Peace Corps Doing A Feasibility Study: Training Activities For Starting or Reviewing A Small Business 2013
Peace Corps Doing A Feasibility Study: Training Activities For Starting or Reviewing A Small Business 2013
Peace Corps Doing A Feasibility Study: Training Activities For Starting or Reviewing A Small Business 2013
Peace Corps
Publication No. SB104
Peace Corps
Information Collection and Exchange
Publication No. SB104
Distributed by:
Women, Ink.
777 United Nations Plaza
New York, New York 10017
Tel: 212-687-8633
Fax: 212-661-2704
Bibliography: p.
1. New business enterprises-Developlng countries-Handbooks, manuals, etc.
2. Women-owned business enterprises-Developing countrles-Handbooks, manuals,
etc. I. Kindervatter, Suzanne. II. OEF International. III. Series.
HD62.5D63 1987 658.022091724 86-61951 ISBN 0-912917-7-5
Table of Contents
PREFACE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
A COMMON CHALLENGE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
NOTES TO THE FACILITATOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Letting Women Decide: Is This Business Viable? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Feasibility Study: What It Means. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Chart: Feasibility Study Steps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
What Is in the Manual. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Chart: Training Goals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Learning by Doing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
PLANNING YOUR PROGRAM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Who Can Use This Manual. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
A Word about Literacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Preparing Facilitators to Use the Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Where to Meet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
What Materials to Prepare. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
How to Arrange a Schedule. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Chart: Possible Schedules for Learning the Steps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Chart: For Women with Existing Businesses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Chart: Tips for the Good Facilitator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
My Training Plan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Activities to Begin and End the Day. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Throughout the development community, there is now widespread recognition of the vital contribution small business makes to local and national
economies. At the same time, there is a concern that many attempts at assisting small business development have failed. Development professionals,
from economists in the World Bank to trainers in local organizations, are asking: what is effective small
enterprise development? how do we do it?
The how tos of developing small business have been a major priority for OEF International for over a decade. In this first manual of our Appropriate
Business Skills for Third World Women series, we address the how to of identifying and planning an economically viable business.
Visiting OEF projects in Africa and Central America, I have been struck by womens dire need and high motivation to pursue business activities. And, I
have been impressed at how they are able to use business concepts that they have learned in training. In one case,
women entrepreneurs first thought of tie-dying as a good income-generating activity, but after applying the feasibility study to different options, it was
clear that a soap-making business would be the most profitable. Today, they have a successful soap-making operation. In another case, one woman
in Senegal told of how she helped her husband do a feasibility study on raising and selling a cow. She said that he had not included the price of food
and care for the cow before setting the sales price. He initially told her that this was of no
importance. However, after she did the calculations for him and explained how much he had
originally invested, plus spent on care, he realized he would not make a profit if he did not
raise his price!
This manual is built on the experience of women like these and the staff of local organizations
that assist them. We are proud to make it available to those who are working at the frontline of small business development, trainers and programmers who work with Third World
women and understand their needs, as well as their hopes.
Peace Corps
A Common Challenge
Over the past ten years, OEF International has assisted women throughout the Third World who want to start or improve small businesses. In Africa,
Asia, and Latin America, we have again and again met the same challenge. Women often choose businesses with limited market viability, because these
businesses are most familiar and use skills the women already have. Small business is a risky undertaking, and the kind of businesses women tend to
choose make it more risky for them.
To confront this common challenge, OEF International has emphasized the importance of examining various business options and carefully determining
whether a particular option is economically feasible. This manual represents our cumulative experience in enabling women to do just that.
The conceptual design and training activities in the manual grew out of three years of work in Peru, Central America, West Africa, and Somalia. Everyone
who contributed to the manual has been guided by the principal, simple but efficient. In other words, we have worked hard to make the business
concepts understandable to illiterate or minimally literate women; but at the same time, we have recognized that certain financial calculations are
essential for determining business viability. The manual uses visual association to help the women learn and remember business concepts. This means
that concepts are presented in association with pictures or symbols, and are repeated again and again throughout the program.
This manual is a product of a true collective effort. Sincere thanks and appreciation go to the following people for their invaluable contribution to Doing
a Feasibility Study.
Marcy Kelley, for the original conceptualization of the feasibility study;
Molly Melching and Malick Pouye, creators of the brilliant
poster story from Senegal;
Maggie Range, who helped put complex business concepts
into participatory learning activities;
Liza Valenzuela, for help with business concepts and
organizing the steps;
Anne-Laurence Dodge, designer of the Selling Candy
activity in Step Six;
Merryl Rosenblatt, for Making Jelly in Costa Rica and assistance with financial calculations;
To the team of trainers in Senegal, who used the materials and provided ideas on how to improve them - OEF staff members Soukeyna Ba NDiaye and
Debbie Fredo and staff of the Maisons Familiales Rurales, Famara Dedhiou (Director), Clement Faye (Regional Director), Amadou Cisse - Sarru (Regional
Coordinator), Dada NDiaye (trainer), Alpha Badji (trainer), and Madjiguene Diaw Saar (trainer);
To OEF staff in Costa Rica, El Salvador, and Honduras, for their careful and critical analysis of needed revisions in the manual - Flory Meza, Patricia
Rodriguez, Iris Villalobos, Beatrize Coto, Rosemary Coto, Maria Eugenia Antunez, Blanca Canales, Rosibel Gomez, Dinorah de Sanchez, and Peace Corps
volunteers Luz Iraida Diaz and Kim Stuntz;
To the members of The Somali Womens Democratic Organization (SWDO), who provided a real test of the manuals appropriateness for illiterate women
with no business experience.
To the trainers in Peru, who helped develop some of the original concepts;
To U.S. taxpayers and the Office of Private Voluntary Organizations, the Agency for International Development, which provided funding for
the production;
And to the production team who are geniuses at turning pages of copy into user friendly materials - Nena Terrell (Publications Manager), Jacqueline
Lucas (Publications Program Associate), and Patrice Gallagher (graphic designer).
We hope this manual can be a useful tool for meeting the challenge in your community: enabling women to pursue viable businesses.
Suzanne Kindervatter
Director of Technical Services
OEF International
Peace Corps
For most economists, a business feasibility study involves complex market analysis and projections. This manual is based on a different approach,
particularly appropriate for Third World womens micro and small-scale businesses.
These notes explain the feasibility study approach and give an overview of the manual.
Peace Corps
Here is an example of how one group of women did a feasibility study. They wanted to start a small grocery store.
First, they found out whether people would buy things from their store. Then, they found out how much it would cost to start the store and keep it
operating. Next, they estimated how much they would sell and what their sales income and profits would be.
During the study, the women realized that there were already three stores in their community. They thought the competition in the grocery store
business was too strong and that their business might fail. They also realized that they needed a lot of money to start the grocery storemore than they
had or could borrow. So the women rejected the grocery store idea.
They thought about other business possibilities and liked the idea of a furniture repair service. When the women did their feasibility study for this idea,
they decided that it could be viable. The women gave up one business idea and found another. If they had not done the feasibility study and tried to
start the grocery store, the business probably would have failed. But, now they know that the furniture repair business has a chance for success.
Another group was already raising and marketing pigs. They used the feasibility study to review their operation and found that high feed costs were
decreasing their profits. They decided to look into cheaper kinds of feed, as well as other ways to reduce their business expenses. By following the
six steps for a feasibility study, the women in your program will be able to assess the viability of their business ideas or review their current business
Peace Corps
Training Goals
As a result of this training,
participants will:
Understand the importance of a feasibility
Learn the six steps for conducting
a feasibility study.
Plan a feasibility study.
Carry out their own feasibility study.
Decide whether to start a new
business or how to strengthen a
current business.
Prepare a business plan.
Throughout the manual, each learning activity is organized in the same way. As an example, turn
to page 46. The activity includes: purpose, time, rationale, preparation for the session, and steps to
follow. Make sure to read the entire manual before your program. Then, for each days program, reread the activities planned and prepare the materials needed. During each training session, keep
your manual open to the appropriate training activity and use the steps as a handy reminder of
what to do.
