Sulyap Vol 2 Issue 10
Sulyap Vol 2 Issue 10
Sulyap Vol 2 Issue 10
by Aq uilino Juanites
According to the Deputy Director, there are four major services provided by
the centers: counseling, education, culture, research, publishing and regi-
ment activities. The centers currently gives support mostly to migrant work-
ers from Mongolia and South Africa. The Director also mentioned that their
services could not cover the entire country and that at the moment, their
priorities are helping the areas like Seoul and the Gyeonggi-province.
“I hope she does a better job and I am delighted with her appointment, which
makes it very easy to walk away with a clear conscience, knowing what a
great job she will do,” Castro added.
(turn to page 2)
by BongDel Mundo
I taewon, Seoul-- The fourth leaders forum was held last November 14,2009
4:00 PM at the Chancery Lobby of the Philippine Embassy.
One of the highlights of the forum was the update about the new law on
sojourn period of the foreign workers under the Employment Permit System
Photo by Mico Hontiveros of AFC (EPS).
“Maghanda na kayo ngayon habang hindi pa kayo umuuwi,” said
Ms. Patricia A. Sto. Tomas, Chairman of the Board of the Development Bank of the Ms. Park Eun Jeong, a counselor of the National Labor Consultation Center
Philippines (DBP) during her lecture on Financial Education and Reintegration in Ansan (NLCC) explained the revised law. The new law states that -
City held last October 18, 2009. [Full story of page 6] (turn to page 2)
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In addition on the updates of the new law, the Minis-
try of Labor has selected 37 organizations across
Korea to be the Caring Centers for Foreign Workers
while they are on their job searching period. These
by Billy Vela centers offer free accommodations, food (breakfast
at least) and job searching assistance.
T his November was the season of the dead. Maybe it’s the
weather. But when people think of November, they think of
something cold, damp or gray. Or they think of the night and the
In my case, it had been a long time since I had visited my father, resting
quietly under the stars.
mystery it holds. I believe in life after death, not in the religious sense but in the sense of
taking something that had died and transforming it into something that we
Back in the Philippines, November 1 or 2 is the time when we go to can take with us.
cemeteries to celebrate the feast of the dead.
We transform our past and it evolves with us. When we honor the dead we
The normal quiet cemeteries become alive, the darkness is broken by honor our memories. We take them for the pages of our past and into our
candles lit everywhere, the smoke of incense filling the air, and fami- current life. The past is after all, a part of who we are.
lies having a night picnic alongside the grave of their loved ones. It
brings the darkness to light thus reminding us that the dead is still with In a way, it is comparable to bringing our culture overseas. We take our
us. traditions and our heritage with us as we travel across world.
We Filipinos have close family ties, and that is why even in death, we One of the hardest things about living abroad is the feeling of being cut off
refuse to break these ties. from our roots, like a fruit blown away by the wind, forever separated from
the tree. The separation anxiety catches on after a while. Though at first
I always thought the feast of the dead would be something sad and we may be dazzled by all the sights and sounds of a new culture.
gloomy, until I saw the smile on everyone’s faces…the warmth in
people’s eyes. It is the Filipino culture of always being happy…a hap- Eventually we all have to adapt. We need to change certain things. We
piness that shines through and brings us hope even in the darkest of need to embrace new things, certain ideologies must be sacrificed. Out-
times. dated ideas must be forgotten.
Life had always been simple in the Philippines. It was so easy to be But some things will always remain like the way we will always love tinola,
happy with ordinary things like eating taho or balot on the streets. It or chicharon. Like the way we always love to sing at the karaoke.
was that kind of happiness and innocence that couldn’t be bought.
