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Lee SCP NEIO and Beyond

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SCP, NEIO and Beyond

Cassey Lee
No one who is other than eclectic, methodologically speaking, has any business in
the field of industrial organization.", Edward Mason

2.1 Introduction
The relationship between firm behavior and market structure has been a central focus of
study in the field of industrial organization (IO). This emphasis is reflected in the manner
in which some economists have defined IO, namely as the study of firm behavior in
imperfectly competitive markets.1 Historically, the discipline's emphasis on firm
behavior and market structure is, to a large extent, influenced by the work of a group of
economists at Harvard in the 1930s. Edward Mason and his PhD student Joe S. Bain
formulated a framework for empirical analysis called the Structure-Conduct-Performance
(SCP) that attempted to describe how key aspects of market structure relate to each other.
Stephen Martin summarizes this framework approach succinctly:
The central hypothesis (of the SCP framework) is that observable structural
characteristics of a market determine the behavior of firms within that market, and
that the behavior of firms within a market, give structural characteristics,
determines measurable market performance.2
The SCP paradigm became the dominant framework for empirical work in IO between
the early 1950s until the early 1980s. Its influence only began to wane in the 1980s with
the emergence of game theoretical analysis of oligopolistic markets - an approach labeled
as the `New Industrial Organization' (NIO). The body of empirical associated with this
approach is known today as the New Empirical Industrial Economics (NEIO).
The chapter provides a survey of the SCP, NEIO and developments beyond. There have
been some excellent surveys of empirical work in IO, for example, Martin (2002) and
Schmalensee (1989). We draw from this body of literature (rather than re-inventing the
wheel) but at the same time attempt to extend the body of this literature to include new
research that has emerged since these survey papers were written.

For example:
Industrial organization or industrial economics is the study of the operation and performance of
imperfectly competitive markets and the behavior of firms in these markets. (Church and Ware
(2000), p.7)

Industrial organization is concerned primarily with the intermediate case of oligopoly, that is,
competition between
a few firms. (Cabral (2000), p.3)
Martin (2002), p.119.

The outline of the chapter is as follows. Section 2.2 provides a review of the structureconduct-performance paradigm. This is followed by a review of the empirical literature
on SCP in Section 2.3. The new empirical industrial organization is discussed Section
2.4 while Section 2.5 reviews developments beyond the SCP and NEIO. Section 2.6

2.2 Structure-Conduct-Performance
(a) Origins: Debate on Theory and Empirics
The origin of the SCP paradigm can be traced to the work of the Harvard economist
Edward Mason in the 1930s. The theoretical work of Mason's colleague Edward
Chamberlin provided inspiration for both Mason and his student Joe Bain to study
empirically how pricing and production policies of firms (especially large ones) are
determined. Mason (1939)s (p.63) starting point was that market share is important in
determining production and pricing policy of a firm. In the 1930s, there were generally
two approach in understanding pricing policies of firms, namely:
1. Theoretical approach - involving the use of oligopoly and monopolistic models to
derive production and pricing policy of a firm.
2. Empirical approach - involving the correlation between observed prices and other
economic variables representing differences in market structure
Mason argued that empirical analysis is essential to ensure that the theories of firm are
useful. This is because theories are based on mathematical constructs such as demand
and cost functions which are not ascertainable (in Mason's words, p.64). Thus, it is not
that theories are not important, rather their relevance cannot be determined without
empirical observations. This leads to the question of the set of empirical observations that
are useful.
Interestingly, Mason argued that the price and production decisions of a firm is
influenced by both the internal organization of the firm as well as market structure.
Internal organization here refers to group relationships within the firm which exerts
influence on the firm's policy.3 According to Mason, market structure is a
multidimensional concept that is specified and measured by variables such as product
characteristics, cost and production characteristics, and the number and market shares of
buyers and sellers in the market. There are also other factors that influences firm
behavior such as industry life-cycle and the characteristic of the distribution channels.
The relevance of these factors are discussed by use of anecdotal evidence from different
types of industries such as automotive, steel, rubber tyre, distributive trade and
construction materials.

The emphasis on group relationship within firms is similar to the behavioral theories of the firm that was
developed in the 1950s and 1960s. See Simon (1955) and Cyert and March (1963).

