Chapt 4
Chapt 4
Chapt 4
2. There is/are usually _______ tolerance limit(s) responsible for limiting the number and location of a species.
However, some organisms have ____________ that limit(s) their distribution.
A. one, a specific critical factor
B. one, other environmental conditions
C. one specific, many factors
D. many, other environmental conditions
E. many, a specific critical factor
Answer: E
Question Classification: Comprehension
3. A species can withstand a wide range of pH as an adult but the juveniles can only withstand a narrow range of pH.
The abiotic factor, pH, would best be described as a
A. stress factor
B. intolerance factor
C. tolerance limit
D. critical factor
E. physical factor
Answer: D
Question Classification: Comprehension
4. Which of the following fish species would be the best indicator of clean, well-oxygenated water?
A. carp
B. largemouth bass
C. catfish
D. rainbow trout
E. sunfish
Answer: D
Question Classification: Knowledge
Answer: E
Question Classification: Knowledge
6. Indicator species, such as lichens, generally have a ___________ tolerance range for a ____________.
A. narrow, critical factor
B. narrow, number of physical factors
C. average, number of physical factors
D. broad, number of critical factors
E. broad, critical factor
Answer: A
Question Classification: Comprehension
Use the following example. A species can withstand a narrow range of temperature. Above 100F there are no
species present. In the range from 97F100F and 90F94F there are a few species present. Below 90F there are
no species present.
7. What would you label the range of temperature from 90F to 94F for this particular species?
A. zone of intolerance
B. zone of physiological stress
C. tolerance limit range
D. optimal range
E. range of tolerance
Answer: B
Question Classification: Comprehension
8. What would you label the range of temperature from 95F to 96F for this particular species in the scenario?
A. zone of intolerance
C. tolerance limit range
B. zone of physiological stress
D. optimal range
E. range of tolerance
Answer: D
Question Classification: Comprehension
9. What is the difference in the adaptation of a sled dogs (such as a Husky) thick coat of hair to help it withstand the
cold temperatures of Arctic winters and a dog that adapts to cold temperatures in the fall by growing a thickened
coat? The adaptation of the sled dog best describes adaptation at the ____________ level while the dog exposed to
seasonal colder temperatures has _____________.
A. regional; natural selection at the individual level
B. individual; physiological modifications at the population level
C. population; physiological modifications at the individual level
D. species; natural selection at the population level
E. ecosystem; physiological modifications at the individual level
Answer: C
Question Classification: Application
11. Which of the following is a physiological modification used to adapt to environmental conditions?
A. Young saguaro seedlings sprouting under mesquites.
B. Leaves becoming thick and leathery on a plant growing in a dry, hot climate.
C. Locoweed growing only where selenium is present in soil.
D. Desert pupfish learning to deposit eggs where temperatures are optimal.
E. All of these are examples of physiological modifications used to adapt to environmental conditions.
Answer: B
Question Classification: Application
13. Regular lawn mowing selects for short-headed rather than tall-headed dandelions because
A. tall flowers spread their seeds farther.
B. tall flowers cannot reproduce.
C. short flowers can reproduce.
D. short flowers spread their seeds farther.
E. short flowers have less competition when the lawn is mowed often.
Answer: B
Question Classification: Application
14. Your friend stated that natural selection would occur at the individual level while evolution and adaptation would
occur at the population level. How would you respond to your friend?
A. I would agree because individuals cannot change their genetic makeup.
B. I would agree because individuals can adapt to their environment.
C. I would disagree because populations cannot change their genetic makeup.
D. I would disagree because populations can adapt to their environment.
E. I would disagree because individuals can adapt to their environment.
Answer: C
Question Classification: Comprehension
22. Certain night-active moths and day-active birds are specialized nectar feeders. How do these species coexist if
they are using the same resource for food?
