CONSTI 2 Reviewer
CONSTI 2 Reviewer
CONSTI 2 Reviewer
Actual case- conflict of legal rights, an assertion of opposite legal claims susceptible of judicial adjudication
PROPER PARTY - the question of constitutionality must be raised by the proper party
Proper party one who has sustained or is in immediate danger of sustaining an injury as a result of the act
complained of
EARLIEST OPPORTUNITY - the constitutional question must be raised at the earliest possible opportunity
as long as there is some other basis that can be used by the courts for its decision, the constitutionality of the
challenged law will not be touched and the case will be decided on other available grounds
ORTHODOX VIEW an unconstitutional act is not a law; it confers no rights, imposes no duties, and affords no protection
MODERN VIEW [OPERATIVE FACT DOCTRINE] the court does not annul or repeal the statute it finds in conflict with the
Constitution; it simply refuses to recognize it; the decision affects the parties only and there is no judgment against the
statue; the actual existence of the statute prior to its declaration of unconstitutionality was an operative fact and might
have consequences which could not justly be ignored <more realistic approach>
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Police Power
Power of Taxation
1. they
2. they
3. they
4. they
5. they
As to regulation
destroyed because it is
noxious or intended for
noxious purpose
-taken for a public use or
-taken for a public use or
As to Compensation
cannot be bargained away through the medium of a treaty or contract (Stone v Mississippi)
may use taxing power as its implement (Tio vs Videogram Regulatory Board)
may use eminent domain as its implement (Assoc. of Small Landowners vs Sec. of Agrarian Reform)
could be given retroactive effect and may reasonably impair vested rights or contracts (police power prevails over contract)
dynamic, not static, and must move with the moving society it is supposed to regulate
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- public right
- arises from the laws of society and is vested in the state
or grantee, acting under the right and power of the state or
benefit of the state
Jurisdiction over a complaint for eminent domain Regional Trial Court (RTC)
Requisites of Eminent Domain [NP-TPJ]:
[N] Necessity of Exercise
- genuine necessity, and
- must be of public character
When exercised by legislature political question
When exercised by a delegate justiciable question
determine the: (a) adequacy of compensation; (b) necessity of taking; and (c) public use character
[P] Property
GENERAL RULE: anything that can come under the dominion of man is subject to expropriation
EXCEPTIONS: money and chose in action (personal right not reduced into possession, i.e. the right to bring an action to recover
debt, money or thing)
Private property already devoted to public use cannot be expropriated by a delegate acting under a general grant of authority
(City of Manila vs Chinese Community)
[T] Taking
- REQUISITES (Republic vs Castellvi) [EM-LPD]:
1. [E] expropriator must enter a private property
2. [M] entry must be for more than a momentary period
3. [L] entry must be under the warrant of legal authority
4. [P] entry is for public use
5. [D] the owner is deprived of enjoying his property
- if taking is under police power, it is not compensable
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- where there is taking in the constitutional sense, the property owner need not file a claim for just compensation with the
Commission on Audit; he may go directly to the court to demand payment. Arbitrary action of the government shall be deemed a
waiver of its immunity from suit (Amigable vs Cuenca)
[P] Public Use
whatever may be beneficially employed for the general welfare (Heirs of Ardona vs Reyes)
includes both direct or indirect benefit or advantage to the public
[J] Just Compensation
full and fair equivalent of the property taken from the property owner by the expropriator
that sum of money which a person, desirous but not compelled to buy, and an owner, willing but not compelled to sell, would
agree on as a price to be given and received therefor
* money (However, in Assoc. of Small Landowners vs Sec. of Agrarian Reform, payment is allowed to be made partly in bonds
because it deals with a revolutionary kind of expropriation)
- Payment of just compensation before title is transferred
General Rule: when there is delay, there must be interest by way of damages (Art. 2209, CC)
Exception: when waived by not claiming the interest
- Taxes paid from the time of the taking until the transfer of the title, during which the owner did not enjoy any beneficial use of
the property, are reimbursable by the expropriator.