In the concluding part of his paper, Mason (1939) drew up a framework for the analysis
of production and pricing policy of a firm:
The argument ... runs from differences in market structure to
differences in price response, and from differences in price response to the
consequences of these differences for the functioning of the economy."

Thus, elements of the SCP paradigm were already present in the Mason's work in the
1930s. During this period, Mason also lamented the lack of empirical work in this area:
Although a good deal has been written both on the effect of restrictive
policies on the distribution of resources and the effect of price policies on
fluctuations in employment and output, very little has been done to
formulate tests of undesirable price behavior applicable to public action.
Specifically, what sort of tests are indicative of the existence of a price
sufficiently high to restrict output and investment below desirable levels?"
(p.74, italics added.)
Mason challenge for future empirical-policy work was subsequently taken-up by his
Ph.D. student, Joe S. Bain. Despite being inspired by the work of Mason, the research
methodologies of the master and his student were a bit different. Bain used industry-level
data - an approach which Mason was a bit skeptical of. In contrast, Mason was more in
favour of case studies involving specific firms or industries. It was Bain's work which
proved to be more influential in charting the course of empirical IO after the 1930s.

(b) The Structure-Conduct-Performance Paradigm

What is the Structure-Conduct-Performance (SCP) Paradigm? As the name suggests, the
paradigm comprises of three major elements:
1. Structure - which refers to market structure. The variables that are used to
describe market structure includes seller concentration, degree of product
differentiation and barriers of entry. These variables can be further classified into
two classes, namely:4
(a) Intrinsic structural variables - those determined by the nature of products and
available production and marketing technologies.
(b) Derived structural variables - those determined by firms and government
such as barriers of entry, seller and buyer concentration and product

See Schmalensee (1989), p.954

This distinction may be important if intrinsic structural variables are

exogenously determined, thus making them suitable candidates as
instrumental variables.
2. Conduct - which refers to a firm's behavior. The variables used to capture firm
behavior include pricing strategies, collusion, advertising, research and
development and capacity investment. Some have interpreted conduct as whether
firms collude or compete.

3. Performance - which refers to outcome or equilibrium assessed in terms of

allocative efficiency. The variables mostly used to measure performance are
profitability and price-cost margin.

The SCP paradigm posits specific causal relationships between market structure, conduct
and performance. In particular, market structure determines conduct and conduct in turn
determines performance:




Furthermore, market structure is determined by a variety of other factors that can be

classified as either demand or supply factors (see Figure 1). Supply factors include the
location and availability of essential raw materials, nature of production technology,
degree of work force unionization, durability of product etc.5 Demand factors include
price elasticity of demand, availability of substitutes, growth and variability of demand
Critiques of the SCP paradigm points out that the causality between structure and conduct
can run the other way round i.e, firm's conduct (e.g. predatory behavior or entry
deterrence) can shape the market structure within which the firm operates in. This
implies that market structure is endogenously determined:




Some contend that the relationship between conduct and performance is also weak. For
example, one can further argue that performance can affect conduct:





Scherer and Ross (1990), pp.5-6

Ibid, p.6

For example, firms with substantial accumulated profits can incur losses in the short-term
to drive out rival firms. If this is true, the SCP has low predictive power.

2.3 Empirical Research in SCP

(a) Methodological Issues
Theory and Econometric Specifications
The theoretical connection between market structure, conduct and performance can be
formalized using a Cournot duopoly model. It can be shown that there is a direct link
between the Lerner Index (L) and various variables such as a firm's (firm i in our
example) market share (si), price elasticity of demand ()and its conjectural variation (i):

Li = P(Q)-MC(qi) = si (1 + i )


where i = dqj
Theoretically, the conjectural variation variable i measures the output response of the
firm's rivals. Scherer and Ross (1990) further suggests that it is also a measure of the
degree of coordination (or collusion) between firms in the industry. The conjectural
variation variable is determined by other factors:7

i = f1(Cj , Bj , Xij)


where Cj is a measure of seller concentration, Bj a set of entry barrier measures and Xij
other industry or firm characteristics affecting the conjectural variation. The above
equation provides the link between market structure and conduct. Substituting the second
equation into the first, we obtain a link between structure and performance (the Lerner
Index) for firm i:

Li = f2(si , , Cj , Bj , Xij)


In reality, the Lerner Index may not be observable. If there is a correlation between the
Lerner index and measures of profitability (i), the above equation can be reformulated

