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Sulyap Vol 2 Issue 10

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News: POEA Administrator Visits Ansan 2

News: COMELEC Advisory on Absentee Voting 2

Editorial: The Spirit Never Dies 3
Column: Your Korean Experience is Strength 4
OFW-KOREA-2006-001 Column: Nurturing a Meaningful Friendship 4
Feature: Map of the New Philippine Embassy 6
Volume 2 Issue 10 2009 www.sulyapinoy.org NOT FOR SALE

by Aq uilino Juanites

Y ongsan-Gu,Seoul- The Filipino EPS Workers Association (FEWA)

managed to have an initial talk for a possible cooperation with 2
Korean NGOs, namely the Labor Human Rights Center, and the Associa-
tion for Migrant Workers’ Human Rights last October 24.

The Labor Human Rights Center is a non-profit organization supported by

donations from members and it does activities such as labor policy
research, labor education and free counseling. While the Association for
Migrant Workers’ Human Rights was the first organization for migrant work-
ers which performs support services to migrant workers living in Korea.

According to the Deputy Director, there are four major services provided by
the centers: counseling, education, culture, research, publishing and regi-
ment activities. The centers currently gives support mostly to migrant work-
ers from Mongolia and South Africa. The Director also mentioned that their
services could not cover the entire country and that at the moment, their
priorities are helping the areas like Seoul and the Gyeonggi-province.

SULYAPINOY Board of Publication Chairman Rebenson Recana appealed

to one of the centers’ officers, Mr. Yu Seong Gyu to regularly visit
SULYAPINOY's forum website to answer inquiries pertaining to the provi- The Official Take Ov er: SULYAPINOY outgoing EIC, Edward Castro as he passes
sions of the Labor Standard Act ,and share his expertise in Labor Laws. Mr. the symbolic key of responsibility as Editor in Chief to Ms. Bevi Tamargo, witnessed by the officers
Yu Seong Gyu was the speaker in a Korean Labor Law seminar facilitated and members of the Filipino EPS Workers Association (FEWA) and SULYAPINOY editorial staff.
by the Korean Labor Education Institute, in collaboration with the Philippine
Embassy in 2007,where FEWA officers and volunteers were among the
by Rebenson Recana
As the Korean economy starts to recover faster than expected, this is the per-
fect time for FEWA to aggressively establish ties with other organizations to
work together in addressing existing labor related problems of Filipino EPS
workers ,and to fulfill its mission to promote the welfare of Filipino EPS workers.
S EOUL- “I am passing this particular torch on to my cleverer and more up
-to-date successor,” said Edward Castro, the outgoing SULYAPINOY
Chief Editor as he relinquished his post to Ms. Beverly Fluer Tamargo during
FEWA negotiating team composed of Marcelino M. Serdena III (FEWA Presi- his going-away party held in Hyewhadong in Seoul.
dent), Rebenson B. Recana (FEWA Founding Chairman), Bevi Tamargo
(SULYAPINOY EIC), and Loreto H. Agustin (FEWA Administrative Adviser). The Filipino EPS Workers Association (FEWA) and SULYAPINOY welcomed
“Bevi”, as she fondly called by her friends, at their Woori Bank Hyewhadong
Office, during the turn-over ceremonies last October 25, 2009.

“I hope she does a better job and I am delighted with her appointment, which
makes it very easy to walk away with a clear conscience, knowing what a
great job she will do,” Castro added.
(turn to page 2)

by BongDel Mundo

I taewon, Seoul-- The fourth leaders forum was held last November 14,2009
4:00 PM at the Chancery Lobby of the Philippine Embassy.

One of the highlights of the forum was the update about the new law on
sojourn period of the foreign workers under the Employment Permit System
Photo by Mico Hontiveros of AFC (EPS).
“Maghanda na kayo ngayon habang hindi pa kayo umuuwi,” said
Ms. Patricia A. Sto. Tomas, Chairman of the Board of the Development Bank of the Ms. Park Eun Jeong, a counselor of the National Labor Consultation Center
Philippines (DBP) during her lecture on Financial Education and Reintegration in Ansan (NLCC) explained the revised law. The new law states that -
City held last October 18, 2009. [Full story of page 6] (turn to page 2)
SULYAPINOY is accepting cash donations for its monthly printing expenses. You may deposit them @ Account #: 049702 04 058587 / Account Name: Sofonias N. Paragsa / Bank: KB or Kookmin Bank
In addition on the updates of the new law, the Minis-
try of Labor has selected 37 organizations across
Korea to be the Caring Centers for Foreign Workers
while they are on their job searching period. These
by Billy Vela centers offer free accommodations, food (breakfast
at least) and job searching assistance.