Finally, a word to facilitators who do not have a background in business or economics. Some of
the financial analysis included in the manual may be new and at first seem difficult. But do not
be hesitant. With a bit of time and patience, youand the women in your programwill feel
confident and comfortable with terms like cash flow and investment plan!
Learning by Doing
Your friend wants to know how to fix her bicycle; your child wants to know how to plant a garden.
How can you help them learn these skills? One way is by telling them what to do. A more effective
way is to show them what to do, and then let them try it themselves.
Learning by doing is the approach used in this manual. In the first part of the program,
participants learn and practice each of the six steps of a feasibility study. This prepares them to
actually do their own study.
When the goal of an educational program is transmitting information, such as a history class
in school, a teacher talks and students for the most part listen. However, when the goal of an
educational program is developing new skills and taking action, the interaction looks and feels
different than education in the traditional classroom.
Usually, everyone sits in a circle. The atmosphere is relaxed. Members of the group share ideas with
one another, not just with the teacher. People laugh. People look serious. The level of interest is
high, because the participants are dealing with things that are important to them.
Often, the participants in this training program will be together in small groups and will share
their opinions and different ideas. Each person will bring a valuable idea or opinion. And no ones
opinion will be more right than another persons opinion. In fact, each person will probably be an
expert in some aspect of the feasibility study.
Learning by doing has other positive benefits in addition to being an effective method for
gaining new skills. When everyone participates in training activities, they become more creative
and learn to work together in many ways. Also, when people begin to make their own decisions,
they gain more confidence in their ability to improve their lives. They may never have felt this way
before...or believed it was possible.
Successful businesswomen are able to solve problems and change their businesses in response to
changing markets. Learning by doing helps women acquire the abilities they need to manage a
business effectively: concrete business skills, plus those less tangible entrepreneurial capabilities.
Peace Corps
Have experience in
working together.*
Live near each other.
Interested in a collective
small business. (Reading
and writing abilities
not necessary!)
Willing to listen.
Good communication skills.
Respects the women in the
Wants to work with women
in the community. (Previous
business experience not
* For groups with little or no experience in working together, use group building training before the Feasibility training to make the women feel more comfortable with each other. Two helpful books are:
Women Working Together for personal, economic and community development and Navamaga: Training Activities for Group Building, Health and Income Generation. Both are available from OEF International.
Peace Corps
Where to Meet
Since this is a training program for adults, it is best to conduct it in a location that does not remind
participants of their school days. As children, they probably thought that the teacher had all the
answers. They listened patiently and asked few questions. We want the opposite to happen in this
training. We want them to ask lots of questions, to contribute their own ideas, to think and behave
differently, and to see you as someone who seeks answers with them.
This means two things to you:
Find a location that is not the local school.
Arrange the meeting place in a way that does not remind the women of a classroom, such as:
Because this is the kind of training that will be new to some people, it is important to let them
know just what will be happening. The schedule and the goals of the training program should be
posted and left up every day. Also, put up the six feasibility study step posters as you complete
each step (see pp. 43, 51, 57, 62, 88, 101).
Peace Corps
25 Hours
structured training activities
Depending on womens schedules, the initial 25-hour training can be held in one week
or spread out over twothree weeks. See the possible schedules for ideas on how to
arrange the activities.
Since the Feasibility Study program continues beyond this initial training, the program
should be planned for a period when women may have time available. For instance, in
Senegal, women participated in the program after the harvest season.
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
S tep two:
find out if people
will buy your product or
Looking at Customer
Will People Buy What We
Plan to Sell?
S tep four:
calculate business
Types of Business Costs
Finding Examples of
Business Costs
S tep four:
calculate business
What Do We Need to Buy?
How Much Will It Cost?
S tep SIX:
How to Calculate Profit
and Cash Flow
What Will Our Profit Be?
What Other Benefits
Are Important?
Is the Business a
Good Idea?
hy do a Feasibility Study?
What is a Feasibility Study?
What We Will Accomplish
We Can Do It!
S tep One:
Choose a product
to Service or Sell
Exploring Womens Work
Things to Consider in Identifying
Business Ideas
Which Business Should
We Study?
S tep Three:
Determine How
the Business Will Operate
What We Know, What We Need
to Find Out
How Will We Work?
Peace Corps
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Step two:
S tep One:
find out if people
Choose a product
will buy your product or
to Service or Sell
Exploring Womens Work
at Customer
Things to Consider in Identifying
Business Ideas
Will People Buy What We
Which Business Should
Plan to Sell?
We Study?
S tep Three:
Determine How
the Business Will Operate
What We Know, What We Need
to Find Out
How Will We Work?
S tep four:
calculate business
Types of Business Costs
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
S tep four:
calculate business
Finding Examples of
Business Costs
S tep four:
calculate business
What Do We Need to Buy?
How Much Will It Cost?
S tep SIX:
How to Calculate Profit
and Cash Flow
What Will Our Profit Be?
What Other Benefits
Are Important?
Is the Business a
Good Idea?
hy do a Feasibility Study?
What is a Feasibility Study?
What We Will Accomplish
We Can Do It!
Note: These sessions can be held over a two to three week period.
Peace Corps
My Training Plan
Does the manual seem useful for your situation? If your answer is yes, you are ready to plan your own program. Each community, each group,
each facilitator is unique. Adapt the program to your own special conditions.
The previous sections gave you ideas to think about in planning your program. Use this form to write your plan.
Who are the women who will participate in your program? What time do you have available for the program (on an average day, over the course
of a year)?
If the women in your program are interested in starting a business, what are some business possibilities in your area? If they have a business,
what kind of business is it and what problems do they have?
Where will your program be held? How will you arrange the meeting place?
What will be your training schedule? What months have you chosen for the program, and why? How will you arrange the 25 hour Learning the
Steps training? (Review the charts on p. 16/17).
Peace Corps
My Training Plan
Peace Corps
Our Strengths
Purpose: To encourage the women to think about themselves and their good qualities.
Time: 15 minutes.
1 A
sk the women to think for a few minutes about something they have done that is very creative or something they are very proud of.
2. Ask volunteers to share this with the group.
3. As volunteers decrease, ask those people who have not participated if they would like
to speak.
(Note: You may have to ask more questions to encourage the women to speak.)
Purpose: This is an activity purely for having fun. It should be done later in the
training program when the women feel more confident. It will cause a lot of
Time: 10 minutes.
1. Ask a volunteer to leave the room or area.
2. When she cannot hear what the group is saying, tell the group to imitate
everything she does when she comes back into the circle.
If she scratches her arm, everyone should scratch their arms. If she laughs,
everyone should laugh. If she talks, everyone should repeat what she says.
3. Ask the volunteer to come back into the circle. After a few minutes, ask the
volunteer if she knows what is happening.
Time: 15 minutes.
1. Ask the group to sit in a circle.
2. Whisper in one womans ear: Our goal is to work
together on a profitable business.
3. Tell the woman to whisper this message to the
woman sitting beside her...and continue passing the
message around the circle whispering.
4. When the whispered message reaches the last person,
ask her to repeat it aloud for the group. It could be
very different from the message you first spoke to the
woman beside you.
5. In a discussion, ask the group:
Why did the message change?
How can we avoid misunderstanding what
someone else says?
What do we learn from this?
Peace Corps
Purpose: To help the women recall what they are learning in the
training and to have some fun.
Time: 15 minutes.
1. Ask all the women to stand in a circle.
2. Explain that the group will list some of the things they have been learning
about starting a business.
3. Have one person in the circle complete this sentence for the business in
which they are interested.
To start a chicken-raising business, you need _______
4. Ask the next person to repeat what the first person has said, and to add
another item.
First person: To start a chicken-raising business, you need feed.
Second person: To start a chick-raising business, you need feed and healthy
5. Ask each person in turn to repeat what the previous person has said, plus add
another item.
6. When someone cannot remember what has been said, she should sit down.
7. Continue until one person is left standing: the memory expert!
Purpose: To find out the participants reaction to the training program, what they like or do not like.
Time: 15-20 minutes.
1. Ask the people to sit in small groups of five or fewer.
2. Ask them to discuss:
What do you like best about the training so far?
What do you like least? Why?
3. A
sk the women to sit in a large group again. Have someone from each small group tell the rest of the group the most important things that were
Purpose: To find out if parts of the training program should be changed or remain the same.
