Functional Foods: Trends, Prospects and Challenges For The Food Industry Funkcionalna Hrana: Trendovi, Izgledi I Izazovi Za Industriju Hrane
Functional Foods: Trends, Prospects and Challenges For The Food Industry Funkcionalna Hrana: Trendovi, Izgledi I Izazovi Za Industriju Hrane
Functional Foods: Trends, Prospects and Challenges For The Food Industry Funkcionalna Hrana: Trendovi, Izgledi I Izazovi Za Industriju Hrane
97 - 100
UDK: 664
Pregledni rad
Consumers currently demand that food products offer not only organoleptic qualities (e.g. taste) but also health benefits. Efforts
for new product development are being directed towards the newly emerging area of functional foods; these are products with
health enhancing properties beyond the provision of essential nutrients. Functional foods can take many forms; some may be conventional products with bioactive components and other may be fortified to reduce disease risk for a certain group of people. Research
currently underway at academic, industry and government facilities reveals how numerous constituents can serve as functional ingredients in food matrices or as supplements-remedies in pure form (nutraceuticals). Constituents from conventional and nontraditional plant and animal sources offer indeed unlimited opportunities for the creation of acceptable and marketable functional
products. The future of functional foods will strongly depend on further advances of our knowledge in structure-function relations of
food bioactives, innovative technologies for effective formulation and delivery of bioactives to different parts of the digestive system,
enhanced sensorial quality and shelf-life of the product, establishment of proper regulatory framework to facilitate labelling claims
and improved consumer understanding of health related benefits. This review paper aims to discuss the key issues surrounding the
functional foods arena by considering the definition, the bioactive components, the development and the market drivers of functional
products as well as the trends, opportunities and challenges the food industry faces on its way to translate basic-applied nutritional
research and technology innovations (e.g. microencapsulation, nanoparticle technology, active packaging, etc.) into safe and health
benefiting products for the consumer.
Key words: functional food FF, nutritional concept, functional ingredients, technology innovation.
Potroai stalno zahtevaju od hrane da prui ne samo organoleptiki kvalitet (na primer ukus), nego da je korisna za zdravlje.
Napori koji se ulau u razvoj novog proizvoda su usmereni na pojavljivanje nove oblasti oznaene kao funkcionalna hrana; to su
proizvodi sa poveanim osobinama koje pozitivno utiu na zdravlje, a pri tome imaju i dalje esencijana nutritivna svojstva.
Funkcionalna hrana ima vie oblika; to moe biti konvencionalna hrana sa bioaktivnim komponentama ili moe biti ojaana tako
da smanjuje rizik pojave neke bolesti za odreene grupe ljudi. Istraivanja koja se trenutno izvode na akademskom i industrijskom
nivou,ili na nivou dravnih organa, obelodanjuju kako brojni konstituenti mogu da slue kao funkcionalni sastojci u matrici hrane ili
kao dodaci u hrani i to u istom formi. Sastojci iz konvencionalnih i netradicionalnih biljnih i ivotinjskih izvora, zaista nude
neograniene mogunosti za kreiranje prihvatljive i marketinki opravdane funkcionalne proizvode. Budunost funkcionalne hrane e
strogo zavisiti od daljeg unapreenja naeg saznanja. o strukturi i funkcionalnim odnosima hrane i bioaktiva, od inovativnih
tehnologija za efektivnim formulacijama i mogunostima bioaktivnih materija da se dostave do odreenih delova digestivnog
sistema, od poveanja senzorskih osobina i duine vremena skladitenja shelf-life, od ustanovljavanja zakonske regulative koja
treba da obezbedi odgovaraje oznaavanje takve hrane i od povienog nivoa obavetavanja potroaa o njihovomn zdravlju i
korisnosti primene funkcionalne hrane. Ovaj pregledni rad ima za cilj da diskutuje o kljunim takama u vezu funkcionalne hrane, da
uzme u obzir definiciju ovog pojma, bioaktivne komponente, razvoj i trite funkcionalnih proizvoda, kao i trendove, mogunosti i
izazove sa kojima se susree industrija hrane na svom putu prenoenja fundamentalnih i primenjenih rezultata istraivanja u
inovacione tehnologije (na primer mikroenkapsulacija, tehnologija nano estica, aktivno pakovanje i dr) koje e obezbediti
zdravstveno bezbedne proizvode za potroae.
Kljune rei: funkcionalna hrana FP, concept ishrane, funkcionalni sastojci, tehnoloke inovacije.
During the last decade the nutritional science has developed
new views on the role of the diet beyond basic requirements for
normal body functions1. This increased awareness of the physiological activity of food components and their role in our wellbeing has fostered the introduction of functional foods (FF). The
populations of most developed countries are rapidly aging. In
spite of the increase in health consciousness, a growing number
of adults suffer from the so-called diseases of affluence. As a
result there is a growing interest in the potential for using diet to
lower the risk of chronic diseases like coronary heart diseases
(CHD), cancer, osteoporosis etc. Even younger people with busy
lifestyles are keen to invest in the personal health making
choices for quick and convenient meals that help to maintain
their well-being or even prevent illness and at the same time,
taste good. The development and marketing of FF is the food
industrys response to the consumers demand for foods that are
PTEP 12(2008) 3
It is important to note that the concept of FF did not develop
quickly; instead, they can be viewed as products of a multi-step
evolution process with discrete achievements in the post-harvest
food technology field2. In the 70s, foods were first introduced
that were less processed to approach the wholesomeness of raw
materials and this trend was followed by products enriched with
vitamins (e.g. milk fortified with vitamins A, D) to improve
health. In the 80s, it was recognized that over-consumption of
calories from fat and carbohydrates was a major contributing
factor, along with the lack of exercise, to the higher incidence
technological solutions, are also critical issues in the development of successful functional products. In this respect, product
differentiation is important to promote growth and improve the
market share of a company.