A. Since they both use the nectar eventually one of the two species will need to move to a new area.
B. They do not compete for the nectar because they feed at different times of the day.
C. There is enough nectar to supply both the birds and the moths with their feeding needs.
D. Eventually the niche breadth will increase and there will be less competition.
E. None of the above.
Answer: B
Question Classification: Application
25. A Titmouse and a Chickadee are living in the same territory and are using some of the same resources. The best
way to classify this interaction is as
A. mutualism.
B. intraspecific competition.
C. interspecific competition.
D. symbiosis.
E. commensalism.
Answer: C
Question Classification: Comprehension
27. Which of the following is not a common strategy for successful interspecific competition?
A. Eating prey before they are ready (ripe) for other species.
B. Spreading seeds or offspring far and fast.
C. Producing substances that are toxic to competitors.
D. The life cycle of dragonflies (the larva live in the water).
E. All of these are strategies for successful interspecific competition.
Answer: D
Question Classification: Knowledge
30. In some species, young individuals float freely as plankton while mature members are fixed on the seafloor. This
is an effective strategy because
33. In the partnership of a lichen, the fungus provides _________ and the relationship is best described as _______.
A. most of the photosynthesis; symbiosis
B. poisons that deter predation; commensalism
C. structure and moisture-holding ability; mutualism
D. very little to the algal partner; parasitism
E. some of the photosynthesis; commensalism
Answer: C
Question Classification: Knowledge
34. The tall, narrow, buttressed trunks of tropical rainforest trees are evidence of intense
A. parasitism.
B. interspecific competition.
C. commensalism.
D. resiliency.
E. intraspecific competition.
Answer: B
Question Classification: Comprehension
B. predation.
C. parasitism.
D. commensalism.
E. intraspecific competition.
Answer: D
Question Classification: Comprehension
37. A viceroy butterfly that closely resembles the bad tasting monarch is an example of __________ and the
example of beetles that look like stinging wasps is an example of __________.
A. Batesian mimicry; Batesian mimicry
B. Batesian mimicry; Muellerian mimicry
C. Muellerian mimicry; Muellerian mimicry
D. Muellerian mimicry; Batesian mimicry
E. commensalism; symbiosis
Answer: A
Question Classification: Comprehension
39. Abundance describes the total number of _________ while diversity describes the number of _________.
A. species in a community; individual organisms in a community
B. organisms in a community; species in a community
C. individuals in a niche; niches available to a given species
D. species in a bioregion; trophic levels in a community
E. biomes; habitats available for different species
Answer: B
Question Classification: Knowledge
40. In a biological community where diversity is great, such as a tropical rainforest, the abundance of any one
species is likely to be
A. great.
B. small.
C. widely variable from year to year.
D. the same from year to year.
E. None of these, abundance does not depend on diversity.
Answer: B
Question Classification: Comprehension
1,000 kcal/m/year
42. When looking at the relative biomass accumulation of major world ecosystems, the greatest variety of niches and
of species is probably in ecosystem __.
A. a
B. b
C. c
D. d
E. types a and e would be nearly equal and have the greatest variety of niches and species.
Answer: D
Question Classification: Comprehension
43. When looking at the relative biomass accumulation of major world ecosystems, ecosystem a is probably
A. desert.
B. tropical rainforest.
C. intensive agriculture.
D. estuaries.
E. temperate deciduous forest.
Answer: A
Question Classification: Comprehension
44. When looking at the relative biomass accumulation of major world ecosystems, ecosystem d is probably
A. desert.
B. tropical rainforest.
C. intensive agriculture.
D. estuaries.
E. either tropical rainforest or estuaries.
Answer: E
Question Classification: Comprehension
46. A community with hundreds of different types of primary producers, a few herbivores, and only one carnivore,
A. little complexity.
B. little diversity.
C. a great deal of complexity.
D. low productivity.
E. a great deal of productivity.
Answer: A
Question Classification: Knowledge
47. A community that changes very little over time is said to have great
A. renewal ability.
B. complexity.
C. diversity.
D. constancy.
E. connectedness.
Answer: D
Question Classification: Knowledge
48. In the coastal forest of Oregon an area was clear-cut for logging. Trees at the edge of the clearing and 200 meters
into the forest died within a few months after the logging began. What is the best explanation for the death of the
A. The trees at the edge of the forest were more prone to disease.
B. Abiotic edge effects such as increased herbivory negatively affected the trees.
C. Increased sunlight, wind, and temperature negatively affected the trees.
D. The roots of all of the trees were damaged.
E. Nitrogen fixing bacteria in the roots of the trees were killed.
Answer: C
Question Classification: Comprehension
50. How does the loss of large predators such as wolves and owls in the United States relate to songbird population
A. The wolves and owls no longer eat nest parasites such as the brown-headed cowbirds.
B. The loss of owls does not relate to the songbird population decline because owls are songbird predators.
C. The wolves and owls no longer eat songbird predators such as raccoons and opossums.
D. The loss of wolves does not relate to the songbird population decline because wolves are songbird predators.
E. None of these, the decline of songbirds in the US is due to deforestation in developing countries.
Answer: C
Question Classification: Comprehension
51. Primary succession occurs when a community develops ____________ while secondary succession occurs when
one ________.