See Scherer and Ross (1990), p.412

i = f2(si, , Cj , Bj , Xij)


The industry-level version can be written as:

j = f3( Cj , Bj , Xj)


It should be clear from the above specifications that the empirical test of the SCP entails
testing for the relationship between structure and performance, taking conduct as either a
black box or theoretically proven. The hypothesis underlying the above specifications is
that concentration determines profitability.8
Measuring Performance
A key issue in the empirical literature in SCP is the measurement of performance. A
number of measures of performance have been used. Theory suggests that the Lerner
index is a good measure of the extent of a firm's market power:
Lerner Index = Price Marginal Cost
When the Lerner index > 0, firms are said to have market power. However, it is not
always possible to derive the Lerner index empirically. It may be difficult to obtain
marginal cost data. Furthermore, firms may have numerous products, each priced
A measure or performance that is conceptually closest to the Lerner index is the price
cost margin (PCM):
PCM = value added payroll
value of shipments


where value added is calculated by substracting input cost from total sales.
One weakness of using the PCM as a measure of performance is that it requires
controlling for the normal rate of return on capital across different industries.
Another measure of performance that has been used is Tobin's q ratio which measures the
ratio of firms stock market value to replacement cost of capital:
q = Mc + Mp + Md


This hypothesis is sometimes known as the collusion hypothesis.

where Mc is the market value of ordinary shares, Mp market value of preference shares,
Md outstanding loan capital and Ar total assets at replacement cost. When q > 1, firms
have intangible resources or advantages that are not captured in asset valuation such as
market power. The advantages of using the Tobin q ratio is that it captures all available
information on a firms future profitability (adjusted for risk). However, it suffers from
some severe limitations such as limited coverage (only listed firms which biases the
results towards larger firms), subjective and volatile valuation of firms and the difficulties
in estimating replacement cost.
Finally, accounting measures of performance are also used. There are various versions:

1 =



2 = profit


3 = profit


4 =


net worth

Market Value of Equity =



The major source of data for this approach is published annual reports or financial
statements. In this approach, profits can be defined as profits before or after tax. If the
accounting data short used covers only a short period, it can be affected by heavy
discretionary investment expenditures (R&D, marketing) in a given year. The use of
accounting data also engender further debate about the appropriate depreciation method
(straight line or accelerated) to be used. Firms may also differ significantly from one
anther in terms of their gearing ratio (debt-to-equity ratio). There is also debate on
whether inflation should be taken into account via the use of historical or replacement
There is no consensus on which is the best measure of performance. The choice of
measure obviously depends on data availability and the desired aggregation level of
analysis i.e. industry, firm or plant.
Measuring Concentration
The theoretical link between the Lerner Index (L) and market share (si) implies that we
can measure market power by measuring market concentration:

Li = P(Q) MC(qi) = si ( 1 + i )


where si is firm i's market share, ( ) is price elasticity of demand, (i) its conjectural
variation and i = dqj . Since si is directly related to the Lerner index, an obvious
measure of concentration is the total market shares (si ) of firms. One such measure is
the concentration ratio which measures the total market share of a given number of (m)
firms with the largest market shares:
CRm = si


One critique of the concentration ratio is that it does not take into account the distribution
of market share across all firms in an industry. A concentration index that does not share
this weakness is the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI):
HHI = si


The HHI is also directly related to the Lerner index. For an industry with n firms, the
industry's weighted average Lerner index is:

L = si Li
= si ( 1 + i )


If we assume that for all firms, i = , then:

L = ( 1 + ) HHI


The CR and HHI are the two most commonly used concentration indices used in
empirical SCP studies. There are other measures of market concentration that are used to
measure the degree of inequality in firm size distribution. These measures include the
Hannah-Kay index, Gini Coefficient and the Entropy Index.9 Debates on the choice of
which concentration measures to used have revolved around correlation between the
different measures and the sensitivity of these measures to changes in the number of
firms and market shares.
Other Independent Variables
Aside from industry concentration, the functional specification for SCP includes barriers
to entry as an explanatory variable for performance. Barriers of entry can be either

For a discussion see Lipczynski et al. (2005), chapter 6.

structural or strategic in nature. Structural barriers of entry are exogenously determined.

