SWAP01 Operation Shadowpoint
SWAP01 Operation Shadowpoint
SWAP01 Operation Shadowpoint
Operation: Shadowpoint
writing and Development
Interior Art
Based On
The Age of Rebellion Roleplaying Game designed
by Jay Little and developed by Andrew Fischer
Art Direction
Zo Robinson
Chris Gerber
Production Management
Eric Knight
Corey Konieczka
Executive Producer
Michael Hurley
Chris Beck
Christian T. Petersen
Brian Schomburg
Cover Art
Matthew Starbuck and Cristi Balanescu
Lucas Licensing
Director of Publishing
Senior Editor
Carol Roeder
Jennifer Heddle
Manager of the
Leland Chee
& TM Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved. Used under authorization. Fantasy Flight Games and the FFG Logo are registered
trademarks of Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc.
The Story So Far
Operation: Shadowpoint is an adventure for the Star
Wars: Age of Rebellion Beginner Game. It is designed
to follow the events of Takeover at Whisper Base, the
adventure included in the Beginner Game.
After the events of the Beginner Game adventure,
the Player Characters (PCs) have seized the Imperial
installation on the planet of Onderon, once called
Whisper Base, for the Rebel Alliance. They might
have killed or captured its commanding officer, Lieutenant Sarev, and dealt similarly with the remaining
staff of the base. They now have access to a secret,
off-the-books facility plugged into the Imperial communications networka powerful resource for the
struggling Rebellion. However, while the Imperial
bureaucracy at large does not have any knowledge of
the base, the PCs must still contend with its master
and originator, Moff Dardano.
The nefarious Imperial Moff is willing to do anything to recover his lost asset without allowing his
rivals in the Empire to learn of its existence, much
less of its capture. It is only a matter of time before
the Moff takes action to reclaim the base and bring it
back under his iron-fisted control. Can the PCs establish a strong enough position to defend what they
have taken and turn it into a long-term gain for the
Rebellion? Now is the time to test their commitment,
resourcefulness, skills, and above all, mettle.
If you are planning to act as Game Master, then
read on to find out more. You should read through
the entire adventure before beginning your first session. However, if you are planning to be a hero player
for the adventure, please stop reading now in order
to avoid spoiling any surprises! Dont worry, youll
find out what awaits in due time...
age of rebellion
Adventure Overview
Unlike the more structured events of the Beginner
Game introductory adventure, Operation: Shadowpoint does not operate along a strictly linear narrative. The adventure has a clear starting point at the
transition from the previous adventure (detailed in
Settling In on page 8), and a definite climax and
conclusion in the vengeful return of Moff Dardanos
forces (discussed in The Moff Strikes Back on page
37), but the material in between can be run in a
freely chosen order, based on the inclinations of the
GM and the actions of the hero players. These plot
hooks (described under Settling In on page 8)
are themselves open-ended developments, with several possible means of resolution or final outcomes.
If the GM finds this prospect overwhelming or needs
some help getting into the swing of things, then he
should simply run the event seeds in the order in
which they are presented throughout Operation:
Shadowpoint. The story can then continue to the
attack by Moff Dardano once PCs have dealt with the
dangers and opportunities of the event seeds.
Onderon Gazetteer
Jyrenne Base
Whisper Base was not the only Imperial installation on
Onderon, nor even the most significant. A major Imperial Army-Navy ordnance center vital to the Empires
supply lines is located near the capital city of Iziz, which
accounts for the Empires interest in the worlds security. Moff Dardano saw the frequent traffic to and from
Jyrenne Base as a major asset both in covering up his
own operations and as a source of intelligence on his
rival, Admiral Corlen, under whose command the base
operates. The Rebel Alliance is interested in using the
Moffs work as a stepping stone to this much better
secured target. For now, Jyrenne Base is to be avoided
by sensible Rebel agents as there is a constant Imperial
presence including a full garrison of stormtroopers and
frequent visits from Army groups and Navy patrols.
GMs interested in sticking to the greater Star Wars
narrative should note that in previously established
stories, Jyrenne Base is destroyed by the bombing of
Rebel starfighters, assisted by sabotage from underground operatives on the planet. At the GMs discretion, the PCs could act as these operatives in a later
adventure and disable the planetary shields over the
base or provide vital intelligence to another local cell.