Time: 20-30 minutes.
1. Ask the women to sit in a large group and think about these questions:
If this training program were being done for another group of women, which two things would you keep exactly the same?
Which two things would you change?
2. Go around the circle and ask each woman to share her answers. Write them down.
3. Explain to the women that because each woman is different that no training program will completely meet everyones needs. But, their ideas are very
important in helping to make the rest of their training better and to help other groups of women.
Peace Corps
Purpose: Same as Activities #1 and 2
Time: 15 minutes.
Materials: Large paper and felt tip pen.
1. Ask the women to think of one word that expresses their feelings or thoughts about the training. Encourage them to express what they really think. If
they want to choose a negative word, like boring, thats fine.
2. Have one woman state her word, and write it (the word or a symbol) on large paper posted on the wall. The other women should then state their
words in turn, without stopping for discussion. Write each word or symbol down as it is said.
3. Now, ask the group to look at the list of words:
Do most participants feel positive or negative about the program?
re many of the words similar, or different? Why?
Why does everyone choose the word she did? What is good and not so good about the training?
What should the trainer and group do tomorrow to make the training better?
Purpose: Same as Activities #1 and 2.
Time: 10 minutes.
1. Ask each participant to imagine returning home this evening after the training. Participants can close their eyes if they like. Ask them to think about
talking to a specific family member or friend. What would they tell this person about the training?
2. Give the women a few minutes to think.
3. Ask each woman to tell her story.
4. Then, ask the group:
Have these stories given us any ideas about things we need to change in the training program?
What would you like to do differently tomorrow?
Purpose: Same as Activities #1 and 2.
Materials: Pebbles, matches, or small objects that can be used for voting; cups; a piece of paper with a word or symbol, representing the different
training activities used that day.
Time: 15 minutes.
1. Post the pieces of paper around the room. Explain what each piece of paper means. This is a way to review that days activities for the group. Put a
cup under each piece of paper.
2. Give each woman 3 of the voting markers. Ask her to vote for her favorite parts of the training. Participants can distribute the markers any way they
like. They can put all three markers in one cup, or they can put them in two or three cups.
3. Have participants vote.
4. Count the markers in each cup (Note: If participants can count, they can do this.)
5. Discuss:
What did the voting show? Were some activities better liked than others? Why or why not?
Peace Corps
Peace Corps
Time: 1 hour.
Rationale: For many people, starting a business means buying materials and producing something.
But there is much more that needs to be considered in business development, from who will buy the
product to production costs to likely sales income. Without this broader analysis, a business is about
certain to fail. The story and posters in this activity show the contrast of starting a business without a
feasibility study and with a feasibility study.
1. Welcome everyone to the session. Start with a begin the day activity. (Note: If participants do not
know each other, Getting Better Acquainted is a good activity to usesee p. 22).
2. Explain to participants that you are going to tell them a story about women like them who wanted
to have a successful business.
3. Present the story and posters. Go slowly, and ask lots of questions to get the participants reactions.
4. After the story is over, ask the participants:
ow are these women like us?
What did we learn about starting a business?
5. To end the session, explain that:
There is a name for what the women in the story didit is called a feasibility study. A feasibility study is a way to find out if a business is a good idea.
In this program, you will learn how to do a feasibility study so that you can choose and plan a business that has a chance for success.
Peace Corps
To make the story real for the participants in your program, you will
need to adapt it to your locale. The story and posters included here
were created in Senegal for rural women. The following steps will
enable you to adapt the story and posters (located at the end of the
manual on pp.151-170).
Remove all amounts of money. Write in the
actual figures for the costs, expected sales,
and profit for your product. If ten production
cycles is too many for the product you have
chosen, use a smaller number.
1. Read the story, with the posters (the numbers on the story and
posters go together).
6. Prepare real money or play money to use for the story presentation.
(Note: Using real or play money greatly helps participants to see
what is happening in the story.)
7. Find a local artist to draw 18 posters that illustrate your story (use
those included in the manual as a guide).
Peace Corps
6. Aminta goes outside to collect her cloth to sell at the market. Shes shocked to see that two
pieces didnt turn out. Why? (Discussion) Aminta thought she would make 12,500 from the
sale of the cloth (Note: Show actual money or play money here). Now Aminta cannot sell
two pieces of cloth; how much less money can she make? (Discussion) Thats right, 5,000 (2
x 2,500). (Note: Remove this amount from the money.) So, how much can Aminta still make?
(Discussion) Yes, 7,500. (Note: Show the money that remains). However, Aminta already
spent 10,000 on supplies! Aminta is discouraged, but shes very motivated and knows she
made a mistake. She decides to sell the three pieces and do better next time.
7. She gets up early the next morning to go to the market, planning to be home by
lunchtime. What does she see when she gets to the market? (Discussion) There are
many women selling cloth like Amintas, for 1,000 each. Since people bargain with the
women for the cloth, the actual price is less than 1,000 each. She wont even make
3,000! She had planned to make 7,500. Aminta sits down to sell the cloth. How long do
you think she stays at the market? What happens? (Discussion)
8. Now Aminta is very, very discouraged. She cant understand what she did wrong.
Shes asking for help: what should she have done differently? (Discussion) Note: In the
discussion, encourage the group to consider these issues:
Aminta should have found out how to produce good quality tie-dye. (She could have
worked with her sister-in law; practiced on old pieces of cloth; etc.)
She didnt realize how much time the tie-dye production and selling would require.
Aminta needed to visit the market to find out: the selling price of the cloth; how long
it takes to sell; how much the women make in a day, a week, a month; who takes care
of things at home when theyre at the market; where the women buy supplies; why
people buy from one woman and not another, etc.
Aminta worked on her own, rather than with a group. (Note: Review the posters #27
and ask how working in a group might have helped.)
9. Aminta listened to your advice. She wants to try again, and has called together
four friends. She tells them what happened. One of her friends wants to try tie-dye
again. But Aminta says that there are too many other women already making the
cloth. Lets think of something else, she says. Hadi, one of the friends, responds:
My grandmother used to make soap, and I helped her. I know how to make soap.
Who needs soap? (Discussionpoint out that everyone needs soap; that it can be
sold locally; that it is something people use and then buy again.)
10. Here is a cake of manufactured soap thats sold in the store. It is 500 grams and
sells for 150. The women think they can make and sell good quality soap for a
cheaper price.
11. Two of Amintas friends go to the market, following your advice. They want to be
sure they can make money producing and selling soap. What do they see? How
many women are selling soap? Is there much left? (Discussion) The women find
out that the demand for the soap is great, and that it costs 100 per cake. What else
do you notice about the soap, is it all the same? (Discussion) There is black soap
and white soap. The white soap sells better. This is the kind of soap Hadi knows
how to make. What about competition? The sellers say that they sell so much that
theres room for the women to start selling too. What else do you think the women
asked about? (Discussionsuggest these questions if the group does not: Where
do you buy supplies? Do you know of sources for cheap palm oil? How much
profit do you make? etc.)
Peace Corps
12. The women decide that they need to be careful about how much money they
would spend on soap making and how much they would earn. First, they find
out the cost of starting soap production. They will need a large steel tub for
boiling2,700; a small bucket for carrying water1,700; and three wooden
molds1,500. The total cost of the equipment is 5,900. (Note: Use real or play
money in #12-17.)
13. Now the group calculates how much it will cost to produce one batch of soap,
or three molds full. They need 2 liters of palm oil1,400; 500 grams of lye
200; and 10 liters of water, which is free. The total cost of supplies is 1,600.
14. Next the women figure out how much they can earn from each batch of soap.
Each mold can make 17 cakes of soap. 17 x 3 molds yields 51 cakes. If a cake
is sold at 100, total sales will be 5,100 (51 x 100). The women know they must
deduct the cost of the palm oil and lye for each batch. They subtract 1,600
from 5,100 which leaves 3,500 profit per batch.
15. However, the women remember the cost of equipment, 5,900 for the tub,
pail and molds. How many batches will it take to pay back these costs?
(Discussion) The answer is two batches.
16. The women think some more about their production and sales. Lets say they
have already made two batches and paid back their initial investment. How
much will they make on 10 batches? (Discussion) [Answer: Sales income is
51,000 (5,100 per batch x 10). Supplies cost 16,000 (1,600 per batch x 10).
