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Dear Family,

Today my class started the Multiplication and Division Patterns chapter.

I will be using arrays and models to multiply and divide by 2, 5, and 10. I will also
be exploring how to find and use patterns in the multiplication table. Here are my
vocabulary words that I will be using during my lessons.
p.s. Look on the back of this letter to find some quick practice tips that we can
do together in the car along with an activity and books for us to read at home.


Copyright The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission is granted to reproduce for classroom use.

array: objects or symbols displayed in rows of the same

length and columns of the same length

4 rows of 3
4 3 = 12

factor: a number that is multiplied by another number. Also, a number that

divides into a whole number evenly
12 2 = 6


partition: to divide or share equally among all groups

6 2 groups = 3 in each group.

division: to separate a number into equal groups; to find the number of

groups or the number in each group
dividend: a number that is being divided
divisor: the number by which the dividend is being divided
quotient: the answer to a division problem
Grade 3 Chapter 6 Multiplication and Division Patterns

12 3 = 4


At Home Activity

Materials: 10-20 peanuts or small objects

, paper plates

Place 10 peanuts together on a tab


Place 2 plates next to the peanut

Divide the peanuts one-by-one ont
the plates.
You should have two groups of 5


Write a division sentence and a

multiplication sentence.

Books to Read
Math Man
By Teri Daniels

Travel Talk
Multiply the number of
people in the car next to
you by 2, 5, or 10. Play
I Spy with numbers
found around you. For
example, I spy a number
that when divided by
10 is 2.

The Toothpaste Millionaire

By Jean Merrill

Reeses Pieces Count by Fives

By Jerry Pallotta

Grade 3 Chapter 6 Multiplication and Division Patterns

Copyright The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission is granted to reproduce for classroom use.

Continue with different numbers

of peanuts and paper plates.
Practice multiplying and dividing
by 2, 5, and 10.

Estimada familia:
Hoy comenzamos en clase el captulo Patrones de la multiplicacin y la
divisin. Usar matrices y modelos para multiplicar y dividir entre 2, 5 y 10.
Tambin explorar cmo hallar y usar patrones en la tabla de multiplicar. Estas
son las palabras de vocabulario que usar durante mis lecciones.
P.D.: En la parte de atrs de esta carta hay sugerencias prcticas que podemos
realizar juntos en el carro, as como una actividad y libros para leer en casa.


Copyright The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission is granted to reproduce for classroom use.

matriz: Objetos o smbolos que se muestran en filas

de la misma longitud y en columnas de igual

4 filas de 3
4 3 = 12

factor: Un nmero que se multiplica por otro nmero. Tambin, un nmero que
divide un nmero entero en partes iguales.


12 2 = 6

particin: Dividir o compartir en partes iguales entre todos los grupos.

6 2 grupos = 3 en cada grupo

divisin: Separar un nmero en grupos iguales; hallar el nmero de grupos o

el nmero en cada grupo.
dividendo: Un nmero que se divide.
divisor: El nmero entre el cual el dividendo se divide.
cociente: La respuesta a un problema de divisin.
Grado 3 Chapter 6 Patrones de la multiplicacin y la divisin

12 3 = 4
dividendo cociente

Actividad para el hogar

Materiales: 10 a 20 cacahuetes u objeto

s pequeos, platos de papel

Pongan 10 cacahuetes juntos sob

una mesa.
Pongan 2 platos junto a los cacahu
Dividan los cacahuetes, de uno
en uno,
entre los platos.
Debera haber dos grupos de
5 cacahuetes.
Escriban una divisin y una multip
Sigan con diferentes cantidades
de cacahuetes y platos de papel.
Practiquen multiplicar y dividir ent
re 2, 5 y 10.

Math Man
de Teri Daniels

Para los viajes

Multipliquen la cantidad de
personas que van en el
carro de al lado por 2, 5
10. Jueguen a Yo veo
con nmeros que se encuentren a su alrededor. Por
ejemplo, Yo veo un nmero
que cuando se divide entre
10 es 2.

The Toothpaste Millionaire

de Jean Merrill
Reeses Pieces Count by Fives
de Jerry Pallotta

Grado 3 Chapter 6 Patrones de la multiplicacin y la divisin

Copyright The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission is granted to reproduce for classroom use.

Libros recomendados



Student Glossary
This is an alphabetical list of vocabulary terms you will learn and/or
review in the chapter. As you study this chapter, write and/or
draw an example for each item below. Remember to add the
page number where you found the term. Add this page to your
math study notebook to review vocabulary at the end of the
chapter. The first one is done for you.


Copyright The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission is granted to reproduce for classroom use.






Grade 3 Chapter 6 Multiplication and Division Patterns

Description or Example



Rolling Factors

You will need:

index card,
glue, scissors,
and markers



Cut out the pattern, and then glue the cube together.

Have Player 1 roll the cube twice and use the numbers as factors.
Multiply the factors, and write a multiplication sentence.
Have Player 2 check the multiplication sentence. If it is correct,
Player 1 gets 2 points. If it is incorrect, Player 2 gets 3 points.
Take turns repeating the activity.
Play the game for 4 rounds. The player with the most points at
the end wins the game.
Grade 3 Chapter 6 Multiplication and Division Patterns

Copyright The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission is granted to reproduce for classroom use.

Copy the pattern of the number cube

onto an index card and write the numbers
2, 5, and 10 on two squares each.

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