Adventure Structure
Page #
Fears of
the Village
The PCs visit Darrastead village, a settlement in the Onderon jungle. The village has been
subjugated by the Empire, and the PCs might be able to win over its oppressed inhabitants.
Might of the
Beast Riders
The PCs encounter the legendary Beast Riders, mighty warriors who ride the massive
fauna of the jungles. The Beast Riders could be powerful allies, if the PCs can convince
them they too oppose the Empireand that they have a chance of winning!
Securing the
A Rebel operative has been captured by the Empire. He is a communications specialist, and
if the PCs free him, he can assist them with operating the SigInt array at their base.
New Toys
The PCs visit Iziz, the capital of Onderon. There, they have the chance to recover supplies
by bargaining with Kavia Slen, a local junk dealer.
Recon Patrol
The PCs encounter Moff Dardanos scouts in the jungle. If they cant stop these infiltrators
from escaping, the Moff will be able to accelerate his schemes to retake Whisper Base!
Target of
The SigInt array provides the PCs with a chance to intercept an Imperial spy. If they can
catch him off guard, they can get valuable new information for the Rebellion.
Hunt on the
Demon Moon
The PCs travel to Dxun with the Beast Riders. If they can bring down worthy prey on the socalled Demon Moon, they might be able to win a permanent alliance with the Beast Riders.
The Moff
Strikes Back
Moff Dardano launches his counterattack on the PCs. They must use the resources they
have gathered from the other event seeds to defeat him and keep control of the base!
Jungle Village
However, every terrible trait of Onderons wilderness is multiplied a hundredfold by the monstrous
beasts of the Demon Moon. From reptilian boma to
the near-invisible maalraas, Dxuns fauna are almost
invariably aggressive predators capable of threatening or overwhelming even prepared and well-armed
hunters. The unchallenged apex predator of the
deadly moon is the zakkeg, a massive and ill-tempered quadruped species covered in thick armored
scales capable of withstanding even concentrated
blaster fire. Naturally, Dxun is rarely visited except by
the most ambitious of big-game hunters. The Beast
Riders of Onderon also exploit the Demon Moons
strange orbit to send young warriors up on rites of
passage, and to allow their skilled hunters to earn
glory by testing themselves against the most terrible
beasts they can find.
aGE of rEBellion
The assorted event seeds of Operation: Shadeach tie in to the Duty of one or more
of the available PCs. These links are called out
via sidebars throughout the adventure. When
Event Seeds
Security (see
page 20)
Arkhan Bremtu has been fighting the war against the Empire longer
than anyone else in his squad. In that time, he has seen countless
operations go sour and lost many friends. Arkhan fulfills his Duty
when he protects the identities of Rebel agents and ensures that the
Empire does not outmaneuver or manipulate his team.
Securing the
Signal (p. 20),
Recon Patrol
(p. 28)
Victory (see
page 42)
Cael feels that it is his duty to vanquish the Empire, which destroyed
his homeworld of Alderaan. To this end, he has taken up arms to
help the Rebel Alliance win much-needed battlefield victories. Cael
fulfills his Duty when he does something instrumental in defeating an
Imperial force in an engagement, in person or indirectly.
Battle for
the Base
(p. 37)
(see page 13)
Fears of the
Villagers (p. 10),
Might of the
Beast Riders
(p. 13)
(see page 30)
Recon Patrol
(p. 28), Target
of Opportunity
(p. 31)
(see page 20)
Securing the
Signal (p. 20),
Recon Patrol
(p. 28)
(see page 27)
Zal feels most alive behind the throttle of a ship, and while she does
not always have the chance to dogfight against Imperial aces during
her missions with Special Operations, she always has her eyes open
for equipment and armaments to customize and improve the craft
she flies. Zal fulfills her Duty when she defeats a skilled enemy pilot
or obtains a new asset that helps her fight better in the cockpit.
New Toys
age of rebellion
Settling In
As the PCs begin to take stock of their situation after
the events of Takeover at Whisper Base, read or paraphrase the following aloud:
You have seized Whisper Base, but there is plenty
of work still to be done in order to turn the base
into an asset for the Rebellion. The base is in disarray after your attack, with much of the equipment and ordnance damaged or expended, and
the Imperial support staff is hardly available to
assist you. If you intend to turn this operation
into a real success, youll need to resupply the
base with new equipment and find some agents
who can help you maintain it properly. The
bases Signal Intelligence array should be able
to provide you with useful information on valuable targets in the area, but you also need to
keep an eye out for the return of Moff Dardanos
forces. Hes bound to discover the loss of Whisper Base eventually, and thats a vulnerability he
cant afford. Sooner or later, the Moffs forces are
sure to come knocking.