- to raise revenues
all income earned in the taxing state, whether by citizens or aliens, and all immovable and tangible personal properties found in
its territory, as well as tangible personal property owned by persons domiciled therein
Power to Tax Includes Power to Destroy
when used validly as an implement of the police power in discouraging and in effect ultimately prohibiting certain things or
enterprises inimical to public welfare
Power to Tax Does Not Include Power to Destroy
- where the tax is used solely for the purpose of raising revenues
Who May Exercise
1. Legislature / Congress (inherent)
2. President (by delegation / tariff powers [Sec. 28 (2), Art. VI, Consti])
3. local legislative bodies (conferred by direct authority [Sec. 5, Art. X, Consti])
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UNIFORMITY persons or things belonging to the same class shall be taxed at the same rate
* REQUISTES (Tan vs Del Rosario): [SCAE]
1. [S] standards that are used are substantial and not arbitrary
2. [C] categorization is germane to achieve the legislative purpose
3. [A] the law applies, all things being equal, to both present and future conditions
4. [E] classification applies equally well to all those belonging to the same class
PROGRESSIVE SYSTEM OF TAXATION the rate increases as the tax base increases
freedom to do right and never wrong (Mabini)
right to be free from arbitrary personal restraint or servitude
anything that can come under the right of ownership and be the subject of contract
all things within the commerce of man
However, one cannot have a vested right to a public office as this is not regarded as property. If created by statute, it may be
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available to natural and artificial persons, but the latter's books of accounts may be required to open for examination by the
State in the exercise of police power or power of taxation
The right is personal (Stonehill vs Diokno)
may be invoked only against the State (People vs Marti)
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Only a judge may issue a warrant. EXCEPTION: orders of arrest may be issued by administrative authorities but only for the
purpose of carrying out a final finding of a violation of a law
VALID WARRANTLESS SEARCHES [NOTE: each of these requires probable cause, except stop and frisk]
1. searches incidental to lawful arrest (rule 126, Rules of Court) for dangerous weapons or anything that may have been
used or constitute in the commission of an offense
1. the item to be searched was within the arrestee's custody or area of immediate control
2. the search was contemporaneous with the arrest
2. searches of moving vehicles
3. searches of prohibited articles in plain view
1. prior valid intrusion to a place
2. evidence was inadvertently discovered by the police who has the right to be there
3. evidence is immediately apparent
4. there is no further search
4. enforcement of customs law
5. consented searches
6. stop and frisk (limited protective search of outer clothing for weapons)
7. routine searches at borders and ports of entry
8. searches of businesses in the exercise of visitorial powers to enforce police regulations
in flagrante delicto
hot pursuit
the offender escaped from the penal establishment
1. Probable Cause
- must refer to 1 specific offense
4. Particularity of description
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Whether a maid had the right to transfer to another residence even if she had not paid yet
the amount advances by an employment agency:
Yes. The fortunes of business cannot be controlled by controlling a fundamental human
Human dignity and freedom are essentially spiritual inseparable from the idea of eternal.
Money, power, etc. belong to the ephemeral and perishable.
The respondents were justified in requiring the members of certain non-Christian tribes to
reside in a reservation, for their better education, advancement and protection. The
measure was a legitimate exercise of police power.
Prostitutes, despite being in a sense lepers, are not chattels but Philippine citizens,
protected by the same constitutional guarantee of freedom of abode. They may not be
compelled to change their domicile in the absence of a law allowing such.
the case became moot and academic when the permit to travel abroad was issued before
the case could be heard.
Laws for the segregation of lepers have been provided the world over and is supported by
high scientific authority. Such segregation is premised on the duty to protect public health.
Bail posted in a criminal case, is a valid restriction on the right to travel. By its nature, it
may serve as a prohibition on an accused from leaving the jurisdiction of the Philippines
where orders of Philippine courts would have no binding force.
The liberty of abode and the right to travel includes the right to leave, reside and travel
within ones country but it does not include the right to return to ones country.
NOTE: Court warned that this case should not create a precedent because Marcos was a
class in himself.
Right to travel may be impaired in the interest of national security, public health or public
order, as may be provided by law.
An order temporarily suspending the deployment of overseas workers is constitutional for
having been issued in the interest of the safety of OFWs, as provided by the Labor Code.
any specific system of belief, worship, conduct, etc., often involving a code of ethics and philosophy (definition ni Cruz)
The aforesaid definition is comprehensive than that given in Aglipay vs Ruiz (a profession of faith to an active power that
binds and elevates man to his Creator). This is because there are religions, which do not make reference to a God, e.g
Buddhism, Atheism, etc.
(comment ko: The definition is too vague. It is too broad that it can even cover systems of belief that we do not consider as
religions. If we are to accept the definition, it would be tantamount to calling different schools of thought, e.g. Analytic
tradition, Existentialism, as religions.)
1. Non-establishment clause
2. Free exercise of religious profession and worship
other provisions which support this: Sec 2(5), Art. IX-C [a religious sect or denomination cannot be registered as a political
party], Sec 5(2), Art. VI [no sectoral representative from the religious sector], and Sec 29 (2), Art. VI [prohibition against
the use of public money or property for the benefit of any religion, or of any priest, minister or ecclsiastic], Sec. 28 (3), Art.
VI [exemption from taxation of properties actually, directly and exclusively used for religious purposes, Sec 4(2), Art XIV
[citizenship requirement of ownership of educational institutions except those owned by religious groups], Sec 29(2), Art VI
[appropriation allowed where the minister is employed in the armed forces, penal institution or government-owned
orphanage or leprosarium]
Scope: the state cannot set up a church, nor pass laws which aid one religion, aid all religion, or prefer one religion...
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to delineate boundaries between the 2 institutions; and
to avoid encroachment by one against the other.
[Strong fences make good neighbors; Render unto Ceasar the things that are Ceasar's and unto God the things
that are God's.]
