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Oodinium (Amlyoodinium)

There are two basic forms that attach aquarium fish, one that causes
the freshwater infestation (and has more than variant), and the other
which attacks saltwater fish. We will discuss both here starting with
the freshwater form.
Oodinium pillularis. This is the Latin name given to the parasite that
causes the disease more popularly known as Velvet, Gold Dust or Rust
disease. This variant is the most often encountered, but be aware that
there are also at least a couple of other very similar freshwater forms.
The infestation is caused by a parasitic dinoflagellate that is variable in
size, as the variants differ somewhat in their measurements. Other
forms that cause very similar signs are Oodinium limneticum and
Oodinium vastotor. These can measure more than 100 microns
although the more typical sizes are 50-70 microns.
One of the greatest problems with this parasite in both the freshwater
& the saltwater form is that most typically the Hobbyist will observe
the infestation only when he sees a fish, sometimes more than one,
gasping for air and in the last stages before death.
Usually this is when the fish is laying on its side on the bottom of the
Aquarium, as it tries desperately to get air by attempting to breathe at
the surface.
At this advanced stage of infection it is rare indeed to save the fish,
however if prompt action is taken it is possible to save other fish, as
without doubt if such remedial measures are not applied then virtually
all the fish will be lost and usually within a very short space of time.
The parasite attacks the skin of the fish & inserts "roots" which can
easily be seen under microscopic examination. Another favorite site of
attack are the gills of the fish, which so typically then cause the most
observed sign, that of "panting" for breath as mentioned. These
parasites eat into the cells of the epithelial layer, or the sensitive
tissue of the gills, and destroy them in the process. After the parasite
has matured it falls off the fish much in the manner of white spot (Ich)
in both fresh & salt water, and here it begins several stages of mitotic
division, ending up with some dozens or even more of cells which are

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In both the free swimming flagellated stage as well as the parasitic

stage when attached to the fish, the organism contains a form of
chlorophyll. This gives the parasite its typical gold or rust color, and
also enables it to obtain food as do plants by the process known as
photosynthesis. However when in the parasitic form almost all of its
nourishment is obtained at the expense of the host, which causes
tremendous damage leading to death once the fish is heavily
parasitized. On the fish the dinoflagellate form grows in size about 5-6
times, before falling of and replicating itself in the free swimming form.
These flagellated free swimming forms are in fact dinoflagellates which
must, within the space of one day, find another fish to infect or they
will die. The relatively short life cycle & massive reproductive capacity
ensure that if an outbreak occurs and it is not treated, heavy losses
will follow. Fortunately it is not too common, but has no equal in the
speed in which it can cause havoc in any aquarium unfortunate enough
to have an outbreak. Sometimes a few fish will survive an outbreak for
reasons that are not entirely clear, and these usually have developed
an immunity of some form to the parasite.
Younger fish appear to be much more susceptible to the parasite,
perhaps because they have a less well developed immune system. If
young fish become exposed the casualties will almost invariably be
much higher. However, if untreated, even adult fish will succumb.
Typical signs of infection.
Oodinium pillularis & related species.
Water. Without any doubt, less than ideal water quality is one sure
way to help in the outbreak of any parasitic infection, and in this
respect Oodinium is no exception. However the primary reason for its
introduction is usually to be found elsewhere in this instance.
Behavior. Gasping for air, with very rapid respiration, most typically
on the floor of the Aquarium, but sometimes at the surface, is nearly
always observed. In the early stages of an infection, "flashing" or
rubbing & scratching are often indications, as the fish tries without
success to rub off the irritating organisms.
Fins. Fins can become clamped and folded.
Body. The most observed feature of this infestation is a salt & pepper
effect of hundreds of small dots, usually with a cast of gold/yellow or
rust color, which give the appearance that the fish has been covered

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with a special form of talcum powder. It is sometimes difficult to see

this unless the light is coming from the back, and shines off the fish,
when it can easily be seen. This advanced phase of infestation is
however almost always fatal, and the hobbyist should try to become
aware of the earlier signs if he/she wishes to be able to take
meaningful action.
Gills. Excessive mucous will be a sign that the parasite is attacking the
gills, and a smear should easily confirm this.
Skin. The skin becomes "dusted" with hundreds of small raised
parasites, giving a color which according to the variant of the form
encountered will be from a yellow gold color to an almost red shade.
Prognosis. As already stated, if the problem is only discovered when
the parasite has made large inroads into many fish, then severe
casualties are to be anticipated. Older fish of certain species often will
resist the infection, though they will also succumb in many instances if
no action is taken. Young fish typically will die like flies, if they are not
helped with appropriate action by the Aquarist. However if a suitable
remedial regimen is introduced, excellent results can be expected.
There are several treatment options that can be employed including
raising the temperature or the addition of Copper Sulphate.
Raising the temperature by some 8 - 10 degrees Fahrenheit, to about
86F can be effective BUT is also dangerous. The higher the
temperature, the lower the dissolved oxygen content; not an ideal
situation for an already stressed fish.
Copper Sulphate treatment is widely referred to in the literature, but
has to be used with extreme care, as many fish are highly susceptible
to Copper, and vary species by species in the toleration of it.
Furthermore the hardness or otherwise of the water plays a critical
role in the effect of the Copper. If it is not hard enough then no benefit
will ensue. In addition, Copper levels tend to drop and must be
monitored frequently if good results are to be expected. This is often
just not practical for the average hobbyist who has to work during the
The treatment of choice is an Acriflavine drug used in combination with
other chemicals. This combination gives excellent results (Our

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products, Revive and Aqua Pro-Cure, are just such a combination

treatment). Do not use any carbon during treatment & subdued
lighting is recommended. We have found over many years of
experience, that while no drug is perfect, Acriflavine or some of its
close relatives give an excellent result with minimal effect on the fish.
After treatment carbon should be used in the filter to remove any
residual "green/yellow" cast to the water.
Salt Water Coral Fish Disease.

