A Four Channel X - Y Oscilloscope Multiplexer
A Four Channel X - Y Oscilloscope Multiplexer
A Four Channel X - Y Oscilloscope Multiplexer
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The basic structure of the multiplexer is simple, although it was one of the more complex projects I
implemented during the last years which is due to the fact of the excessive cabling necessary for all of
the control elements on the front (and back) plate:
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There are four X and Y inputs on the front plate using banana jacks and on the back plate using
a 15 pole SUB-D connector. Using a switch on the front plate one of these signal sources can be
activated using two rather large relays (since this is not time critical and will be done only
during startup, I preferred relays over semiconductor multiplexers here). The front panel input
jacks will be used for stand alone operation while the back panel input connector will be used
when the multiplexer will become an integral part of a larger analog computer where the input
lines will be tied to the central patch panel by appropriate trunk lines.
Each of the eight inputs is fed to a ten turn precision potentiometer for input attenuation before
being fed through an impedance converter to remove any load from the potentiometers, thus
assuring a linear behaviour.
Following these converters the signals are fed through an additional operational amplifier stage
with an amplification rate of 10 which is also used to add a constant position signal to allow the
shifting of each of the four figures.
Following these operational amplifier stages comes the multiplexer, a MAX 355 which is a dual
4:1 analog multiplexer. This multiplexer receives to binary counter signals and feeds two output
stages built from OP27 operational amplifiers driving the X/Y input lines of the oscilloscope
connected to the multiplexer.
The tricky part is the blanking logic since I did not want to see faint lines between the figures
when the beam moves from drawing one figure to the next. In addition to this the blanking logic
allows the selection of one, two, three or four indepentent figures to be displayed
12 banana jacks (5 times ground, 4 times X, 4 times Y, 1 input to deactivate the oscilloscope
output during halt and initial value times of the analog computer).
4 green LEDs showing the active channels, one yellow LED which is lit when the oscilloscope
beam is blanked.
Three BNC jacks for X, Y and Z output to the oscilloscope.
A four position rotary switch to select the number of individual channels to be displayed
concurrently (the blanking logic guarantees that the intensity of the display will not change with
the number of figures displayed!).
Four groups of two ten turn precision potentiometers for signal attenuation and two single turn
potentiometers for changing the position.
The power switch with two power LEDs (one for the positive supply, one for the negative) and
one switch to select between front panel input and back panel input.
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The pictures above give an impression of the immense amount of cabling necessary to connect all of
the front panel control elements to the remaining circuitry of the multiplexer.
The two pictures above show the central circuit board (component side view on the left, soldering side
view on the right). Next to the VG connector are the operational amplifiers, the calibration
potentiometers and the multiplexer IC itself. The other half of the board is populated with the blanking
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logic and associated driver circuitry. Some passive components are used to yield proper input voltages
for the position setting potentiometers.
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The four pictures above show the effect of the multiplexer with the channel number selector set to one,
two, three and four channels respectively. Please note that the intensity of the picture does not vary
with the number of channels displayed (due to a trick in the blanking logic :-) ).
The picture above shows the power supply schematic - it bears nothing special at all, the two signal
+POS and -POS are the feeder voltages for the position control potentiometers on the front plate, the
two relays are the input selector relays mentioned above.
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The schematic above shows the multiplexer circuitry of the device. Please note that the input section
will be needed eight times, occupying four TL084 chips (and lots of wires to the front panel
potentiometers). The 50k (10 turn) potentiometers in the feedback path of the OP27 operational
amplifiers are used for the calibration of the multiplexer device.
The clock generation circuitry is shown in the schematic above. An astable multivibrator made from
an NE555 drives a two stage counter consisting of two JK flip flops used in a T flip flop configuration.
The respective Q outputs of these flip flops are used to drive the MUX while the active low clock
signal /CLK will be used for the following blanking logic.
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The blanking logic shown in the schematic above generates an appropriate blanking signal to dim the
oscilloscope's beam during beam movements between figures. Furthermore this Z signal can be used
to suppress one to three of the maximum of four figures displayed simultaneously without having to
readjust the beam intensity
The operational amplifier (OP27) is used to drive the Z signal for the oscilloscope - with the aid of the
potentiometer the polarity and pulse height can be adjusted to match most common oscilloscope's Z
axis inputs. (For example: My HP 180C oscilloscope expects a +2 V pulse to dim the beam while
ground potential at the Z input will display the beam in normal intensity.)
09-OCT-2006, 26-JAN-2008
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