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ICS Lesson Overview

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International Chess School: www.chessmasterschool.


International Chess School

Core Course
The course is divided into two parts:

Months 1-9 = positional understanding; without this, calculation brings nothing

Month 10-13 = calculation and analysis; without which real progress is



10 13

Think Like a Strong Player

Watch the Two Centers
Master Piece Play
Master Pawn Play
Pawn Structures Explained
Advanced Fighting Strategies
The Art of a Master: Analysis

Month 1 = Think Like a Strong Player

From the very first month, we present to you the correct way of thinking in chess. You
will learn about the TO DO list, consequences of the moves, recognizing real threats, and
what you have to do after your opponents moves.
The correct thinking method you learn here is of first importance in improving your
chess. Then, throughout the entire 13-month course, we make use of this way of thinking
when annotating games and giving explanations. Consequently you too will start to think
like a strong player.
You will learn how to correctly evaluate a position when the material is the same and
how to evaluate positions with material imbalances.
"Making decisions in chess" is a simple yet practical guide for choosing the best moves.
This lesson will tell you what you should look for in every position the plan of play.
Before starting our course, you can go through a test that is meant to measure players
strength up to 2300 rating. The test is extremely hard and very few students are likely to
find more than 50% of the solutions. This should not discourage students as they already
know that their chess should be perfected. But the student will be able to compare this
result with the tests given at the end of the course.
Tactics: The first lesson of tactics will stress its importance to the entire career of the
player. The essential elements include board visualization and the forms of tactical
interactions between pieces.
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Month 2 = The Two Centers

In this month we study the two centers in chess: the real center of the board and the
central figure in chess, the king.
You will learn to correctly evaluate the kings safety, one of the most important criteria
of general positional assessment. We present the pluses and minuses of all the possible
pawn structures in front of the king so youll know where and how to attack or if the
attack has any chance of success.
You will learn how to evaluate the role of pieces that attack and defend, correct
placements, recognize defects that can be exploited, and find direct and tricky routes to
bring pieces into attack or defend.
The central pawn structure is the most important element when deciding on the plan of
play. We present the 5 types of center structures with the specific middlegame strategy
for each and for both players. The large number of examples will help you spot the
similarities and main strategies of positions characterized by the same kind of center.
Tactics: A good player must see the board, pieces and correct moves in his minds eye, so
we start board visualization training.

Months 3 4 = Master Piece Play

You will learn specific strategies for each piece, where to place them, how to increase
their qualitative value, and how to use them in attack or defense. An exhaustive set of
concrete and practical instructions for each chess piece will show you how to fight for an
Here we will also study how to obtain and how to exploit a lead in development, local
force superiority, better piece collaboration, and an opponents piece out of play.
You will learn another way to evaluate a position by making a comparison between the
qualitative values of the pieces.
During Month 4, we offer a large set of problems chosen for each strategy studied during
Month 3. Your individual work to find the correct answers together with our instructive
solutions will consolidate the information and will improve your technique.
Tactics: Calculation is a tool that the chess player uses on almost every move to reach his
goals in a given position. You will learn how to calculate variations in complicated
positions and how to improve your calculation ability (Month 3).
Tactics: In Month 4 we investigate the sources of committing bad moves (mistakes), and
we give instructions on how to eliminate them from your play.

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International Chess School: www.chessmasterschool.com

Months 5 6 = Master Pawn Play

You will learn to create weak pawns and weak squares in an opponents camp and to
avoid weaknesses in your own position.
You will learn the importance of the space advantage (the most important advantage in
chess) methods to obtain this advantage, how to exploit it, local space advantage, and
methods to fight against enemy advanced pawns.
You will also learn to recognize an immobile pawn structure and to aim for a dynamic
You will learn how to create and use the power of free pawns; we will analyze the pluses
and the drawbacks of it.
The blockade and pawn majorities are also comprehensively studied.
Month 6 is dedicated to reinforcing the theoretical knowledge taught during Month 5 by
means of many positional exercises. You find the solution to every problem and then
compare it to our well-explained solutions.
Tactics: In Month 5, this section is dedicated to pawn combinations. You will learn a lot
of tricks that will help you win or save full points in your games.
Tactics: In Month 6, you will learn how to defend inferior, even desperate, positions. We
will present the techniques of active defense, defense in the trenches, the creation of
confusion, and the bluff.