Recruitment Concerns
There are many jobs that need to be done around the
base, and some of them require helping hands from
NPCs. For instance, various security sensors, comm
arrays, and other vital mechanisms of the bases
SigInt array require constant attention to maintain full
efficiency. If the PCs cannot find assistance for these
tasks, the arrays effectiveness begins to degrade
after two to three weeks. If the PCs can cajole Toor
(see page 15 of the Beginner Game adventure) into
helping with maintenance, they can mitigate the wearand-tear of the array, but to keep it in perfect condition, they need to bring on more mechanics. Similarly,
having NPCs to aid with other mundane tasks like
communicating with other Rebel bases, scouting the
jungle, maintaining a med-bay, and cooking the Imperial ration packs into something vaguely edible could
make the PCs lives much easier.
The event seeds in this adventure give the PCs
occasional opportunities to recruit help, and the GM
should also give the PCs plenty of chances to find
allies sympathetic to the Rebel Alliances cause who
can bring something of value to the base.
aGE of rEBellion
On to the Adventure!
Once the players have been made aware of their
need for supplies, allies, and armaments, the GM
should prepare to launch the events of Operation:
Shadowpoint in earnest. The GM can begin by selecting an event seed to use or by prompting the players
to suggest how their characters might address these
problems, and moving on from there.
Onderon Jungle
Darrastead Village
Comm Tower
PCs Base
of Operations
Hunting Lodge
age of rebellion
aGE of rEBellion
Darrastead Village
age of rebellion
aGE of rEBellion
soak value
W. Threshold
soak value
W. Threshold
Duty: Recruitment
age of rebellion
henever the PCs travel through the jungle, they run the risk of being attacked
by local creatures. This can be handled as a
simple description to add color to the journey, or by requiring some kind of check (such
as a Hard [ ] Survival check, with each
inflicting 1 wound and each inflicting
1 strain on the character). These encounters
can also be combat encounters, though the
GM should do this sparingly, to preserve tension and avoid bogging the plot down.
If the PCs explain their presence to the patrol satisfactorily, the warriors relax slightly and express a
willingness to discuss matters further. If they make
a bad impression, however, they may find the Beast
Riders demanding that they leave, or even challenging the apparent leader of the group to a duel of
age of rebellion
If at any point during this exchange the PCs manage to offend or alarm the Beast Riders (by making threats or hurling insults), the Beast Riders warn
them to leave or be prepared to fight. This should
not occur unless the PCs are exceptionally rude or
aggressive, but is more likely if the PCs are posing as
Imperials or pursued the Beast Riders from the base.
If the PCs fight, the Beast Riders attempt to drive
them off rather than killing them. The Beast Riders can spend Advantage on any combat check
to inflict strain on the PCs (at a rate of 1 strain per
Advantage spent), and back down after at least
one Beast Rider has suffered 10 or more wounds or
been incapacitated due to strain.
The Beast Riders see such a battle as a conflict of
honor, not a struggle of life and death. If the PCs kill
one of the Beast Riders in combat, the others haul his
body onto their mount and attempt to fly away. Escalating the conflict in this way earns them the enmity
of the Beast Ridersa problem that could last even
longer than the threat of Moff Dardano, and provide
many further adventures after the events of Operation: Shadowpoint.
aGE of rEBellion
Hunting Lodge
age of rebellion
The PCs have succeeded, and they can count on a promise of mutual support against the Empire.
Whether or not the Beast Riders agree to enter into a formal alliance with them, the PCs
impress the Beast Riders so much that they are given gifts appropriate for distinguished guests.
These gifts can be anything from trophies or beast-hides to piece of useful equipment such as
grenades or blaster rifles stolen from intruding Imperial patrols.
3 Advantage
The PCs are invited by several of the attending warriors to be inducted as honorary members
of the clan by participating in a ritual hunt of some of the jungles creatures (see Hunt on the
Demon Moon Event Seed on page 33). If the PCs failed the check, this can be a good chance
to prove their skill in the field and get the other members of the tribe to reevaluate them.
