April 21, 2010 6:04 PM: Strictly Follow The DATE Not The TIME
April 21, 2010 6:04 PM: Strictly Follow The DATE Not The TIME
April 21, 2010 6:04 PM: Strictly Follow The DATE Not The TIME
The mail that were sent by Vijaya & Adrian was long ago (2008), next time
send a separate attach mail,
so that it doesn't differs with our conversation.
From: Shrmaraj A/L Nadarajah
Sent: Wednesday,
To: Saravanan A/L Muttia; Ismail Bin Samat; Anita A/P Renganathan
Cc: Padmakumar A/L Ramachandran
Subject: RE: vessel opening Time
Its clearly stated as per below's mail from Vijaya & Adrian, follow Opening
Date & not Time.
From: Mohd Izhar Bin Ismail
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 4:56 PM
To: Shrmaraj A/L Nadarajah; Megat Zul Azizi Bin Fahimudin; Masdi Bin Shaari
Cc: Padmakumar A/L Ramachandran; Saravanan A/L Muttia; Ismail Bin Samat; Anita
A/P Renganathan; Muhammad Nizam Bin Saharudin; exec_gate
Subject: RE: vessel opening Time
Dear All,
I'm not referred to Vessel opening, it was Yard opening which is 5 days before vessel ETA.
You can check this with YP. As for our SCSS system, the validation of yard opening is by date &
If the container turn in to gate on the same date but yet to reach the exact time, our system
will prompt "Container does have no opening".
Unless container has approval for early entry by shipping line, we will update the number
accordingly in SCSS and container
can start turn in without having waiting its yard opening.
For yard opening information liner,forwarding and haulier can check through E-Terminal as
sample below :
Mohd Izhar
Container Gate, Logistic Section
Container Department
Westports Malaysia Sdn Bhd
: +603-31694000 ext : 488
Mobile : +012-2262125
Dear Shrmaraj,
Need to confirm what is the current procedure for vessel opening, is it based
on date or time. Previously the Call Centre was advised that vessel opening is
based on date but today we were told by En. Izhar, Gate Exec that it is based
on time and this has been an old practice.
We need to advise customers accurately on this matter to avoid container
being rejected at Gate. Also please advice from which system we will be able
to check the opening time to advice our customers accordingly as AS400 only
shows date.
Hope in future any such changes in procedures which concern our
customers will be notified to Call Centre.
Anita Nathan