Months 7 8 = Pawn Structures Explained

Middlegame play is very much influenced by the pawn structure. During these two
months we thoroughly study the most frequent pawn formations in chess: isolated pawns,
hanging pawns, the isolated pawn couple, all pawn phalanxes, static centers, various
blocked structures, and dynamic structures.
As a lot of positions can be framed in one of these typical pawn structures, you will learn
how to play complex middlegames, from general ideas to great finesses.
Tactics: You will study the tactical collaboration between pieces which will help you to
make decisions in complicated positions and will offer you a great advantage over many

Month 9 = Advanced Fighting Strategies

In the last month of the first part of the Core Course, you will learn more about the
modern dynamics of play and very complex techniques of play such as the mobility of
the pieces, piece dynamics, initiative, and cooperation between pieces and pawns.

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International Chess School: www.chessmasterschool.com

An important positional technique is comprehensively explained: prophylaxis. You will

learn how to be bad to your opponent, anticipating and thwarting his intentions, from
his small threats to his key plans.
By this last month of theoretical study, you will already have all the information a strong
chess master should have.

Months 10 13 = The Art of a Master: Analysis

The World Champion, Botvinnik said: What does the art of a master consist of?
Essentially it is the capacity to analyze chess positions accurately and also whoever
aims to become a remarkable player should perfect skills in the domain of analysis.
If Botvinnik did not convince you, perhaps the words of one of the strongest players of
all time, Kasparov, will have a greater impact: I think that (other things being equal) the
analytical method of studying chess must give you a colossal advantage over chess
pragmatism, and that there can be no certainty in chess without analysis.
After the first nine months, students should have already gained a good positional
understanding. This constitutes the base for further work that they need to allot in the
domain of analysis. Without a certain level of positional understanding, this work would
be, at best, painful and, at worst, worthless.
So, the second part of our course is perhaps the most important stage of preparation for
serious improvement. Here we focus on developing your analytical skills by having
selected for you hundreds of positions for analysis.
By no means will it be easy to work on this second part. However, this work is or will
become pleasant and, in the end, you will improve your game a lot, as the great World
Champions have assured.
Every week for four months, you will have two sets of problems. Each of the 32 tests
consists of:
a. 2 simple tactical exercises (total: 10 minutes)
These are just to warm up your brain for the rest of the work.
b. 1 position that requires concrete calculation of variations (total: 20 minutes)
This position requires a lot of calculation. You will have to find all candidate moves,
calculate all the variations and get to a conclusion about the best move.
There is a big difference between these problems and the common combinations where
there is a decisive continuation. Here, the player is supposed to find the best
continuations but this is not necessarily winning exactly like in practice.

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International Chess School: www.chessmasterschool.com

c. 4 x positions for analysis (total: 90 minutes)

The core of this advanced part of the Core Course is the 128 positions for analysis.
They consist of complicated positional struggles. First of all you need to do a correct
evaluation of the position, and then, of course, you should find the best continuation to
your position. Some solutions can lead to a win, but more often the battle remains open,
or sometimes you will need to find the most practical chance to save the game. This is
"normal" chess and will prepare you for 95% of the chess game.
Of course, we will assist you with thoroughly annotated solutions that shed light on these
positions. Moreover, every problem has a neat hint that can be used by less advanced
players to point them in the right direction.

Technique of play
The technique of play may seem very easy for some players but the hardest part for
others. For example, if you take a book of annotated games you will find long series of
un-annotated moves even if the author tried to explain to you everything important.
Those moves were very normal for the author of the book but, in fact, they are not at all
clear for you. Therefore, we want to make up for this deficit and we will comment on
games at the moment when others say the rest is a matter of technique.
Four highly instructive lessons are given every month from Month 10 to 12.

We wish you Success!

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