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IFA Inmate Newsletter Second Quarter

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Volume 3, Issue 2

MayAugust 2012

IFA Inmates Newsletter


I N T E R E S T :

When the fan

thinks it controls
the wind, imbalance results .

New Era of IFA

Personal Empowerment
Orisha Energy

Looking to the

T h e

L o s t

We live in a world where

complexity too often equates
to value. The more bells and
whistles our car, TV, or cell
phones have, the more attractive they appear. Yet,
when one gains a measure of
wisdom, you realize that the
greatest truths are the simplest. Great truths reside in
the core of ideas and energy,
not in the accessories; this is
particularly true of the Yoruba concept and understanding of nature.
The great Truth the Yoruba
wise men and women discovered:

I S S U E :

Lost Truth of the Yoruba


Steps to Empowerment


Prayer to Orunmila (NonInitiate)

Orisha Energy Matrix


New Era of IFA



Ancestor Prayer/
Directional Points

Every aspect of nature exhibits constant dynamic movement designed to achieve or

maintain balance. A Thunderstorm dissipates the excess heat, earthquakes re-

f i r s t

T r u t h

o f

The Yoruba observed and

understood both the power
and necessity of this balance.
When, for short periods,
nature appeared out of balance, be it through drought,
forest fire, flood or excessive
heat, all the inhabitants of
the area suffered. It was only
after nature dynamically
corrected the short term imbalance that health and safety were restored. They also
observed another critical
truth: All living things on
this planet achieved their
own balance as a result of

t o

t h e

move excessive tectonic

pressure, and the hours of
daylight signal the dormancy
or awakening of trees, plants
and animals into a current
habitable environment.

s t e p s

The single most important

thing for Getting Started
would be the Itefa, or Life
Path Reading. It is this reading that was performed for
EVERY Yoruba child between the 3rd & 7th day of
their life. By identifying
their Life Path (energies), the
primary Orisa/Orisha they

Y o r u b a

natures balance! On a basic

level this is easily understood. If our crops are destroyed by drought, our
homes washed away in
floods, or our children struck
by lightning, we suffer great
imbalance in our lives. When
nature has restored its balance, we are able to restore
our own. But on another
critical level, they also realized that just as the energy of
a thunderstorm could correct
the imbalance of drought, or
the energy of a forest fire
could clear the way for removing dead trees and allowing new growth to take
place, that in the symbiotic
relationship of ALL living
things on this planet, the
various energies of nature
could maintain or restore our
personal balance as well!

e m p o w e r m e n t

had selected to most effectively achieve this Path, their

primary Ancestor who would
join them on their journey,
plus much more, it provided
the roadmap for the childs
greatest success in achieving
their Destiny. It is, in essence, the users manual for
your life.

The second most valuable

tool is standard divination. A
standard divination is a magnified examination of the
clients current life, and is
used to identify any imbalances that need addressing as
well as give answers to specific questions the client
wants to address.

P a g e

T h e


L o s t

They identified, and named

many of these energies:
they called them Irunmole
or Orisa.
They became specialists in
these areas. They became
intimately connected to
specific aspects of nature
and worked to be able to
effectively access and use
that energy to restore or
maintain balance in other
humans. This balance allowed for our natural sym-

Matrix: a noun
from the Latin
word womb. An
that gives form
to, or provides
for, the origin
or development
of something.

T r u t h

o f

t h e

biotic connection and relationship to the world we

live in. But they NEVER
forgot that the process of
restoring or maintaining our
personal balance was simply a bridge allowing us to
connect to and become
balanced within the larger,
more powerful whole
(nature) of which we are a
literal part of.
Energy is vibrational on
the most basic level. Man is

I n m a t e s

Y o r u b a

vibrational as well. Each

energy is subtly different in
vibrational frequency. The
Yoruba, through ritual,
proper ebbo, etc. learned
how humans could, for
brief but exceedingly powerful moments, connect the
two. It is this connection
that brings empowerment
and direction.

N e w s l e t t e r

( C O N T )
insidiously wove its way
into African culture - that
cause and effect became

It was not until the World

View of the West - a view
that man was supreme


These are areas for you to
strengthen your own matrix and for personal empowerment

throughout your day.