The Government is neutral. It protects all, but prefers none and disparages none.
Freedom of religion includes freedom from religion; the right to worship includes right not to worship
recitation by students in public schools in New York of a prayer composed by the Board of
Regents was unconstitutional
of US Supreme Court sustained the law providing free transportation for all schoolchildren
without discrimination, including those attending parochial schools
Board of Education vs US Supreme Court sustained the law requiring the petitioner to lend textbooks free of
charge to all students from grades 7-12, including those attending private schools
In Everson and Allen, the government aid was given directly to the student and parents, not to the church-related school
Adong vs Cheong Seng in line with the constitutional principle of equal treatment of all religions, the State
recognizes the validity of marriages performed in conformity with the rites of Mohammedan
Rubi vs Provincial Board
the expression non-Christian in non-Christian tribes was not meant to discriminate. It
refers to degree of civilization, not to the religious belief.
Islamic Da'wah Council of by arrogating to itself the task of issuing halal certifications, the State has, in effect, forced
the Philippines vs Office of Muslims to accept its own interpretation of the Qur'an and Sunna on halal food.
Exec. Sec.
Intramural Religious
Gonzales vs Archbishop of
Fonacier v CA
2 aspects:
everyone has a right to his beliefs and he may not be called to account because he cannot prove what he
subject to regulation; can be enjoyed only with proper regard to rights of others
Justice Frankfurter: the constitutional provision on religious freedom terminated disabilities, it did not create
new privileges... its essence is freedom from conformity to religious dogma, not freedom from conformity to
law because of religious dogma
German vs Barangan
SC found that petitioners were not sincere in their profession
of religious liberty and were using it merely to express their
opposition to the government
division SC reversed Gerona vs Sec. of Educ. , and upheld the right of
Superintendent of Schools petitioners to refute to salute the Philippine flag on account of
of Cebu
their religious scruples.
People vs Zosa
invocation of religious scruples in order to avoid military
service was brushed aside by the SC
Victoriano vs Elizalde Rope
SC upheld the validity of RA 3350, exempting members of a
Workers Union
religious sect from being compelled to join a labor union
American Bible Society vs
the constitutional guarantee of free exercise carries with it the
City of Manila
right to disseminate information, and any restraint of such
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the constitution's religion clause's prescribe not a strict bu a benevolent neutrality (which recognizes that
government must pursue its secular goals and interests, but at the same time, strive to uphold religious
liberty to the greatest extent possible within flexible constitutional limits
benevolent neutrality could allow for accomodation morality based on religion provided it does not offend
the compelling state interest test.
Purpose: to stop government's clandestine attempts to prevent a person from exercising his civil or political rights because of his
religious beliefs.
People vs Zosa
invocation of religious scruples in order to avoid military service was brushed aside by the
Freedom of Expression is available only insofar as it is exercised for the discussion of matters affecting the public interest.
Purely private interest matters do not come within the guaranty (invasion of privacy is not sanctioned by the Constitution).
covers ideas that are acceptable to the majority and the unorthodox view. (One of the functions of this freedom is to invite
dispute US Supreme Court; I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. Voltaire)
The freedom to speak includes the right to silent. (This freedom was meant not only to protect the minority who want to
talk but also to benefit the majority who refuse to listen. - Socrates)
The ultimate good desired is better reached by a free trade in ideas that the best test of truth is the power of the thought to get
itself accepted in the competition of the market; and that truth is the only ground upon which their wishes safely can be carried out.
Modes of Expression
Oral and written language
Symbolisms (e.g. bended knee, salute to the flag, cartoons)
Freedom from previous restraint or censorship
Freedom from subsequent punishment
embodied in Art. III, Sec. 4 [No law shall be passed abridging the freedom of speech, of expression, or of the press, or the right
of the people peacably to assemble and petition the government for redress of grievances.]
CENSORSHIP conditions the exercise of freedom of expression upon the prior approval of the government. Only those ideas
acceptable to it are allowed to be disseminated.
CENSOR, therefore, assumes the role of arbiter for the people, usually applying his own subjective standards in determining the
good and the not. Such is anathema in a free society.
Grosjean vs American
Press Co.
Burgos vs Chief of Staff
There need not be total suppression; even restriction of circulation constitutes censorship
the search, padlocking and sealing of the offices of Metropolitan Mail and We Forum by
military authorities, resulting in the discontinuance of publication of the newspapers, was
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Mutuc vs COMELEC
Sanidad vs COMELEC
Gonzales vs COMELEC
Iglesia ni Cristo vs CA
Primicias vs Fugosos
National Press
Osmea vs COMELEC
Adiong vs COMELEC
Gonzales vs katigbak
the Court upheld the validity of the law which prohibited, except during the prescribed
election period, the making of speeches, announcements or commentaries for or against the
election of any party or candidate for public office.
JUSTIFICATION: the inordinate preoccupation of the people with politics tended toward the
neglect of the other serious needs of the nation and the pollution of its suffrages.