A nsan City, Gyeonggi-do – Philippine Overseas

Employment Administration’s (POEA) Admin-
istrator Ms. Jennifer Manalili visited the Ansan
Manalili said that the International Korean Language
Foundation (IKLF) which is previously the only
agency designated by the Ministry of Labor of Korea
Also, workers who are experiencing communication
problems or difficulty in understanding cultural differ-
Filipino Community (AFC) last October 18, 2009. to give KLT to EPS applicants has been changed. ences can now call or use the THREE WAY PARTY
MOL will select a new agency to handle the test. PHONE communication for foreign workers service
She went straight to Ansan after 12 hours of travel center. Just dial 1644 0644 + 7 (for English ) the
from Europe to give updates regarding POEA worker can avail of a three-way communication/
Meanwhile, Labor Attaché Atty. Delmer Cruz shares
policies especially on Employment Permit System translation service.
2 new programs of Human Resources Development
(EPS). Ms. Manalili attended a conference about Corporation of Korea . First, the Caring centers
The caring centers will also provide free consulta-
migration in Europe. “Ang Europa ngayon ay wherein they identified around 37 NGOs, church
tions on existing Korean laws that concerns foreign
nangangamba na sa kanilang future because they based and government run migrant centers to help
workers; and community support services on Korean
have already an aging population,” Manalili told migrant workers who are in the process of transfer- language and culture orientation to better help for-
AFC in her opening talk. ring to another employment. These migrant centers eigner adapt the korean way of living.
will also provide free food and accommodations
By 2013 to 2020, Europe is expected to have lower while “released” or “floating” foreign workers are Here are some useful numbers to call:
population and member of their labor force - the still on the search for possible employer. The Philip-
youth. The said conference tackled the issues on pine Embassy will email all Filipino communities the ANSAN:(031)475 1862
how they are going to solve the challenges on the full lists of the said migrant centers. UIJUNGBU: (031)838 9111-2
next decades. Europe immigration plans to un- MASAN: (055)253 5270-2
tighten their present migration policies as an answer Another program launched by HRD Korea is the 3– GIMHAE: (055)338 2727,3381631-2
to their problem. “They are now opening their way call centers. Migrant workers will just dial the
doors,” “ POEA is looking forward on that opportu- numbers depending on the place where the migrant Labor Attache Delmer Cruz also discussed the com-
nity,” Manalili added. worker is. The call center will connect the foreign plaints of some Filipino workers here in Korea whose
workers to the appropriate person whether it is the passports are kept by their employers to ensure that
Manalili also informed Filipinos in Ansan regarding migrant center, employer, labor office or the job the worker will fulfill their obligations and secure the
some issues on EPS. According to her, the Philip- center and act as a translator for them. contract the worker signed. Under Article33-2 of the
pine government sent delegates here in Korea to Immigration Control Act of Korea, any person is
discuss the commitment agreement on conducting a Labor Attaché Cruz also confirmed that the Na- prohibited from coercing any foreigner to give his/her
new Korean language test. tional Assembly of Korea approved the FIVE (5) passport or foreigner's registration certificate for the
years sojourn period of EPS workers. This issue above reason. If an employer violates this law, a
was likewise reaffirmed by administrator Manalili. foreign worker can call the Korea Immigration hot line
service for assistance. Just dial 1345.
SULYAPINOY Welcomes New Chief Editor
Meanwhile, Consul-General Sylvia M. Marasigan
Castro was one of the pioneer staff of the publication who held several positions such as News Editor, urged all the Philippine passport holders to renew
Feature writer, Layout Artist, and a member of the publication board prior to his appointment as Chief Editor their old passports (referring to the green passport) to
in early 2009, completing his 2 years apprenticeship with SULYAPINOY. a machine readable passport (maroon color). This is
to avoid hassles when traveling since, most countries
Castro will go home to the Philippines to complete his post-graduate studies in Development Administration are now using machine readable or E-passports.
and hopes to get a higher paying job as Marketing Liaison for South-East Asia of a well-known university in
Region 1. “It's time for me to chase bigger dreams, climb higher mountains,” he said. An e-passport is a passport which features microchip
technology. An integrated circuit (chip) within its
Castro is a recognized member of the Filipino community for his contribution in rendering professional com- pages contains the data that are essential in verifying
mitment, dedication and compassion in bringing relevant issues like NPS-SSS Accord on Pension and other the identity of the passport holder. These data in-
labor and migration related concerns to light through press freedom, print and online media to the global clude the personal data found on the data page of
Filipino community. the passport, the biometrics (include face recognition,
finger prints and iris scans) of the passport holder.
Whereas Bevi Tamargo who is a Bachelor of Law graduate, accepted the challenge to take over the The Philippine Embassy here in Korea will make an
position. “As Editor, I am committed to uphold Filipino pride, bring migration and labor issues to light, enter- announcement as soon as the e-passport issuance is
tain our readers and expand our readership,” said the Ms. Tamargo. She is also a BS Commerce graduate available.
major in Management of Financial Institutions.
On the lighter side, The Philippine Embassy and
Overseas Workers Welfare Agency (OWWA) with
4th Q uarter Leaders Forum Held Welfare Officer Evangelina V. Filamor told that there
will be an inter city sports festival this coming sum-
A. On the Re-employment process, all re-employment applied before December 10,2009, the mer of 2010.The said sports festival is for all the
employee/worker will have another three more years as extension of their sojourn period but the employee/ Filipino Communities here in Korea.
worker must exit Korea and stay in their home country for 30days before going back to Korea. While re-
employment applied on Dec.10,2009 onwards, the employee/worker does not need to exit Korea and can COMELEC ADVISORY
working for not more than two years. The COMELEC wishes to inform that all OAV applications
B. On the Job seeking process, an additional one (1) month period is available when a worker is on released for registration/certification that were approved by the
and looking for a job. In the previous law, the worker can have only two (2) months to find another company COMELEC Resident Election Registration Board (RERB)
to work in. Now, in the revised law, a worker will be given three (3) months to find another company through last 04 September 2009 may be viewed through the
the Labor Assistance Center (Guyong Chiwon Center). COMELEC website www.comelec.gov.ph/oavlist/
C. On Additional releases, one more privilege given by the Ministry of Labor was the additional toc_lists.html.For inquiries and other details, kindly email
us at 2010elections@philembassy-seoul.com.
two (2) chances to change his/her company if the employee has a valid reason.

