The Shrine of Kollchap
The Shrine of Kollchap
The Shrine of Kollchap
a d6 to avoid falling. A
fall will cause a
Above Ground
2 Hobgoblins (AC 6; Hit Points 2, 6; MV
90'; Attacks 1; Damage l-8; Save F 1; ML 8;
When the players arrive, they will see what
appear to be the remnants of a Grecian-style
temple. Pillars are broken down and the roof
is badly cracked, but there are signs of
rebuilding. The middle of the temple is bare
and at the far end there is an irregular hole in
the stone floor. The hole is slightly larger
than a manhole (four feet in diameter) and
is large enough for a man to pass through
with ease. Lurking in the ruins are two ugly
humanoid creatures with earth brown skin
(Hobgoblins). They will observe the party
The majority of passageways in this dungeon
are five feet wide except for those leading on
to the central Sacrifice Room (12), which are
ten feet wide. They are all ten feet high, and
1. Orc Guardroom
4 Orcs (AC 6; Hit Points 3, 2, 3, 8; MV
120'; Attacks 1; Damage 1-6; Save F 1;
ML 8; Chaotic)
3. Floorless Room
No Monsters
This room was once the entrance to the
4. Corridor Trap
Green Slime (AC may always be hit; Hit
Points 4; MV 3'; Attacks 1; Damage
corrosion; Save F1; ML 12; Neutral)
2. Rubbish Dump
7. Coffin Storeroom
No monsters
8. Odrics Bedroom
F 2; ML 7; Neutral)
ML 12; Chaotic)
No monsters
This room is used by Odric for changing into
his sacrifice robes. The room is bare except
for a large chest. In this there are a number
of clothes, all either green or white. There is
a secret door at the back of the room which
leads into the rear corridor. The stairs lead up
No monsters
This room was once a waiting room for the
oracle in Room 17. There is a table and a
bench round the walls. There is some junk
(paper, broken chairs and so on) on the
floor. There is nothing of value here.
17. Oracle Room
No monsters
20. Cave