The Board of Review for Motion Pictures and Television (BRMPT) has the authority to review
the petitioner's television program.
However, the Board acted with grave abuse of discretion when it gave an X-rating to the
TV program on the ground of attacks against another religion. Such a classification can be
justified only if there is a showing that the tv program would create a clear and present
danger of an evil which the State ought to prevent.
The respondent mayor could only reasonably regulate, not absolutely prohibit, the use of
public places for the purpose indicated.
the Supreme Court upheld the validity of Sec. 11(b), RA 6646, which prohibited any person
making use of the media to sell or to give free of charge print space or air time for
campaign or other political purposes except to the COMELEC. This was held to be within the
power of the COMELEC to supervise the enjoyment or utilization of franchises for the
operation of media of communication and information, for the purpose of ensuring equal
opportunity, time and space, and the right to reply, as well as uniform and reasonable
rates of charges for the use of such media facilities.
SC reaffirmed validity of RA 6646 as a legitimate exercise of police power. The regulation is
unrelated to the suppression of speech, as any restriction on freedom of expression
occasioned thereby is only incidental and no more than is necessary to achieve the purpose
of promoting equality.
NOTE: This is not inconsistent with the ruling in PPI vs COMELEC, because in the latter, SC
simply said that COMELEC cannot procure print space without paying just compensation.
COMELEC's resolution prohibiting the posting of decals, and stickers in mobile units like cars
and other moving vehicles was declared unconstitutional for infringmenet of freedom of
Besides, the constitutional objective of giving the rich and poor candidates' equal
opportunity to inform the electorate is not violated by the posting of decals and stickers on
cars and other vehicles.
Overbreadth doctrine = prohibits the government from achieving its purpose by means
that weep unnecessarily broadly, reaching constitutionally protected as well as unprotected
activity; the government has gone too far; its legitimate interest can be satisfied without
reaching so broadly into the area of protected freedom.
petitioner questioned the classification of the movie as for adults only. the petition was
dismissed because the Board did not commit grave abuse of discretion.
embodied in Art. III, Sec. 18 (1) [No person shall be detained solely by reason of his political beliefs and aspirations]
without this assurance, the individual would hesitate to speak for fear that he might be held to account for his speech, or that he
might be provoking the vengeance of the officials he may have criticized.
not absolute; subject to police power and may be regulated (freedom of expression does not cover ideas offensive to public
- Obscenity
US vs Kottinger
People vs Go Pin
Pita vs CA
Miller vs California
SC acquitted accused who was charged of having offered for sale pictures of halfclad members of non-Christian tribes, holding that he had only presented them in
their native attire
Accused was convicted for exhibiting nude paintings and pictures, notwithstanding
his claim that he had done so in the interest of art. SC, noting that he has charged
admission fees to the exhibition, held that his purpose was commercial, not
merely artistic.
SC declared that the determination of what is obscene is a judicial function.
Test of Obscenity:
whether the average person, applying contemporary community
standards, would find that the work, taken as a whole, appeals to the
prurient interest
whether the work depicts, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct
specifically defined by the applicable law
whether the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic,
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Tests of valid governmental interference (criteria in determining the liability of the individual for ideas expressed by him) :
Navarro vs Villegas
Reyes vs Bagatsing
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liberty is preferred
Authority is preferred
Non vs Dames
PBM Employees
Assoc vs PBM
SC sustained the petitioner's motion compelling the mayor of Manila to issue a permit to hold
a rally, but changed the meeting place to Ugarte Field, a private park
(several students were suspended for 1 year for conducting demonstration in the premises of
a university outside the area permitted by the school authorities)
SC emphasized that the students did not shed their constitutional rights to free speech at the
schoolhouse gate, and permitted the students to re-enroll and finish their studies.
(several students were barred from re-enrollment for participating in demonstrations)
while the Court upheld the academic freedom of institutions of higher learning, which
includes the right to set academic standards to determine under what circumstances failing
grades suffice for expulsion of students, it was held that this right cannot be utilized to
discriminate against those who exercise their constitutional rights to peaceful assembly.
SC abandons its ruling in Alcuaz vs PSBA (that enrolment of a student is a semester-tosemester contract and the school may not be compelled to renew the contract) upholding the
primacy of freedom of expression, because the students do not shed theur constitutionally
protected rights at the school gate.
right to free assembly and petition prevails over economic rights.
Right of Association
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deemed embraced in freedom of expression because the organization can be used as a vehicle for the expression of views that
have a bearing on public welfare.
SSS Employees
Assoc vs CA
Victoriano vs
Elizalde Rope
Workers' Union
Occena vs
In re Edillon
right of association was not violated where political parties were prohibited from participating
in the barangay elections to insure the non-partisanship of the candidates.
Bar integration does not compel the lawyer to associate with anyone. Integration does not
make a lawyer a member of any group of which he is not already a member.
