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106 JULY 2014

UDC 669 . 295 . 5

Technical Review

Titanium Alloys Developed by Nippon Steel & Sumitomo

Metal Corporation
Hideki FUJII*

Takashi MAEDA


Titanium alloys as structural materials developed by NSSMC are introduced. Those alloys were developed for aiming at being used in the field of non-aviation industries including automotive parts and utility goods, and actually applied in these fields. The alloys introduced in this article are developed with various alloy design bases; for example, utilization
of inexpensive and common alloying elements such as Fe and Cu, and the effective extraction of advantages of conventional alloying elements, such as V and Zr. As a result, all of
the alloys have characteristic high-functions. Surrounding technologies needed for actual
use such as forming, heat treatment, welding etc. in addition to materials properties in the
actual circumstances during the use are fully prepared, and the alloys are as user-friendly
as the conventional alloys.

1. Introduction

price significantly, no matter how small the additional element

amount may be. For the applications mentioned above, Nippon Steel
& Sumitomo Metal has developed more cost-affordable SMIACETM
series alloys (Ti-0.05Pd and Ti-0.05Pd-0.3Co), which contain less
Pd but have substantially the same corrosion resistance. These alloys have been included in the ASTM standard system as Grs. 17
and 30, and the company has marketed them exclusively. It obtained
a license for TICOREX (Ti-0.5Ni-0.05Ru) containing Ru, the price
of which is more stable than that of Pd, and is marketing this alloy
under its own brand, principally in the form of thin sheet products.
This alloy is also resistant to crevice corrosion in environments
characterized by high temperatures and high chloride concentrations; it is also included in the ASTM system as Gr. 13. For more
details on these corrosion-resistant titanium alloys marketed exclusively by Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal, see another article in the
present issue.
The company has also established manufacturing processes to
consistently satisfy extremely stringent quality requirements for
aerospace materials, and has been supplying bars of Ti-6Al-4V for
aircraft engine turbine blades. The company has supplied this alloy
even in the form of the springs used during the separation of the
stages of H2A/B rockets, which are used to launch satellites. For
more details on Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metals titanium products for the aerospace industry and the technical developments it has

Thanks to its excellent intrinsic corrosion resistance, commercially pure (CP) titanium has been widely used in the power generation and chemical industries. Recently, in appreciation of its good
appearance, and taking advantage of more advanced forming and
working practices, the application of titanium has expanded to
building construction, civil engineering projects, and general consumer goods. For use in corrosive environments too severe for CP
titanium, titanium alloys with a higher corrosion resistance containing small amounts of platinum group elements have been developed
and used. High-strength titanium alloys are responsible for many
structural members in the aerospace industry, owing to their light
weight and high strength, and this field of application is expected to
expand even further, to become a huge market.
Making the most of the technical expertise inherited from its two
predecessors, Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation has endeavored to expand its markets for CP titanium and titanium alloys,
and has earned high appreciation from customer industries.
Pure titanium has excellent corrosion resistance in chloride-containing environments, but crevice corrosion may occur in it when
temperatures and chloride concentrations are high, so the use of TiPd alloys containing 0.12 to 0.25% Pd (JIS Classes 11 to 13, ASTM
Gr. 7, etc.) is widely recommended in such environments. However,
the addition of rare metal elements such as Pd increases the material

Genaral Manager, Head of Lab., Dr.Eng., Titanium & Specialty Stainless Steel Research Lab., Steel Research Laboratories
20-1 Shintomi, Futtsu City, Chiba Pref. 293-8511

