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Farming Skill Guide

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Farming Skill Guide

Table of Contents:

Starting Out
Planting Seeds
Avoiding Disease
- - Super-Compost
- - Olivia's Store
- - Rarity Charts
- - Seed Information
Farming Locations
Gardener Payments
Tool Leprechauns
Amulet Of Nature
Pirate Random Event


Farming is a brand new skill released on July 11 of 2005 by Jagex. With farming, you can grow
fruits, trees, flowers, food, and even herbs. The best place to obtain seeds is in Draynor

Starting Out:
So you want to become a farmer? First you need some seeds. For information on obtaining
some scroll down to the Seed section below. After you have lots of seeds you are going to
need some items.

Recommended Items:

• Rake
• Spade
• At least 500 gp
• Seed dibber
• At least 3 watering cans (8) (You can use a bucket of water to refill your watering
• 4 buckets of compost (or 1-2 buckets if you have already made compost)
• If you do not have these items, they can be purchased at the nearest farming store or
local farmer.

Next, select three different types of seeds. (If you are just starting out bring onion seeds). You
should have a vegetable seed, a flower seed that will protect that vegetable, and a herb seed.
Marigolds will provide protection over potatos, onions and tomatos, rosemary will protect
cabbages, and nasturtiums will protect watermelons. Note: If your making sweetcorn, bring
along 3 bronze spears, 3 sacks and 3 watermelons to make a Scarecrow. (Requires level 23
Farming). Now that you have your supplies, you can head over to a Farming patch. The best
place to start is at Draynor Village or Falador. Once at a patch, use your rake with the
"Allotment" or patch, to rake it out (When raking weeds, the head of your rake may fall off and
land on the ground. Use the head on the handle to fix them). Use the weeds you get from
raking to fill the compost bin (see the Compost section below). Next, use some compost on
the vegetable patches. Now use the seeds you are planting with the patches, followed by
watering them with a watering can. If you are level 1, stay with the patches until they are
grown, watering them when needed, to advance to level 2. Harvest them, and repeat the
process until you can plant Marigolds. Planting Marigolds will allow you to leave the patch, and
ensure it will reach adulthood by itself. If you want to save some time and prevent boredom,
see Avoiding Disease.

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Planting Seeds:

Heres a basic outline of how to plant seeds. For a more in depth outline, see Preventing

1. Weed your garden by using your rake with the patch. Save the weeds to make your
own compost.
2. Use compost on your empty garden patch.
3. Use your seed on the patch and water with a watering can.
4. Finally either plant a flower, hire a gardener, stand around and water, or place a

If you are planting trees, there are a few extra steps involved. Trees cannot be planted directly
into the ground, they must be planted in a plantpot of soil in your inventory, watered until
they grow into a sapling, and then transplanted into the correct farming patch. A plantpot can
be filled with soil from any empty farming patch by using a gardening trowel. Trees and herbs
do not need watering.

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Avoiding Disease:

There are three ways to avoid disease:

1. Stand around and water plants when required

2. Plant flowers/scarecrow
3. Hire the services of a local garderner.

All three ways should be used with compost or super-compost. By far, the best way is to plant
flowers or to use a scarecrow.

Let me explain how this works. Normally, if you do NOT water your plants, they have a higher
chance of dieing, so people stand around and water. (If plants die, use a spade to dig them
out). This first method is very boring and time consuming!

The second method is to plant flowers or place scarecrows. By simply planting a flower or
placing a scarecrow along with using normal compost, your plants will need just 1 watering,
and then you can leave them to do other things. In the center of each vegetable area there is
a flower patch. Flowers are not just there to make the place look pretty, they are used to
protect your crops. This means that certain types of flowers will attract the same pests as
some crops, enough for the pests to leave the crops alone in preference to the flowers.
Marigolds will provide protection over potatos, onions, and tomatoes, Rosemary will protect
cabbages, and Nasturtiums will protect watermelons. Sweetcorn can be very attractive to
birds, and if attacked their chances of being diseased increase. If you are level 23 in Farming
you can build a Scarecrow to keep the birds away. (See the section on making Scarecrows).
Note: DO NOT PICK THE FLOWER! You must have a grown flower there in order for it to
protect the crops! This, in my opinion, is the best method.

