The Alchemist Test Study Guide
The Alchemist Test Study Guide
The Alchemist Test Study Guide
SantiagoThe boy
o He is a shepard boy although his parents wish he was a priest
o His journey begins in Spain and ends in Egypt
o He travels through Africa
o He has dreams that treasure is hidden at the pyramids in Egypt
o He goes to see the Gypsy woman to interpret his dreams
o On his journey, he is robbed while looking at a sword
o The candy seller helps him in the marketplace after he is robbed
o His heart whispers a warning to be aware of the place where he is brought to tears
o He has a vision of omens of the desert where he sees birds fighting. He tells the
chieftain about it and he heeds Santiagos warning yet threatens him if they do not
come true
o Believes alchemy exists so that everyone will search for and find his treasure and
hopefully lead a better life
o The desert asks him to explain love
o The lake weeps for him because it had been able to see its own beauty in his eyes
Englishmanbefriends Santiago in the caravan
o He is traveling with the caravan to find a true alchemist to help decipher the codes
King of Salemaka The Old Man
o Knows all about Santiago
o Tells Santiago that the worlds greatest lie is that peoples lives are controlled by fate
o Teaches Santiago that the secret to happiness is to see the worlds marvels without
forgetting the oil in the spoon
o Speaks of the principle of favorability which states that it is the force that wants you
to realize your Personal Legend. AKA beginners luck
o Gives Santiago Urim and Thummin2 stones (1 black and 1 white) to help read omens
Crystal Merchant
o Santiagos help greatly increases his business
o He feels worse than when Santiago arrived because the boy has shown him how he
could accomplish things but he hates change
o Santiago talks him into selling tea in crystal glasses at the top of the hill
o Dreams of going to Mecca as his Pilgrimage destination
The Alchemist
o Tells Santiago to show him where there is life in the desert
o Writes in the sand what is inscribed on the Emerald Tablets. Since he writes in code,
Santiago does not understand the true meaning.
o Has a small flask of liquid and a yellow glass egg in his bag
o Echoes the old king by saying: When a person really desires something, all the universe
conspires to help that person to realize his dreams