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achieved in that field, see another article in the present issue.
Until the 1990s, high-strength titanium alloys for structural use
were rarely used for automotive parts, consumer products or other
general industrial items because of prevailing high prices. In consideration of this situation, and aiming at expanding its market for titanium alloys beyond the aerospace industry, since the mid-1990s the
company has focused on developing technologies for reducing material and manufacturing costs, and on establishing methods for
working and using the alloys more easily.
A typical example of the fruit of such efforts is the companys
development of the Super-TIXTM series alloys.1-4) These are highfunctionality alloys unique to Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal.
They contain no, or very little, expensive rare metal elements such
as V and Mo (which are used widely in other Ti alloys for general
applications), but instead include Fe, O, N, Cu and other inexpensive elements. These alloying elements are not very significant in
terms of cost, accounting for only 10% or less of total material
costs, and, combined with changes in production processes, they
give new functionality and new properties to the product alloys,
which are now being used for a wide variety of applications, including component parts for motor vehicles and ships, high-speed rotating machines, sporting goods, and self-protection wear. The various
titanium alloys that have been developed contain rare metal elements which are expensive, but their excellent properties more than
justify the cost of the added elements,5) and are widely used for consumer products. This paper presents the unique titanium alloys developed by Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal for structural applications.

creasing temperature, and this has to be adequately taken into account when considering their use.1, 6, 7)
The addition amounts of the component elements in Ti-Fe-O-N
alloys are not precisely defined one by one, but the total amount of
the alloy elements and impurities is defined in terms of oxygen
equivalent (Oeq), as given below, in order to allow flexibility in the
choice of scrap metal, low-grade sponge titanium, and other raw
Oeq = [O] + 2.77 [N] + 0.085 ([Fe] + [Ni] + [Cr]),
where [ ] is the addition amount of each element. The alloys of this
group are weldable by TIG welding and other welding methods

Fig. 1 Relationship between strength and ductility of Fe-added titanium

alloys developed by Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal (schematic

2. Titanium Alloys Containing Fe

Most high-strength + titanium alloys contain Al to strengthen

the phase, and also contain prescribed amounts of V, Mo and other
-phase-stabilizing elements to obtain a dual-phase structure for
ease of metallographic control, such as obtaining refined microstructures. Since the 1990s, Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal has developed various titanium alloys in which all or some of such -phasestabilizing elements are replaced with Fe, which is an economical
and versatile element that also stabilizes the phase. Figure 1 schematically compares the strengths and ductility relationships of these
new Fe-containing alloys with conventional ones. Specifically, the
strength of the developed alloys ranges from the level of low-alloy
materials equivalent to CP titanium, to above the strength of Ti-6Al4V for general applications.
The Fe-containing alloys that Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal
has developed are separated into the Ti-Fe-O-N group and the TiFe-Al group. The Ti-Fe-O-N group includes modified CP titanium
(mod. CP) and Super-TIXTM 800 (see Fig. 1). To be more exact,
mod. CP falls within the category of CP titanium, but owing to its
increased Fe content, crystal grain size control is easy, and it is used
for motorcycle mufflers and the like. The basic chemistry of SuperTIXTM 800 1, 6, 7) is Ti-1%Fe-0.35%O, and the material has a tensile
strength of approximately 800 MPa. Because the alloy does not contain Al (an element that decreases hot workability), its hot workability is as good as that of ASTM Gr. 4 CP titanium, as seen in Fig. 2.
Taking advantage of this fact, it is rolled into various shapes of
products including plates, hot- and cold-rolled sheets, and wire rods.
It should be noted, however, that in contrast to their excellent hot
workability, the strength of the Ti-Fe-O-N group alloys is inferior to
that of Al-added alloys in the middle and high (warm and hot) temperature ranges. The strength of Fe-added alloys decreases with in-

Fig. 2 Hot deformation characteristics (reduction of area (upper) and

maximum deformation stress (lower)) of Super-TIXTM 51AF, Super-TIXTM 800, Ti-6Al-4V and ASTM Gr. 4 CP Titanium at Gleeble test (after heat treatment above transus and slow cooling)

- 17 -


Fig. 3 Tensile properties of TIG weld joints of 5-mm thick Super-TIXTM 800 plates (3-pass welding using matching filler wire)
Post-weld heat treatment (PWHT) is effective at raising weld metal ductility.