They include scale economies and product differentiation. In contrast, strategic barriers
of entry arise from strategies that deter entry (e.g. limit pricing) or force rival firms to exit
(predatory pricing). The empirical literature on SCP has concentrated mostly on
quantifiable structural barriers of entry.
One such barrier to entry is the minimum efficient scale (MES) of production in relation
to the size of market demand. This has been measured by the ratio of sales of plants at the
midpoint of industry plant size distribution to total industry sales. An alternative measure
is the cost disadvantage ratio which is the ratio of value-added per worker in plants
below MES to that in larger plants. Another type of barrier to entry that is widely used in
empirical SCP studies is product differentiation which is proxied by the ratio of
advertising expenditure to sales. Other independent variables that have been used in
empirical investigation of SCP includes buyer concentration (which affects seller's profit
margins), industry growth (to capture industry disequilibrium), ratio of imports to
domestic production or consumption (to capture the influence of imports), and
geographic dispersion measures (to capture the effect of regional or local markets).

(b) Empirical Results

Early Work
The empirical work on the SCP paradigm has evolved over time since its inception in the
early 1950s. A key characteristic of most empirical work on SCP is the use of interindustry cross-section data. The founding body of literature on SCP associated with Joe
Bain's were published in a series of papers ( Bain (1951) and Bain (1954)), and
culminating in the publication of his book titled Barriers to New Competition in 1956.
Bain (1951)s work relied mostly on the use of descriptive statistics to relate market
concentration (CR8) to firm profitability ( ):
= f( CR8 )


Bain used the eight-firm concentration ratio (CR8) to measure market concentration:
CR8 = s1 + s2 + + s8 = si


where si is the market share of i-th largest firm.

In his study, Bain defined profitability in terms of rate of return on equity:
= net profit after tax
net worth


His analysis indicates that average industry profitability tend to be higher in concentrated

Subsequently, Bain (1956) extended his work by including barriers of entry:10

= f( CR4, D1, D2)


where CR4 the four-firm concentration ratio, Di for i=1,2 are dummy variables denoting
different levels of barriers to entry. Bain classified industries into three classes of barriers
of entry by subjectively evaluating factors such as scale economies, product
differentiation and absolute cost advantages. In the study, industries with high barriers of
entry tend to exhibit higher profitability. Bain's studies went on to inspire many
econometric analyses of the SCP in the 1960s and 1970s.
Subsequent Work
One of the most important work during this period is that of Comanor and Wilson (1967)
which became a classic reference for industry-level econometric analysis of the SCP.
The basic econometric specification adopted in the paper was as follows:
= 0 + 1ASR + 2 log(ACR) + 3 log(RGD) + 4 DlOC +



is profitability (measured in terms of after tax profits as a percentage of

shareholder's equity)
ASR is advertising-sales ratio - a variable to capture product
ACR is absolute capital requirements - the amount of capital required for
entry at minimum efficient scale
RGD is rate of growth of demand - to emphasize the long-run effects of
growth in demand
DLOC is a dummy variable used to identify local market industries

Another important contribution to the empirical literature on SCP in the 1960s was that of
Collins and Preston (1969) who used an alternative definition of performance, namely,
price-cost margin (PCM) which was defined as:

PCM = value added payroll

value of shipments
The specification used by Collins and Preston (1969) was:
PCM = 0 + 1CR4 + 2 GEO + 3 COR +


Also note that Bain used the CR4 in his subsequent work.



CR4 is the four-firm concentration ratio

GEO is a measure of geographic dispersion derived from the sum of the absolute
differences between the percentage of value of shipments accounted for by
establishments in each region and the percentage of population in that region

COR is gross book value of assets divided by total value of shipments

In general, the econometric specification for firm-level analysis is similar to industrylevel specification (ala Comanor and Wilson (1967)) except that additional variables are
use do capture the impact of firm characteristics. Such variable include market share (as
distinct from concentration ratio) and firm size (measured in terms of asset size). An
example of such specification can be found Shepherd (1972):
= 0 + 1MS + 2 GROUP + 3 log(SIZE) + 4 ASR + 5 GROWTH +



is profitability (measured in terms of after tax profits as a percentage of

shareholder's equity)