That was priceless and the kind that makes us homesick. I suppose We may have grown roots in a new land, but we take with us our culture,
that for most people, a certain darkness dwells in our hearts. People our past, all the unique flavors of home. We evolve.
long to visit the graves of some family members. We seek for unity - a
reunion both in the living and the dead. We survive.
by Bevi Tamargo
SULYAPINOY Office Address: 115-9 Songbuk-gu, Songbuk 1 dong, Songbuk Villa, Seoul, Korea 136-020
FEWA Office Address & SULYAPINOY Distribution Center: Inside WOORI BANK, Hyehwa-dong Branch, Jongno-gu, Seoul 3
Nurturing a Meaningful
Labor Attache Atty. Delmer R. Cruz Friendship
Philippine Overseas Labor Office by Consul Arnel Talisayon
Meanwhile, the Ramon Obusan Folkloric Group and IM WITH YOU!
the Sanghiyas Pangkat Mananayaw took center
Dad’s Visit
stage at the National Theater of Korea from
By Benj del Mundo by Bevi Tamargo
September 30 to October 1 when they successfully
showcased various folk dances in a production THE ROAD MAY BE BUMPY
entitled Bahaghari. The groups were sponsored by He clutched his briefcase
the South Korean Ministry of Culture, Sports and AS YOU TRAVEL JUST TO SEE... And walked hurriedly
Tourism as part of the World Festival of National YOU FEEL LIKE YOU'RE SAILING
As though
Theaters. Their two-day stint is now considered as not to be late
one of the most well-attended foreign productions in ON THE OCEAN WITHOUT ME. for an important meeting.
the two-year history of the World Festival in Seoul.
We also held the Philippines-Korea You’re alive…
Economic Cooperation Forum at the Shilla Hotel on MANY TRIALS YOU HAD BEEN, I said, perplexed.
November 5, where experts from the two countries To some, I am alive
discussed investment opportunities and ways to To some, I am dead
enhance trade. The Forum was spearheaded by the FOR MY PRESENSE IS NOT SEEN.
But no matter,
Korean Embassy in Manila, which has also been
He shrugged
undertaking numerous activities for the Friendship
Year. Ask your friends and relatives in the MANY TIMES YOU STUMBLE
Life goes on…
Philippines to take part. As of this writing, for
instance, the Korean Week is about to go full blast
with the visit of K-pop figures. YOU'VE PASSED ALL THE HURDLES He found a Door
And walked out
We have, by no means, reached the of my dreams
ending salvo yet. Anniversaries are meant to remind into another World
us of our past and nudge us to plan for our future. In IN ALL YOUR UP'S AND DOWNS
But the sound of my
our own ways—through individual initiatives, pro- sobbing
grams by organizations, or embassy-led activities— THAT MAKES YOUR FACE FROWN brought him back.
we can help spread awareness about the rich his- YOU MANAGED TO PUT A SMILE
tory shared by our two nations and the future we will
continue to walk together as partners in the global Why are you crying?
community. Dad…I am an orphan…
He hugged me
The anniversary’s theme is, aptly, “Nurturing a Never for one moment, Anak.
Meaningful Friendship.” It could very well be the YOU'LL BE HAPPY TO SEE
Never for one moment
theme of our international efforts, of our personal
lives, and of our collective aspirations for the next THE SUCCESS OF YOUR HARDWORKS The Dead lives on.
60 years and beyond. COZ IM WITH YOU THOUGH YOU CANT SEE...
Are you happy in Korea? Everyone has been asked that question at least once during their stay here. We Filipinos are always praised for our
warm smiles and cheerful demeanor, even in the face of hardship, but I think few can truly claim to be happy. After all, how can we be truly happy when we’re
living and working thousands of miles away from our loved ones back home?
Happiness can mean different things to different people. Happiness can mean getting a better job, more money, going on a long relaxing (paid) vacation or
simply just having fun with friends. For those suffering from homesickness, they think happiness will come to them once they go back home to their families in
the Philippines. Sure, these things can make us happy, but only for a short time.
According to the book How of Happiness by Sonja Lyubomirksy, there are certain ``happiness activities” we can practice in our daily lives that will help us
become happier people in the long term.
