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GLP-1-Based Therapy For Diabetes: What You Do Not Know Can Hurt You

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GLP-1Based Therapy for Diabetes: What

You Do Not Know Can Hurt You

ccording to the Oxford Dictionary of

Proverbs, the oldest written version
of the saying What you dont know
cant hurt you comes from Petit Palace,
written in 1576 by G. Pettie: So long as I
know it not, it hurteth mee not.
In this issue of Diabetes Care, Drucker
et al. (1) conclude that the safety profile of
the newly available glucagon-like peptide
1 (GLP-1) class of drugs is favorable in
comparison to their benefits as therapy,
and the class of drugs might be considered as next in line after metformin for
treatment for type 2 diabetes. The purpose of this counterpoint is to suggest
such a conclusion is premature. History
has taught us that enthusiasm for new
classes of drugs, heavily promoted by the
pharmaceutical companies that market
them, can obscure the caution that should
be exercised when the long-term consequences are unknown. Of perhaps greatest concern in the case of the GLP-1
based drugs, including GLP-1 agonists
and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitors, is preliminary evidence to suggest the potential risks of asymptomatic
chronic pancreatitis and, with time, pancreatic cancer.
The GLP-1related drugs arrived in
clinical practice with much fanfare and anticipation. As summarized in the article by
Drucker et al., it is a class of drugs that has
potential benefits in the treatment of type 2
diabetes. The concept of gut-related factors
that enhance glucose-mediated insulin secretion, the incretin effect, has been recognized for many years (2). Once it was
demonstrated that an intravenous infusion
of GLP-1 could decrease blood glucose concentrations in patients with type 2 diabetes,
the race was on to exploit the properties of
this action. Many millions of dollars have
been invested by the pharmaceutical industry in developing products, the first of
which are now in clinical practice. Many
millions of dollars therefore are now also
invested to market the new agents, reminiscent of the period that followed the launch
of the most recent new class of drugs for
type 2 diabetes, the peroxisome proliferatoractivated receptor- (PPAR-) agonists.
The parallels with the launch of the
PPAR- agonist and GLP-1 mimetic class
of drugs is worthy of comparison. GLP-1
and PPAR- agonist therapies were devel-


oped as novel approaches for the treatment of type 2 diabetes building on

elegant studies of basic physiology. There
was a clear and rational initial therapeutic
target with both classes of drugs: insulin
resistance for PPAR- agonists and enhanced glucose-mediated insulin secretion for the GLP-1 class of drugs.
Before either class of drugs reached
market, possible additional attractive attributes were identified mostly through
rodent studies. In the case of the PPAR-
agonist drugs, the most widely anticipated additional benefit was decreased
vascular disease because of favorable effects of the drug class on risk factors for
vascular disease supported by murine
studies reporting protection against ischemic heart disease (3). Not until the European regulatory authorities required
appropriately powered studies to demonstrate vascular benefit to support these
claims were such studies undertaken
(4,5). The results, despite optimistic interpretation by the sponsors, showed little if any cardiovascular benefit that could
not have been a consequence of glucose
lowering with some suggestion that the
net effects of some agents might be harmful on vascular disease (6).
History may be repeating itself with
the GLP-1 class of drugs. Putative benefits
of GLP-1 mimetic therapy, in addition to
enhanced insulin secretion, have been
proposed and often arise from rodent
studies. These benefits include cardiovascular protection against ischemia and prevention and/or reversal of the defect in
-cell mass that is characteristic of type 2
diabetes (7,8). While these attributes
would be highly desirable, there is no current data available to support either of
these claims in humans, and recent studies imply that the beneficial effects on
-cell mass in part may be an artifact of
studies in juvenile rodents (9 11).
What is the risk profile of GLP-1
drugs? Perhaps the parallel with the
PPAR- receptor agonists is again worth
considering. The receptors targeted by
each drugthe PPAR- receptor and the
GLP-1 receptor, respectivelyare widely
distributed in numerous tissues with as
yet ill-defined roles. As such, it is not surprising when unintended consequences
of chronic receptor activation emerge. Po-

