Rahu Ketu
Rahu Ketu
Rahu Ketu
Second House:
Disintegration of family, divorce, loss of status, wealth and reputation, intest
inalproblems and problems to father.
Third House:
Sinful deeds, lying, disturbed marital life, retarded physical growth, problems
tofather and earnings through foul means.
Rahu gives good results only if it is placed in the good houses i.e. other than
the dusthanahouses (sixth, eighth and twelfth houses), is not closely conjunct w
ith any planet or mid point of the house or closely aspecting any other planet a
nd its dispositor is strong. InSystems' Approach, degree rising in the ascendant
is taken as the degree indicating mid- point of each house. Rahu's location wit
hin 5 degree of the ascending degree in any of the houses is taken as close conj
unction with the mid-point and it afflicts the houses of placement and aspects.
Well placed Rahu in good houses, without causing affliction, andwith strong dis
positor, shows good results towards materialistic pursuits in its sub- periods.
When placed in the ascendant, it activates the person and makes him dynamicand d
esirous of earning more and more without bothering about the ethical code of the
society he is living in. In the second house, it makes the native a politician t
rying toacquire status in whatever field he is placed in. In the third house, it
increases initiativeand courage and indicates materialistic prosperity to young
er brothers.
In the fourth house, it impels one to acquire new assets, vehicles and use of ev
en unfair means for advancement of education and professional matters. Inthe fif
th house, it indicates gains from speculations and good intuitive faculty. Inthe
seventh house, it indicates celebration of marriage, happiness in marriage,rela
tions out of marital bond and visiting foreign places. In the ninth house, itind
icates involvement in religious functions and desire for moksha without thecorre
sponding sincere efforts. In the tenth house, it makes a person diplomatic,a goo
d public relations man, a go-getter capable of achieving his ends throughthe use
of vices. In the eleventh house, it gives unearned gains throughcorrupt/manipul
ative tendencies.The close conjunction/aspect of Rahu to a functionally benefic,
well-placed andstrong planet highly activates the significations of the planet
in question andgives rise to short lived phenomenal results.
Affliction of Planets
When Rahu forms close conjunction/aspect with natal planets, it causes afflictio
nand destroys the significations of these planets. The harm is less when theaffl
icted planets are strong and more when they are weak. When the planets areweak,
badly placed and closely afflicted by Rahu, it is indicative of tragic
happenings. When the conjunction/ aspect is within a longitudinal difference of
one degree, the problems surface in the first sub-period of Rahu or the planetaf
flicted by Rahu. When this affliction is within five degrees on either side, the
effect is felt at a young age during the sub-period of the afflicted planet or o
f Rahu.When the conjunction is wide, the impact is felt only in old age. When Ra
huafflicts the Sun, it indicates problems to father, son, husband, heart, bloodp
ressure and character. Rahu's affliction to Venus indicates problems to wife,mar
ital relations, kidney, partnerships and educational pursuits. Rahu's affliction
of the Moon is indicative of a sick and troubled mind, malfunctioning of heart,p
roblems to mother and wife and property disputes. One has to go to far off place
s and suffer from home-sickness. Rahu's affliction of Mars causes wealth,inflame
s one's dynamism and courage, diseases of impurity of blood and troubleto younge
r brothers. Rahu's affliction of Mercury causes skin disease, nervousproblems, p
aralysis, lunacy, intestinal malfunctioning, constipation and confusion.Rahu's a
ffliction of Jupiter causes malfunctioning of pancreas and liver, reduceshearing
power, makes one selfish and immoral, gives problems to sons,husband, and fathe
r and gives a bad reputation. Rahu's affliction of Saturn isindicative of labor
problem, bad reputation, rheumatism, spondylitis, excesscough and breathing prob
lems. The physical ailments are more pronounced if the lord of the ascendant is
weak, badly placed and afflicted.