Access to Information
- the citizenry has a right to know what is going on in the country and in his government so he can express his views thereon
knowledgeably and intelligently
Valmonte v Belmonte
The people have a right to access official records but they cannot compel custodians of official records to
prepare lists, abstracts, summaries and the like, such not being based on a demandable legal right.
Baldoza v Dimaano
Judges cannot prohibit access to judicial records. However, a judge may regulate the manner in which
persons desiring to inspect, examine or copy records in his office, may exercise their rights.
Personal interest is not required in asserting the right to information on matters of public concern.
What matters constitute public concern should be determined by the court on a case to case basis.
Chavez v PCGG
Public concern (def.) writings coming into the hands of public officers in connection with their official
Ill-gotten wealth is, by its nature, a matter of public concern.
Privileged communication: (1) national security, (2) trade secrets, (3) criminal matters pending in court,
Echegaray case
SC held that making the Lethal Injection Manual inaccessible to the convict was unconstitutional.
Police Power
- when a contract suffers from congenital infirmity, i.e. a contract which affects the public welfare
Eminent Domain
Power of Taxation
- Tax exemptions are not contractual and so may be revoked at will by the legislature.
EXCEPTION: where a law grants a tax exemption in exchange for valuable consideration, such exemption is considered
a contract and cannot be repealed because of the impairment clause.
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Clemons v Nolting
The legislature cant bargain away public health, morals & safety. The police power is considered a reserved
The legislature may not impair the obligation of a contract but may modify, according to its wisdom, the
remedy with which the obligations may be enforced.
remedy modes of proceeding and forms to enforce the contract provided it does not
seriously impair the value of the right
The reservation of state authority is read into and deemed part of contracts.
Stone v Mississippi
A statute which subsequently outlaws gambling does not impair the obligation of contract. A lottery charter
is only a privilege which may be revoked by the exercise of the police power of the state, gambling being
an appropriate subject of regulation.
There is no vested right in remedies or modes of procedure. The legislature may modify particular remedies
for the enforcement of a contract without interfering with the obligation of the contract.
Rutter v Esteban
Police power may only be invoked against the impairment of contracts if:
1. justified by an emergency furnished the proper occasion for the exercise of the reserved power
of the state
2. temporary in nature operation limited to the exigency which called it forth, which period may be
reduced by the court
3. exercised upon reasonable conditions
4. impairment refers only to remedy and not to substantive right
5. addressed to a legitimate purpose the protection of the basic interests of society
Ilusoria v CAR
The prohibition in the Constitution refers only to contracts with respect to property. It does not apply to
statutes relating to public subjects within the domain of the general legislative powers of the state and
involving the right and public welfare of the entire community affected by it.
A law which allows tenants to change their contracts from tenancy to leasehold system does not impair the
obligation of contracts because it was enacted pursuant to social justice precepts of the constitution.
Zoning laws, promulgated in the exercise of police power, justify nullification of contractual obligations.
Agencies v POEA
Prohibition against Ex Post facto Laws - the equivalent of the impairment clause in criminal matters
One which makes an action done before the passing of the law, and which was innocent when done, criminal, and punishes such
One which aggravates the crime or makes it greater than when it was committed.
One which changes the punishment and inflicts a greater punishment than that which the law annexed to the crime when it was
One which alters the legal rules of evidence and receives less testimony than the law required at the time of the commission of
the offense in order to convict the accused.
One which assumes to regulate civil rights and remedies only BUT, in effect, imposes a penalty or deprivation of a right, which,
when done, was lawful.
One which deprives a person accused of a crime of some lawful protection to which he has become entitled such as the
protection of a former conviction or acquittal, or a proclamation of amnesty.
Characteristics [CPR]
[C] must refer to criminal matters
[P] prejudicial to the accused
[R] retroactive in application
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For HUMANITARIAN reasons an added guaranty of the liberty of persons against their incarceration for the enforcement of
purely private debts because of their misfortune of being poor
Debt defined
Expressed or implied
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A specific sum levied upon every person belonging to a certain class without regard to his property or occupation
The condition of one who is compelled by force, coercion, or imprisonment, and against his will, to labor for another,
whether he is paid or not.
1. Slavery civil relation in which one man has absolute power over the life, fortune and liberty of another
2. Peonage a condition of enforced servitude by which the servitor is restrained of his liberty and compelled to
labor in liquidation of some debt or obligation, real or pretended, against his will
General Rule
No involuntary service in any form shall exist.
Punishment for a crime for which the party shall have been duly convicted (Sec. 18, Art. III)
Personal military or civil service in the interest of national defense (Sec. 4, Art. II)
Naval enlistment remain in service until the end of voyage so that the crew would not desert the ship, making it
difficult for the owners to recruit new hands to continue the voyage (Robertson vs Baldwin)
Posse comitatus in pursuit of persons who might have violated the law, the authorities might command all male
inhabitants of a certain age to assist them (US vs Pompeya)
Return to work order in industries affected with public interest (Kapisanan ng Manggagawa sa Kahoy vs Gotamco)
Patria Potestas unemancipated minors are obliged to obey their parents so long as they are under parental power and
to observe respect and reverence to them always (Art. 311, Civil Code)
US vs
An Act providing for the method by which the people of the town may be called upon to render assistance for the
protection of the public and the preservation of peace and good order is constitutional. It was enacted in the
exercise of the police power of the state and does not violate the constitutional prohibition on involuntary servitude.