The third method, and the most costly method is to hire the services of a local gardener. To
hire them, you will have to give them compost, sacks, or baskets of produce. Although
expensive, your crops are guaranteed to survive until adulthood. The gardeners payment
depends on the seed planted, but usually is one level lower than what is planted. Example: 2
cabbage sacks(10) to watch over tomatoes. (For a full list, see the Seed Information table).

If you forget to do one of these methods or for some reason your crops become diseased,
simply purchase a plant cure from a local gardener or Farming shop.

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Compost is very important in Farming. It helps to ensure your plants reach adulthood. You can
buy compost from Farming shops, but it is expensive and requires many unnecessary trips. I
suggest you make your own, its very easy to make. Making compost saves trips and money.

1. While at a farming patch, take all the weeds you can find, and use them with the
nearby compost bin. You can get weeds by raking out the pathes. Look around the
floor for people that have dropped their weeds, potatoes, marigolds, etc. and use them
with the bin too. If you can't find any weeds or vegetation on the ground, you can go
pick cabbage, potatos, onions, etc. from nearby areas.
2. When it is full, close the lid and let it rot for 45 to 70 min, the time it takes to rot is
different each time.
3. When the compost is fully rotten (you know this when you are able to open the lid),
open the lid, and then you can get compost by using a bucket on it. Using 1 bucket on
the compost bin and getting compost will give you 4.5 farming exp. Treating the soil
with compost will give you 18 farming exp.

Super Compost:

Super Compost is better to use whilst farming.

Super Compost:

• Lowers the time that your crops will grow in.

• Will also increase your crop yield (I.E: You will get more Sweetcorn than you would
with normal compost from your sweetcorn plant).
• Will also lower the chance of your crops getting diseased.

However, Super Compost is harder to make. You will need to use 15 of any mixture of the
following items on the bin, but if you put anything in that is not as good as these then you will
only get normal compost.

• Any tree roots

• Pineapples, papayas, and coconuts
• Watermelons
• Any herb that is avantoe or higher, including toadflax (but not irit)
• Jangerberries, whiteberries, and poison ivy berries
• Bittercap mushrooms

An example:
If you put 10 Pineapples and 5 Watermelons in to the Compost bin then you will get Super
But if you use 10 Pineapples, 4 Watermelons and 1 Potato with the Compost bin then you will
get Regular Compost.

There are four easy ways of making Super Compost:

• Method 1 (fastest method):

1. Go to any Charter Dock, these are located in: Karamja, Brimhaven, Port Sarim, Port
Phasmatys, Port Tyras, Mos le'Harmless, Ship yard, Catherby, and Port Khazard.
Note: for prices and requirements please visit our Transportation Guide, this will
contain the prices to travel to these docks (using the charter ships).
2. Trade the Crew Members on the dock, now buy 15 Pineapples (only 20 gp each). If
you don't want to wait for the shop to restock the Pineapples then simply world
hopping can do the trick.
3. When you have a full inventory of Pineapples you can bank them and go for another
trip, or you can put 15 into a empty compost bin and wait for it to turn into Super

• Method 2:

1. Go to Southern Brimhaven, near Brimhaven Dungeon.

2. Pick all of the Pineapple plants that are around this area untill your inventory is full.
3. Now go to Ardougne and bank the Pineapples.
4. Repeat step 1-3 untill you got the amount of Pineapples you want to have. NOTE: It
takes 15 Pineapples to fill one Compost bin.
5. Now use the Pineapples that you have got with a Compost bin.
6. Wait around an hour for the Pineapples to rot. NOTE: This is an average time!
7. Open the compost bin to find your Super Compost inside. You can get 15 Buckets of
Super compost from one full compost bin.

• Method 3:

1. Go to the Grand Tree which is located in the Tree Gnome Stronghold.

2. Go to the second level of the Grand Tree and see Heckle Funch, who sells Pineapples.
He's near a bank as well, but his stock probably isn't as much as picking them
yourself. You may need to server hop to get a bunch.
3. Keep server hopping and banking untill you got the amount of pineapples you want.
NOTE: It takes 15 Pineapples to fill one Compost bin.
4. Now follow steps 5-7 of Method 1 to got Super Compost.

