CS 103 Lab 8 - Stay Classy CS103: 4.1 (10 PTS.) Finishing The Implementation of War
CS 103 Lab 8 - Stay Classy CS103: 4.1 (10 PTS.) Finishing The Implementation of War
CS 103 Lab 8 - Stay Classy CS103: 4.1 (10 PTS.) Finishing The Implementation of War
1 Introduction
In this lab you will use several C++ classes to play the game of War. This will be an
interesting experiment, as you will be able to compare your PA1 to this labs
4 Procedure
4.1 [10 pts.] Finishing the Implementation of War
Download the code files.
6. Then test your program for a large number of simulations with the debug
flag turned off. Feel free to post your statistics (always list the number of
simulations you are using) on Piazza to verify your code. (Remember though
this is a random simulation so results may vary but should converge for a
large number of simulations).
$ ./war 10000 0
7. Show your TA/CP the functions you wrote and added. Demonstrate your
program running for just 1 simulation (i.e. 1 game) with the debug flag
turned on so we can see the deck and carts printed out (to make sure
Card::toString() works. Then demonstrate your program running for
10,000 simulations (with the debug flag turned off)