Every day, we should express gratitude for the good things that are happening in our lives right now. We should always think positive. Avoid over thinking and
comparing yourself with other people. It’s never good to compare one’s self, since you’ll just end up being bitter and envious. We should be happy for others’
success, and never succumb to the so-called ``crab mentality.”
We should also practice acts of kindness not just to our fellow kababayans, but to people we encounter in our lives here. A proverb states ``True happiness
consists in making others happy.”
Another way to be happy is to savor little joys in one’s life. Whether its enjoying the company of friends or eating a delicious home cooked meal, we should
always learn to relish ordinary experiences and find pleasure in our daily lives. Happiness is also attained by practicing religion, like praying and going to
Church every Sunday.
I hope these “happiness activities,” no matter how simple it sounds, would help you become more positive and happy in the long term. Filipinos are already
known as one of the happiest people in Asia, so I think these ``happiness activities” will come naturally to everyone. Don’t worry, and just be happy and stay
healthy! 5
Community News
AFC Sends Relief to Typhoon Victims
by Billy Vela by Billy Vela
A nsan City, Gyeonggi-do – The governments Financial Education and Reintegration Prepar-
edness Team visited Ansan Filino Community (AFC) last October 18, 2009.
A nsan City-- The Ansan Filipino Commu-
nity (AFC) once again showed their
Bayanihan attitude by extending help to our
needy countrymen victimized by typhoon
Ms. Patricia A. Sto. Tomas, Chairman of the board of Development Bank of the Philippines or Ondoy and Pepeng. AFC Pres. Richard Fran-
DBP, gave a lecture about Financial Education and Reintegration Preparedness to AFC. Over cisco initiated the call for help by asking differ-
200 persons attended the said seminar. ent Filipino individuals and groups to donate
cash or in kind for the victims.
“Maghanda na kayo ngayon habang hindi pa kayo umuuwi” said Sto. Tomas. “Kaming nasa
pamahalaan pa hanggang ngayon ay nakahandang tulungan kayo na ang pinaghirapan ninyo Filipinos in Ansan positively respond to this call
dito ay hindi mawalan ng saysay” Sto. Tomas added as she persuaded OFWs in AFC to be bringing their donations in the form of used
prepared by saving their hard-earned money and investing it in a business. clothes and blankets, noodles, canned goods
etc. to the Galilea office. AFC volunteers were
OFWs who are members of cooperatives can avail the credit and loan facility of DBP without able to pack six (6) jumbo boxes out of these
collateral. After her lecture, an open forum was held to address some questions from the atten- donations. These boxes were sent to the SVD
dees. The Philippine Embassy gave Sto. Tomas a certificate of appreciation for successfully Secretariat for Biblical Apostolate in Philip-
conducting the said lecture. pines via Forex Cargo who gave 30 percent
discount as their way of help in the victims.
Moreso, Unlad Kabayan Migrant Services Foundation representative, Ms. Melanie Valenciano,
gave AFC an orientation on Migrant Savings for Alternative Investment (MSAI). She has been In addition, second collection during the
helping OFWs in the past through Financial Literacy and Entrepreneurship training programs. Sunday mass was conducted for two consecu-
tive Sundays amounting to more than 1 million
They also organized savings and investment groups which offered to help them check the viabil- won. Several Korean and Filipino (Pinoy store
ity of their business plans. In addition to this, she also offered support through credit assistance owners and organizations) benefactors also
for OFWs in partnership with the DBP. “Maganda po yung naghahanda tayo in our eventual extended their financial support. Summing it up
return sa bansang pilipinas ” Valenciano told AFC. all, the AFC was able to gather PhP120,000 of
cash donations. This amount was sent to SVD
as well thru bank transfer. They used the said
amount to buy food items such as rice, canned
and packed foods, bottled water, medicines;
and others items like bath soap, toothbrush/
paste, slippers, toilet papers, and other essen-
tial things that are urgently needed by the vic-
tims. The items were repacked and brought to
the affected areas for distribution according to
the receipt letter they sent.
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