51,000 minus 16,000 equals 35,000 profit on 10 batches.] Besides profit, what
else do the women need to think about? (Discussion) (Suggestions: How long
it takes to make the soap; how quickly they can earn a profit; whether the
demand for soap is constant or varies; etc.)
17. The women think they can make money making soap. But
they ask themselves, Have we taken all the costs involved into
account? Have they? (Discussion) (Suggestions: The group
needs to think about transportation and their time as well).
The women still think the business can be profitable. Now
they discuss how they will work: how might they organize
themselves? which tasks would take the most time? how would
they take care of their children and responsibilities at home?
18. The women have now studied the soap making idea.
They each have 2,000 to use for starting the business,
or a total of 10,000. Should they start the soap-making
operation? Why or why not? (Discussion: encourage the
group to consider profit, as well as time, the production
process, acquisition of supplies, transportation, etc.)
Peace Corps
1. Ask the participants to respond, one after the other, to the following questions:
Why did you come to this training program?
What do you hope to gain?
2. Tell the group your ideas about why the training program is important and what they can expect to accomplish. Post and read the training goals. Ask
the group if they have any questions. If the participants ideas about what they hope to gain are very different from the training goals, discuss further
how the program can meet their needs.
Training Goals
As a result of this training, participants will:
3. Post and present the training schedule. Explain that the first part of the program enables them
to learn how to do a feasibility study and the second part involves them in actually doing a
study. At the end, they will have a plan for starting or strengthening their business. Ask the
participants if they have any questions or concerns about the schedule. Ask if they have any
ideas for changes.
4. Now, tell the participants that you would like to talk about how they will learn to do a feasibility
study. Ask them these questions:
How do your children learn in school? What does the teacher do? What do the students do?
If you want to learn to do something, such as fix a bicycle, how do you learn? (Note: Point
out that if we are trying to learn to do something, we usually learn best if someone shows us
and then we practice ourselves.)
5. Explain that in the training program, you, the facilitator, will usually not lecture. Instead you will
help them discuss ideas and do things together. Everyone will have something to contribute to
doing a feasibility study. And everyones ideas and opinions are valuable.
6. Ask the group if they would like to set any rules for the program, such as:
time and length of breaks
what to do if people come late or miss a session
any other rules the group feels are important.
7. Ask for any other comments or thoughts about the training program.
Peace Corps
We Can Do It!
Purpose: To talk about courage and fear in beginning a project.
TIME: 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Rationale: Your participants may be hesitant about the training program and about starting or changing a business. This activity helps them understand that their feelings are natural and can be dealt with positively.
1. Tell the participants that this training involves doing new things. Ask the women:
Are there times in your life when you have been afraid, but did something anyway?
Could you tell the group about them?
How did you feel after doing these things when you felt fear at first?
What gave you the courage to go ahead?
What happened as a result?
2. Now, ask the women to think about starting a new business. Read the first phrase below and ask for volunteers to complete it. Then do the same for
the second phrase.
When I think of starting a new business, I am afraid of...
When I think of starting a new business, I have good feelings about...
NOTE: For women with existing businesses, ask their feelings about changing their business.
3. Divide the women into groups of three or four members. Explain that each group will present a skit about a particular fear and how to overcome it.
A skit is a short drama or play. The players create the words and story themselves.
4. Ask the women if they have any questions about what to do. Here is an example you can use to clarify what the skits should be about. For instance,
one group was hesitant about meeting government officials to obtain certain resources. In their skit, they showed women visiting an official together
and supporting one another to speak up.
5. Give the group about 15 minutes to prepare the skits. Visit each group during this time to help them prepare.
6. Ask the groups to present their skits, one by one.
Doing a Feasibility Study
Peace Corps
Step One:
Choose a Product or Service to Sell
Time: 30 minutes.
Rationale: Women are often brought up to see themselves doing some kinds of work but not
others. However, the kinds of work that may be new to them also may be most profitable. This
activity helps women look at their assumptions about what women can and cannot do.
1. Have the participants sit in a semicircle. Tell them you are going to put on a short play about
women and work.
2. Introduce the two characters and perform your play.
3. After the skit, ask the participants:
What did you think of the play?
What did you think of the first persons ideas? the second persons ideas?
What did you agree with? What did you disagree with?
Do you have any new ideas about work women can do? work you would like to do?
44 Peace Corps
1. Ask the participants to remember the poster story.
What was the first business idea the woman had? How did she choose it?
What happened to the business?
2. Tell the participants that choosing a business idea is a big decision. Here are three things we
need to consider:
what people buy or want to buy
what we can do and how we want to work
what benefits we want to gain.
Lets discuss each of these considerations.
Peace Corps
Ask them:
Now, tell the group you would like them to think about their work conditions. Ask them: What work schedule would you prefer?
Would you like to work near your home or away from home?
How will your children be cared for while you are working?
What else is important to you about your work?
Explain that everyone thinks of making money when they think of having a business. This is the most obvious benefit, but there can
be other benefits too.
Draw the diagram below on large paper. Explain that there are some businesses which mainly benefit the individual, some that benefit her family
as well, and others that benefit the local community.
Ask participants:
Peace Corps
Time: 1 hour.
Rationale: After listing many business possibilities, the women choose one idea
that interests them and may be economically viable.
1. Begin by summarizing what participants discussed in the two previous activities (Exploring Womens Work and Things to Consider in Identifying
Business Ideas). Talk about some of the ideas related to work women can do and about some of the things the women said are important to them in
a business.
2. Present the Step One poster (p. 43). Tell participants that the purpose of this session is to choose one business idea they want to study. First, they will
make a long list of possible businesses. Then, they will vote on their preference.
3. Explain that they will brainstorm ideas to create the list. Read the guidelines for brainstorming (below) and ask if there are any questions.
Brainstorming Guidelines
Brainstorm means listing ideas very quickly, with no discussion.
Everyones ideas are valuable. Remember:
Quantity of ideas is important, not quality.
No criticism or judgment is allowed until all ideas are out.
Unusual or crazy ideas are encouraged!
Try to add on to anothers ideas.
Be creative!
4. Write ideas down as the women say them (using words or symbols). When you have a long list
and no new ideas are coming, stop and read the list to the women.
5. Ask the women to recall things that are important to consider about a business from the
previous session.
Do you want to add any ideas to the list?
Do you feel some ideas are not appropriate? If so, why?
6. Divide the participants into groups of three or four. Tell the groups to discuss the business ideas
and choose four possibilities. Have the groups meet for 10-15 minutes.
7. Ask one person from each group to list the business ideas chosen. Put each idea on a separate
piece of paper and post it on the wall (if a business is listed more than once, just use one piece
of paper).
8. After all the ideas are posted on paper, tell the group that you would like them to vote on the
business idea which seems most viable and most interests them. Give each woman a small
piece of paper and tape. Ask everyone to tape the paper to their choice.
9. With the participants, count the number of votes for each idea:
If one idea has more votes than any other, ask the women:
Is this the business you want to study? Why or why not?
NOTE: Allow time for group members to discuss possible differences of opinion. If there is a tie,
ask participants:
Which of the businesses would be the best to study? Why?
NOTE: Allow time for discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of the various ideas.
10. When the group seems to have reached a consensus, state the business the women have
decided to study and explain that they will examine this business in the other five steps of the
feasibility study.
Peace Corps
Time: 1 hour.
Rationale: Before starting a business, it is essential to know whether there are customersa marketfor a particular product or service. This activity
helps participants understand what motivates people to buy and enables them to identify ways to find out whether people will buy their products. This
step prepares them to do a local market survey during the actual feasibility study.
Peace Corps
2. Help the participants prepare the presentations if necessary. Ask them to practice together.
1. Present the Step Two poster. Explain that before starting a business, we must be sure
people will buy what we plan to sell.
2. Explain that several participants have prepared a short play to aid everyone in thinking
about why people buy or do not buy something. Have the four sellers present their
products one by one.
3. After the products and services have been shown to the group, tell the women to choose one item
to buy. They should raise their hands if they would buy the first, second, third or fourth items.
4. Discuss why people made their choices of what to buy:
What did you think about when you made your choice?