tential signals have already emerged in the

case of GLP-1 mimetic therapy, one is
pancreatitis (1214) and another, which
is currently confined to rodents studies, is
thyroid cancer (11).
Pancreatitis first emerged as a potential side effect of therapy with exenatide,
initially reported as case reports (1214)
and subsequently by numerous reports
made through the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) adverse reporting
mechanism. The Amylin Corporations
response to this putative link has been to
suggest that it was a consequence of guilt
by association rather than a drug effect
since pancreatitis is more common in individuals with obesity and type 2 diabetes
(15). The Amylin Corporation also suggested that since no mechanism is known
to link GLP-1 mimetic therapy to pancreatitis, the association is unlikely causal.
Pancreatitis was also seen in clinical studies of the GLP-1 agonist liraglutide (16).
More recently, the FDA has reported
more than 80 documented cases of pancreatitis in patients treated with sitagliptin, a DPP-4 inhibitor (17). It is also
Mercks position that the reported pancreatitis with sitagliptin therapy is due to
the increased risk of pancreatitis in type 2
diabetes rather than a consequence of
drug therapy (18), mimicking the Amylin
Corporation position.
In post-marketing studies sponsored
by the marketing companies, no increased signal for acute pancreatitis has
been identified (19,20). However, the duration of treatment in those studies is typically short, the quality of the patient
follow-up is questionable, and evidence
that prescriptions were actually taken is
absent. Nonetheless, on the basis of the
available clinical information, we agree
with the conclusions of Drucker et al. (1)
that the data required to link GLP-1 therapy and acute pancreatitis is currently incomplete. However, in the context of a
new class of medical therapy, the proverb
What you do not know cannot hurt you
clearly does not apply. We feel that
enough preliminary evidence has accumulated to suggest that there is a plausible
risk that long-term recipients of GLP-1
based therapy may develop asymptomatic
chronic pancreatitis (Fig. 1), and worse,
subsequently a minority of individuals




Figure 1Theoretical model to explain currently available observations with increased risks for
pancreatic cancer in individuals with obesity and type 2 diabetes, a risk that is decreased by
metformin treatment and theoretically may be increased by GLP-1 based treatment.

treated by this class of drugs may develop

pancreatic cancer.
The incidence of both pancreatitis
and pancreatic cancer is increased in individuals with obesity and/or type 2 diabetes (2123), although the underlying
mechanisms are not well understood (Fig.
1). One potential link is the frequency of
pancreatic duct replication, which is increased in humans with obesity and/or
type 2 diabetes (24). It is not known why
ductal turnover is increased with obesity
and type 2 diabetes. One of the consequences of chronically increased ductal
replication can be distortion of small pancreatic ducts with subsequent outflow
obstruction of pancreatic enzymes providing a plausible mechanistic link between obesity and/or diabetes and the
increased risk for pancreatitis. Moreover,
increased ductal replication and chronic
pancreatitis are both risk factors for pancreatic cancer (21). Given the apparent
signal of occasional acute pancreatitis in
patients treated with GLP-1 based therapy, how do we reassure ourselves that
asymptomatic chronic pancreatitis is not
also induced in some patients?
The most significant challenge is limited access to the human pancreas. To
date there are also limited studies avail454

able in rodents. Koehler et al. (25) reported no evidence of GLP-1induced

pancreatitis based on RNA levels in mice,
but histology was not provided and numbers of mice in most experimental groups
(n 5) were perhaps small to conclude a
negative finding. On the other hand, both
sitagliptin and exenatide have been
shown to induce pancreatitis in rats
(26,27). Sitagliptin administered to the
high-fatfed human islet amyloid
polypeptide (HIP) rat model of type 2 diabetes amplified the increased pancreatic
duct cell replication present in that model
(27). Moreover, sitagliptin therapy induced acinar to ductal metaplasia in
30% of treated animals. Acinar to ductal
metaplasia follows increased ductal replication in the morphological progression
of chronic pancreatitis to pancreatic adenocarcinoma (Fig. 1) (15).
Was this finding a quirk of the HIP rat
model of type 2 diabetes? Perhaps, but it is
of interest to note that increased ductal replication in the HIP rat model of type 2 diabetes compared with wild-type rats
reproduces that which was observed in humans with type 2 diabetes compared with
nondiabetic individuals (24). Moreover,
metformin therapy in the HIP rat had the
opposite effect of sitagliptin, decreasing the


