average sentence length below twenty-five words.
Do not misinterpret this guide. The first part says that most
sentences should contain only one main thought. It does not say that
every sentence should contain only one main thought. The second
part says that the average length of your sentences should be below
twenty-five words. 2 It does not say that every sentence should be
twenty-five words or less. A succession of short, simple sentences
sounds choppy:
Defense counsel objected to the question. She argued that it called for
hearsay. The court overruled the objection. The witness was allowed
to answer.
You need an occasional longer sentence in which two or more main
thoughts are joined.
Defense counsel objected to the question, arguing that it called for
hearsay; the court overruled the objection, and the witness was allowed
to answer.
But when you write a long sentence, bear in mind Mark Twain's advice. After recommending short sentences as the general rule, he added:
At times [the writer] may indulge himself with a long one, but he will
make sure that there are no folds in it, no vaguenesses, no parenthetical
interruptions of its view as a whole; when he has done with it, it won't
be a sea-serpent with half of its arches under the water, it will be a
torch-light procession.'
(See Exercise 8, Appendix A.)
22. To measure the length of your sentences, pick a sample passage and count the number of
words from one period to the next. Count hyphenated words and groups of symbols as one word.
Do not count citations. For example, this sentence would be counted as 20 words:
10 11
12 13
The twin-drive concept was obvious from IBNfs '497 patent; under the Graham test, 382
14 15
16 17
19 20
U.S. at 17-18, that is enough to invalidate Claim 12.
When you measure a tabulated sentence (see p.744, infra), regard the initial colon and the semicolons as periods. See generally T. BERNSTEIN, WATCH YouR LANGUAGE 111-21 (Atheneum paperback ed. 1976); R.FL.scI-I, TH ART OF PLAIN TALK 49-57 (Collier paperback ed. 1951); Fry,
A ReadabilityFormula That Saves Time, 11 JoURNA. OF READING 513 (1968).
23. As quoted in E. GowERs, THE COMPLETE PLAIN WORDS 183 (Fraser rev. ed. 1973).
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(1) The items in the list must be of the same class. (Don't make a list
of (a) bread, (b) eggs, and (c) Czar Nicholas II.)
(2) The items in the list must fit, in substance and grammar, with the
material in front of the colon. If the sentence continues past the
last item in the list, the concluding material must fit also.
(3) The items in the list should be indented to set them apart from the
material before and after.
(4) The items in the list should begin with a lower case letter.
(5) If the last item in the list is the end of the sentence, it should end
with a period. If it is not the end of the sentence, it should end
with a semicolon.
(6) The next-to-last item in the list should end with a semicolon followed by or (if the list is disjunctive) or and (if the list is conjunctive.)
(7) The other items in the list should end with semicolons.
As the preceding paragraph shows, you can also use tabulation to
bring order to a series of related, complete sentences. Use the preceding paragraph as a guide to the conventional form and punctuation of
that type of tabulation.
(See Exercise 9, Appendix A.)
24. RESTATEMENT (SECOND) OF TORTS 774A(l) (Tent. Draft No. 23, 1977).
26. When the items on the list are complicated you can put ";and" or ";or" after each item in
the list except the last. That helps the reader stay on track. See, e.g., 'the Federal Rules of
These two passages say the same thing. Which of them do you
Passage One. The conclusion which has been reached by my client is
that if there is a continuation of your insistence on this position, the
termination of the contract will be taken into serious consideration by
PassageTwo: My client has concluded that if you continue to insist on
this position, she will seriously consider terminating the contract.
Passage Two is better, is it not? Passage One clanks along like a rusty
tank. It is an overblown example of two common legal writing faults:
(1) the writer has overused the passive voice, and (2) the writer has
converted crisp base verbs (like continue) into sodden derivative nouns
(like continuation).
At its core, the law is not abstract; it is part of a real world full of
people who live and move and do things to other people. Car drivers
collide. Plaintiffs complain. Judges decide. Defendants pay. To express this life and motion, a writer must use verbs-action words. The
purest verb form is the base verb, like collide, complain, decide, and
pay. Base verbs are simple creatures. They cannot tolerate adornment.