Why was one product or service demanded more than others?
Why was one product or service demanded less?
NOTE: The women may suggest such reasons as the product is more useful or attractive or less
5. Ask the participants to remember the poster story. What did the woman do after she decided on
the second product? Why did she go to the market and what did she find out?
6. Now, ask the participants all to pretend that they are sellers: For each of the four items, how can
you find out if people will buy it?
Where would you go, whom would you talk to, what would you ask?
NOTE: Add ideas from the box to the right, if participants do not suggest them.
Talk to:
7. Review the ideas the participants have stated. Tell them that they will use these methods of finding
out customer demand when they do their actual study.
Time: 1 hour.
Rationale: This activity helps participants examine more fully whether their product or service
is something people will buy. They consider the demand for their business and the existing
Peace Corps
5. Explain to the participants that beside knowing customer demand, we must know about competition.
Are other businesses producing what we plan to produce?
Is there enough customer demand for another business of this kind? How can we
find out?
Why would someone buy from us instead of from a competitor?
NOTE: If participants do not discuss them, suggest these factors: convenience, quality, personal
relationship/trust, price, attractiveness of the product, and good promotion such as free samples or
posters around town.
6. Now, tell participants that it is time to decide whether they think there is a market for their business idea.
Ask them:
Do you think there are customers
for your product or service?
Will they continue to want your
product or service?
Do you think you can compete with
the existing competitors?
NOTE: If participants are unsure, remind
them that they will do their full feasibility
study later. If they can answer a tentative
yes to these questions, it is sufficient.
7. If the participants answer yes to the questions in #6, proceed to Step Three. If not, return to
Step One and choose another product or service to study. Women with existing businesses
who cannot answer yes to these questions may also want to go to Step One and consider
alternative businesses.
8. Tell participants that in the next meeting they will talk with someone who knows about the
kind of business they have chosen. Ask them if they can suggest a good resource person. To
end, ask them to think about questions they would like to ask the person.
Special Note: The first activity in Step Three involves arranging for a visit to a business or
for a resource person to attend your meeting. Make sure to allow enough preparation time
for you to make these arrangements. See Preparation for the Session for details.
Peace Corps
Time: 2 hours.
Rationale: Technical know-how is another factor in developing a successful small business. Even
if women think they are experts in producing whatever they plan to sell, this activity enables the
group to discuss the technical process together and to define ways to improve the process.
1. Arrange to meet with the participants for about 30 minutes before they meet with the resource
person. Put up the Step Three poster.
2. Ask the participants to think back to the woman in the poster story. What happened when she
tried to make her first product? Why did she have problems producing the items?
Peace Corps
3. Tell the participants that today they will have a chance to talk with an expert about the
business they are studying. Before the meeting, it is important for the group to decide what it
needs to know.
4. Ask the participants:
What do you already know about the business, particularly the production process?
Have any women with experience or ideas speak in turn.
5. Now, we also need to think about:
What dont we know about the business or what are we unsure about?
6. Encourage the participants to think of specific questions they would like to ask the resource
person, such as:
What is involved in the production process, from start to finish? How long does one
production cycle take?
What resources/supplies do you need and where do you get them? How much do these
Time: 1 hour.
Rationale: Besides technical know-how, operating a business involves management of people,
money, and resources. This activity helps participants plan how their business will be organized.
1. Ask participants if they have any other ideas from the meeting with the resource person. Explain
that the resource person helped them learn about the technical processes in their business. To
operate a business, we also need to think about how we will organize ourselves to do the work.
2. Tell the participants you would like them to think about something they have done with other
women, such as plan a celebration or a school event. Ask for several women to talk about how
the work was divided up and who decided who did what.
3. Explain that operating a business involves:
Production Who will do what to make the product or service? What will be our
production schedule?
Who will keep the accounts, and how will profits be shared?
Administration Who will take care of ordering supplies, filing any required papers,
making contracts, and so on?
(Write each item, in words or by symbol, on large paper as you present it.)
Peace Corps
4. Talk with participants about these three functions. Answer questions they may have on what is
involved in each function. Ask the participants for examples of businesses that are organized in
different ways. How does a store owner usually organize her/his business? How is a cooperative
5. Divide the participants into groups of four or five. Ask each group to discuss:
How will we organize our business: production, finance, administration?
6. Take about 15 minutes for the small group discussion. Visit each group during the discussion to
clarify issues or provide additional information.
7. Ask one or two people from each group to summarize the discussion. After the reports, pose
these questions:
For organizing our business, what do we agree on?
What do we disagree about?
What do we need to find out more about?
8. If the legal requirements of a business do not come up during the discussion, ask the
What are the legal requirements for operating a business or cooperative?
How can we find these out?
9. End the session by reminding the participants that they will seek out more detailed information
on business organization in their actual feasibility study.
Special Note: The second activity in Step Four, Finding Examples of Business Costs
involves a field trip. Make arrangements for the visit, particularly
transportation, well in advance of the meeting.
Step Four:
Calculate Business Expenses
Peace Corps
1. Put up the poster for Step Four. Explain to the participants that they will now learn about business expenses.
2. Ask the women to think again about the poster story. What expenses did the woman think about for producing her second product?
3. Have the participants think about another example. Ask them:
If you were starting a new cooking business and people would
come to buy your cooked food, what are all the things you
would need to spend money on?
4. Discuss the question for about 10 minutes. Suggest these things if the participants do not mention them:
Food, cooking pots, fuel to cook food, bowls to eat with.
Animals or vehicle to go and buy the food.
Cooking area, electricity or fuel, perhaps a market stall.
Wages for people who help in the cooking.
Training for additional helpers to do the cooking.
Containers for the food.
Posters that advertise the cooking business.
5. Now, explain that the business costs they have identified can be grouped into eight types. Present and put up the eight posters one by one.
6. Now, divide the women into teams of three. Tell the teams to prepare one or two minute pantomimes to act out the posters. For example, the team with transportation might pantomime a
bus. Assign the posters to each team (some teams may have more than one), but do not let the
other teams know.
7. Ask each team to present its pantomimeand the other teams to guess what poster they are
8. After the pantomimes, use the posters again. Discuss each poster one by one. For each poster,
What are the questions you need to ask to find out your costs?
(See p. 65 for examples of questions.)
9. As the women give their ideas, write the questions down for future use.
NOTE: It is important for the facilitator to keep a record of these questions even if the participants cant read and write.
10. End the activity by explaining that the next session involves a trip into the community to look
for examples of business costs.
Peace Corps
hat materials do you need to start
a business?
How would you find this out if you
dont know?
Where would you get the materials?
hat skills do you need? How will
you learn them, if you dont have
them already?
hat transportation do you need to get
supplies and to sell your product?
oes the business require packaging? What
kind? Where will the materials
come from?
here will your business be?
Do you need electricity, water or other
here will you find loans or grants to start
and operate your business?
How much are the interest payments?
1. Before the trip, meet somewhere with the participants where you can have a 30 minute
2. Ask the participants to name the eight types of costs. Tell them that the purpose of the trip is to
find examples of costs for the business idea they chose.
Peace Corps
1. Put up the eight cost posters. Once again review the eight types of business costs. Tell the women that they will determine the costs for their
business idea in this activity. Remind them that much of this will be guessing at costs and not to worry if they do not have exact figures. The main
purpose of the activity is to learn how to calculate costs for their full study.
2. Ask the women to remember the poster story. For the second product, how did the woman decide her business costs?
3. Remind participants that she first decided what she needed to start the business and then decided what she needed to operate it. They will do the
same thing.
4. Put up the chart for start-up expenses:
Start-Up Expenses
Workers Training
5. Ask participants to decide what they will need to begin the business. For each type of cost,
What do we need? And, how much?
Where can we get it?*
How much will it cost?
* Participants may want to contribute something, such as a bucket, to the business so that they
can lower costs. Even if they do not have to buy a particular item, help them understand that
it has value and it is part of their business investment.
6. Write the answers (in words or symbols) on the chart and calculate the total start-up expenses.
7. Now, ask the participants to determine the cost to operate the business. Ask them:
How many items will you make in one production cycle?
(Reminder: A production cycle is the period of time needed for producing one batch of items.)