• Method 4:

1. Simply buy your needed items from other players!

2. Now follow steps 5-7 of Method 1 to got Super Compost.

Super Compost gives you 8.5 Farming experience for every bucket that you fill up, thus giving
you 127.5 Farming experience when you fill 15 buckets up with Super Compost. Using Super
Compost on a Farming patch will give you 25 Farming experience.

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Scarecrows are used to protect Sweetcorn from birds. You need to be level 23 Farming to
make one. You can remove the scarecrow by using a spade on it. It can then be used again at
a different patch.

1. Use an empty sack on a bail of hay.

2. Use the sack of hay on a bronze spear.
3. Place a watermelon on it.
4. Stand him in your garden to scare away birds.

Finished Picture of him:

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Tools are dropped by farmers and can also be purchased in Farming shops. All but the
watering can are tradable.
Farmers are located in the following places:

1. One in the farm south of Falador in the main room.

2. Two in the farm north of Ardounge, one in the field and one in the house.
3. One on the road from Lumbridge to Draynor Village.
4. Two on the way from Lumbridge to Varrock.
5. One north of the road from Lumbridge to Draynor Village, in the large pen.
Name of
Image Description Where found
Dropped by farmers and
Rake Used for weeding your garden.
bought at farming shops
Dropped by farmers and
Seed dibber Used for planting seeds
bought at farming shops
Can be used to cut off diseased Dropped by farmers and
leaves on trees and bushes. bought at farming shops
Dropped by farmers and
Watering can Used to water your plants
bought at farming shops
Dropped by farmers and
Spade Used to harvest your plants
bought at farming shops
Gardening Dropped by farmers and
Worn while farming
boots bought at farming shops
Gardening Used to transfer a patch of soil to Dropped by farmers and
trowel a plantpot. bought at farming shops

Empty sack Used to carry 10 vegetables Bought at farming shops

Basket Used to carry 5 fruits Bought at farming shops

Used to begin growing a tree from

Plantpot Bought at farming shops
a seed to a sapling.

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Seeds are what you plant in the farming skill. The main ways to get seeds are:

1. Kill Monsters.
2. Pickpocket Master Farmers (Level 38 Thieving Required).
3. Steal from Seed stalls at Draynor Village (Level 27 Thieving Required).
4. Receive a Bird nest during a random event while cutting trees then find one inside.
5. Pick items (Cabbages, Potatoes, Onions, etc) from farms and you will occasionally get
a seed.
6. Run favors for the Wise old man in Draynor Village.

Thieving from the Master Farmers give 43 exp, and thieving from the Seed stall gives 10 exp.

Olivia's Store:

Olivia can be found in the Draynor Village Market. If you have not stolen from her stalls for 2
days, you will be able to trade with her to buy or sell some seeds.
Rarity Charts:

Here are some rarity charts to show how rare each type of seed is.
Seed Information:

Here is all the information you need about seeds.

Note on the category "Where it's Found"

A = Pickpocketed from Master Farmers, dropped by farmers, stolen from seed stall, purchased
from Olivia at Draynor Village marketplace
B = Pickpocketed from Master Farmers
C = Found in Bird nests

Vegetable Seeds:

Name of Finished Level Exp for Exp for Time to
Seed Picture it's
Seed Product Required Planting Picking Grow

Potato seed A 1 2.5 9 35

Onion seed A 5 3 10.5 35

A 7 3.5 11.5 35

A 12 4 14 35

A 20 5.5 19 35

A 31 8.5 29 35

A 47 16 54.5 35

Flower Seeds:

Name of Level Exp for Exp for
Seed Picture Finished Product it's
Seed Required Planting Picking

A 2 8.5 47

A 11 12 67

A 24 20 111

Woad seed A 25 20.5 115.5

A 26 21 120

Tree Seeds:

Name Where Exp for
Finished Level Exp for Time to
of Seed Picture it's Checking
Product Required Planting Grow
Seed Found Health

Acorn C 15 18 467.5 140

C 30 25 1456.5 220
C 45 45 3403 300

C 60 81 7069.5 380

C 75 145 13768 460

Fruit Seeds:

Where Exp for

Name of Finished Level Exp for Exp for
Seed Picture it's Checking
Seed Product Required Planting Picking
Found Health

C 27 22 1200 8
tree seed

C 33 28 1750 10.5
tree seed

C 39 35 2470 13.5
tree seed

C 42 40 2907 15
tree seed

C 51 57 4605.5 21.5
tree seed

C 57 72 6147 27
tree seed

Palm tree
C 68 111 10150 1/3 41.5

Herb Seeds:

Name of Finished Level Exp for Exp for Time to
Seed Picture it's
Seed Product Required Planting Picking Grow

Guam A 9 11 12.5 70

Marrentill A 14 13 15 70

Tarromin A 19 16 18 70

Harralander A 26 22 24 70
Buy from
Goutweed Eadgar's 29 105 45 70

A 32 26.5 30.5 70

Toadflax A 38 34 38 70

Irit leaf A 44 43 49 70

Avantoe A 50 54.5 61.5 70

Kwuarm A 56 69 82 70

Snapdragon A 62 87 99 70

Cadantine A 67 107 120 70

Lantadyme A 73 134 151.5 70

Dwarf weed A 79 170.5 192 70

Torstol A 85 199.5 224.5 70

Bush Seeds:

Where Exp for

Name of Finished Level Exp for Exp for
Seed Picture it's Checking
Seed Product Required Planting Picking
Found Health

A 10 8.5 64 5

A 22 18.5 102 7

A 36 31 178 12

B 48 50.5 284.5 19

Whiteberry B 59 78 437 29

Poison ivy
B 70 120 674 45

Hops Seeds:

Name of Finished Level Exp for Exp for Time t
Seed Picture it's
Seed Product Required Planting Picking Grow

Barley seed A 3 11 10 35

A 4 9 10 35

A 8 11 12 45

Jute seed A 13 13 14.5 45

Yanillian seed A 16 14.5 16 55

A 21 17 19.5 65

A 28 23 26 75

Special Seeds:

Name of Finished Level Exp for Exp for Time
Seed Picture it's
Seed Product Required Planting Picking Grow

B 53 41 57 2/3 220

B 55 and 374 25 520

B 63 91 512 280

Calquat C 72 130 48.5 1200

tree seed (Planting)

Spirit seed C 83 N/A 3680

Farming Locations:

Location (Closest Teleport)

Flowers + Herbs + Allotments + Compost Bin

• North of Ardougne (Ardougne teleport)

• West of Port Phasmastys (Varrock teleport or Ectophial, if you have finished Ghost
Ahoy Quest)
• North of Catherby (Camelot teleport)
• South of Falador (Falador teleport)

Hops Patches

• North of Coal Trucks (Camelot teleport)

• Northern Lumbridge (Lumbridge teleport)
• North in Yanille (Caste Wars teleport)
• Southwest on Entranna (Falador teleport)

Wood Trees

• Varrock Castle (Varrock teleport)

• West of Lumbridge (Lumbridge teleport)
• Falador Garden (Falador teleport)
• Eastern Taverley (Falador teleport)

Fruit Trees

• Brimhaven (West Patch) (Ardounge teleport)

• West of Gnome Maze (Castle Wars teleport)
• Gnome Stronghold (Gnome glider or Spirt tree)
• South of White Wolf Mountain (Camelot teleport)


• West of Champs Guild (Varrock teleport)

• Rimmington (Falador teleport)
• South of Ardougne (Ardougne teleport)
• Etceteria (West Patch) (Camelot telport)

Special Seeds

• Mushrooms west of Canifis (Varrock teleport)

• Cacti northeastern Al Kharid (Duel arena teleport)
• Belladonna at Draynor Manor (Falador teleport)
• Calquat Tree at Tai Bwo Wannai (Ardougne teleport)

Spirit Trees

• Brimhaven (East Patch) (Ardougne teleport)

• Port Sarim (Falador teleport)
• Etceteria (East Patch) (Camelot teleport)

Here are some maps that summarize all of these locations:

And here.