ORUNMILA. Before em-

nect with the energy applicable to each particular

day; as well as your Ori.
Learn to tap into each
energy in such a way that
you can utilize it to maximize the potential of

barking on your day connect with the energy of

the whole in order to use
wisdom and knowledge

P r a y e r
( f o r
Reverence to Oludumare (God)
who first encompassed the universe. Reverence to Orunmila,
second only to Oludumare. Reverence to the 200 Irunmole (Orisha) on the right. Reverence to the 200 Irunmole (Orisha) on the left. Reverence to Akoda who first learned
Ifa. Reverence to Aseda who
second learned Ifa. Reverence to

t h e



t o

each day and fulfill your

true Destiny Path.

Honor and
pay respect to those that
came before you for their
journey, their wisdom
and knowledge, guidance,
love and support make

O r u n m i l a

n o n - i n i t i a t e )

Oluwo Fagabimilia and Iyanifa

Olufadeke. Reverence to all of
our teachers. Respect and love
for all Babalawos, Iyanifas and
Orisha worshippers. Respect
and love to all the beautiful
Mothers (Aje and Witches). Respect and love to all my departed
blood Relatives (list by name all
known blood relatives). And all
those whose I do not know, but

whose blood flows through my

veins. Respect and love to my
Ori, the guide to my true Destiny
Path. Respect and understanding for the dawn of each day.
Respect and understanding to
sunset, the end of this journey.
As I give my love and respect,
give me your blessings along
with the love and support in all
my endeavors. Ase!

IFA Diving Tray

V o l u m e

3 ,

I s s u e

P a g e

O r i s h a

E n e r g y

M a t r i x

ESU: The energy of opportunity. In

addition to opening the opportunities
for those things you seek, Esu is perhaps most important for the creation
of opportunities you have yet to consider.
OBATALA: The inherent energy of clarity, peace and calmness. When your
judgment, clarity or clam is out of balance, this is the energy for restoration.

OSUN: The essence of Joy is the power

of Osun (Oshun). Curiosity, exploration, sensuality, success, conception,
romance, and love are ALL components of the Osun energy matrix.

SANGO: Stuck? In need of a new approach? Sango (Shango) is the energy

of Strategy. Triangulating with this
energy brings new strategies for overcoming your difficulties.

Types of Energy Diagram





MONDAY (Oyo Aje): Day for

Financial Success. Monday
belongs to Yamonja/Olukun.

THURSDAY (Ojo Bo): A Day of

Fulfillment. Thursday belongs
to Sango.

TUESDAY (Ojo Isegun): Day of

Victory. Tuesday belongs to
Ogun and Ososi.

FRIDAY (Ojo Ete): Day for Success and Exploration. Friday

belongs to Osun.

WEDNESDAY (Ojo Riru): Day of

Confusion and Sudden Positive Changes. Wednesday belongs to Oya.

N e w
There is a parallel shared by all
ancient philosophies. Basic
Truths were expressed in metaphorical tales. One of these,
which has enormous significance
to the ancient African philosophy
of Ifa, is that of the Phoenix.
"A mythical bird that never dies,
the Phoenix flies far ahead to the
front, always scanning the landscape and distant space. It represents our capacity for vision, for

SATURDAY (Ojo Abameta): Day

of Opportunities. Saturday
belongs to Esu.

E r a

o f

SUNDAY (Ojo Aiku): Day of

Long Life and Tranquility. Sunday belongs to Obatala, Ori
and Orunmila.

See each day as an opportunity to connect, acquire more

wisdom and knowledge and

The best
thing about
the future
is that it
comes one
day at a
Abraham Lincoln

I f a

collecting sensory information

about our environment and the
events unfolding within it." - Master Lam Kam Chuen
In ancient Egyptian mythology
the Phoenix is a mythical, female, sacred bird said to live for
500 years. At the end of its life
cycle, the Phoenix builds itself a
nest of twigs that it then ignites.
Nest and bird proceed to burn
fiercely and are reduced to ashes

- from which a new, young Phoenix arises.