8. Then, use the chart to calculate the costs: first, for one production cycle and second, for one
year of operation.
NOTE: Participants should count their labor as an expense. Have them estimate an hourly wage
and then multiply that by the number of hours worked.
Peace Corps
Operating Expenses
Workers Training
Loan Payments
Step Five:
Estimate Sales Income
Peace Corps
1. Show the Step Five poster. Explain that this activity presents decisions
that need to be made for selling a product or service.
2. Tell the women this story is about Rhoda, a woman like them who had
her own business.
3. Read the story.
One day Rhoda decided to sell vegetables at the market like her other friends. With 50 coins in savings, she
bought 50 potatoes from a nearby farm for one coin each. She decided to sell the potatoes for two coins
She found an empty table and placed her potatoes for people to buy. Her friends told her the man, who
owned the stall tables, would come to collect in the afternoon. She thought she would sell all her potatoes
and pay the man from the profit of 100 coins.
By the afternoon, Rhoda had sold all her potatoes. Her price of two coins each was so inexpensive that all
the people wanted to buy from her. She had 100 coins from her sales.
Then the man came to collect for the stall table and told her the cost was 100 coins. That is all that I
earned today! said Rhoda.
She had to give him the 100 coins and went home without any money. She had lost the 50 coins from her
savings and she lost the 50 coins she had earned.
Peace Corps
Zenab decided she wanted to sell some fruit. She asked herself: What does it cost to
get started in a fruit business? She went to the farmer and asked what it would cost
to buy 50 pieces of fruit. Then she went to the man with the stall tables and asked
how much it would cost for a table for one day.
Finally, she went to the market and visited other fruit sellers to see what kinds of
fruit they had and how much they charged for each piece. She now had enough
information to answer the question: What will my costs be?
Now she thought about: What shall I sell the fruit for? How much can I sell in one
day? She went back to the market. She stood near the fruit tables and counted the
people who passed. Then she counted how many people bought the fruit. She
decided that people would buy her fruit if she sold it at the market.
She went home and wrote down her costs and possible income. She figured out
how many pieces of fruit she would have to sell at what price to make a profit.
The next day she bought her fruit and started her business.
Subtract these costs from the sales price of the cloth. Compare
this amount to the amount she paid for the cloth.
Peace Corps
Time: 2 hours.
Rationale: The Step Four activity, What Do We Need to Buy? How Much Will It Cost?, involved
the women in calculating their business expenses. This activity presents the next financial calculation
in studying a business, estimating sales income. In the activity, participants set a price for their
product or service and project income on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.
1. Tell participants that estimating sales is the risky part of a business. It is possible to determine costs fairly exactly. But, the volume of sales will always
be an estimate. This activity will help them be realistic about their projected sales. If we overestimate sales, we may choose a business that is not
actually profitable.
2. Put up the two posters, for price and competition. Remind the women that they used eight posters to estimate their business costs. These two new
posters show things we must think about to estimate how much we can sell: price and competition.
3. Point to the price poster. Explain that setting the price of a product
should be a very careful decision. Ask:
How much money will you charge for one of the items you plan
to sell? (For example, how much would one potato cost?)
How did you decide this price?
Can customers pay this amount?
4. Tell participants that Cost-Plus-Profit is a method many businesses
use to determine price. Use the chart to help participants set their
5. Take a break.
6. Now, show the next poster on Competition. Point out that it is
essential to know our competition for estimating our sales income.
1. List monthly costs:
Materials ____________________________________________
Transportation ________________________________________
Facilities _____________________________________________
Labor/Salaries ________________________________________
Packaging ___________________________________________
Promotion ___________________________________________
Other _______________________________________________
Peace Corps
8. Now, present the Sales Chart, and work with them to fill in the amounts to determine
sales income.
9. Ask the women if they have any questions or need more explanation before moving on to the next step.
Item Price
x ____________________
= ____________________
Daily Sales Income
x ____________________
= ____________________
x ____________________
= ____________________
Step Six:
Decide: Is the Business a Good Idea?
Time: 1 hour.
Rationale: Women in your program cannot afford to lose money on a business venture. This
activity enables them to understand that profit = sales income minus business costs.
1. Show the Step Six poster. Explain that this is the last step in doing a feasibility study. The
participants will now determine what benefits they will get from the business and whether it is
worth their time and effort.
2. Divide the women into three groups. Give each group a bag of candy. Tell them:
Each bag was bought in the nearby town for 100 coins.
(Change this amount to fit your locale.)
Decide how much you will sell each piece of candy for and how much profit you will make.
Give your reasons for the price.
You have 10 minutes to discuss and decide.
Peace Corps
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
4. Discuss:
Are any of the groups actually losing money? Why? What did you learn from the candy
NOTE: Make sure the group discusses costs in addition to the 100 coins spent to purchase the
candy, such as: transportation, packaging, labor, and so on.
5. Now, present part of the Poster Story again. Read and show the posters for #12-16. Discuss.
Answer any questions the women have.
6. Ask them:
What do you think the women in the story should do with their profits? (at the end of 3
months, 6 months, a year?)
NOTE: Talk about the importance of saving for emergency expenses and for reinvestment in the
7. Explain that besides determining if we can make a profit, we need to determine when we will
make a profit. We need to know our cash flow.*
8. Tell the story of the couple who want to buy a bed. As you tell the story, write their earnings and
expenses on the chart for each month.
9. Ask:
Can Rosa and Pablo buy the bed? (yes)
Help the participants calculate how much Rosa and Pablo have left each month.
Should they buy the bed in June? August? September? Why or why not?
If they buy the bed in June, they will not have enough money for July expenses. If they buy the bed in
August, they will use up all their money. Discuss the importance of keeping some money for unplanned
expenses or emergencies.
10. To end, pose this problem:
You have a friend who has decided to sell eggs at the market. She wants to make sure she does not lose
money. How would you explain to her how to calculate profit?
NOTE: This is the form with the answers. Use a blank chart in your activity and write in the numbers as you tell the story.
NOTE: This is the form with the answers. Use a blank chart in your activity and write in the numbers as you tell the story.
Peace Corps
Time: 1 hour.
Rationale: This activity uses the earlier calculations on business expenses and sales income to determine
possible profit. This calculation is what businesses call the bottom line. A business must be profitable,
unless it is supported by subsidies.
1. Tell the participants that the purpose of this activity is to predict whether they can make a profit in their
proposed business.
2. Put up the previous three charts on expenses and income, and the Profit Chart.
Sales Income
3. The first information to put on the chart is the costs for their business idea. Show them the start up expenses and operating expenses charts they
developed in the last activity of Step Four on costs. Put this information on the Profit Chart. Start up expenses should be included in Year One costs.
If the women plan to borrow money to start a business, the loan payments (principal and interest) must then be added in. If the women are using
their own money to start, help them calculate how long it will take to pay back this investment.
4. Now, present the Sales Chart information from Step Five. Put these amounts on the Profit chart.
5. Subtract the expenses from the sales income on the chart to find the profits. Now ask the women:
Does the business show a profit? When?
If there is a loss, is there a way to make the business profitable?
Here are some ideas to discuss:
Borrow money to cover some costs
Sell more products
Sell each product for a higher price.
Is the business a good idea in terms of the money you can make?
SPECIAL NOTE: Your participants may be discouraged if they do not see an immediate profit.
However, some good business ideas may take longer to make a profit, especially if you have big
costs at the very beginning.
For example, you might have to buy a large amount of cloth in order to make dresses to sell. The
cloth is much cheaper if you buy a large amount. But, it might take longer than a year to make
and sell all the dresses from the cloth. Therefore, it would take more than a year to make a profit.
In the real feasibility study, participants will calculate more closely how much the expenses and
sales income will be each month.
Peace Corps
1. Ask the women to remember the things that were important to them when they were choosing a business
idea in Step One. Add points if they do not remember them.
2. Divide the participants into three groups. Ask each group to discuss for about 10 minutes:
Can I gain what I hoped for in this business, for myself, my family, my community?
3. Have a member of each group summarize the discussion. If the business does not meet their expectations,
ask them if there are ways the business operation can be changed.