Pollock vs
No indebtedness warrants a suspension of the right to be free from compulsory service, and no state can make the
quitting of work any component of a crime, or make criminal sanctions available for holding unwilling persons to
*** The writ is a prerogative writ employed to test the validity of detention
*** to secure the detainees release
*** The action shall take precedence in the calendar of the court and must be acted upon immediately
When available (enumeration not exclusive)
restoration of liberty of an individual subjected to physical restraint
may be availed of where, as a consequence of a judicial proceeding:
1. there has been deprivation of a constitutional right resulting in the restraint of the person
2. the court has no jurisdiction to impose the sentence, or
3. an excessive penalty has been imposed, since such sentence is void as to the excess.
May be extended to cases by which rightful custody of any person is withheld from the person entitled thereto
When moral restraint is exerted (Caunca vs Salazar)
Right was accorded a person was sentenced to a longer penalty than was subsequently meted out to another person
convicted of the same offense. (Gumabon vs Director of Prisons)
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SC has the power to inquire into the factual basis of the suspension of the privilege of the writ
process includes:
Investigation prior to the filing of charges
Preliminary examination and investigation after charges are filed
Period of trial
Impartial and competent court in accordance with procedure prescribed by law
Proper observance of all the rights accorded the accused under the Constitution and the applicable statutes
(example of statutory right of the accused: right to Preliminary investigation)
MISTRIAL may be declared if shown that proceedings were held under circumstances as would prevent the accused from
freely making his defense or the judge from freely arriving at his decision
When a law not published and a person is impleaded for violation of such law -- violation of due process
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When appeal is permitted by law but there is denial thereof -- violation of due process
- Sec. 17, Art. III
Based on:
1. HUMANITARIAN reasons it is intended to prevent the State, with all its coercive powers, from extracting from the
suspect testimony that may convict him
2. PRACTICAL reasons a person subjected to such compulsion is likely to perjure himself for his own protection
Criminal prosecutions, government proceedings, including civil actions and administrative or legislative
Testimonial Compulsion
Production of Documents, Papers and Chattels. EXCEPTION: when books of accounts are to be examined in the
exercise of police power and power of taxation.
What is PROHIBITED is the use of physical or moral compulsion to extort communication from the witness or to otherwise
elicit evidence which would not exist were it not for the actions compelled from the witness.
The accused cannot be compelled to produce a private document in his possession which might tend to incriminate him.
However, a third person in custody of the document may be compelled to produce it.
Directly, or
By failure to invoke it PROVIDED the waiver is certain and unequivocal and intelligently and willingly
- Sec. 12, Art. III
- called the Miranda Doctrine (Miranda vs Arizona)
- Any questioning initiated by law enforcement officers after a person has been taken into custody or otherwise
deprived of his freedom of action in any significant way.
- BEGINS as soon as the investigation is no longer a general inquiry unto an unsolved crime, and direction is then
aimed upon a particular suspect who has been taken into custody and to whom the police would then direct
interrogatory questions which tend to elicit incriminating statements.
- Shall include the practice of issuing an INVITATION to a person who is investigated in connection with an offense he
is suspected to have committed, without prejudice to the liability of the inviting officer for any violation of law.
a) Voluntary
b) With assistance of counsel
c) In writing, and
d) Express
a) To be informed of right to remain silent and to counsel
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To be reminded that if he waives his right to remain silent, anything he says can and will be used against him
To remain silent
To have competent and independent counsel preferably of own choice
To be provided with counsel if the person cannot afford the services of one
No torture, force, violence, threat, intimidation or any other means which vitiate the free will shall be used against
Secret detention places, solitary, incommunicado, or other similar forms of detention are prohibited
Confessions or admissions obtained in violation of these rights are inadmissible as evidence (exclusionary rule)
Corporate Surety
Property Bond
Cash Deposit
- WHO MAY INVOKE: a person under detention even if no formal charges have yet been filed (Rule 114, Rules of Court)
1)Persons charged with offenses PUNISHABLE by RECLUSION PERPETUA or DEATH, when evidence of guilt is strong
2)Persons CONVICTED by the trial court. Bail is only discretionary pending appeal.
3)Persons who are members of the AFP facing a court martial.
1)The right to bail shall NOT be impaired even when the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus is suspended.
2)Excessive bail shall not be required.