commonly employed for titanium and its alloys.7, 8) It should be noted, however, that, like other high-strength + titanium alloys, a
fine, acicular and brittle martensitic structure is likely to form at the
weld joints of these alloys if cooled quickly; as shown in Fig. 3,
post-weld heat treatment (PWHT) at 700 to 800C is recommended.7, 8)
The company also markets Super-TIX TM 800N (Ti-1%Fe0.3%O-0.05%N). It contains less O and more N than Super-TIXTM
800, and is used for applications requiring better corrosion resistance 7) and higher impact toughness than those of the latter. In the
manufacture of this alloy, N is not added in the form of TiN, which
has a high melting temperature and would be likely to remain as unmelted inclusions. Instead, master alloys of Fe-N (Fe4N to Fe3N) are
used as the nitrogen source.
Super-TIXTM 51AF and Super-TIX TM 523AFM (Ti-5Al-2Fe3Mo) fall within the category of the other group, the Ti-Fe-Al alloys.2, 3, 7) The chemical compositions of these alloys were defined in
consideration of such factors as the effect of the content of Al (an
-phase-strengthening element) and the effect of the content of Fe (a
-phase-strengthening element), on material strength (see Fig. 4),
possible Fe segregation in large ingots, and the influence of Al on
hot workability.2) For instance, Super-TIXTM 51AF was developed as
an alloy with a base composition of Ti-5Al-1Fe, which has the same
strength as that of Ti-6Al-4V ELI (extra low interstitials) or the
standard grade of Ti-6Al-4V, and its Al content is 1% less than that
of the Ti-6Al-4V alloys, in order to decrease hot deformation resistance (see Fig. 2).
The strength of this alloy group can be controlled precisely by
changing the addition amount of O: 2, 7) when the O content is 0.15%
(the standard value), the strength is substantially equal to that of Ti6Al-4V ELI. But when the O content exceeds 0.2%, the strength
goes up to a level comparable to that of the standard grade of Ti6Al-4V. Thanks to their excellent hot workability and high Youngs
moduli, the alloys of this group can be hot rolled into round bars
and strips in coil. Making the most of their light weight and high
strength, they are used for golf clubs and a wide variety of other
products.9) See another article in the present issue for more details
on hot-rolled strips of Super-TIXTM 51AF.
As indicated in Fig. 4, to obtain alloys stronger than SuperTIXTM 51AF it is necessary to increase Al and Fe content. Higher Al
content, however, may deteriorate hot workability, marring the advantages of the low-price alloy. In addition, when Fe content exceeds 2%, segregation occurs during solidification, and the casting
of large ingots becomes difficult. Super-TIXTM 523AFM (Ti-5Al2Fe-3Mo) has been developed to solve these problems: Fe addition

Fig. 4 Effects of Al and Fe contents on tensile strength of Ti-Al-Fe ternary alloys

Specimens were taken from hot-rolled bars containing roughly
0.06 mass% O. Curves in the graph show the same tensile
strength depicted by each figure. Strength level of Ti-6Al-4V (including ELI and standard grades) is also shown with dark area.

is limited to 2%, and to increase the -phase-stabilizing effects, Mo

is added by 3%, even though it is an expensive rare-metal element.3)
Super-TIXTM 523AFM is naturally superior to Ti-6Al-4V in tensile
and fatigue strength, and its wire rods are used for the intake valves
of motorcycles and automobile engines.3, 10)
Super-TIXTM 523AFM strength can be further increased through
heat treatment. To improve the alloys room-temperature workability, it is possible through special heat treatment to lower its 0.2%
proof stress (which is roughly 950 MPa in an annealed condition) to
as low as around 420 MP. It is also possible, naturally, to increase its
strength to the original level through work-hardening or post heat
treatment. Another special feature of the alloy is that its Youngs
modulus, roughly 110 GPa in an annealed condition, can be lowered
to approximately 70 GPa, which is comparable to that of titanium
alloys.11) Applications for this alloy are being developed, taking advantage of these characteristics. Detailed metallographic analysis
has made it clear that characteristics particular to the alloy are due
to two-stage deformation-induced martensitic transformation.11) Characteristic mechanical properties of Super-TIXTM
523AFM are reported in more detail in another article in the present
The equilibrium phase of titanium alloys containing Fe at room
to middle temperatures is FeTi, but because this phase forms so
slowly, the alloys can basically be regarded as + alloys. When
such Fe-containing alloys are held at 450C or higher for a long pe- 18 -