MS is market share of a firm

GROUP is residual market share i.e. concentration ratio SHARE

SIZE is net total assets

ASR is advertising-sales ratio - a variable to capture product differentiation

GROWTH is growth in revenues at minimum efficient scale

RGD is rate of growth of demand - to emphasize the long-run effects of growth in


DLOC is a dummy variable used to identify local market industries

Many of empirical studies on SCP conducted in the 1960s and 1970s including those
cited above provided some support for the SCP hypothesis that concentration is a
determinant of profitability.11 However, the significance of concentration is reduced
when barriers to entry variables are included as independent variables. This is because
concentration is correlated to barriers to entry variables such as MES and capital

For good surveys of the empirical findings in SCP see Schmalensee (1989), Scherer and Ross
(1990), Hay and Morris (1991), Weiss (1991) and Martin (2002).


requirements. Variables representing barriers to entry that have been found to be

statistically significant determinants of profitability include advertising intensity, product
differentiation and growth of demand.
Between the late 1970s and early 1980s, the empirical literature on SCP began taking a
different turn. Harold Demsetz (1974)s influential critique of the SCP hypothesis in
1974 prompted scholar to examine the relationship between profitability and profitability.
Essentially, Demsetz argued along the `Chicago School' lines that the observed
profitability-concentration relationship could be due to large firms in high-concentration
industries having high profits due to their large market shares. The empirical evidence
supporting this alternative (profitability-sales) hypothesis seems to be stronger in interindustry studies compared to intra industry studies.12
Another direction in which the SCP literature has headed to is the use of simultaneous
equation modeling.13 This approach has been adopted to take into account the
multiplicity of causality between the different variables in the SCP framework. As
expected, the importance of concentration as a determinant of profitability is further
diminished in such studies. Such studies have also highlighted the importance of indirect
effects of variables such as advertising and R&D.
Finally, the 1980s also saw the emergence of more formal (mathematical) theorizing in
the field of industrial organization which led to an empirical methodology in IO very
different from that adopted in the most SCP studies. This approach is today known as the
`New Empirical Industrial Organization' (NEIO). The next section discusses this in
greater detail.

2.4 New Empirical Industrial Organization

Unlike the empirical literature on SCP, which was primarily based on cross-section
studies, the New Empirical Industrial Organization (NEIO) focuses on econometric
testing of particular aspects conduct in single industries with the objective of detecting
market power or changes in the collusive-competition behavior of firms.14 The approach
entails the construction of explicit structural models that provide theoretical analysis of
how firms would behave under different market structures. Data would then be used to
estimate the behavioral equations in these models. The results are then used to infer
conduct in the industry.
For example, recall that:
Li = P(Q)-MC(qi) = si (1 + i )


See Schmalensee (1989), p. 984

See Hay and Morris (1991)s discussions in pp. 239-244
See Bresnahan and Schmalensee (1987).



where si is firm i's market share, ( ) is price elasticity of demand, (i) its conjectural
variation and i = dqj . Re-writing the above equation, we obtain the following:15

P(Q) = MC(qi) - dP ( 1+ dqj )



The conduct of the firm in terms of its conjectural variation (dqj / dqi ) can then be
inferred if we are able to obtain estimates of marginal cost (MC(qi)) and the slope of the
industry demand curve (dP / dqj ). Once the value of the conjectural variation can be
estimated, conduct of the firm can be inferred (see Table 1 below).

Table 1 : Conjectural Variations Under Different Conduct

Price Taking

1 + (dqj / dqi )

(dqj / dqi )

Lerner Index

Source: Church and Ware (2000), p. 441

The NEIO approach has been applied to a number of industries. The include:
automobiles, rubber, textile, electrical machinery, tobacco, food processing, banks,
coffee, aluminium, retail gasoline, soft drinks and long-distance telephony. 16 Substantial
market power have been detected in some of the industries studied. Collusive strategies
have also been detected in some cases (e.g. trigger strategies in railroads).

2.5 Beyond SCP and NEIO

The empirical research underlying the SCP paradigm as well as the NEIO are essentially
premised upon optimizing firms in equilibrium settings. As such, such studies may not
capture industry dynamics. for example, firms enter, grow and exit industries over time.
This would imply that the observed profit rate at a given point in time may not be longrun equilibrium profits. Thus, profitability and concentration relationship may be
spurious. This critique has led to acloser examination of dynamic structure-performance
relationships that uses time series data to control for disequilibrium effects. One line of
such research is the persistence of profitability literature. The pioneering of work of
Yale Brozen (1971) provide impetus for a series of industry-level and firm-level studies
on the persistence of profitability since the 1970s.17 In the industry-level studies, it was
found that profits converge to long run equilibrium between 4-10 years. Firm-level
studies found that there were no convergence of profits towards an average value. In
other words, profits persisted in both the short-run and long-run.