Amyloodinium ocellatum aka Oodinium ocellatum.

This is the form of the parasite that gives rise to the disease known as
Coral Fish Disease. There are many similarities between this marine
variant of the parasite and the fresh water forms.
So that the salt water Hobbyist should be take into the account the
differences and not make an error in diagnosis lets discuss some of
the special features of the salt water form.
In the fresh water forms O. pillularis & O. limneticum , the organism's
primarily attack the skin, & then spread to the gills. In the saltwater
form O. ocellatum the parasite seeks out the gills & may then spread
to the skin.
By the time the latter takes place however, the gill damage is almost
invariably so severe, that the typical "first alert" I have already
mentioned of seeing a fish "gasping" on the bottom of the tank, is
unfortunately all too common. The parasites damage the gills, causing
hemorrhaging, swelling, and intense necrosis, which lead to an
inability of the fishes gills to pass sufficient oxygen, which leads to
suffocation & death.
The reproductive phase of the free swimming dinoflagellate takes place
optimally in water of a pH of 8.0- 8.2 with a density of 1.012- 1.021
and with a higher than desirable organic load, especially of Nitrate.
Typical signs of infection. Oodinium ocellatum
Water. High organic load, with less than optimum water conditions,
can often serve as the precursor for an outbreak. It thrives in
temperatures of 77-86 F., and salinity of 1.012-1.021.

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Behavior. Gasping for air, with very rapid respiration, most typically
on the floor of the Aquarium, but sometimes at the surface, are nearly
always observed. In the early stages of an infection, "flashing" or
rubbing & scratching are often indications as the fish tries without
success to rub off the irritating organism. If the hobbyist can pick up
this "flashing" action at an early enough stage there is a chance he
/she can prevent mortality.
Gills. Excessive mucous will be a sign that the parasite is attacking the
gills, and a smear should easily confirm this. Heavy necrotic damage is
easily observed even with a good hand magnifier.
Skin. The skin will show "gray" patches which if examined closely will
manifest a "dust like" appearance, giving the skin a "velvet" look,
which has given rise to an alternative name for the disease. Some
hemorrhaging may also become evident.
Prognosis. The disease as with its freshwater counterpart, usually
comes to the attention of the hobbyist with the first fish or more,
giving their last gasps as said on the bottom of the tank. At this stage
seldom can such fish be saved and the outlook for them is very poor.
If however there are still large numbers of uninfected fish, or some
only lightly infested, then if prompt and suitable action is taken, it
should be possible to save the others.
Treatment. The remedy for the saltwater form is rather difficult.
Copper has often been indicated as a drug of choice, but has many
problems in its use, as well as been dangerous to the fish in even
small overdoses, and especially if even minor damage has already
occurred to the gills of the fish. In Reef tanks it cannot even be
Methylene blue, has been used with some success, as it has the
advantage of been an excellent oxygen transporter, which aids the
transpiration of oxygen to the fishes gills. Methylene blue however is
highly toxic to Nitrifying bacteria and its use should be confined to a
separate quarantine tank only.
Acriflavine and related compounds have proven very effective and
have given the most consistent results over the years. (Our products,
Revive and Aqua Pro-Cure have been formulated incorporating
Acriflavine and other compounds to yield excellent results). These
products can be used in both fish only and/or reef aquariums, and will
not adversely impact corals or other invertebrates. Carbon and Protein

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skimmers should not be used during the treatment period, as they pull
the compounds out of the water, but should be used to clear the tank
once treatment is completed. Lighting should be subdued during the
treatment period.
In both the fresh-water & saltwater form of the disease, the
reproduction and hence the eventual intensity of the infestation is
closely related to the temperature. Lower temperatures will slow down
the reproduction of the parasite, and thus possibly give the Hobbyist a
little more time to take effective remedial action. The Hobbyist must
evaluate however the species he/she has in their tank, and the
tolerance for a lower temperature that their collection of fish, is likely
to withstand. Some freshwater species such as white clouds will thrive
in lower temperatures, others such as Discus, will emphatically not.
Diseases of Fish C.van Duijn Jr. P 52-56. Iliffe Books UK
Handbook of Fish diseases Ed. Dieter Untergasser p. 89-90 TFH Publications.
Papperna I. (1980) Amyloodinium ocellatum (Brown 1931) (Dinoflagellida) infestations in cultured marine
fishes in Eilat , Red Sea: epizootiology and pathology J.Fish Dis 3: 363-372
Noga E. (1987) Propagation in cell culture of the dinoflagellate Amyloodinium , an ectoparasite of marine
fishes Science 236. 1302-1305.
Cheung P.J., Ruggieri G.D., and Nigrelli R.F. (1978) Effects of temperature & salinity on the developmental
cycle of Oodinium ocellatum Brown (Mastigophore: Phytomastogophoresa: Dinoflagellida)(abstract) The
Fourth International Congress of Parasitology in Poland.
Negrelli R.F. (1936) The morphology, cytology, and life-history of Oodinium ocellatum, a dinoflagellate
parasite on marine fishes. Zool N.Y. 21: 129-164.

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