tion by Thermo-Calc, the phase has not actually been found to form
within the usual exposure time at that temperature.13)
As explained above, while Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metals
Fe-containing titanium alloys demonstrate properties similar to
those of Ti-6Al-4V and the like for general applications, they have
various characteristics particular to those obtained with such special
alloying elements as O, N and Fe, and care must be taken to ensure
appropriate heat treatment conditions and use temperatures. For
more details on these alloys, refer to the reference literature given at
the end of this paper.

riod, therefore, an equilibrium FeTi phase forms, which is likely to

cause ductility and toughness to deteriorate.
Photo 1 shows transmission electron microscope (TEM) images
of the FeTi phase that formed in the phase of the specimens of Ti2.2%Fe-0.1%O-0.05%N and Ti-5Al-2Fe, which were annealed at
750C for 1 h, air cooled, and then aged at 450C for 1,024 or 2,048
h.12, 13) Here, the retained phase is seen to have dissolved into the
phase and the FeTi phase, although these two phases are in equiaxed
grains and not the products of eutectoid reactions. It is presumed
that the phase first formed in the retained phase during aging,
and that the Ti and Fe in the phase, in which Fe was condensed,
were then rearranged by an ordering reaction, and as a result the
phase transformed into the FeTi phase.13) When Ti-Fe-O-N alloys
are aged at temperatures lower than the above (for instance, 300 to
350C), strength increases and ductility decreases markedly.12) This
was once considered to be due to formation of an ordered phase of
Ti and O and another of Ti and N,12) but since advances in TEM
technology, it has been found that an phase precipitates in the retained phase, and a coherent precipitation phase of Fe forms in the
phase during long aging. These factors are now considered responsible for the above-mentioned changes in strength and ductility.14)
When Ti-Fe-O-N or Ti-Al-Fe alloys are strengthened through
solution heat treatment, rapid cooling, and then aging, the FeTi
phase appears in a comparatively short aging time (roughly 4
h).12, 13, 15) The structure of this phase, however, is different from that
shown in Photo 1, although the phase precipitates in fine particles (as
shown in Photo 2) at the boundaries of the martensite phase which
forms during rapid cooling after solution heat treatment.15) On the
other hand, in the case of Super-TIXTM 523AFM, to which Mo is
added to stabilize the phase, while the FeTi phase is expected to
form at roughly 500C according to the phase equilibrium calcula

3. Titanium Alloys Containing Cu

In addition to the above-mentioned Fe-containing, high-strength

titanium alloys, Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal has also developed such Cu-containing alloys as Super-TIXTM 10CU (Ti-1Cu) and
Super-TIXTM 10CUNB (Ti-1Cu-0.2Nb), which have cold workability as good as that of CP titanium, as well as high heat resistance.4, 16,
Cold-rolled sheets of these alloys are used for automotive mufflers and exhaust systems. The excellent high-temperature strength
of these alloys is due to solid-solution hardening by Cu, which is
soluble in the phase up to a maximum of 2.2 mass%, and due also
to good workability at room temperature since the twinning deformation responsible for the excellent workability of CP titanium is
not adversely affected by Cu addition; this fact was discovered only
Photo 3 shows optical microstructures of annealed sheet specimens of ASTM Grs. 1 and 2 CP titanium and Ti-1%Cu, after the application of tensile strains of 3, 5.5 and 10.5%.16) In the Ti-1%Cu
specimens, there are as many deformation twins as in the Gr. 1
specimens, or more, even when the strain was low. This indicates
that, unlike Al addition, Cu addition does not hinder twinning deformation, or rather, it makes deformation easier to take place. At high