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Gardener Payments
These are the costs to have a local gardener watch over your crops.


Potatoes: 2 Buckets of compost

Onions: 1 Sack of Potatoes (Can be picked prior or you can farm them yourself)
Cabbage: 1 Sack of onions
Tomatoes: 2 Sacks of cabbage
Sweetcorn: 10 Jute fibres
Strawberries: 1 Basket of apples
Watermelons: 10 Curry leaves

Bush Patches:

Redberry bush: 4 Sacks of Cabbage

Cadavaberry: 3 Baskets of Tomatoes
Dwellberry: 3 Baskets of Strawberries
Jangerberry: 6 Watermelons
Whiteberry: 8 Mushrooms
Poison Ivy: 15 Coconuts

Tree Patches:

Oak trees: 1 Basket of Tomatoes

Willow trees: 1 Basket of Apples
Maple trees: 1 Basket of Oranges
Yew trees: 10 Cactus spines
Magic trees: 25 Coconuts

Fruit Tree Patches:

Apple trees: 9 Sweetcorn

Banana trees: 4 baskets of apples
Orange trees: 3 Baskets of Strawberries
Curry trees: 5 Baskets of Bananas
Pineapple trees: 10 Watermelons
Papaya trees: 10 Pineapples
Palm trees: 15 papayas

Hops Patches:

Barely: 3 Buckets of compost

Hammerstone Hops: 1 Marigold
Asgarnian hops: 1 Sack of onions
Jute: 6 Handfuls of Barley malt
Yannilian hops: 1 Basket of Tomatoes
Krandorian hops: 3 Sacks of Cabbage
Wildblood hops: 1 Nasturtium

Special Patches:

Spirit Tree: 5 x Monkey Nuts, 1 x Monkey Bar, and 1 x Ground Suqah tooth.

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Tool Leprechauns

Near every farming patch you can now find little green Tool-Leprechauns. They can store your
farming stuff for you. When you want to store your stuff into his Amazing Farming Equipment
Store you will see this:

And your inventory will be like this:

To store your tools, simply left-click the item, or right-click the item and select Store. Please
note that you can't store plant pots, gardening boots, baskets, empty sacks, or seeds with the
leprechaun, and that you can only store secateurs OR magic secateurs at one time.

Type of Tool Maximum Stored

Rake 1
Spade 1
Seed Dibber 1
Secateurs* 1
Watering Can 1
Gardening Trowel 1
Empty Bucket 31
Compost 255
Super Compost 255

*You may store normal or magic secateurs with the leprechaun, but you cannot store both at
the same time.

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Amulet of Nature

The Amulet of Nature will allow you to assign it to a farming patch by "using" it with the patch,
and will notify you when your seed has fully grown or died. You can only have one amulet of
nature at a time, and it can only be assigned to one patch at any time.

To make this amulet you will need the following:

• Level 75 farming (Planting Magic Tree Seeds)*

• Level 75 woodcutting (Cutting Magic Trees)*
• Level 19 crafting (Crafting Magic Strings)
• Level 27 magic (Enchanting Emerald Jewelry)

* These are only required if you wish to grow your own magic tree and get your own magic
root. As magic roots are tradable, these skills are optional.

These are the following Items Required:

• Amulet Mould
• Gold bar
• Emerald
• Magic root

How to Craft the Amulet of Nature:

1. Spin the Magic root in any Spinning wheel to get a magic string.
2. Use the gold bar on a furnace to obtain the emerald amulet.
3. Use the magic string on the amulet.
4. Enchant the amulet by using level 27 magic (1 cosmic rune + 3 air runes).

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Pirate Random Event

Pirate's Combination Lock:
If you're lucky, a wandering pirate will discover buried treasure in a patch where you're
growing crops! Help him get the lid off the chest, and he'll share the booty.


Q: What is the Amulet of Nature used for?

A: It tells you the situation of your Plants whether they are diseased or ready to get picked.

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