If the PCs have no uncanceled Success symbols, the majority of the Beast Riders remain
unconvinced of their worth. They might have earned the respect or enmity of individual members
of the Clazca, but the overall decision is that they are not enemies but are also unfit for a true
alliance. At the GMs discretion, the PCs might get another chance to prove themselves to the
Beast Riders in the future if they demonstrate their mettle in some particularly spectacular way.
Even if their overall argument convinced the clan, one or more individual Beast Riders find fault
with the PCs and demand they prove their worth. To appease these naysayers, the PCs must win an
honor challenge, offer a useful gift, or perform some minor task. If the PCs also failed the check, they
must offer this restitution or risk further attacks by the affronted Beast Ridersalthough winning a
challenge or providing an impressive gift might open the doors for negotiation again.
3 Threat
or Despair
Despite their best efforts, the PCs are unable to sway some of the most senior warriors, who fear
that open hostility against the Empire could lead to a war the Clazca cannot win. These stubborn
holdouts demand the PCs undergo a blood trial on the moon of Dxun to prove their worth before
an alliance will be considered (see Hunt on the Demon Moon event seed on page 33). If the
PCs failed the check, they are not given a choice in the matterthough the hunt might give them a
second chance to convince the tribe to aid them!
upon their entrance, ranging from taunts and mocking challenges to offers of food, drink, and friendly
sport against members of the Clazca.
The lodge gathering is mediated by a senior warriorprobably Olko Baz, the leader of the patrol
who met with the PCs, although if he was wounded
in an honor challenge or other confrontation, another
warrior might step in. Once the PCs manage to find
space in some of the few vacant seats in the lodge,
he calls for silence so that the PCs may speak their
case. This is their big chance to earn the respect of
the Beast Riders at large, rather than a single patrol.
This should be handled primarily through roleplaying,
with the PCs giving reasons for the Beast Riders to
respect them and work with them. Good roleplaying
and strong arguments mean the speaking PC should
make an Easy () Charm, Leadership, or Negotiation check to carry his case. A simple statement of
the facts and or low-key appeal means the check is
Average ( ) instead, while any PC who is obviously lying, rude, or dismissive of the Beast Riders
must make a check of Hard ( ) difficulty or
more, as determined by the GM. Add Boost dice
and Setback dice as appropriate for specific roleplaying elements or arguments.
aGE of rEBellion
Ruping [Rival]
Though they are undeniably intimidating to outsiders, and many on Onderon fear them as a result, the
Beast Riders are quick to defend their friends and
those to whom they have sworn oaths of allegiance.
soak value
W. Threshold
The Beast Riders frequently ride atop these imposing creatures, striking with their spears and other
weapons as their mounts carry them into battle at
incredible speeds. The bond between rider and
mount is a crucial one in the frenzy of a pitched battle, and a skilled rider with a loyal mount is much
more likely to survive than a warrior who does not
understand his or her steed.
soak value
W. Threshold
Beast Riding
aGE of rEBellion
Duty: Counter-Intelligence/
Internal Security
Naturally, it might prove difficult to rescue an operative who the PCs do not know has been captured.
There are a few ways the GM can tip off the PCs as
to this development. If the PCs have established any
resources beyond the bounds of what is covered in
Operation: Shadowpoint, such as recruiting or hiring informants in the city of Iziz, the GM can use
those as a source for the information to reward the
PCs for taking such initiative. Alternatively, the PCs
might intercept local Imperial comm chatter about
the arrest of a suspected smuggler on their SigInt
array shortly after their operative was due to arrive,
and put two and two together. Finally, the PCs might
receive another transmission from the Alliance, this
time from a fellow operative who was supposed to
oversee the transport and escaped just before the
Imperials captured his passenger.
However the PCs receive their tip-off, it should
make matters clear that the agent sent by Alliance
Command is being detained by Imperial law enforcement within the city of Iziz. Depending on the source
of the information, they may know that he is specifically being held by Imperial Customs, but any
of the possible sources should be able to tell them
that it is a civilian agency within Iziz that holds the
agent, rather than the military forces operating out
of Jyrenne Base.