If you try to dress them up, you squash their life and motion. Unfortunately, that is done all too easily. The base verb collide can be decked
out as a derivative noun, collision. Likewise, complain becomes complaint, decide becomes decision, andpay becomes payment. Lawyers
love to ruin base verbs. Lawyers don't act-they take action. They
don't assume-they make assumptions.They don't conclude-they draw
conclusions. With too much of this, legal writing becomes a lifeless
When a base verb is replaced by a derivative noun or adjective,
surplus words begin to swarm like gnats. "Please state why you object
to the question," comes out like this: "Please make a statement of why
you are interposingan objection to the question." The base verb state
can do the work all alone. But to get the same work out of statement,
you need a supporting verb (make), an article (a), and a preposition
(of). The derivative noun objection attracts a similar cloud of surplus
Do not conclude from this that derivative nouns and adjectives are
always bad; sometimes you need them. But do not overuse them in.
place of base verbs. You can spot the common ones by their endings:
[Vol. 66:727
-ment, -ion, -lion, -ance, -ence, -ancy, -ency, -ant, and -ent. When you
spot one, stop to see if you can make your sentence stronger and shorter
by using a base verb instead. (See Exercise 10, Appendix A.)
B. The Active Voice v. The Passive Voice
When you use the active voice, the subject of the sentence acts:
"The union filed a complaint." When you use the passive voice, the
subject of the sentence is acted upon: "A complaint was filed by the
The passive voice has two disadvantages. First, it takes more
words. When you say, "the union filed a complaint," filed does the
work by itself. But when you say, "a complaint was filed by the
union," the verbfiled requires a supporting verb (was) and a preposition (by). Here are other examples:
The second disadvantage of the passive voice is its detached abstraction. With the active voice, the reader can usually see who is doing what to whom. But the passive voice often leaves that unclear:
It is feared that adequate steps will not be taken to mitigate the damages which are being caused.
Who is doing the fearing? Who is supposed to take the steps? Who is
causing the damages? We cannot tell because the actor in each case is
hidden in the fog of the passive voice.
The passive voice can be particularly noxious in technical legal
writing. Consider this patent license provision:
All improvements of the patented invention which are made hereafter
shall promptly be disclosed, and failure to do so shall be deemed a
material breach of this license agreement.
Who must disclose what to whom? Must the licensee disclose improvements it makes to the licensor? Must the licensor disclose improvements it makes to the licensee? .Must each party disclose the
improvements it makes to the other party? If it ever becomes important, the parties probably will have to fight it out in an expensive lawsuit.
The passive voice has its proper uses. First, you can use it when
the thing done is important, and the one who did it is not:
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But the emphasis is stronger if you put conspiracy at the end of the
Plaintiffs complaint charges the defendants with conspiracy.
Note that in each of the three sentences the subject comes before the
verb. On rare occasion, you may want to place extra stress on the subject by inverting the normal word order and putting the subject at the
end of the sentence:
Basic to our liberties is fair procedure.
(See Exercise 12, Appendix A.)
C. Keep the Subject Close to the Verb and
the Verb Close to the Object
The problem is the same when the gap comes between the verb
and the object:
The proposed statute gives to any person who suffers financial injury
by reason of discrimination based on race, religion, sex, or physical
handicap a cause of action for treble damages.
Here a twenty-one word gap comes between the verb (gives) and the
direct object (cause of action). One remedy is to make two sentences.
Another is to move the intervening words to the end of the sentence:
The proposed statute gives a cause of action for treble damages to any
person who suffers financial injury by reason of discrimination based
on race, religion, sex, or physical handicap.
(See Exercise 13, Appendix A.)
[Vol. 66:727
Here the
Claims for expenses must not exceed $100 and must be made
within 30 days.
Elegant Variation
[Vol. 66:727
Avoid expressions that suggest that men are the only people
on earth:
man's basic liberties
reasonable man
the wisdom of man
Avoid sex based descriptions and titles when there are reasonable substitutes:
members of Congress
police officer
reporter, journalist
[Vol. 66:727
Throat Clearing
Writing plain legal English is not easy. You can learn only by
putting your own pencil to paper. That is why the practice exercises
are included in Appendix A; if you have ignored them up to now, go
back and work them. Remember, too, that a lawyer who writes plain
English may not be loved by other lawyers. Economist John Kenneth
Galbraith addressed this point when speaking of the need for plain English in his field. What he says applies equally to the law:
[Tihere are no important propositions that cannot be stated in plain
language .... The writer who seeks to be intelligible needs to be
right; he must be challenged if his argument leads to an erroneous conclusion and especially if it leads to the wrong action. But he can safely
dismiss the charge that he has made the subject too easy. The truth is
not difficult. Complexity and obscurity have professional value-they
are the academic equivalents of apprenticeship rules in the building
trades. They exclude the outsiders, keep down the competition, preserve the image of a privileged or priestly class. The man who makes
things clear
is a scab. He is criticized less for his clarity than for his
After you work these exercises, compare your results with the suggestions found in Appendix B.