4. Ability to post bail
5. Nature of the offense
6. Penalty imposed by law
7. Character and reputation of the accused
8. Health of the accused
9. Strength of the evidence
Probability of appearing at the trial
Forfeiture of previous bail bonds
Whether accused was a fugitive from justice when arrested
If accused is under bond in other cases
1. The person claiming the right must be in actual detention or custody of the law.
2. The constitutional right is available only in criminal cases, not, e.g. in deportation and extradition proceedings.
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- Note:
- Sec. 14
- Burden of proof to establish the guilt of the accused is with the prosecution.
- Conviction depends on the strength of prosecution, not on the weakness of the defense
- The presumption may be overcome by contrary presumption based on the experience of human conduct. (e.g unexplained
flight may lead to an inference of guilt, as the wicked flee when no man pursueth, but the righteous are as bold as a lion.)
- The constitutional presumption will not apply as long as there is some rational connection between the fact proved and the
ultimate fact presumed, and the inference of one fact from proof of another shall not be so unreasonable as to be a purely
arbitrary mandate. Cooley
- No inference of guilt may be drawn against an accused for his failure to make a statement of any sort.
- EQUIPOISE RULE evidence of both sides are equally balanced, in which case the constitutional presumption of innocence
should tilt the scales in favor of the accused.
- Indispensable in any criminal prosecution where the stakes are the liberty or even the life of the accused
- ASISTANCE OF COUNSEL begins from the time a person is taken into custody and placed under investigation for the
commission of a crime.
This is not subject to waiver.
The description and not the designation of the offense is controlling
(The real nature of the crime charged is determined from the recital of facts in the information. It is not determined based
on the caption or preamble thereof nor from the specification of the provision of law allegedly violated.)
If the information fails to allege the material elements of the offense, the accused cannot be convicted thereof even if the
prosecution is able to present evidence during the trial with respect to such elements.
VOID FOR VAGUENESS RULE accused is denied the right to be informed of the charge against him and to due process
as well, where the statute itself is couched in such indefinite language that it is not possible for men of ordinary intelligence
to determine therefrom what acts or omissions are punished and hence, shall be avoided.
Estrada vs Sandiganbayan: the doctrine merely requires a reasonable degree of certainty and not absolute precision or
mathematical exactitude.
1)Time expired from the filing of the information
2)Length of delay involved
3)Reasons for the delay
4)Assertion or non-assertion of the right by the accused
5)Prejudice caused to the defendant.
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effect even if the dismissal was made with the consent of the accused
1. He can move for the dismissal of the case.
2. If he is detained, he can file a petition for the issuance of writ of habeas corpus.
To relieve the accused from needless anxieties before sentence is pronounced upon him
The accused is entitled to the cold neutrality of an impartial judge. It is an element of due process.
The attendance at the trial is open to all irrespective of their relationship to the accused. However, if the evidence to be
adduced is offensive to decency or public morals, the public may be excluded.
The right of the accused to a public trial is not violated if the hearings are conducted on Saturdays, either with the consent
of the accused or if failed to object thereto.
Trial may proceed notwithstanding absence of accused, provided 3 requisites are met. Note, that TRIAL IN
ABSENTIA is allowed only if the accused has been validly arraigned.
1. Accused has already been arraigned
2. Accused has been duly notified of the trial; and
3. His failure to appear is unjustifiable.
The accused may waive the right to be present at the trial by not showing up. However, the court can still compel the
attendance of the accused if necessary for identification purposes. EXCEPTION: If the accused, after arraignment, has
stipulated that he is indeed the person charged with the offense and named in the information, and that any time a
witness refers to a name by which he is known, the witness is to be understood as referring to him.
Trial in Absentia is mandatory upon the court whenever the accused has been arraigned.
While the accused is entitled to be present during promulgation of judgment, the absence of his counsel during such
promulgation does not affect its validity
The trial in absentia does not abrogate the provisions of the Rules of Court regarding forfeiture of bail bond if the accused
fails to appear at his trial.
A court has the power to prohibit a person admitted to bail from leaving the Philippines as this is a necessary consequence
of the nature and function of a bail bond
To allow the judge the opportunity to observe the deportment of the witness
Testimony of witness who was not cross-examined is not admissible as evidence for being hearsay.
If a prosecution witness dies before his cross-examination can be completed, his direct testimony cannot be stricken off the
record, provided the material points of his direct testimony had been covered on cross.
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The accused is entitled to the issuance of subpoena ad testificandum and subpoena duces tecum for the purpose of
compelling the attendance of witness and the production of evidence that he may need for his defense.
There are exceptional circumstances when the defendant may ask for conditional examination, provided the expected
testimony is material of any witness under circumstances that would make him unavailable from attending the trial.
When is a penalty cruel, degrading and inhuman?
1. A penalty is cruel and inhuman if it involves torture or lingering suffering. Ex. Being drawn and quartered.
2. A penalty is degrading if it exposes a person to public humiliation. Ex. Being tarred and feathered, then paraded
throughout town.
The punishment must not be so severe as to be degrading to the dignity of human beings.
It must not be applied arbitrarily.