Given that the agent is being held within the walls
of Iziz, the next logical step for the PCs to undertake
would be to visit the city for a rescue, or at least to
gather further intelligence.
age of rebellion
aGE of rEBellion
age of rebellion
soak value
W. Threshold
age of rebellion
if you know what youre doing, but hiding an airspeeder is something else entirely. Fortunately for
PCs interested in acquiring some additional vehicles,
Kavia Slens hired scavengers recently came across a
site where a trio of T-16 Skyhoppers crashed in the
jungle. The Skyhoppers appeared to have been outfitted with weapons for hunting large game, but poor
piloting entangled them in the forest canopy, where
the largely intact hulls still wait.
The difficulty of extracting them from their current
position has kept Kavia from bringing them in thus far,
and she is happy to turn a profit by selling the location to the PCs so they can save her crews the work.
She wants 300 credits for the information, justifying
it as 100 credits for each vehicle, but can be talked
down with an opposed Negotiation check against
Kavias own Negotiation skill. However, since the sale
of this information is essentially free profit, she is
eager enough for the deal to add two Boost dice
to the negotiating PCs roll. If the check fails, she stays
firm on her price, but each uncanceled Success and
Advantage reduce her price by 25 credits, down to
a minimum of half what she originally requested.
The information Kavia provides is enough to locate
the Skyhoppers, but salvaging them and getting them
back to base is another story. The hulls of the Skyhoppers are trapped in a tangle of massive branches
and thick vines that barely supports their weight,
while the speeders airfoils hang unsupported, threatening to tear the vehicles apart with their weight. Getting them down from their current position requires
a great deal of effort. Possible methods for extracting the Skyhoppers include carefully felling trees and
cutting foliage to lower them safely (a Hard [
] Survival check), hauling them out with vehicles
from the base (a Hard [ ] Piloting check),
or even climbing inside and attempting to carefully
engage the maneuvering thrusters to burn away
the entanglement (an Average [ ] Athletics check followed by a Hard [ ]
Mechanics or Piloting check).
The PCs could even propose other plans,
such as enlisting
the Beast Riders or
Darrastead villagers
to assist in some way. As long as the PCs develop and
execute a plan for extraction, they can get the speeders out of the foliage. However, a failed check inflicts
1 hull trauma on the Skyhopper, plus 1 hull trauma
per two Threat or Despair . If the amount of
hull trauma inflicted in the process exceeds the vehicles hull trauma threshold, the Skyhopper is ruined
beyond retrieval or repair in the extraction process. If
extracted safely, the Skyhoppers can be flown back
to the base without further issue.
T-16 Skyhopper
The T-16 Skyhopper is popular with adventurous
youths, daredevils old enough to know better, and the
occasional law enforcement agency or military group
seeking a high performance aerial vehicle. These
cramped speeders have a pyramidal hull surrounded
by three airfoils extending the triangular silhouette.
The primary draw of the speeder lies in powerful ion
engines, as factory-standard T-16s have no weapons.
However, armed variants are common, including the
wrecked hunting craft found in Onderons jungles.
Hull Trauma
System strain
soak value
W. Threshold
Recon Patrol
(Event Seed)
This event seed, which deals with Imperial scouts sent
by Moff Dardano, can be introduced in one of two
possible ways. The PCs could find signs of the scouts
presence while on a patrol of their own, or from the
bases sensors. The event seed plays out slightly differently depending on how the GM introduces it, so
some consideration should be given to the PCs capability to deal with the different circumstancesmore
capable or resourceful PCs should be given the additional challenge of pursuing scouts distant from the
base, while PCs who have been less successful thus
far should be given the head start from already being
on patrol. The PCs should be presented with the real
risk of failing to stop the Moffs scouts from reporting back, but should have an equally real chance of
catching them.
If the GM opens the event seed while the PCs are
on patrol, read or paraphrase the following aloud:
As you patrol through the jungle, a sense of
unease grows within you, spurred by something in your surroundings that you cannot quite
place. As you continue your route, you realize the
source of your unrestthe jungle is too quiet.
The croaking of cannok hunting packs, the fierce
calls of boma, and a thousand other sounds to
which you have grown accustomed during your
stay on Onderon have all diminished. No intrusion could fully cow the beasts of the jungle here,
but something is clearly not right.
You continue onward in a state of high alert,
carefully walking the jungle trails until you spot a
sign of the intrusion. In the mud by a small creek,
the watery ooze slowly fills a treaded boot print.
Whoever made that print might have gotten
close enough to see your baseclose enough to
be a risk. Fortunately, the print is relatively fresh.
