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Tips To Students For Job Interviews

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Your chief goals as an interviewee are twofold-first to find out how well the job
and the organization suits you; second and more important goal is how to get
selected for the job. The following tips, guidelines and insight to interviews may
help you to put in proper efforts and performance to attain the above goals.
The first preparation that you can make for an employment interview is to give
some serious thought about yourself by taking stock of your needs, interests and
preferred job outcomes. Also, take stock of your strengths and weaknesses.
Reflect on your goals and ambitions.
A good starting point would be to prepare a detailed Resume, which is merely a
comprehensive and well- organized record of your accomplishments. As you
prepare it, you will have to review your academic qualifications, knowledge, skills,
experiences and achievements.
The next step is to analyze the job opportunity to find out whether the
organization and the job provides you the right opportunities keeping in mind
your personal capabilities as well as your career goals. You can analyze the job
opportunity under the following steps.
The Firm:

Back ground of the company

Products and services

Capital invested and turnover

Profit performance

Number of employees

Location-factory and branches

Future plans of the company


Any important issue of the organization that has been noteworthy

Your source of information could be

Balance sheet of the company

Chairmans speech at the last General Body meeting of the company

Brochures and pamphlets of the company

Job opportunity announcement

Talking to the employees of the company especially to the senior alumni

The Appointment:

Title of the job

Number of posts

Method or extent of company training and confirmation Remuneration

levels of staff

Accountability / challenges

Job safety / risks

Duties & responsibilities pertaining to the job:

Routine / creative type of work

Qualities needed for success and confirmation

Conditions of Employment:

Location / area of posting

Remuneration & perks

Day / hours of work / leave facilities

Agreement contract / service bond

Retirement benefits

Promotion Prospects:


Span periods of assessment for promotion

Prospects for your specialization


After the above job analysis, prepare a possible list of desirable qualities, which
the firm would be looking for in a prospective candidate for that particular job. Try
to match your capabilities with these qualities.
Try to improve on your shortcomings and enhance your
Listed below are certain qualities, which are generally assessed in interviews
with the priorities and weight ages, varying with the job.

Good scholastic record

Preparation for interview

Formulated long range goals & objectives



Self confidence

Pleasant personality

Emotional stability

Poise in the interview

Aggressiveness & Initiative


Moral standards


Good health

Extracurricular activities

& Leadership qualities

Communication skills

Writing skills

Leadership potential

Managerial Skills

Interest in people

Organizational requirements


Work experience of particular type


Compatibility with superiors

Realistic salary expectations

Willingness to accept routine assignments



Familiarity with the interview process

You will be more confident in the interview, if you prepare well in advance for the type of
questions and the areas of specialization that are likely to be tested in the interview.
Personnel selection procedures vary greatly depending on the organization, the type of job
and level of the job. Generally, the job selection is made by anyone or a combination of
the following.

Preliminary, written tests like intelligence test, English Language test,

Logical Reasoning test, Mathematical skill test, Technical Knowledge test etc.


Group Discussions


Personal Interviews


Medical test


For certain types of jobs, other tests like Leadership potential tests, Group
tasks, and Physical Endurance tests may also be used for assessment.

5.4.2. Academic Preparation

A sound knowledge of various subjects pertaining to your professional course is
important. Preparation of a question bank with answers for the subjects, which
you have studied, will be of great help in this regard. This would give you
considerable confidence in facing the technical part of the interview. A broader
perspective of the subjects, through a study of technical books and journals, will
give you an edge over others.
5.4.3. Project work
Considerable weight age is generally given to your final year project work, as it is
supposed to reflect your own work. In the interviews, quite a lot of questions will
pertain to your project work to evaluate your understanding and knowledge of the
Impressive presentation of your project work can win you a job in many cases.
You should have a comprehensive knowledge of the topic, including a clear
understanding of the work presented in your project work.
Rehearse the
presentation of your project work to get sufficient practice and confidence.
A very common question regarding project work is Why did you choose this
particular topic? And What are practical applications?
5.4.4. Practical Training
If you have undergone any practical training, this will be a credential for you.
Volunteer this information during the interview, whenever you get the opportunity.
Some questioning will generally be there on what you have learnt or observed
during the training. Prepare a brief write-up on the training that you have
undergone, so that you can answer questions convincingly on this topic.
5.4.5. Special Achievements
If you have, to your credit, any achievements like writing of a Technical
paper, participation in seminar talks, fabrication of equipment, winning a prize in
a Technical competition etc, list them out in detail and create an opportunity
during the interview to project them before the interview committee.
5.4.6. Extra Curricular Activities
If you have distinguished yourself in extra curricular activities like sports, debate,
NSS, cultural or any other activity where your leadership and organizational
ability is involved, list them out. Such achievements must be authenticated or
certificated. Be sure that you have a broader understanding of your field of

interest, so that you can talk with confidence and authority on those topics. Some
weight age is generally given for achievements in the above-mentioned fields.