2 www.sulyapinoy.org

T his November was the season of the dead. Maybe it’s the
weather. But when people think of November, they think of
something cold, damp or gray. Or they think of the night and the
In my case, it had been a long time since I had visited my father, resting
quietly under the stars.

mystery it holds. I believe in life after death, not in the religious sense but in the sense of
taking something that had died and transforming it into something that we
Back in the Philippines, November 1 or 2 is the time when we go to can take with us.
cemeteries to celebrate the feast of the dead.
We transform our past and it evolves with us. When we honor the dead we
The normal quiet cemeteries become alive, the darkness is broken by honor our memories. We take them for the pages of our past and into our
candles lit everywhere, the smoke of incense filling the air, and fami- current life. The past is after all, a part of who we are.
lies having a night picnic alongside the grave of their loved ones. It
brings the darkness to light thus reminding us that the dead is still with In a way, it is comparable to bringing our culture overseas. We take our
us. traditions and our heritage with us as we travel across world.

We Filipinos have close family ties, and that is why even in death, we One of the hardest things about living abroad is the feeling of being cut off
refuse to break these ties. from our roots, like a fruit blown away by the wind, forever separated from
the tree. The separation anxiety catches on after a while. Though at first
I always thought the feast of the dead would be something sad and we may be dazzled by all the sights and sounds of a new culture.
gloomy, until I saw the smile on everyone’s faces…the warmth in
people’s eyes. It is the Filipino culture of always being happy…a hap- Eventually we all have to adapt. We need to change certain things. We
piness that shines through and brings us hope even in the darkest of need to embrace new things, certain ideologies must be sacrificed. Out-
times. dated ideas must be forgotten.