Your quarry must still be nearby.
One or more uncanceled Success results means the PCs prevent Moff Dardanos scouts from
reaching the extraction zone in time. If the PCs catch up to them, the scouts attempt to fight their way
free of their pursuers. Use the profile for Imperial Army Veteran Scouts on page 30. If there are 3
or fewer PCs pursuing, the enemy squad is 3 scouts strong. Otherwise, there is a full lance of 5 scouts.
2 Advantage
The PCs take up the trail of the Imperial scouts with exceptional speed, forcing their targets to a
desperate pace in their attempt to escape. If the PCs succeeded, they gain a Boost die on attacks
during the first round of combat with the exhausted scouts. If the PCs failed, the scouts leave behind
one or more pieces of valuable data or intelligence in their haste; in addition to the information the
PCs can extract from this, each time the PCs select this option, they deny Moff Dardano 1 point toward
Battle Preparations he would gain from the scouts successful return (see Battle Preparations on page
39). The PCs may select this option any number of times.
The Imperial scouts are forced to leave one of their own behind when he begins to slow them down
due to injury or exhaustion. Regardless of whether they succeeded or failed, the PCs find him, and
can use him to get information on the rest of his squad and Imperial operations at large.
If the PCs have no uncanceled Success results, Moff Dardanos scouts make it to their extraction zone.
The desperate pursuit through the jungle takes its toll, inflicting 1 strain on all PCs involved in chasing
down the Imperial scouts. The GM may select this option any number of times.
Rather than extracting, the scouts attempt to relay their message back to the Moff from a long-range
radio and then vanish into the jungle. Regardless of whether or not the PCs managed to stop them, these
scouts return to ambush the PCs at an inopportune moment during the final encounter (see The Moff
Strikes Back on page 37).
Taking Prisoners
If the PCs manage to stop the scouts from reaching
their extraction point, they can attempt to take them
prisoner by using the stun setting on their blasters or
any other non-lethal tactic they can devise. The captured base has only a small number of holding cells,
but still enough to fit the scout squad with room to
spare. At this point, the PCs may wish to interrogate
their prisoners personally, or to ship them off to their
superiors in the Rebel Alliance. Shipping the prisoners
off is relatively simple, requiring a departure in their
Lambda shuttle to rendezvous with the nearest Rebel
command vessel (such as the cruiser Lathir mentioned on page 30 of the Beginner Game adventure).
Making it past the Imperial watch stations that monitor departing crafts requires a good cover story as to
why it lacks a properly funcitoning transponderthe
PCs must make an Average ( ) Deception check,
or other appropriate check at the GMs discretion.
Once off-planet, it takes approximately one week to
rendezvous with a command vessel, make the transfer, and return. The GM should generally refrain from
running event seeds or similar material while some
PCs are away from the base and unable to participate
(although this trip provides an excellent way to handle
the absence of a player or two from a session).
Interrogating the prisoners at the base proves a
more difficult option, but potentially a more rewarding one. The Rebellion has stringent rules about the
treatment of prisoners, and refuses to allow its operatives to sink to the depths that are more common
to Imperial interrogators. The barbaric interrogation
droids and other tools common to such figures are
strictly forbidden to Rebel agents (not that Moff
age of rebellion
Dardano ever expected to need such tools at Whisper Base). However, offering bribes such as extra
food or the promise of transfer to a better facility
might persuade some of the scouts to talk. They
are extremely loyal to the Empire, however, meaning the PCs must succeed at a Hard ( ) Coercion check for such techniques to have any effect
(although they might earn one or more Boost dice
for particularly tempting offers). The PCs could even
try to persuade the scouts that the Rebellion is in the
right, although this is extremely unlikely and would
require truly exceptional roleplaying to attempt. If
the GM decides to allow such an attempt, it would
require a Daunting ( ) Charm check. The
PCs could attempt to gain information in other ways,
such as tricking isolated prisoners into thinking their
fellows are spilling, but they should always keep in
mind that the Rebellion looks very harshly on poor
treatment of prisoners, even unrepentant Imperials.