See Church and Ware (2000), p.441. and ?, p.444

For a detailed survey, see Bresnahan (1989).
For a brief survey of this literature, see Lipczynski et al (2005), pp.341-346.


Another line of research that examines industry disequilibrium is the literature on firm
turnover and mobility.18 The early theoretical motivation for this line of research inquiry
took the form of the Law of Proportionate Effect (LPE) or Gibrat's Law which states
that the expected value of the increment to a firm's size in each period is proportional to
the current size of the firm.19 The implication of LPE is that the limiting distribution of
firm size is lognormal. The empirical literature on LPE between the 1950s and 1970s
seemed to support Gibrat's Law. However, a few studies in the 1980s suggest that the
distribution of firm size is not lognormal in more complete data sets.20
In relation to the SCP paradigm, the LPE suggest a possible link between concentration
and mobility and turnover. Empirical studies have studied the causality between
concentration and mobility and turnover in both directions.21 The results appear to be
inconclusive and not definitive given the small number of studies. The LPE literature has
also generated studies that incorporates explicit treatment of the process of change - in
particular the interactions between random disturbances and structural factors that include
barriers to entry (e.g. MES and sunk cost).22 An alternative approach to the use of
structural factors is to embed the random processes within an industry life-cycle model
driven by technological change (innovation) and diffusion.23 Again, there have been
relatively few studies based on these approaches - possibly due to the intensive data
requirements of such studies.
There has been some attempts to review the IO literature for developing countries. For
example, Tybout (2000) observes that the highly skewed distribution of firm size in
developing countries is due to the presence of small geographically diffuse markets and
the predominance of consumer goods industry. Interestingly, Tybout's survey of the
empirical literature suggests that manufacturers in developing countries are not
necessarily inefficient. An interesting line of empirical studies on developing countries'
experience is the impact of policy changes (e.g. trade liberalization) on firm performance
in terns of price-costs mark-up and productivity.

2.6 Conclusion
The empirical literature in IO is well established covering a period of at least 50 years.
Within this period, two distinct methodological frameworks for empirical IO can be
discerned, namely the SCP paradigm and the NEIO. The SCP paradigm dominated
empirical IO between the 1950s and early 1980s and had significant influence on
policymaking especially in the area of antitrust. However, since the 1980s mainstream

For a recent survey of the literature, see Caves (1998). Caves used the term firm turnover to cover
three processes: births and deaths of firms, variations in sizes and market shares of survivor firms
(mobility) and changes in control of firms.
The origins of the Law of Proportionate Effect can be traced back to Robert Gibrat's work in 1931.
See Sutton (1997) and Lipczynski et al (2005), pp.264-273
See Cabral and Mata (2003).
Caves (1998), p.1964
For example, see Sutton (1997).
For example, Klepper (1996).


IO economists have carried out less empirical studies to test SCP. Even though the NEIO
has dominated the empirical IO literature in the past two decades, the number of NEIO
studies is far less that the number of SCP-based studies that have been carried out thus
far. It should also be noted that the SCP paradigm has evolved or led to new areas of
research. These include investigations on stochastic dynamic models (LPE, Lifecycle
models). Much of the literature on developing countries's experiences continues to be
based on the SCP paradigm. In comparison, NEIO and new variants of LPE have not had
much impact in this area. This is likely to be rectified in the future as the quality of data
in developing countries improves.

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Raw Materials
Product Durability
Value/Weight Ratio
Business Attitudes
Legal Framework

Price Elasticities
Rate of Growth
Cyclical and
Seasonal character
Purchase Method
Marketing Type

Market Structure
Number of sellers
Product Differentation
Barriers to Entry
Cost Structures
Vertical Integration

Pricing Behavior
Product Strategy and
Research and Innovation
Plant Investment

Public Policy
Taxes and Subsidies
International Trade Rules
Price Controls
Information Provision

Production and Allocative Efficiency
Full Employment

Source: Scherer and Ross (1990), p.5

Figure 1: The Structure-Conduct-Performance Paradigm


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