5.4.7. Hobbies
If you are interested and proficient in any hobbies like music, drama, painting,
literature, numismatics, philately etc, it is again a credential for you and
sometimes can greatly help you in developing a positive rapport with interviewer,
if that person also happens to be interested in them.
5.4.8. General




A professional person is expected to be aware of the current events and have a

broad understanding of the general events happening in society. In many
interviews, there will be questions on these topics. Reading of newspapers and
magazines and selective T.V. Viewing is a desirable habit. Also, participation in
activities like quiz programs, seminars, essay writing etc. can give you
considerable confidence in this regard.

5.4.9. Communication Skills

Ability to present your thoughts and ideas fluently in simple and correct language
will be a great asset to your personality. If your communication skills are not up
to the mark, you can improve your communication skills by consciously listening
to some good speakers, speaking to some of your friends who are good in English
speaking and trying to speak in English at least in informal gatherings. There is no
shortcut to gain fluency in English. The only way out is to overcome your
inhibitions with some effort and start speaking in English. It is also important to
practice your modulation during your practice sessions.


A bio-data is the single most important document in the entire interview and
selection process. It is a document, which is your first introduction to the
interviewer and explains your complete background of Education, Experience,
Achievements and Character.
It must be carefully and neatly prepared with complete and relevant information.
Some common faults in a poorly formulated bio-data are the following:
The bio-data is written on crumpled or stained paper.
The handwriting is illegible.
The information given is incomplete.
Correct addresses are not given.
Bio-data is not signed.

It is very preferable to get your bio-data typed on a neat bond paper on a

computer so that it looks very neat. Attach a good passport size photograph to
your bio-data in the first page itself. All the Supporting documents must be
attached to the bio-data.
A suggested format of bio-data is given at the



Thorough preparation for the interview will enable you to face the interview with
confidence. Remember that each interviewer is different from others in
characteristic ways and so look for ways to adapt to each one as a unique
individual. Despite these differences in the personality of the interviewers, the
following suggestions will be useful for most job interviews.
5.6.1. Be punctual and fresh
It would be a poor first impression, if you were not in time for the interview.
Program your travel plans, so that you get sufficient rest and time to refresh and
dress properly for the interview. Be at the venue at least fifteen minutes
before the interview. Go to the interview with a fresh and an open mind.
5.6.2. Be dressed properly
An appropriate dress for the interview with good grooming creates a very good
first impression on the interviewer. Though the personal choice of the dress for
the occasion might vary, it is advisable to dress smarly but moderately for the
interview, so that you may look neither negligent nor gaudy.
5.6.3. Entering the interview room
Before entering the interview room, adjust your dress and touch up on your
appearance. Before entering, enquire by asking May I come in sirs? If permitted,
close the door softly and walk in with confidence towards the chair. Face the
interview panel confidently and wish them appropriately, depending on the time of
the day. If the member of the interview board wants to shake hands with you,
then offer a firm grip maintaining eye-to-eye contact and a smile. Ask
permission to sit down by saying May I sit down sir?, if the interviewer has not
already asked you to take your seat.
Please remember that during the first few minutes, you can strongly influence
the interviewers assessment of your personality. Hence, the first impression that
you give in the interview is very important.
5.6.4. Be warm and responsive
Your getting of the interviewer should be warm, friendly and confident. Make
immediate eye contact with the interviewer. You may feel anxious, but remember