If the PCs are able to get the scouts to talk, there
is a great deal of valuable information that they can
learn. The scouts are trusted agents of Moff Dardano,
handpicked for their loyalty to him in particular over
other Imperial authorities (which is not to say they
have any problem with those other authorities, simply that they view Moff Dardano as the most worthy
representative of the Empire they can expect to personally encounter). As such, they were entrusted with
a great deal of operational intelligence, and the sergeant leading their lance (a human named Jaddroc
Tielg) was even occasionally consulted by Moff Dardano as an advisor. What information they provide is
up to the GMs discretion, but they know a number
of important details presented below. This information is listed in order of increasing importance, so the
scouts are extremely unlikely to provide details from
the bottom of the list unless the PCs prove exceptionally persuasive.
The existence of Whisper Base remains a secret
known only to those Moff Dardano trusts, even
after its capture. He hopes to retake it without
needing to share knowledge of his construction
of the base, let alone that he failed to defend the
covert installation.
Because of the secrecy involved in Moff Dardanos plans to retake the base, he has been hiring
elite mercenaries with a record of discreet service to supplement the ranks of his troops.
Moff Dardano established Whisper Base as a
matter of internal security. He fears a coup by
the chief military officer within his sphere, Admiral Corlen, and wants the SigInt array so that he
can spy on the Admirals agents.
Shortly before the capture of Whisper Base, Moff
Dardano began to believe the SigInt data was
pointing toward a major secret of the Admirals.
aGE of rEBellion
soak value
W. Threshold
Duty: Sabotage
Target of Opportunity
(Event Seed)
This event seed deals with data taken from the SigInt
array, and is heavily dependent on how the PCs have
dealt with the problems surrounding its maintenance.
If the GM introduces the event seed during a time
when the SigInt array has degraded as described in
Settling In on page 8, the PCs must act off of
more limited intelligence, adding complications to
the event seed. If the PCs have gained the help of
Gaav Fennro after the Securing the Signal event
seed, he can mitigate the degradation and find additional data for them, making this event seed easier.
As such, it is important for the GM to carefully consider when to use this event seed, depending on the
degree of challenge he wants to pose to the PCs.
age of rebellion
Intercept Course
Just how much the PCs can prepare for their interception of the spy depends upon the amount of
information they were able to glean from the transmission. At minimum, they have a window of time in
which they need to act, and approximate coordinates
for the spys arrival on the outskirts of the system.
Once the PCs have launched their ship, finding the
precise spot to intercept the spy requires an Average ( ) Astrogation check, modified by the
amount of information recovered. The PCs gain two
Boost dice to the check if they had the help of
Gaav Fennro, while they suffer to Setback dice
if their SigInt array is degraded. If the PCs succeed in
the check, they are able to ambush the spys shuttle
as it emerges from hyperspace, gaining a Boost die
to their Initiative checks and any attacks against
the enemy shuttle in the first round of combat. Failure means the shuttle manages to perform a sensor
sweep before they find it, and is forewarned of their
presence. Even broadcasting Imperial codes does not
deceive the shuttle, as the spy is well aware of the
risks of exposure. The enemy shuttle engages immediately if it is not ambushed, attempting to destroy
witnesses to its presence.
The spys shuttle is a Lambda-class shuttle, much like
the PCs own vessel (see page 43 of the Age of Rebellion Beginner Game rulebook for the ship profile). It
has a crew of three, with profiles equivalent to Imperial
Army Troopers (see page 45 of the Age of Rebellion
Beginner Game rulebook), and the spy himself has the
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Cannok [Minion]
The toad-like cannoks are most noted for their bulging eyestalks and their huge, toothy maws, but they
can also be recognized by their mottled yellow-green
hides and their four broad, three-clawed feet. They
are notably insatiable, and eat anything that they can
manage to swallowa wide-ranging category, given
the size of their gullet. To make matters worse, cannoks frequently run in packs of three or more, allowing
them to threaten prey that would normally be able to
overcome a lone example of their kind. Though very
near the bottom of Dxuns food chain, they are not to
be trifled with by most foreign species.
soak value
W. Threshold
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s. Threshold
Boma [Rival]
Boma are hardy creatures covered in thick green
scales, and have squat faces flanked by short horns
and razor tusks. Though most boma are not especially
large, this is more due to the high mortality rate of
most species native to Dxun than any inherent limitation on their growth. Boma can become enormous in
size if they live long enough, though the largest specimens never approach the size of even a young zakkeg.
