Exp Order 1
Exp Order 1
Exp Order 1
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Case Study:
As you can see, John Motsa has received an international
purchase order from Bill Jones and has been advised by his
bank of the documentary credit made available to him by
Bill's bank in London. John has checked the documentary
credit (L/C) according to the checklist and has accepted the
credit without amendment.
Case Study:
Based on the L/C, John completed his F178 and had it attested
at his bank. He then applied to the Directorate: Plant
Protection and Quality Control for the issue of a phytosanitary
certificate. Based on his declaration, the certificate was issued.
He then went to the Johannesburg Chamber of Commerce and
arranged for the issue and authentication of a certificate of
origin. John was now in a position to ship the goods. He
contacted his forwarder, made a booking on the next available
flight to London and sent the forwarder a freight forwarder's
instruction, along with his original attested F 178. At the same
time, he arranged for his assistant to deliver the honey to the
forwarder's premises at Johannesburg International Airport.
The forwarder handed the cargo over to South African
Airways and was issued an Air waybill. A DA 550 was
completed and submitted, along with the F178 and Air waybill
to Johannesburg International Airport Customs. Customs
clearance was obtained and the forwarder issued an insurance
certificate according to the information in the freight
forwarder's instruction. The forwarder then handed over the
Air waybill, insurance certificate, F 178 and DA 550 to John.
John was now in a position to issue his packing list and
commercial invoice. He now had all the documents required
by the L/C.
3. Getting Paid
Once all documents are ready and completed in accordance
with the documentary credit, (or if not using a documentary
credit, in accordance with the purchase order), you are now in
a position to present the documents for payment. In the case of
documentary credits, you will submit the documents to the
Case Study:
John carefully checked all his documents against the L/C and
was satisfied that everything was in order. He noted that he
only had two days after shipment within which to present his
documents to the bank. He went to the bank and presented his
documents to a bank official, who checked them against the
L/C. Everything was in order and the documents were
accepted. John then signed a Form E, which cancelled his
F178 obligation, and allowed the bank to buy his US dollars.
The bank deposited the rands into his account two days later.
John had just completed his first export order.
The bank sent the documents to the issuing bank in London,
which in turn has handed them over to Bill Jones. Bill, in the
meantime, has taken receipt of the honey, based on an airway
release issued by his bank, as the documents have taken
longer than the goods to get to London. Bill now has the
honey in his warehouse and John has been paid.
4. Follow-up and service: The key to future success
The most important part of your export market development
process has now arrived. It is sometimes more difficult to
secure a follow-up order than it is to achieve the first order. It
is vital, at this point, to get feedback from the buyer as to
whether you have met his needs. It might be necessary, to plan
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