4. Continue on to the next activity, without a break.
Time: 30 minutes
Rationale: This activity gives the participants a chance to think about the profits and other benefits of the
planned business and to choose: yes or no.
Preparation for the Session:
Charts from previous Step Six activities Large paper to cover part of the wall, floor, or ground
Crayons or pencil
1. Remind the women that they have examined the economic benefits and the social benefits of the business idea on which they have been working
throughout the six steps. Review these benefits with them. Although some of the information has required guessing, they should decide whether or
not they think it is a business idea worth pursuing.
2. Ask them to raise their hands and vote:
Yes, I think it is a good idea
No, I do not think it is a good idea.
3. Have the women discuss why or why not they voted for the idea.
4. Discuss until the group reaches consensus on whether or not they are in favor of the business idea.
NOTE: In the actual feasibility study, they may choose to study this business idea or another. So, at this point, they are not committing themselves to
really start a particular business. However, based on the information they have, they should decide whether they are in favor or not in favor of the
business idea.
5. Since this is the last activity, tell the women that you would like them to express how they feel about the training program and to have some fun
while doing it. Ask each one to draw a picture on the same large piece of paper to depict how she feels. The group will make a mural together.
6. When they have finished, have the women walk around and view each others work. Then have each woman explain her picture.
7. Set a time and place to meet to begin the actual feasibility study.
Peace Corps
Part Two:
Doing A Feasibility Study
Participants have learned
about a feasibility study and
how to do one. Now they
will put their knowledge and
skills into action. They will
carry out their own feasibility
This section includes
activities and guidelines for
planning the study, gathering
information, and analyzing
the information. At the end of
the study, the women will be
able to decide: should we go
ahead with this business?
Peace Corps
Peace Corps
Peace Corps
Sample Form
Time: 30 minutes.
Rationale: In the actual feasibility study, the participants follow the same six steps as in the
training. This activity enables them to reassess the business options they previously identified and
to select one that they would like to pursue.
1. Tell the women that this is an important day. They have completed many activities in learning
how to conduct a feasibility study. It is time to begin on the real one.
2. Present the Steps chart and ask group members to explain each step, one by one.
3. Now, the group is ready to start with Step One: Choose a Product or Service to Sell.
4. Review the entire list of ideas which they developed in the final activity of Step One (see pp.
49-50). While they may be enthusiastic about the idea they worked on while learning the steps,
they should reexamine all the old ideas just to make sure they have the best choice.
5. Ask them to vote by raising their hands for the one business idea they want to study.
NOTE: If you have more than one facilitator and a group of at least 16, they might decide to
choose two ideas to study.
6. If there is a tie vote, or strong differences of opinion, discuss the pros and cons of the idea,
until the group reaches agreement.
Peace Corps
1. Show the Steps chart again. Remind the group that they already have completed Step One. It is now time to plan how to carry out the other steps.
But first, it is important to talk about how to make a plan.
2. Tell the women that:
Making a plan is very important before beginning a project. In making a plan, you do several things:
List your resources
Decide what needs to be done and in which order
Decide who will do it and by when.
3. Help the women to understand planning by using a personal example, such as making tea or coffee. Ask the group:
What resources do you need?
What tasks (or steps) have to be done to make the tea or coffee?
What steps need to be done first, second, etc.?
Who will do what and when?
4. Ask the women to give other examples of planning in their lives, such as community or family celebrations, trips, and so on.
5. Conclude the activity by asking:
Why is planning important? What happens if we dont plan well?
1. Put up the Six Steps Chart and the 10 posters. Tell the participants that these posters will help them remember the information they need to find out
for their study.
2. Divide the women into four groups and assign one group each step:
Group 1 Step two: Find out if people will buy our product or service
Group 2 Step three: Determine how the business will operate
Group 3 Step four: Calculate business expenses
Group 4 Step five: Estimate sales income.
3. Ask each group to discuss:
What do we need to find out for our step?
How can we find out this information?
4. Visit each group as they are working to give them help if needed. Allow about 20 minutes for discussion. Have each group choose someone to
present its ideas.
5. When the small group discussion seems to have ended, have the groups present their reports one by one. After each presentation, ask for other ideas
on what the participants need to find out and how.
Peace Corps
6. After the presentations, show the group the calendar. Explain that you would now like them to decide what visits they will make and when.
Emphasize that they may be able to find out information for more than one step in one visit. Ask them:
What information would you like to find out first?
Where will you go?
Who will participate?
7. Write the first visit on the appropriate date on the calendar. Note: For groups with literacy skills, you can write a schedule for several visits over the
next few weeks.
8. Also, decide how often your group will meet to discuss the information they find and to keep up a sense of unity during the feasibility study.
9. At the end of the activity, be sure everyone is clear on the date and time for the first visit.
1. Explain that the purpose of the activity is to practice for meetings with people who will provide information for their study.
2. Divide the group into teams of three or four. Ask each group to think about one of the visits they have planned to get information from an expert or
official. They should decide who they will visit and what information they need to find out. Suggest that the group think about:
What is the purpose of your visit?
Who are you going to meet with?
What do you want to find out?
What questions will you ask? How will you behave?
3. Ask each group to plan and present a short play on their meeting. Give the group at least 20 minutes to plan their plays. Visit each group to assist as
4. Have the groups present their plays one by one. After each presentation, ask the group:
What was effective about the meeting?
Can you add any other questions?
What ideas do you have for your own visits?
Peace Corps
To the Facilitator
The group, with your assistance, is now ready to perform some basic financial analyses, using the
information they have collected. It is important to have all the completed information forms
on hand and to read the activity guidelines before the meeting. Some of the activities look
complicated; but if you take them step by step, they are not so difficult.
Do not worry if you feel you are not good at math. A small hand-held calculator will be very
helpful to you and to the group as well.
Not all the group members will fully understand each part of the financial analysis. This is all right,
as long as some of the women do. These individuals may take on positions in the business that
deal with money, such as administrator or treasurer.
Dont let the fancy names of the activities fool you. Remember that a short time ago the words
feasibility study sounded threatening. Look how far the group has come in that short time.
There are some important points to stress during this final analysis of the feasibility study materials.
Businesses dont generally make a profit during the first year.
You will have to work very hard before there are monetary benefits.
Satisfaction and frustration will be commonly felt; it seems they go hand in hand.
Starting a business is a real growth experience and you must not lose faith.
Peace Corps
Business Plan
(Groups Name and Number of Members)
Our Business
Our Market
We will sell to (who, where, when):
Our competitors are (who, where, why):
We will publicize our business like this:
Business Operation
Our production plan for one year (schedule and quantities) is:
each day__________________________________________________________________________________
each week_________________________________________________________________________________
each month________________________________________________________________________________
The total amount to be produced in one year is:
The people who will work are (who and how many):
We will divide the work like this:
The people responsible for managing our business are (list any positions like manager or treasurer and what they do:
Business Expenses
Our start-up expenses will be:
TOTAL __________________________________
TOTAL __________________________________
Sales Income
Our price of our item/service is:_________________________________________________________________
We estimate we can sell this quantity:
each day ____________________________
each month__________________________
each month________________________
each year____________________________
each year___________________________
Business Benefits
1. Tell the group that they will now make their business plan. This means they will
describe their business, including expected costs and sales.
2. Using the chart, go through the items one by one. Refer to the completed
information forms as needed.
3. The group may still have differences of opinion about aspects of the business.
Completing the form will help them clarify what they plan to do. End the activity
when the form is completed.
4. Take a break.
1. Tell the participants that it is essential to determine how much money they need to start their
2. Choose the form that is appropriate for your groups business.
3. Explain that an investment plan is a one year budget for the business. This includes startup
expenses plus one year of operating expenses.
NOTE: Do not include any loan payments in the first year operating expenses for the
investment plan.
4. Using the information on the business plan, write in the amounts for each item. You may
need to refer back to some of the Information Forms for specific numbers. Depending on the
numeracy skills in your group, you may need to provide a lot of support and encouragement
during this activity.
5. When the form is completed, ask the group if members have any questions about what they
have been doing. Discuss any areas that need clarification.
Peace Corps
6. Now, help the group determine how much money they need to borrow. Explain that the group needs cash to cover the start-up expenses and part
of the operating expenses that will not be covered by income (in some cases, a full year of operating expenses must be included, in others, this
amount can be less; see the example Making Jelly in Costa Rica on p. 144 ).