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W. Threshold
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W. Threshold
s. Threshold
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he warning message is, of course, from Admiral Corlen, who has learned the secret of
Whisper Baseincluding that the Rebel Alliance has seized the base. Clever PCs who were
able to interrogate captured agents of the Moff
might be able to figure this out on their own.
What they are much more unlikely to deduce is
that Admiral Corlen is the reason the Rebellion
was able to find the base at all. He deliberately
leaked information on Moff Dardanos troop
movements to a place where Rebel agents he
was tracking would find it. Given the power and
knowledge he holds, he has the potential to be a
great friend in the fight against the Empireor
an enemy far more dangerous than an arrogant
Moff like Dardano. Admiral Corlens exact motivations for his actions are up to the GM to determine, but a few possibilities are listed below:
Admiral Corlen hails from a powerful
lineage of Core World nobles who are
affronted at some of the liberties the
Emperors New Order has taken with
its power. Although most of his family
is content to mutter salacious gossip
about the Empire, Admiral Corlen has
thrown in with a covert political bloc
that wants to reform the Empire to
better suit their own interests. He has
little sympathy for the Rebellion, but
sees it as a potential tool for his cause.
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One or more uncanceled Success results means that the Imperial forces are driven back
or defeated. Additional Success might indicate a swift defeat before they are able to inflict
significant damage to the base.
Advantage indicates that something in the conflict being resolved benefitted the PCs in another
aspect of the overall battle. Imperials routed in one location might panic others, or the wreckage of
Imperial landing craft could disrupt or harm troops as it falls. Each Advantage can add a Boost
die to the dice pool for another abstractly resolved conflict or provide a minor benefit to a directly
resolved conflict, at the GMs discretion.
Minor benefits could include such effects as adding a Boost die to a single PCs check, adding a Setback die to a
single enemy check, or inflicting 1 wound on an enemy through collateral damage.
Triumph indicates that something being resolved greatly benefitted the PCs in another aspect
of the overall battle. For example, the PCs allies could easily rout one Imperial squad and follow
their fleeing enemies into another group trying to sneak past the defenses. Each Triumph can
upgrade the Ability in the dice pool for another abstractly resolved conflict or provide a major
benefit to a directly resolved conflict, at the GMs discretion.
Major benefits could include such effects as upgrading the Ability for a PCs check, upgrading the difficulty for an
enemys check, or inflicting multiple wounds on an enemy through collateral damage.
If the conflict generates no uncanceled Success symbols, the Imperial forces are able defeat
the forces opposing them and seize access to the base. This may result in base defenses shutting
down, the Imperials moving in to attack the PCs from an unexpected quarter, or another negative
effect, at the GMs discretion. Whatever forces the PCs assigned to defend against their attack
suffer significant losses and cannot assist in the battle any further.
Threat indicates that something in the conflict being resolved benefitted the Moffs forces in
another aspect of the overall battle. The Imperials could find a control panel to access the bases
systems or bring down allies of the PCs engaged with other squads. Each Threat can add a
Setback die to the dice pool for another abstractly resolved conflict or provide a minor penalty
to a directly resolved conflict, at the GMs discretion.
Minor penalties could include such effects as adding a Setback die to a single PCs check, adding a Boost die to
a single enemy check, or inflicting 1 wound on a PC through collateral damage.
Despair indicates that something in the conflict being resolved greatly benefitted the Moffs
forces in another aspect of the overall battle. The Imperials might inflict massive casualties on the
PCs allies or severely damage the bases systems or structure. Each Despair can upgrade the
difficulty of a dice pool for another abstractly resolved conflict or provide a major penalty to a
directly resolved conflict, at the GMs discretion.
Major penalties could include such effects as upgrading the difficulty of a single PCs check, upgrading the Ability in an
enemys check, or inflicting a Critical Injury to a PC through collateral damage.
laying through the battle with Moff Dardanos forces could be an appropriate way
to fulfill Cael Hanarists Combat Victory Duty,
depending on how the situations play out. If
Cael manages to play a key role in the battle
and contributes to the defeat of the Moffs
forces, he can be considered to have fulfilled
his Duty (as described on page 7) by
making the Empire pay a small portion of the
blood debt they owe for the destruction of
his homeworld.
Leave no evidence!
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soak value
W. Threshold
soak value
W. Threshold
S. Threshold
Retrofitted AT-AT
Hull Trauma
System strain
Hull Trauma
System strain
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