Life had always been simple in the Philippines. It was so easy to be But some things will always remain like the way we will always love tinola,
happy with ordinary things like eating taho or balot on the streets. It or chicharon. Like the way we always love to sing at the karaoke.
was that kind of happiness and innocence that couldn’t be bought.
That was priceless and the kind that makes us homesick. I suppose We may have grown roots in a new land, but we take with us our culture,
that for most people, a certain darkness dwells in our hearts. People our past, all the unique flavors of home. We evolve.
long to visit the graves of some family members. We seek for unity - a
reunion both in the living and the dead. We survive.
by Bevi Tamargo


Editor-in-Chief: Bevi Tamargo Managing Editor: Zack Robles Chairman: Aquilino Juanites Jr.
Opinion Editor: Rebenson B. Recaña News Editor: Noel Joseph Alvarez V-Chairman: Teofilo Camo
Literary Editor: Amie Sison Cartoonist: LUMAD Secretary: Eva Del Monte
Photojournalist: Norman Matudan Layout Artist: ßLЏħΣ
Board of Publication in:
Circulation Managers: Rodel Arias, Rudrigo dela Cruz, Alwyin Casino, Ismael Calandria
Community Correspondents: Billy Vela (Ansan); Anthony Carl Dacones (Kasan) Outreach, Recreation and Religious Program: Alden C. Balgos
Noel Joseph Alvarez (Cheonan) Website Development and Maintenance: Zack Robles
Contributors in this Issue: Atty. Delmer Cruz, Vice Consul Arnel Talisayon Sponsorship & Promotions Program: Annabelle Lopez
Trainings & Workshop: Noel Joseph Alvarez
Adviser: Cathy Rose Garcia (Staff Writer of the Korea Times) Budget & Finance: Yeng Malonzo
Editorial Consultant: Elizer M. Peñaranda
Board Consultants: Fr. Alvin B. Parantar, MSP; Prof. Emely Dicolen-Abagat, Ph.D.

SULYAPINOY Office Address: 115-9 Songbuk-gu, Songbuk 1 dong, Songbuk Villa, Seoul, Korea 136-020
FEWA Office Address & SULYAPINOY Distribution Center: Inside WOORI BANK, Hyehwa-dong Branch, Jongno-gu, Seoul

D I S C L A I M E R For Comments, Suggestions, Contributions & Advertisements

Different opinions are encourage to stimulate Please submit them to our website or to the following emails below:
member input and involvement. SULYAPINOY’s
role is to provide information that permits FEWA All Staff: editorialstaff@sulyapinoy.org
members to develop informed opinions on or sulyap.editorialstaff@gmail.com
subjects that will affect their status as migrant
workers and, in some instances, their personal * SULYAPINOY observes the Philippine Press Code of Ethics .
lives. FEWA does not hold itself responsible for * We reserve the right to refuse any submission we deem does not meet our policies and guidelines.
statements made by any contributor. Statements * SULYAPINOY is still in need of writers and community correspondents. Aspirants may email the
or opinions expressed in SULYAPINOY reflect the Editorial Staff for more details.
views of the author(s) and not the official policy of
FEWA unless so stated. Thank you for your time and interest!

www.sulyapinoy.org 3
Nurturing a Meaningful
Labor Attache Atty. Delmer R. Cruz Friendship
Philippine Overseas Labor Office by Consul Arnel Talisayon