A. into a climax community, species replaces another
B. and replaces another, ecosystem becomes stable
C. on unoccupied ground, biological community replaces another
D. and then fails, niche changes
E. intraspecific competition, experiences interspecific competition
Answer: C
Question Classification: Comprehension
55. Some communities, such as some grasslands, may never really reach John Clements concept of a climax stage
A. ecological succession works too slowly.
B. there is no optimum community for these environments.
C. they are adapted to periodic interruption.
D. their environmental conditions are too unstable.
E. primary succession is a slow process.
Answer: C
Question Classification: Knowledge
57. The most common reason that introduced species cause trouble is because they
A. are larger than native species.
B. disrupt pre-existing niches.
C. are unusually efficient predators.
D. out compete the native species.
E. None of these are correct.
Answer: B
Question Classification: Comprehension
58. Which of the following migrations is likely to cause the extinction of a native species?
A. Migration of a member of a species of island birds to a large continent.
B. Migration of a pack of wolves to a nearby valley.
C. The introduction of a predator onto an island originally free from predators.
D. A seasonal move of large grazers that travel north in the summer and south in the winter.
E. The introduction of a new prey species onto an island originally free from this species.
Answer: C
Question Classification: Application
61. Consider the following statement: Primary succession and secondary succession are the same in that they both
end in the same community if all other conditions are the same. State whether you agree or disagree with the
statement and support your position using at least three specific examples.
Answer: For a total of 15 points (Note: The numbers can be changed to fit your assessment needs.)
15 =
Supported position with three or more accurate and appropriate examples; Communicated effectively with
a well written analysis
10 =
Supported position with at least two accurate and appropriate examples; Communicated with a fairly well
written analysis
Supported position with one accurate and appropriate example; Communicated with a poorly written
Supported position with no accurate and appropriate examples; Communicated with a very poorly written
62. Your roommate has a terrarium with plants, algae, snails, and a lizard. Which of the following terms best
describes the terrarium: community, population, environment, ecosystem, and habitat? Explain your reasoning.
Answer: For a total of 10 points (Note: The numbers can be changed to fit your assessment needs.)
10 =
Identified an appropriate term; Supported choice of term with accurate and appropriate explanation;
Communicated effectively with a well written analysis
Identified an inappropriate term; Supported choice of term with accurate and appropriate explanation;
Communicated with a fairly well written analysis
Identified an inappropriate term; Supported choice of term with inaccurate and inappropriate explanation;
Communicated with a poorly written analysis
63. Draw a graph that depicts the range of a species that cannot tolerate pH below 4 or above 8. The species does not
mate and exhibits other indicators of stress from pH 4 to 5 and from pH 7 to 8. Label the graph appropriately.
Answer: For a total of 20 points (Note: The numbers can be changed to fit your assessment needs.)
20 =
Used appropriate/accurate labels for both axes; Used appropriate/accurate scale for both axes; Used
appropriate/accurate labels for graph; Drew accurate graph
15 =
Used inappropriate/inaccurate labels for both axes; Used appropriate/accurate scale for both axes; Used
appropriate/accurate labels for graph; Drew accurate graph
10 =
Used inappropriate/inaccurate labels for both axes; Used inappropriate/inaccurate scale for both axes; Used
appropriate/accurate labels for graph; Drew accurate graph
Used inappropriate/inaccurate labels for both axes; Used inappropriate/inaccurate scale for both axes; Used
inappropriate/inaccurate labels for graph; Drew accurate graph
Used inappropriate/inaccurate labels for both axes; Used inappropriate/inaccurate scale for both axes; Used
inappropriate/inaccurate labels for graph; Drew inaccurate graph