Photo 1 FeTi formation in annealed Feadded Super-TIX alloys

(a) TEM observations for Ti-2.2%Fe-0.1%O-0.05%N annealed at 750C for 1 h, air cooled, and then aged at 450C for 1,024 h
(b) TEM observations of Ti-5%Al-1%Fe (Super-TIXTM 51AF) annealed at 750C for 1 h, air cooled, and then aged at 450C for up to 2,048 h

- 19 -

temperatures, where twinning deformation is unlikely to occur, Cu
exhibits a solid-solution hardening ability as high as that of Al or
even higher, which means that Cu-containing alloys are, conven
iently, excellent in both room-temperature workability and hightemperature strength. In appreciation of this finding and its application to the design of Super-TIXTM 10CU (Ti-1Cu), the company received the Technical Award from the Japan Institute of Metals and
Materials for the business year 2010 (ending March 2011).18)
For further details on Super-TIXTM 10CU properties, see another
article in the present issue. As stated therein, another recently developed alloy contains more solute elements than the Ti-Cu alloys do.
At 500C or above, this new alloy exhibits a strength roughly oneand-a-half times higher than that of Ti-1Cu or Ti-1Cu-0.5Nb, and
three times higher than that of Gr. 2 CP titanium, while maintaining

the same room-temperature workability as that of JIS Class 2 or

ASTM Gr. 2. In appreciation of this fact, the new alloy has been
used for automotive exhaust systems, the working temperature of
which is becoming increasingly higher.
As stated above, instead of only relying on its alloys for aerospace applications, Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal has developed
various other titanium alloys using economical alloying elements,
and has cultivated new applications for them. In appreciation of
those applications, especially for automotive parts, the company received the Titanium Application Development Award from the International Titanium Association in 2007.

4. Beta Titanium Alloys

Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal produces wire rods of Timetal

LCB developed by TIMET, U.S.A., as well as wire rods and sheets
of Ti-15V-3Cr-3Sn-3Al for motorcycle suspension springs, eyeglass
frames and other products. In addition, the company developed another titanium alloy SSATTM-2041CF (Ti-20V-4Al-1Sn), which
has a smaller deformation resistance at high temperatures and better
cold formability than those of such conventional alloys as Ti-15V3Cr-3Sn -3Al and Ti-3Al-8V-6Cr-4Mo-4Zr ( - C). This developed
alloy is used in products such as high-specification bicycle rear axle
gears and ski poles; the ski poles of this alloy were used at the 2008
Winter Olympic Games by virtue of their excellent impact resistance and vibration damping ability. When solution treated, the
SSATTM-2041 alloy is softer and has better workability than other
alloys, and after aging treatment, its strength becomes basically as
high as that of other alloys.
Figure 5 compares the cold forging properties of SSATTM-2041
(solution treated at 850C) with those of CP titanium and titanium
alloys.5) Whereas titanium alloys have the shortcoming of large
deformation resistance despite high forming limits, the developed
alloy demonstrates cold forming properties as high as those of other
alloys, and lower deformation resistance, which indicates its ex-

Photo 2 FeTi particles (arrows) in Ti-5%Al-1%Fe (Super-TIXTM 51AF)

after solution treatment at 940C for 1 h, water quenching,
aging at 500C for 8 h, and then air cooling

Photo 3 Microstructures of Gr.1, Gr.2 and Ti-1Cu (Super-TIXTM 10CU) tensile deformed by 3, 5.5 and 10.5%

- 20 -

elements on material properties were identified, and the resulting
knowledge was incorporated with microstructure control technologies in thermo-mechanical processing. The companys alloy development capacity, which is based on the fruit of its basic research, is
one source of its competitive edge. Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal
is further solidifying the foundation of its fundamental metallurgical
knowledge in order to strengthen its ability to develop higher functionality alloys and manufacturing processes that ensure the intended alloy functionality.
Steps are also being taken to develop new application methods,
including the working, forming and joining of new materials, while
gathering material data under different use conditions and while
preparing guidelines for field use, so that alloys developed by the
company can be used as easily as common alloys for general applications.
Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal is determined to further contribute to the growth of titanium-producing and consuming industries through application expansion of new alloys, making the most
of its competitive edge. Its contributions, primarily in the form of its
R&D activities, will enhance material functionality in accordance
with fundamental metallurgy, develop new working/forming methods and applications, and acquire information on actual use.