In today's world, the accepted
ideas that have driven Western
culture for hundreds of years are
not only growing old, they are
increasingly being proven incorrect. A world where global warming threatens our way of life,
where the economy is beginning
to fail from the thoughtless diminishing of natural resources,

where the economy is beginning

to fail from the thoughtless diminishing of natural resources,
where social stability is threatened by rampant crime, overflowing prisons and ancient
tribal conflicts, the World is
ending feeling can become
overwhelming. Be it the Apocalypse of the bible, or the destruction predicted by the Mayan
Calendar, it can be easy to give
up hope and feel, at the very
least, that the best is behind us.

P a g e

T h e


L o s t

T r u t h

The result of this twist is the

almost permanent state of
imbalance most of the West
still currently resides within.
When the fan thinks it controls
the wind, imbalance results .
So, as the West has increasingly co-opted the ability to use
the natural energies the Yoruba discovered, they have used
them in ways that, rather than
restore balance and connect us
to the whole, separate us from
it in a frighteningly selfabsorbed manner - a manner
which not only creates tempo-


not a reward
it is a
Suffering is not
a punishment
it is a

o f

rary imbalances in nature

through our total disregard for
its balance, but imbalances
within ourselves, as we remain
in a constantly contradictory
vibratory state with the whole.
We are like the percussionist
in the orchestra that continually bangs the symbols in
total disregard to the symphony itself.
In order to begin to understand, feel, and restore ourselves to the proper relationship with nature, we must once

O r i s h a

AJE/WEALTH: Owner of, and

giver of, wealth in every aspect.

-Robert Ingersoll

I f a s

Y o r u b a

again become apart of it. Quite

frankly, I do not believe it can
easily be done in Chicago,
New York, Los Angeles, London, or Paris. The overwhelming dissonance of energy that
Western societies metropolitan
areas exude make it virtually
impossible. Instead you must
find the time to place yourself
in a quiet, natural environment. An environment where
the sounds of car horns, sirens,
trains and planes cannot be
heard. An environment where
you can hear the sound of
waves, birds, frogs, and wind

E n e r g y

OKO: Similar to Obatala energy, but proactive against negative energy. If you are bothered by others negativity, this
energy can be highly protective.

What we see is the ending

of one era, and like the
mythical Phoenix, or the
very real Odu, it portends
the beginning of the birth of
a vibrant new stage where
the new values cast out the
old. Where the flaws of
Newtonian physics are replaced with the endless

t h e

I n m a t e s

M a t r i x

N e w s l e t t e r

( C O N T )
rustling through the trees
and bushes. Where you
can, without intent, allow
your own energy to meld
with and become part of
the whole from which
you came. It is something
that must be felt and experienced in order to reconnect you to the energies in a productive and
rational way that the ancient Yoruba understood.

( C o n t )

IBEJI: Represent the duality of

twins, they also represent the
inherent wealth and joy of our
children. Essential to restore
communications and balance
with an aborted or deceased

ORUNMILA: The energy of the

WHOLE. An energy that allows
you to see and place the various pieces of your life into
their proper place to assure
your health, happiness and

SIGIDI: The MOST potent protective energy for home, family and business. Repels
Death, Disease, Court Case
and Loss.

ORI: A complex combination

of our selected Destiny, Primary Guardian Ancestor and
Primary Guardian Orisha.

I m m i n e n t

possibilities of Quantum
reality; where the disproved
absolutism of our being
controlled by our RNA/DNA
is replaced by the reality of
spiritually programmable
cells that can relate to, and
work with, other communities of similar cells in harmony, rather than through

R i s e

supremacy. Where the

practicality and rewards of
good character and longterm thinking replace the
destructive focus on instant
gratification and selfabsorption. Rather then the
end, it is the beginning of
the next evolutionary imperative.

Orisha Ela at Ola Olu Retreat

V o l u m e

3 ,

I s s u e

P a g e

O r i s h a

E n e r g y

M a t r i x

OGUN: Ogun is the essence of Purpose. This energy allows you to focus,
work hard to achieve your goals and
find creative solutions to your difficult
problems. When you dont seem to
have the energy/power to get it done
seek out to Ogun.
OSOSI: Ososi (Ochosi) is the energy of
communication, particularly long distance. It is the energy that allows for
the instantaneous movement of
thought and ideas to distant people or

Tapping into the energy of Orunmila.

