Organizational Behavior Case Study
Organizational Behavior Case Study
Organizational Behavior Case Study
Case study: Negative aspects of collaboration
Prepared for: sir Imran Akbar
Prepared by: Ayesha sattar
Student ID: 13047005003
Class: BBA Hons
Case study:
Negative aspects of collaboration
Q no 01= Think about a time when you have been in a group that had to make a
collective decision that didnt turn out well. Can you identify any specific
decision-making errors the team made?
Ans = when we work in a group we may experience many decisions that didnt turn out well. I
have also experienced this situation due to the following reasons:
Q no 02=In the situation you encountered, can you think of any strategies that
would have helped make the group decision-making process more efficient and
Ans = After this bad experience I thought some strategies that would help me for making the
decision-making process more efficient and accurate in future. These are given below:
Q no 03= Can you think of a type of decision that is probably better made by an
individual than a group? What type of decisions needs to be made by groups?
Ans = According to my opinion, an individual can better make decision for many situations.
Case study:
Example: when a person is setting a goal/ aim for ones life. Like what subjects to choose for
study? What profession to choose? Or what organization to choose for work?
Individual decision making may save you from becoming the victim of groupthink.
There are also so many decisions that can better taken by groups rather than individual.
Example: when you have to make a decision between the participants of a particular game or
any singing contest than group decision making is ideal from every aspect.