7. Ask the group:
How much cash do you need to start the business?
How much cash do you need for operating expenses?
How much cash, if any, do you have on hand?
How much do you need to borrow?
Where can you get a loan? at what interest rate?
NOTE: The women may not be able to calculate the portion of operating expenses they need to borrow until they complete the cash flow analysis in
the next activity. If so, return to these questions about the amount of loan needed after that activity.
Raw Materials
Doing a Feasibility Study
Peace Corps
Purpose: To determine when money will be needed in the business and if it will be available
when it is needed.
1. Remind the women of the story of Rosa and Pablo, the couple who wanted to buy a bed. Ask:
Why is it important to know when we will make a profit?
2. Explain that they will project their monthly income and expenses for a three year period.
3. Use the cash flow chart and enter the expenses from the Business Plan for each month.
There is no magical formula for determining a reasonable profit
margin or rate of return for the level of small business your
participants are probably considering. However, one standard is
to compare the profits to the amount the women invested and
the value of their time worked (i.e. the equivalent amount they
would have made in a local salaried position for someone with
their skills). This can help them assess whether the business is
worth the investment of their money and time.
If it cannot be avoided, how will you cover your expenses for that
Peace Corps
that they use in the recipe will cost $150 monthly. They estimate the cost
of the water that they use to make the jelly to be $3 each month.
Based on their feasibility study, the women realize that they will have
transportation costs, utility costs and other costs related to keeping
records and taking orders that will total $160 each month.
The women have spoken to the owners of the stores in San Jose, and they
are willing to pay $1 for each jar of jelly. A small shop that caters to tourists
might be willing to pay more, but the women are basing their sales price
on what the majority of stores are able to pay. They want to sell 2666 jars
each month, so they are estimating their sales at $2666 monthly.
The women will be able to sell their product the very first month it is
produced, but they will still need a loan to buy the machines, pots and
ladles, as well as the ingredients for the first month. This will cost $1569.
The women have free access to some oranges, mangoes and
They have investigated various banks, and think that they will have to
guava that grow near their homes. However, for the large quantities of
pay 15% interest on the money they borrow. They will have to begin
jelly they are planning to sell, they know they will also buy some fruit
repayment in the third month that the business is in operation, and will
from local producers. Because of the local growing seasons, they will be
able to make mango jelly in May, June and July; guava jelly in September make payments every month for one year. The payments will be $150
a month ($1569 + $235 interest = $1804 total divided by 12 months =
and October; and orange jelly in December, January and February. This
means that in March, April, August and November, they will not be able to $150).
produce any jellies. They will have to plan their business very carefully and In order to keep the costs to a minimum, and to be sure that there is
calculate their costs to make sure that their small business can survive
enough money to pay back the loan and pay bills during the months
these months when they will have no sales.
when they are unable to make jelly, they have agreed not to take
Once the women have bought the machine, pots and ladles, they will be salaries at first. They will volunteer their time until the business has been
established for six months, then they will each take a salary of $250
ready to buy the ingredients for the jelly and the jars to put it in. These
jars and ingredients are the major costs of the business. The women plan per month during those eight months when they are selling jelly. They
to make jelly three days a week in the months when they have fruit. Two will not take salaries during the months when no jelly is produced. The
large batches of jelly make a little over 222 jars, so the women will need to remaining profit they will leave in the business accounts, so that in case of
an emergency, a need to replace equipment, or a desire to expand, they
buy 2666 jars each month. These jars with lids and labels cost $640 each
will have the money needed.
month. The fruit they have to buy will cost $496 each month. The sugar
Peace Corps
Investment Plan
Use the appropriate investment plan (pp. 139-140 ) and fill out the budget for one year.
It should look similar to this when finished.
Machine, pots and ladles
Jars 5120
Sugar 1200
Water 24
Fruit 3968
Misc. (transportation, utilities, etc.)
Labor 3000
$ 15,353
Put the expenses for each month on the expense line of the chart:
1. Start-up and first month operation: put $1569 in Month 1.
2. Production:
put $1449 in each month of production (jars$640; fruit$496; sugar$150;
water$3; and administration$160).
3. Loan repayments:
put $150 in Year I/July-April and Year II/May-June ($1569 principal + $235 interest
@ 15% = $1804 total divided by 12 months = $150 per month).
4. Non-production months (August, November, March and April): Year Iput $310 in
each month ($150 loan payment + $160 administration) Year IIput $160
administration in each month
5. Salary:
Put $1,000 for salaries, beginning Year I/December, except in the non-production months
(August, November, March and April).
Sales Income
Put the income for each month on the income line of the chart: $2666 for each month, except August, November, March and April.
Profit or Loss
Subtract each months expenses from income to determine that months available cash. Calculate total income, total expenses, and total profit for Year I,
II, and III.
NOTE: Point out that in some months, such as August, there is a loss. However, the cumulative profit is sufficient to cover this loss. If the cumulative profit
were not sufficient, the business women would have to reduce salaries for the month or make arrangements for credit with suppliers.
The business shows a profit each year, though minimal in Year II. The women are each paid a salary of $2,000 a year, so they have personal income from
the business even if they do not yet share in the profits. At the end of Year III, they have $6368 in their account, and consider raising their salaries or
expanding their business.
Year I
Peace Corps
Year II
Year III
Time: 1 hour.
Rationale: This activity gives the group a chance to consider all the data and decide:
yes or no.
Do we provide a
needed product/service?
Do we have sufficient
time to dedicate
to the business?
Do our families
support the idea?
1. Tell the group that they are now ready to make the decision on whether to go
ahead with their business idea or to look for another. This is the moment they have
been building up to since the program began!
2. Remind the group that the previous activities gave a pretty good indication of the
profitability of the business. But, they may still have some other concerns besides
3. Present the Decision-Making Checklist, either orally or on large paper. Have them
say whether each factor is positive or negative.
4. When all the items are completed, ask:
Are most of our answers in the positive or negative column?
Is there any negative factor, such as lack of credit, that makes the business
What is our decision about the business: yes or no? Why?
What are the risks?_______________________________
5. If a yes decision is made: Break into small groups and ask the women to discuss
what they are looking forward to most about starting a business and what they fear
the most.
If a no decision is made: Refer back to the earlier activities where the group listed
a number of business possibilities and plan for a time to convene and reexamine
other options.
Peace Corps
Purpose: To enable the group who has made a yes decision to plan their next steps.
Time: 30 minutes.
Rationale: This activity builds on the momentum of the feasibility study by immediately
involving the women in starting their business.
1. This activity is an informal discussion for the women to identify what to do next. To begin, just
You decided what business to pursue. What do you need to do now?
2. The group may focus on credit. Help the group review sources of credit and how to apply for it.
Once the credit sources are lined up, the process should not take more than a month. Also, the
group may need to purchase equipment or rent a workplace.
3. Set a time and place for the next meeting. Decide who
will do what before that meeting. Its important to
keep up momentum and start the next phase as soon
as possible.
4. Congratulate everyone on the hard work shes done
and how much has been accomplished. Have a
business launching party!
Women, Ink
The United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) is pleased to announce the establishment of Women, Ink, a project to
market and distribute women and development resource materials. Women, Ink. is supported by a major new UNIFEM communications
programme whose mandate is to document and distribute information about UNIFEMs 15 years of experience working on women and
development issues. The new programme also involves assisting partner organizations to document their experiences and exchange
Women, Ink. will distribute women and development resource materials published or produced by both UNIFEM and other women and
development organizations. These will include books, journals, occasional papers, technical guides, training materials and videos. The
new programme will also provide opportunities for Third World women and organizations to publish their experiences in an international
As part of this initiative, UNIFEM was able to acquire the valuable publications of the Overseas Education Fund (OEF) International when
that agency ceased operations in 1991. We are delighted to be able to give these very practically-oriented publications a new home, and
will work towards extending their distribution and usefulness.
This, and the many planned initiatives of Women, Ink. will, we hope, help to respond to the enormous and fast growing demand for
advocacy and learning materials among women at all levels of society in all parts of the world.
Sharon Capeling-Alakija
United Nations Development Fund for Women