P r o g r a m
Every significant advance of
civilization was ultimately the
decision of someone, or some
group, willing to challenge the
flawed or diminishing results of
the past. Ultimately, they found
the world was not flat, man
could fly, and communication
across thousands of miles could
be as quick and clear as speaking to someone across the room.
Each and every one of these and
almost every other advance were

f o r

N e w

met with huge resistance. For

example, in the spring of 1633,
Galileo Galilei, an Italian scientist, was delivered before the
dreaded Roman Inquisition to be
tried on charges of heresy. He
was denounced, according to a
formal statement, "for holding
as true the false doctrine . . .
that the sun is the center of
the world, and immovable, and
that the earth moves!" the
statement went on to read that

( C o n t )
YEMONJA/OLOKUN: A potent pool of
strongyet nurturingenergy. A Feminine force that demands Good Character while protecting from harm. Owner
of all wealth.

OYA: The energy of Sudden POSITIVE

changes. Owner of the marketplace
and force to sweep away the stagnant
while ushering in the new.

E r a
"the proposition that the sun
is the center of the world and
does not move from its place
is absurd and...heretical, because it is expressly contrary
to the Holy Scripture!" Galileo
was found guilty and forced to
renounce his views. Ill and broken in spirit, he was sentenced
to a life of perpetual imprisonment and penance.

If I were again
beginning my
studies, I would
follow the advice of
Plato and start with
Galileo Galilei

This is an extremely important
piece to everyones life. You
should consider working with
your Ori daily. At the time of
conception we chose our Destiny Path. More often than not,
those who raised us were not
aware of what it was and did
not focus on nurturing us in
that manner. It is then that our
chosen Destiny path gets dis-

torted. When we do not do

what it takes to grow in alignment with what we chose we
begin to lose ground and stop
what is that path we would
flow best with. It is far too often
that we end up as adults wondering what we are here for! It
is extremely important that we
become aware and connect up
with this. The various Offerings

and Ebbos can help us

to realize this and
bring more action on
the course of our true
Destiny journey.
Orisha Ori at Ola Olu Retreat

Ela ro, Ela ro, Ela ro. Ori mo pe

o, Ori mo pe o, Ori mo pe o. Ori,
I call on you. Ori, I call on you.
Ori, I call on you.


P.O. Box 6171
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Phone: 1-800-906-4322

I call upon all the Female Ancestors. I call

upon all the Male Ancestors. Please listen to
my prayers. I honor all those who have come
before me. I honor all those whose blood is
part of mine. I am mindful that my everyday
decisions take into consideration that we are
all connected through the spirit energy of our
Ancestors. I am truly grateful for all the gifts
you share and for all the support you offer.
With our tree of life stemming from the same

Let Knowledge Replace Fear!

roots, I am committed to nurturing our relationship. I pray that your spirits are at peace.
I thank you for always being there for me
bring me my story, bring me my voice. Until
the next time we shall meet again...I love and
thank you! Ase! Ase! Ase!

D i r e c t i o n a l
NORTH: koomkoom-popo-toe
The direction where our Ancestors saw
the Sahara desert and learned to remain steadfast through the hardships
of life. As the camel walking on, contemplating and keeping hope for
where food and water would be next.
Learning from how the Nile River runs
so swiftly, that we, too must also find
our way through.

SOUTH: kuumkuum-whawha-daa
The direction where our Ancestors
faced the Atlantic and Indian Oceans
and where we see the Atlantic and
Pacific meet and intermingle. This

P o i n t s

reminds us to let go and play. Not to

take ourselves too seriously. Rise
above the currents of strife and ride
atop the waves.

EAST: kuukuu-maaamaaa-daa

WEST: kuumkuum-m-low
The direction where the sun sets. As
the daylight shifts to darkness we
need to make changes. Going within,
freeing ourselves of the days energy,
only to keep the wisdom and
knowledge that was gained.

The direction where our Ancestors

honored the sun rising up from the
Atlantic Ocean. We enjoy the demonstration that the Sun always rises No
matter what is going on in our lives.
The Sun always comes and gives us a
new day so we can begin again with a
fresh new position.
Modern Day Compass

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