T he year 2009 is drawing to a close,

and as we take out our Christmas
A t long last, my first contribution to SULYAPINOY,
after a long standing invitation from Chairman
Reeve and former EIC Edward. I just came from Ulsan
was one part of Rolando’s story that distinguished him
from the rest. He eats dinner with his family every
evening – while he is in Korea and his family is in the
trees and bring our unique brand of Yuletide cheer to
this side of the world, it is time to take stock of what we
for the FBR seminar on 22 November as I tried to beat Philippines! have so far accomplished in celebrating the 60th anni-
the Sulyap deadline the following day. There were over versary of diplomatic relations between the Philip-
50 attentive attendees from the Ulsan FilCom. Thanks ***
to the efforts of Hermie, Greg, Maychel, Romeo and In one corner of Rolando’s room, there is a laptop and pines, our motherland, and South Korea, our second
Jonathan. But more than the successful seminar, some- a framed picture of his family beside it. At exactly 7:00 home.
thing unexpected and earth shaking happened later at PM Korea time, he sets his dinner and logs on while his
the cool Pinoy Tambayan bar – Hermie and Pham wife and children does the same thing at 6:00 PM in
hugged, cried and tried to leave the hurts of the past the Philippines. While they view each other on their
We formally opened this year’s festivities
behind. The rest is history and, hopefully, Ulsan will respective screen, they start with a prayer and eat with a press conference at the Westin Chosun Hotel
never be the same again. That’s what friends are for, their supper while sharing stories about their experi- on March 3, the actual date when, six decades ago in
right Hazel? ences for the day. Rolando’s youngest child is a bit 1949, the Philippines became the fifth nation to recog-
frail so he keeps a watchful eye of her food intake and
*** would remind her always to have a second serving. On nize South Korea as an independent country. Under
While I was in Ulsan, Counsellor Gari and WelOf Vangie birthdays of a family member and special occasions Proclamation No. 1495, the Philippines designated
were in Gwangju, Cholanam-do spreading the good like Christmas, they would party together, through the March 3 as “Philippines-Korea Friendship Day” and
news of saving for the future to almost 50 partici- net. 2009 as “Philippines-Korea Friendship Year.”
pants. The weekend before that, the duo travelled to
Changwon while Vice Consul Arnel and WelOf Rose ***
lectured in Gwangju, Gyeonggi-do. Next month, FBR There are several ways of coping with the challenges of To highlight the unbreakable ties of history
teams will campaign in Mokpo, Suwon and Incheon (06 homesickness. Rolando indeed demonstrated a and culture that bind our two countries, the Philippine
December), and Bucheon and Jeju (13 December). uniquely creative way. By using available and afford-
able technology, he has maintained his connection with
Postal Service and the Korea Post issued commemo-
*** his family, which somehow mitigates the negative rative stamps on March 3. Korean stamps depicting
I have to correct my earlier explanation about the effects of physical separation among family members. I the Panagbenga Flower Festival in Baguio City began
period of sojourn of foreign workers under the revised think almost all OFWs in Korea own a PC with internet circulation here while Philippine stamps showing the
EPS law. For newly hired workers, it’s not 5 straight access. If smartly used, its function can be maximized –
years but rather, 3 years plus less than 2 years. This is unlimited and free communication with family and
Sonori in Hangawi, a playful Chuseok sketch featuring
how it should read: loved ones. Aside from that, one can visit websites for cows, made their debut in our beloved archipelago.
relevant information like the MOL, the Philippine Em-
1. Newly hired workers - Three years. If the bassy in Seoul, the DOLE, POEA, SULYAPINOY, Samba- A month later on April 12, the Tongsong
worker is re-employed by his employer, plus less yanan, news organizations and other sites for whole-
than two years without need to leave Korea. some entertainment. Auditorium in Hyehwa-dong became the site of the
special advance screening for the Filipino Community
2. Workers in Korea who are in their first *** of The Forgotten War, a four-part episodic tale of the
(three year) sojourn period – If the worker is re- Dr. Bernardo Villegas affirmed during the forum at
Filipino soldiers who were deployed here from 1950 to
employed by his employer, plus less than two Hyewah last September, what I always have been
years without need to exit Korea. However, if telling OFWs in Korea. If you will venture in a business 1955 during the Korean War. The premiere was held
the employer files the application for re- when you return home, think of one that can make you at the National Theater of Korea on April 14, with
employment not later than 09 December 20 09 use of your Korea experience. Those who attended the Korean government officials, the diplomatic corps and
and within the prescribed period (30 to 90 days Fundamentals of Finance and Business Management
before the end of sojourn), plus three years, but (FFBM) seminar last semester will recall that being an
the private sector in attendance. Incidentally, South
must leave and re-enter Korea. ex-Korea OFW is your strength (remember the “s” in Korea will be commemorating the 60th anniversary of
SWOT analysis?). Unlike OFW returnees from other the Korean War next year, so we can expect more
3. (Re-employed) workers in Korea who are in countries, you have come face to face with the Korean meaningful activities that demonstrate the heroism and
their second sojourn period – the remaining way of life, culture tradition, language, food, etc. The
portion of their three year sojourn period. opportunity in SWOT is the presence of over 100,000 sacrifice of our veterans.
Koreans in the Philippines who are now our no. 1 tour-
Workers whose employers can submit applications for ists. Other opportunities are the trainings being of- And who can forget the much-touted One
re-employment not later than 09 December 2009 fered by the government and NGOs for free – Korean Philippines event last July 4? The festival was a first
(following the 30 to 90 day rule) should therefore urge language, financial education, computer training and
their sajangnims to do so. That way, they will be enti- business management. Since most Koreans who visit on many fronts: it was the first big, concerted cultural
tled to another 3 years, although they must exit Korea the Philippines are tourists, you can venture in small activity among Filipino organizations from Incheon to
first and come back after about a month. and doable enterprise like car rental, guided tour Busan; it was the first time that the National Commis-
services, pension house, home stay, Korean store or
*** restaurant, if possible in partnership with a Korean.
sion for Culture and the Arts sent professional instruc-
Special thanks to Counselor Park Eun Jeong of the tors here to conduct training on folk dances on a mas-
National Labor Consultation Center. Even if she was *** sive scale; it was the first time we brought six festivals
not feeling well and was invited on a short notice, she (Panagbenga, Ati-Atihan, Flores de Mayo, Masskara,
attended the Leaders’ Forum on 14 November and POLO has about 130 addresses in its FilCom leaders’
enthusiastically explained the amendments to the EPS emailing list. Would you believe that each time we Sinulog and Kadayawan) to Korean shores; and it was
law. Since the amended law is not as simple as I earlier send emails, with persistent requests for acknowledg- certainly the first time such an activity was held at the
had thought, I proposed to MOL to prepare an easy-to- ment of receipt, only 5 to 8 recipients reply. So we are newly opened Banpo Park. It was simultaneously a
understand information material and conduct wide- not sure if you have read our mails or have dissemi- cultural activity and a testament to the unity and talent
spread awareness campaign among workers and nated the same to your members or constituents. Can
employers. we ask all concerned organizations/communities to of Filipinos in South Korea.
send to labor@philembassy-seoul.com the email ad-
*** dress of its 1) the head/President and 2) email admin- On a more solemn note, we unveiled the
Rolando Tabaranza works in a small indoor farm in istrator – this is the “techy” guy who loves to log on
Chungju, Chungchungbuk-do, which produces bean and forwards information to your respective e-group or
Philippine marker at the UN Memorial Cemetery in
sprout, the one that is usually served as a side dish in emailing list. No. 2 is back up to no. 1 since not all Busan on May 28. South Korea dedicated a plot of
Korean restaurants which is similar but bigger than the heads/presidents open their mails regularly. And land for fallen UN soldiers in 1951. Although we have
Filipino toge. I came to know him in one of my visits to please, at least acknowledge receipt of email. It won’t no soldiers buried there now, we erected a stone
Filipino workers in the minor sector last August. His take you 1 minute to type and send “got it”, “will
Korean employer is friendly, simple and seems to be a attend”, “noted”, etc. I have mentioned not only once marker in the vacant plot as an undying reminder of
sincere person that is why I was not surprised when in our previous leaders forum that the timeliness of our the valor of the Philippine Expeditionary Force to Ko-
Rolando told me that he was treated like a member of replies, if at all, could be a test for our emergency rea and the role it played in shaping Korean society.
the family. Rolando’s story actually is just one of the preparedness, not to mention its being a standard of “In honor of the brave men who offered their lives for
typical Pinoy EPS workers’ stories I have heard of – communication courtesy.
back breaking work for 6 to 7 days a week, average freedom and democracy,” the new monument proudly
income of about KW 1,000,000.00 per month, hanging proclaims.
around with pinoy friends on days off, etc. But there LabAtt Delmer Cruz