1. Circle the working words in the sentence below. Compare
their number with the number of glue words. Then rewrite the sentence, circle the working words, and compare the result with the original.
In the event that there is a waiver of the attorney-client privilege
by the client, the letters must be produced by the attorney for the
purpose of inspection by the adversary party.
2. Use one or two words to replace the compound constructions
in these sentences.
a. In the event of the tenant's default, the lease will terminate.
b. From the point of view of simplicity, an ordinary deed of
trust would be the best.
c. Prior to the enactment of the statute, the clause was added
for the reason that the Burke decision seemed to require it.
d. Plaintiffs brief contains several misstatements with respect
to the disputed time sequence.
e. When the funds are received, we will transfer title with a
view to clearing up all questions in reference to this matter.
f. At this point in time, the witness cannot recall what the letter was with reference to.
3. Trim out the verbose word clusters in these examples.
k. The plaintiff filed suit despite the fact that she knew that
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5. In the following passage you will find all the kinds of surplus
words described in Part I. Rewrite the passage, omitting as many surplus words as you can.
We turn now to the request which has been made by the plaintiff
for the issuance of injunctive relief. With respect to this request,
the argument has been made by the defendant that injunctive
relief is not necessary because of the fact that the exclusionary
clause is already null and void by reason of the prior order and
direction of this court. This being the case, the exclusionary
clause can have no further force or effect, and the defendant argues that in such an instance full and complete relief can be
given without the issuance of an injunction. We fred ourselves
in agreement with this argument.
6. Rewrite these sentences using familiar, concrete words.
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11. Rewrite these sentences using the active voice and omitting
surplus words.
Clients' funds which have been received by an attorney
must be put into the Client Trust Account.
b. This agreement may be terminated by either party by thirty
days' notice being given to the other.
c. Each month price lists were exchanged between the defendant manufacturers, and it was agreed by them that all sales
would be made at list price or above.
d. If I am not survived by my husband by thirty days, my children are to receive hereunder such of those items of my personal property as may be selected by my executor for them.
Rewrite this sentence, inverting the normal word order to emphasize the words the stench o/perjury.
[Vol. 66:727
These are not "the answers" to the exercises. They are some of
the many possible answers. You may often find that your answer is
better than the one given here. That should be cause for cheer, not
1. With the working words circled, the original sentence looks
like this:
In the (
that there is a
of the (
~by the l
tthe ci
be (p
by the
for the (p
by the d
The original could be revised to read:
If the client waives the attorney-client privilege, the attorney
must produce the letters for inspection by the adversary party.
With the working words circled, the revision looks like this:
pvilege the
by the
the (attorey-cient
5. We turn now to plaintiffs request for an injunction. The defendant argues that an injunction is unnecessary, because the exclusionary clause is already void under this court's prior order. Since the
exclusionary clause can have no further effect, the defendant argues that we can give the plaintiff complete relief without issuing
an injunction. We agree.
Class actions serve an important function in our judicial system. They permit claims of many individuals to be resolved
at the same time. This avoids repetitious litigation and gives
[Vol. 66:727
claimants a way to enforce claims that are too small for individual litigation.
b. Consumers are sometimes abused and exploited by false,
misleading, or irrelevant advertising. But that does not necessarily require the government to intrude into the marketplace. Consumers themselves can go to court, as can
competing sellers who lose business because of such advertising.
9. You can qualify for benefits under section 43 if you are:
(a) sixty-four or older and unable to work;
(b) blind in one or both eyes; or
(c) injured in the course of your employment.
She testified that she did not see which car entered the intersection first.
d. Plaintiffs grandfather, Jose Cruz, later transferred the disputed 200 acres by a deed of gift which was bitterly contested
by the heirs but which was ultimately upheld by the probate
15. Attorneys have an ethical duty to protect what they learn in confidence from their clients. This ethical duty covers what the client
tells the attorney in confidence. It also covers what third parties
tell the attorney about the client if the client has asked that the
information be kept secret, or if its disclosure would harm or embarrass the client.