Metal Militia Bench Modifications
Metal Militia Bench Modifications
Metal Militia Bench Modifications
I dont like to admit it but Im a bench guy. If it were up to me I would be known for a
huge squat or deadlift but the bench has always been my best lift. In college I hit a 465 in
the 198s. That was back in the day of the blast shirt when nobody was hitting numbers
like that at the age of 20. Most recently my best bench was around 560 or so. In just a
few short months that number increased to over 600 pounds! Officially I hit 595 at the
IPF world championships in Austria. This was the gold medal bench for the 220 weight
class. This is quite an achievement when you consider Ive been lifting for almost 15
years and Im a lifetime drug free competitor. How did I do it? I started using the
principles laid out by Sebastian Burns and his Metal Militia.
Now Ive never met Sebastian or attended one of their seminars. Im not affiliated with
MM in any way. What I did was take their program and fit it into what I felt would work
for me. Now Im going to outline those modifications to you.
Im going to paste the metal militia program as it is written on their web site directly to
this page. Their way of doing the program will be underlined and I will explain my
modifications directly below it. Saturday is the heavy, top end day with shirt work
included. Tuesday is the low end day to strengthen the bench from the chest. My
recommendation would be to start with the Saturday workout and skip the Tuesday
workout for at least 3 weeks. The first time I did the top end day I was sore for about a
week very deep in my chest and triceps. After about 3 weeks, start adding the Tuesday
workout every other week. I have found that I can handle the work if I skip the Tuesday
workout every 3rd week. This gives my body a week to recover. Usually, I will keep the
weight on the Saturday workout moderate the week I skip the Tuesday workout. The
biggest thing is that you listen to your body. If you can only handle the Tuesday workout
every other week then that is what you should do. If you can handle more, go for it.
Also, you will see that MM pretty much goes for a new rep max every week on every
exercise. I start out with progressive sets up to a moderate to heavy top set on each
exercise. Each week I add weight to each set until eventually I do hit a rep max. The
following week I will drop the weight back down and start over again.
Close Grip Bench: Grip (Pinky Finger On Ring)
This exercise is used as a warm up and we use the same progression as raw bench for the
sets except we don't go back down for a 5RM.
I also do the narrow grip bench with my pinky on the ring. I work up to a heavy set of 3
reps. MM goes up to a 3 RM but I keep it a moderate set and each week add 10 pounds
to each set. Eventually I will work up to what would be a 3RM. The following week I
back off to about 10 pounds heavier than my original week weight and build back up