frequency of ductal replication. Therefore,

arguably the HIP rat successfully predicts
both the increased risk of pancreatitis with
sitagliptin and the decreased risk of pancreatic cancer in individuals with type 2 diabetes treated with metformin (28).
Exenatide therapy given over 75 days to
rats induced low-grade chronic pancreatitis
(26). Again, as in the case of the sitagliptintreated HIP rats, there was no discernable
clinical manifestation of the low-grade pancreatitis induced by exenatide, with the rats
in no apparent pain. If GLP-1 mimetic therapy with either GLP-1 mimetic therapy or
DPP-4 inhibition induces asymptomatic
chronic pancreatitis in rats, how do we
know that a similar effect is not present in
humans using these therapies? If GLP-1
based therapy causes low chronic pancreatitis, why was this not established in
toxicology studies? One possibility is that
since ductal replication is increased with
obesity or type 2 diabetes (24), and GLP-1
may amplify this, studies in lean nondiabetic animals may have had a limited propensity to GLP-1induced pancreatitis.
Also, most toxicology studies are carried out
in juvenile mice in which the pancreas is
still growing. Enhanced ductal replication
under these circumstances may simply lead
to pancreas growth as observed by Koehler
et al. (25) rather than distortion of the architecture of the acinar to duct relationship,
thus predisposing to chronic pancreatitis.
While low-grade asymptomatic pancreatitis in and of itself as a result of GLP1 based therapy would not be a cause for
major concern, the problem is that it represents a risk for pancreatic cancer (21).
The risk for developing pancreatic cancer
increases with the duration of chronic
pancreatitis (22). Because medications for
type 2 diabetes may be taken for many
years, if GLP-1 based therapy did induce
low-grade asymptomatic pancreatitis,
there is a real concern that such a therapy
might increase the risk for pancreatic cancer. Even if this is a relatively small risk
(which we do not know), how many of us
practicing physicians would choose a
therapeutic strategy for ourselves with insight into the potential for this risk? Since
metformin has been shown to decrease
the risk of pancreatic cancer, at the least
we would suggest that GLP-1 based
medications should be reserved for patients taking metformin.
In conclusion, we believe it is premature to conclude that the GLP-1 class of
drugs has been established as having a good
safety profile and is appropriate for a relatively early choice of therapy for type 2 dicare.diabetesjournals.org

Butler, Dry, and Elashoff

abetes. There are grounds for concern that
the GLP-1 class of drugs may induce
asymptomatic pancreatitis and, over time in
some individuals, induce pancreatic cancer.
At present, these concerns are based on limited data. However, the implications of the
data are sufficiently serious that continuing
to promote this class of drugs without establishing clear experimental evidence to
permit the concern to be rejected is irresponsible. Moreover, arguably patients prescribed these drugs should be made aware
of the potential risks of pancreatic cancer.
Otherwise, we collectively subscribe to the
proverb What you do not know cannot
hurt you and, in the case of new drug therapy, this proverb has already been shown to
be flawed.




From the Larry L. Hillblom Islet Research Center,
Department of Pathology and Department of Biomathematics, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California.
Corresponding author: Peter Butler, pbutler@
DOI: 10.2337/dc09-1902
2010 by the American Diabetes Association.
Readers may use this article as long as the work is
properly cited, the use is educational and not for
profit, and the work is not altered. See http://
creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ for




Acknowledgments No potential conflicts of
interest relevant to this article were reported.

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