that the interviewer is after all trying to find a suitable person for a job in his
organization and it is up to you to convince him that you are the right person for
the job. It offers you a challenge to communicate on this aspect and try to be
as enthusiastic as possible about the opportunity. Try to maintain eye contact
and a cheerful disposition throughout the interview. It shows your self-confidence
and poise and greatly enhances the personal impact.
5.6.5. Be poised
Your proper posture during the interview adds to your personality. Sit erect with
hands under the table to be used only when emphasizing point or to illustrate
through writing. Avoid mannerisms like playing with your tie or shaking legs etc.
5.6.6. Follow the interviewers lead
Interviewers differ widely in their manner of operating. Most interviewers expect to
control the proceedings and you will only make a bad impression if you try to take
over. Follow the interviewers lead in answering the questions. But, if you are
clever and tactful, you can focus the interview on topics in which you are strong.
5.6.7. Be a good listener
It is imperative for you to listen carefully to the questions being asked. If a
question is not clear, Seek clarification in a polite way. Seeking a clarification
is far better than giving an irrelevant answer. Watch for verbal and non-verbal
cues that come your way.
5.6.8. Sell yourself
There is no better advice that can be given to you than this. You already know
that the interviewer wants to make a judgment of what kind of person you are.
Help him to do so in a positive way, by volunteering positive information about
you in brief and lucid way. Like a salesman, stress your positive features and
downplay your negative features. The objective even when discussing your weak
points is either to minimize them or turn them into an advantage.
5.6.9. Market Your Skills
After you have analyzed the position and researched the organization, you are
now in a position to review your qualifications for the position.
Knowing what you have to offer is crucial. Expressing yourself clearly and
concisely is a key element of effective interviewing.
Self-assessment of your skills, interests, and work values will help you organize
your thoughts in order to project a positive impression.
A thorough self-assessment should enable you

Articulate your related skills and abilities.

Summarize your educational experiences as it relates to the

position for which you are interviewing.

Cite examples of how you developed/used particular skills.

Know your personal strengths and weaknesses.

Discuss your work and co-curricular experiences in detail.

Talk about your career goals and objectives.

Know where you want to work.

Identify any problem areas in your background and be prepared to discuss


5.6.10. Volunteer information

Fill in any gaps that may be left in your bio-data or application. Facts are not
enough. Interviewers will be impressed by any information that demonstrates
your mental effectiveness, enthusiasm, motivation and dedication. They get this
information from the way you talk about things as much as from the specific
details you discuss. As you volunteer information, try to make certain that the
interviewer understands how it makes you qualified for the job. In other words,
be rather pointed in your explanations on how you are exceptional in some
important ways and how you have something unique to offer etc.
5.6.11. Be assertive
Assertiveness is the ability to express your feelings honestly and to take charge of
your rights responsibly. It is typified by a healthy self-respect, confidence and
general good feeling about yourself. Perhaps one way of describing assertiveness
is to contrast it with non-assertive and aggressive behaviors. Non-aggressive
behavior is characterized by self- denial, inhibition and anxiousness. Aggressive
behavior, on the other hand, is characterized as being very expressive and
self-enhancing at the expense of others. In contrast to the above two extremes,
assertive behavior is a way of selling yourself on your own merits. It displays good
self-assessment and confidence and also a healthy respect for the rights of others
two things that are highly valued in inter-personal relations.
5.6.12. Be frank and honest
In order to sell yourself, you should not lie or distort your answers. Remember that
no one is expected to know all the answers. If you do not know the answer to a
question, it is better to acknowledge that you do not know it rather than trying to
bluff. Interviewers are likely to take a stance of grilling a candidate, if they
suspect him/her at lying. You will often find yourself being interviewed from
different angles to assess certain qualities and sometimes by several individuals
within the same organization. Keep your answers consistent. Comparisons will
inevitably be made and inconsistencies that are discovered will be to your

5.6.13. Control your behavior

Suppose an interviewer asks you a question that you consider inappropriate.
Sometimes interviewers do ask inappropriate questions to test the candidates
emotional stability and temperament. In such situations, answer the question
carefully, unemotionally and in a straightforward manner. This will demonstrate
your emotional stability.
5.6.14. Humor
A little humor or wit thrown in the discussion occasionally enables the interviewer
to look at the pleasant side of your personality. But, if you are bad at wit, better to
refrain from it.
5.6.15. Avoid slang
Present day youth use slang as an integral part of their daily communication,
particularly more so the University students. However, during an interview, slang
will not probably be understood and certainly not appreciated. Your
communication must be as formal and as explicit as possible.
5.6.16. Be well mannered
The way you conduct yourself reflects your upbringing arid your culture. Phrases
in your conversation such as yes please, thank you, I beg your pardon etc. Show
sophistication and good heritage. It is good to project an air of humility rather than
5.6.17. Loyalty
Any organization gives a high price for loyalty. Very often the companys valuable
assets or confidential information would be in your hands. An organization
would prefer to feel secure when hiring you. A common question asked by
interviewers to judge this quality is
why you left or plan to leave your last or present organization. Never speak
against your former organization. The manner in which you uphold your former
organization gives the assurance to the interviewer that you would do the same, if
you were employed in their organization.
5.6.18. Do not break confidence and indulge in character assassination
In either case mentioned above, you will be demonstrating a lack of personal
integrity that might lose you the respect of the interviewer. If you do it to your
previous friends and organization, the interviewer may suspect that you will do
the same in the present organization also. You will be viewed as having a more
professional and healthy outlook, if you avoid these two errors.
5.6.19. Know your worth
A little prior enquiry and effort will tell you what the current average salaries of
particular jobs are. Most of the job descriptions list the ranges of pay. It is
generally, not advisable to bring up the subject of money in a pre-screening
interview unless the interviewer mentions it. However, it is a very necessary issue
in any final in-depth interview. At the beginning of your career, there is very little
scope for bargaining especially in our country, where there is excess of manpower
available and there is shortage of jobs. However, if you are sure of your worth,