Awareness of
health // diet
Pressure to
Aging populations
Functional Food
PTEP 12(2008) 3
is often a need to establish a whole body of physiological evidence using animal or even human systems by properly conducted clinical trials. Confirmation of efficacy with human studies indeed provides strong evidence to support health claims that
are product specific. Dissemination of the observed physiological activities of bioactives through publications in peer-reviewed
journals is the most widely accepted avenue to distribute new
knowledge and to create an interest and positive position for a
given functional food ingredient.
PTEP 12(2008) 3
also lower the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol concentration by 10-15%2,7. At this level of LDL lowering, a reduction in heart disease risk of 25% would be expected in the general population. There are at least three possible mechanisms of
action for phytosterol induced lowering of serum cholesterol,
and additional protective effects on proliferation of colonocytes
(linked with reduced cancer risk) have been also suggested.
Sterols and stanols are presently found in many functional
products including fat spreads, yoghurts and other fermented
dairy and non-dairy products, rye bread, etc., and over the past
5-7 years a number of health claims have been approved for
these products in US, Canada, Australia, Japan and Europe2,8.
Sterols and stanols are generally recognized as safe, with one
important concern related to the potential interference with absorption of fat-soluble nutrients (e.g. carotenoids) if consumed in
large amounts daily. Overall, it is generally accepted that the
consumption of 1-2 g of sterols daily will lead to beneficial effects in lowering serum cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol levels
without causing any adverse effects.
Dietary fiber is the endogenous part of plant materials in the
diet that resists to digestion by human enzymes found in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. It mostly includes cellulose, hemicelluloses and other mucilages-gums, pectins and lignin. All these
poorly digested materials by humans seem to have a number of
beneficial physiological effects in the digestive tract. Dietary
fibers are classified as soluble and insoluble. The use of the
soluble fiber (-glucans) from oat bran in cardiovascular risk
management was the first health claim allowed under the US
Dietary Supplement Health Education Act in the early 90s.
There are now specific -glucan claims for oat and barley, in US
(FDA) and Canada, and oat-derived product (bran, flours ect.)
claims in UK, Finland and Sweden. Moreover, many fiberfortified foods have government-backed FOSHU status for their
health benefits in Japan9,10.
Consumption of soluble fiber has been shown to lower LDLcholesterol levels through a series of processes that alter cholesterol and glucose metabolism. The mechanism of action is
thought to involve increasing fecal bile acid excretion and interference with bile acid re-absorption. The fermentation of fiber in
the colon by intestinal flora leads to production of short-chain
fatty acids (SCFA: acetate, propionate, butyrate) and gases. The
SCFA not only provide fuel for the colonocytes, but their production is related to lower serum cholesterol and decreased risk
of colon cancer (particularly in the case of butyrate production).
Undigested fibers also increase fecal wet weight and speed intestinal transit. Eating insoluble fiber has been also shown to reduce
the risk of developing constipation, colitis, and even hemorrhoids. High fiber diets, both soluble and insoluble components,
are shown by many clinical data to effectively control (moderate) the post-prandrial glucose and insulin blood levels, becoming suitable for both types of diabetics, I and II. Indeed, soluble
dietary fiber, such as oat -glucan, psyllium, and guar gum have
been recommended for improvement of postprandial insulin and
glucose metabolism, in addition to antihyperlipidemic effects.
These viscous polysaccharides in a composite food matrix can
slow down the rate of carbohydrate digestion and absorption
(low Glycemic Index products); inverse relationships have been
shown between postprandial blood glucose and insulin responses
and the viscosity of the liquid products consumed10. For soluble
oat and barley -glucans, an efficacious dose of 3 g/day has been
recommended by FDA for reduction of CHD risk.
The great challenge to the food industry in formulating fiber-enriched products is to accomplish this goal without sacrificing the organoleptic appeal (color, flavor, texture, mouthfeel).
These objectives can be achieved by understanding the structural
and physicochemical basics of fiber functionality (from both
technological and physiological viewpoint). New forms of dietary fiber, e.g. resistant starches, offer unique opportunities in
Functional foods are a new category of products that attract
the attention of consumers, food manufacturers and regulatory
authorities. Several of these products with well-proven efficacy
(e.g. those containing phytosterols, fibers, antioxidants, probiotic
cultures and other nutraceuticals) have gained popularity on the
global market and offered continued growth, product diversification (added-value), and sustainability to the food manufacturing
sector. For many bioactives, there is sufficient scientific evidence to link their consumption with certain health benefits. In
contrast, for other ingredients there is still a need for more research and further clinical evidence to prove their physiological
functionality. However, health claims of any type must be based
on science and not science fiction. Greater fundamental understanding at a molecular level is also required for the newly
emerging technologies on the development of effective delivery
systems involving nanoparticles to broaden the applicability of
these approaches and to ensure safety and compliance with regulatory issues.
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Primljeno: 11.4.2008.
Prihvaeno: 15.4.2008.
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