It must not be unacceptable to contemporary society
It must not be excessive, i.e. it must serve a penal purpose more effectively than a less severe punishment would.
A fine is excessive, when under any circumstance, it is disproportionate to the offense.
Note: Fr. Bernas says that the accused cannot be convicted of the crime to which the punishment is attached if the
court finds that the punishment is cruel, degrading or inhuman.
Reason: Without a valid penalty, the law is not a penal law.
*** 2 Kinds of Double Jeopardy:
1. When a person is put twice in jeopardy of punishment for the same offense (1st sentence of Section 21)
2. When a law and an ordinance punish the same act (2nd sentence of Sec. 21)
Requisites for a valid defense of double jeopardy: [ATS]
1)[A] First jeopardy must have attached prior to the second.
2)[T] The first jeopardy must have terminated.
3)[S] The second jeopardy must be for the same offense as that in the first.
When does jeopardy ATTACH: (1st requisite) [CICAV]
1)[C] A person is charged
2)[I] Under a complaint or information sufficient in form and substance to sustain a conviction
3)[C] Before a court of competent jurisdiction
4)[A] After the person is arraigned
5)[V] Such person enters a valid plea.
When does jeopardy NOT attach:
1)If information does not charge any offense
2)If, upon pleading guilty, the accused presents evidence of complete self-defense, and the court thereafter acquits him
without entering a new plea of not guilty for accused.
3)If the information for an offense cognizable by the RTC is filed with the MTC.
4)If a complaint filed for preliminary investigation is dismissed.
When does first jeopardy TERMINATE: (2ND REQUISITE)
3)Dismissal W/O the EXPRESS consent of the accused
4)Dismissal on the merits.
Examples of termination of jeopardy:
1)Dismissal based on violation of the right to a speedy trial. This amounts to an acquittal.
2)Dismissal based on a demurrer to evidence. This is a dismissal on the merits.
3)Dismissal on motion of the prosecution, subsequent to a motion for reinvestigation filed by the accused.
4)Discharge of an accused to be a state witness. This amounts to an acquittal.
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If dismissal is on motion of the accused. Exception: If motion is based on violation of the right to a speedy trial or on a
demurrer to evidence.
If dismissal does NOT amount to an acquittal or dismissal on the merits
If the question to be passed upon is purely legal.
If the dismissal violates the right of due process of the prosecution.
If the dismissal was made with grave abuse of discretion. (Certiorari is applicable only when correcting errors of jurisdiction,
but not in order to correct findings or conclusions of the court)
Double jeopardy will result if the act punishable under the law and the ordinance are the same. For there to be double
jeopardy, it is not necessary that the offense be the same.
1)Under the Rules of Court, a conviction for an offense will not bar a prosecution for an offense which necessarily includes the
offense charged in the former information where:
a) The graver offense developed due to a supervening fact arising from the same act or omission constituting the
former charge.
b) The facts constituting the graver offense became known or were discovered only after the filing of the former
c) The plea of guilty to the lesser offense was made without the consent of the fiscal and the offended party.
2)Under (1)(b), if the facts could have been discovered by the prosecution but were not discovered because of the
prosecutions incompetence, it would not be considered a supervening event.
Effect of appeal by the accused:
If the accused appeals his conviction, he WAIVES his right to plead double jeopardy. The whole case will be open to review by
the appellate court. Such court may even increase the penalties imposed on the accused by the trial court.
who are citizens of the Philippines at the time of the adoption of the 1987 Constitution
whose fathers or mothers are citizens of the Philippines.
born before January 17, 1973 of Filipino mothers, who elect Philippine citizenship upon reaching the age of majority.
who are naturalized in accordance with law.
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Prior to the 1973 Constitution, if a Filipina married an alien, she lost her Filipino citizenship. Hence, her child would have to elect
Filipino citizenship upon reaching the age of majority. Under the 1973 Constitution, however, children born of Filipino mothers were
already considered Filipinos. Therefore, the provision on election of citizenship under the 1987 Constitution only applies to those
persons who were born under the 1935 Constitution. In order for the children to elect Filipino citizenship, the mothers must have
been Filipinos at the time of their marriage. So, if your mother was a Filipina who married an alien under the 1935 constitution and
you were born before January 17, 1973, you can elect Filipino citizenship upon reaching the age of majority.
When must the election be made:
The election must be made within a reasonable period after reaching the age of majority.
Effects of naturalization:
The legitimate minor children of the naturalized father become Filipinos as well.
The wife also becomes a Filipino citizen, provided that she does not have any disqualification which would bar her from
being naturalized.
Natural-born citizens:
Citizens of the Philippines from birth who do not need to perform any act to acquire or perfect their Philippine citizenship.
Those who elect Philippine citizenship under Art. IV, Sec. 1(3) of 1987 Constitution.
Re-acquisition of citizenship
Natural-born Filipinos who are deemed to have lost their citizenship may re-acquire the same via repatriation proceedings. This
involves taking an oath of allegiance and filing the same with the civil registry.
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