dont undersell yourself.

5.6.20. Interviewers fatigue
Most of the time the interview panel conducts the interview throughout the day.
In such cases, attention starts declining as the lunch time approaches and also
towards the closing time in the evening. During this slack period, the interviewers
will be falling short of questions and may prefer some lightheartedness keep them
going and may become suddenly time-conscious. Should you be unfortunate to
have your interview during this slack period, there is a possibility of their making
a judgment of you based on too little information. It is therefore imperative for
you to be aware of the situation and take initiative in offering information
about yourself, which is likely to project you in the proper perspective.
5.6.21. Ask good questions
Generally, you will be given an opportunity to ask questions at the end of the
interview. So go to the interview with good questions about the job and the
company. It is up to you to determine whether you fit into the job and whether
you want it or not. Questions regarding the job and the organization, working
conditions, career growth prospects, working relationships and so on shows
your keenness and maturity in relation to the job.
5.6.22. Do not press the interviewer for the result
You might like immediate feedback about your performance. But resist the
temptation to ask questions like How did I do, May I know the result etc.
Interviewer needs time to analyze, consult others in the Interview panel to take
decisions. Also, there may be procedures to be followed before letting you know
the result.
5.6.23. Ending the interview
The way you conclude an interview can be as vital as the main interview. This
moment is the last impression that you leave with the interview panel prior to
their post-interview discussion and decision-making. Try to end your interview on
a sparkling note. Finally thank the interviewer for the opportunity given to you
and express your happiness and useful experience of the interview. You should
then rise and wish them the time of the day maintaining eye contact and pleasant
smile. Offer a handshake, if the interviewer does so first. Open and close the door
gently while exiting if the interviewer does so first. Open and close the door gently
while exiting the room. It is prudent to wait for sometime at the interview office, if
an as afterthought, the interviewer may want to clarify anything further with you.
It will be a useful habit to reflect and recapitulate the entire interview the same
day and to note down all the questions asked in the interview and also your
answers. Analyze and make a note of the positive and negative aspects of your
performance. This exercise helps you to self evaluate your performance
objectively. Similar exercises of other interviews will give you pattern of questions

generally asked in the interviews and this would give you great confidence to face
future interviews.
It may be educative to have an insight into the way the judgments are made in
job selection. The main selecting key decisions depend on the answers to the
following questions.

Can this person do the job? Does the person possess the requisite skills
to be effective?

Is the candidate motivated?

Why does this person want this particular job? Will this person be
willing to stay with the job?

What will be the impact on others, if this person is added to a given work
Will the person is added value to a given work unit? Will the person be
able to fit in or create disturbances?

Reasons for rejection

The following are the common reasons for a candidates rejection in a job
Lack of courtesy and manners.
Over emphasis on money rather than growth prospects.
Lack of proper career plan.
Over ambition.
Condemnation of previous organization and superiors.
Poor communication skills.
Disturbed family of married life.
No real interest in the job or organization.
Lack of knowledge.
Lack of past achievements.
Extraneous influencing for the post.



A fairly comprehensive picture of job interviews has been presented in this

monograph to help you build up a better job personality and to succeed in
interviews. Review it to prepare yourself properly and to personalize the tips
given for effective and maximum performance in your interviews. Remember that
success comes to those, who work with strong motivation, realistic goals,
perseverance and planned hard work.
What has been your biggest mistake that you can recall?
What types of people irritate you?
How would your teacher/classmates describe you?
In what areas do you need to improve?
What further training do you need?
Who are the most important people to you? And why?
What makes you a good investment for an employer?
What constructive criticism have you had from others?
Do you consider your progress so far is in commensurate with your
ability? Here is another set of questions on activities and interests:
In what school and college activities you have participated?
What do you enjoy doing other than your studies?
What extra-curricular offices you have held?
What kind of health problems you have had?
How do you manage your time off the college?
What do you read in your leisure time?

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