Fig. 5 Cold forgeability of SSATTM-2041(solution treated at 850C) and

other titanium and its alloys


1) Fujii, H. et al.: Nippon Steel Technical Report. (85), 107 (2002)

2) Fujii, H. et al.: idem. 113 (2002)
3) Mori, K. et al.: Titanium Japan. 55 (2), 34 (2007)
4) Otsuka, H. et al.: Titanium Japan. 55 (4), 282 (2007)
5) Takahashi, W. et al.: Sumitomo Metals. 41 (2), 181 (1989)
6) Fujii, H. et al.: Titanium 95 Science and Technology. UK, TIM, 1996, p.
7) Fujii, H. et al.: Titanium Japan. 49, 171 (2001)
8) Fujii, H. et al.: Ti-2003 Science and Technology. DGM, 2004, p. 737
9) Fujii, H. et al.: Nippon Steel Technical Report. (101), 171 (2012)
10) Mori, K. et al.: Ti-2003 Science and Technology. The Nonferrous Metals
Society of China, 2011, p. 2232
11) Kunieda, T. et al.: idem. 2011, p. 1049
12) Fujii, H. et al.: Ti-2003 Science and Technology. DGM, 2004, p. 1107
13) Mori, K. et al.: Ti-2007 Science and Technology. JIM, 2007, p. 729
14) Mitsuhara, M. et al.: CAMP-ISIJ. 26, 439 (2013) CD-ROM
15) Fujii, H. et al.: Materia Japan (Bulletin of the Japan Institute of Metals).
48, 547 (2009)
16) Otsuka, H. et al.: Ti-2007 Science and Technology. JIM, 2007, p. 1391
17) Otsuka, H. et al.: Ti-2007 Science and Technology. JIM, 2007, p. 251
18) Otsuka, H. et al.: Materia Japan (Bulletin of the Japan Institute of Metals). 49, 75 (2010)
19) Takahashi, W. et al.: Sumitomo Metals. 44 (5), 58 (1992)
20) Shimotori, J. et al.: Sumitomo Metals. 49 (4), 25 (1997)
21) Nagashima, K. et al.: Sumitomo Metals. 49 (4), 73 (1997)

Fig. 6 Aging characteristics of SSATTM-2041(solution treated at 850C)

at 400 - 500C

cellent workability. In addition, as seen in Fig. 6,19, 20) its tensile

strength can be increased to the level of other alloys (1,200 MPa
or higher) by solution treatment at 850C followed by aging.

5. Other Titanium Alloys

In addition to the alloys presented herein, Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal has also developed alloy modifications for different use
environments. Besides such modification alloys, SSATTM-10CF (Ti10Zr) and SSATTM-18CF (Ti-18Zr) have been developed; 21) here,
the effects of Zr, which is a common component element of titanium
alloys such as V in the SSATTM-2041 mentioned in Section 4, are effectively utilized. These alloys are characterized by their fine crystal
grains due to Zr, and exhibit strength, scratch resistance, surface finish properties and formability exceeding those of CP titanium.
Thanks to the good biocompatibility of Ti and Zr, they are used for
eyeglass frames, watches and other products.

Hideki FUJII
General Manager, Head of Lab., Dr.Eng.
Titanium & Specialty Stainless Steel Research Lab.
Steel Research Laboratories
20-1 Shintomi, Futtsu City, Chiba Pref. 293-8511

6. Closing Remarks

This paper has presented unique titanium alloys developed by

Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal for structural applications. Most
were developed not for aerospace industries but primarily for applications for automotive parts and consumer goods, and their use for
such applications is actually expanding.
During the development stage, the effects of different alloying

Takashi MAEDA
Former General Manager, Ph.D
Titanium & Specialty Stainless Steel Research Lab.
Steel Research Laboratories
(Currently The Japan Research and Development
Center for Metals)
- 21 -

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