4 www.sulyapinoy.org
Meanwhile, the Ramon Obusan Folkloric Group and IM WITH YOU!
the Sanghiyas Pangkat Mananayaw took center
Dad’s Visit
stage at the National Theater of Korea from
By Benj del Mundo by Bevi Tamargo
September 30 to October 1 when they successfully
showcased various folk dances in a production THE ROAD MAY BE BUMPY
entitled Bahaghari. The groups were sponsored by He clutched his briefcase
the South Korean Ministry of Culture, Sports and AS YOU TRAVEL JUST TO SEE... And walked hurriedly
Tourism as part of the World Festival of National YOU FEEL LIKE YOU'RE SAILING
As though
Theaters. Their two-day stint is now considered as not to be late
one of the most well-attended foreign productions in ON THE OCEAN WITHOUT ME. for an important meeting.
the two-year history of the World Festival in Seoul.
We also held the Philippines-Korea You’re alive…
Economic Cooperation Forum at the Shilla Hotel on MANY TRIALS YOU HAD BEEN, I said, perplexed.
November 5, where experts from the two countries To some, I am alive
discussed investment opportunities and ways to To some, I am dead
enhance trade. The Forum was spearheaded by the FOR MY PRESENSE IS NOT SEEN.
But no matter,
Korean Embassy in Manila, which has also been
He shrugged
undertaking numerous activities for the Friendship
Year. Ask your friends and relatives in the MANY TIMES YOU STUMBLE
Life goes on…
Philippines to take part. As of this writing, for
instance, the Korean Week is about to go full blast
with the visit of K-pop figures. YOU'VE PASSED ALL THE HURDLES He found a Door
And walked out
We have, by no means, reached the of my dreams
ending salvo yet. Anniversaries are meant to remind into another World
us of our past and nudge us to plan for our future. In IN ALL YOUR UP'S AND DOWNS
But the sound of my
our own ways—through individual initiatives, pro- sobbing
grams by organizations, or embassy-led activities— THAT MAKES YOUR FACE FROWN brought him back.
we can help spread awareness about the rich his- YOU MANAGED TO PUT A SMILE
tory shared by our two nations and the future we will
continue to walk together as partners in the global Why are you crying?
community. Dad…I am an orphan…
He hugged me
The anniversary’s theme is, aptly, “Nurturing a Never for one moment, Anak.
Meaningful Friendship.” It could very well be the YOU'LL BE HAPPY TO SEE
Never for one moment
theme of our international efforts, of our personal
lives, and of our collective aspirations for the next THE SUCCESS OF YOUR HARDWORKS The Dead lives on.
60 years and beyond. COZ IM WITH YOU THOUGH YOU CANT SEE...

by Cathy Rose A. Garcia

Are you happy in Korea? Everyone has been asked that question at least once during their stay here. We Filipinos are always praised for our
warm smiles and cheerful demeanor, even in the face of hardship, but I think few can truly claim to be happy. After all, how can we be truly happy when we’re
living and working thousands of miles away from our loved ones back home?

Happiness can mean different things to different people. Happiness can mean getting a better job, more money, going on a long relaxing (paid) vacation or
simply just having fun with friends. For those suffering from homesickness, they think happiness will come to them once they go back home to their families in
the Philippines. Sure, these things can make us happy, but only for a short time.

According to the book How of Happiness by Sonja Lyubomirksy, there are certain ``happiness activities” we can practice in our daily lives that will help us
become happier people in the long term.

Every day, we should express gratitude for the good things that are happening in our lives right now. We should always think positive. Avoid over thinking and
comparing yourself with other people. It’s never good to compare one’s self, since you’ll just end up being bitter and envious. We should be happy for others’
success, and never succumb to the so-called ``crab mentality.”

We should also practice acts of kindness not just to our fellow kababayans, but to people we encounter in our lives here. A proverb states ``True happiness
consists in making others happy.”

Another way to be happy is to savor little joys in one’s life. Whether its enjoying the company of friends or eating a delicious home cooked meal, we should
always learn to relish ordinary experiences and find pleasure in our daily lives. Happiness is also attained by practicing religion, like praying and going to
Church every Sunday.

I hope these “happiness activities,” no matter how simple it sounds, would help you become more positive and happy in the long term. Filipinos are already
known as one of the happiest people in Asia, so I think these ``happiness activities” will come naturally to everyone. Don’t worry, and just be happy and stay

www.sulyapinoy.org 5
Community News
AFC Sends Relief to Typhoon Victims
by Billy Vela by Billy Vela

A nsan City, Gyeonggi-do – The governments Financial Education and Reintegration Prepar-
edness Team visited Ansan Filino Community (AFC) last October 18, 2009.
A nsan City-- The Ansan Filipino Commu-
nity (AFC) once again showed their
Bayanihan attitude by extending help to our
needy countrymen victimized by typhoon
Ms. Patricia A. Sto. Tomas, Chairman of the board of Development Bank of the Philippines or Ondoy and Pepeng. AFC Pres. Richard Fran-
DBP, gave a lecture about Financial Education and Reintegration Preparedness to AFC. Over cisco initiated the call for help by asking differ-
200 persons attended the said seminar. ent Filipino individuals and groups to donate
cash or in kind for the victims.
“Maghanda na kayo ngayon habang hindi pa kayo umuuwi” said Sto. Tomas. “Kaming nasa
pamahalaan pa hanggang ngayon ay nakahandang tulungan kayo na ang pinaghirapan ninyo Filipinos in Ansan positively respond to this call
dito ay hindi mawalan ng saysay” Sto. Tomas added as she persuaded OFWs in AFC to be bringing their donations in the form of used
prepared by saving their hard-earned money and investing it in a business. clothes and blankets, noodles, canned goods
etc. to the Galilea office. AFC volunteers were
OFWs who are members of cooperatives can avail the credit and loan facility of DBP without able to pack six (6) jumbo boxes out of these
collateral. After her lecture, an open forum was held to address some questions from the atten- donations. These boxes were sent to the SVD
dees. The Philippine Embassy gave Sto. Tomas a certificate of appreciation for successfully Secretariat for Biblical Apostolate in Philip-
conducting the said lecture. pines via Forex Cargo who gave 30 percent
discount as their way of help in the victims.
Moreso, Unlad Kabayan Migrant Services Foundation representative, Ms. Melanie Valenciano,
gave AFC an orientation on Migrant Savings for Alternative Investment (MSAI). She has been In addition, second collection during the
helping OFWs in the past through Financial Literacy and Entrepreneurship training programs. Sunday mass was conducted for two consecu-
tive Sundays amounting to more than 1 million
They also organized savings and investment groups which offered to help them check the viabil- won. Several Korean and Filipino (Pinoy store
ity of their business plans. In addition to this, she also offered support through credit assistance owners and organizations) benefactors also
for OFWs in partnership with the DBP. “Maganda po yung naghahanda tayo in our eventual extended their financial support. Summing it up
return sa bansang pilipinas ” Valenciano told AFC. all, the AFC was able to gather PhP120,000 of
cash donations. This amount was sent to SVD
as well thru bank transfer. They used the said
amount to buy food items such as rice, canned
and packed foods, bottled water, medicines;
and others items like bath soap, toothbrush/
paste, slippers, toilet papers, and other essen-
tial things that are urgently needed by the vic-
tims. The items were repacked and brought to
the affected areas for distribution according to
the receipt letter they sent.

As a follow-up project, the AFC and Galilea

decided to donate all non-winter clothes that
will be collected for its yearly Winter Bazaar
this November instead of selling it to the com-
munity for fund raising. Furthermore, part of
the proceeds of the Christmas raffle draw this
December 20 will also be donated.

“Bagong Bayani Awardee”: FEWA and

SULYAPINOY Founding Chairman Mr. Rebenson ‘Reeve’
Recana (beside PGMA), among others, received recogni-
tions as Bagong Bayani 2009 Awardees held at the
Malacanang Ceremonial Hall last December 4, 2009.
[Watch out for the full story on our Vol. 2 11th Issue]

6 www.sulyapinoy.org
SULYAPINOY is very happy to introduce our very fun and exciting
and free psychic readings!

Before we get too excited, SULYAPINOY would like to remind eve-

ryone that the psychic readings are only meant in a fun and light-
hearted way. Read this only in the spirit of entertainment. SULYAP-
INOY will not be responsible for people’s reactions before, during Dear Abby, 
and after the readings. Ultimately, you still must make your own Peace and blessed be. 
decisions in life and not rely on the mere readings. So, take what  
you want and leave the rest. And most importantly, have fun!
Judging from your letter, I feel that what you are really scared of 
Aries De Guzman is a 23 year old Filipina psychic. She has been is more of "what if I meet my match in the future... how will I 
doing psychic readings since she was 6 years of age.
survive then? will I survive?" 
If you wish to ask for an online reading, please email your name,
NONE OF US EVER WILL KNOW until we get there. ^^ Eventu­
date of birth, and full background of the problem to
dg.raisa@yahoo.com ally, we will only know when that time happens. So if you think 
about it, worrying so much about the future that MAY or MAY 
NOT happen, is actually like "looking at the ceiling during      
DEAR ARIES, examinations... hoping some answers would appear there". 
I am a 23 year old female, whose career is on full steam and blast. Focus more on the blessings that you have now. Trust that the 
At first I thought I wanted this, but then the pressures at work is Divine will take care of you no matter what happens and enjoy 
just piling up, I don't know if I want this anymore. I dreamt that I your life! Free yourself from the fear that you yourself have 
will own my own company someday and that everyone will know formed! ^^  
my name. But then, I do not know if I can handle it... do you think
I can?
spiritual hugs! 
How do you think I can get over this feeling?  
Name: "Abby"
Birthdate: (Kept as personal request)

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