Biblical Giving: Same Principles, Different Limits
Biblical Giving: Same Principles, Different Limits
Biblical Giving: Same Principles, Different Limits
Christianity is burdensome when one does not understand the ways of God. It is difficult to accept or obey what we
cannot understand. One of the most practical examples is the monetary side of our required obedience. This is in the
area of monetary contributions, offerings and charitable giving.
Financial lack is still among the worst areas of affliction among believers, though for non-believers as well. Some
are in huge debts. Others are lacking basic resources in their lives and Christian living. And so on. As believers God
has given us biblical principles that relate to our material well-being. We can at least overcome areas within our
sphere of responsibility. Applying Gods principles may not bring all we desire but it can eliminate avoidable and
needless distress.
If tithing is still a requirement then we need to resurrect the whole Old Testament law. And all of us who go to
church on Sunday would have no place in heaven until we returned to Seventh Day worship. Violation of this law is
more eternally serious than violating requirements on tithes and offerings. So let no one deceive you that giving ten
percent of our income is still our required minimum limit. Neither let them deceive you that a traditional church is
the only accepted avenue for giving in the body of Christ.
However, the principles under tithing and offering requirements still apply in our day. So the text in Malachi still
speaks to us today. The financial requirements in the New Testament era actually demand more than the old ten
percent (tithe) minimum limit. Were required to deny ourselves and to offer ourselves as living sacrifices. Making
ourselves as offerings to God is giving everything we have for his interests.
The early church in the book of Acts is a good example though not necessarily to be applied the same way they did.
They sold their belongings and gave the funds to the apostles as stewards for all believers. Please dont try this even
if you hear a voice claiming to be from God. Continue you good deeds with bible based financial principles that are
not based on emotions or strange voices. And let no ministry manipulate you by claiming to bring special rewards
from heaven when you give to them. The bible talks about believers motives for giving while saying nothing on
which ministry is more acceptable than another on financial matters.
Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so
uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them
to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure
for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life, 1
Timothy 6:17-19.
So this is Gods way of providing material necessities. It is through giving. A tithe (ten percent) of ones income was
the minimum in the Old Testament. Something is a gift when the giver requires nothing in return. It maybe financial,
material, service of ones talents and time, counsel and so on. Its something that will contribute to the well-being of
Through the gifts, God says he is moved to throw open the floodgates of heaven to bless the giver. It may not be
instant or come in a way the giver may assume. However God works everything out in his way and timing to bless
the giver.
Not only does he open doors for his blessings he also prevents the enemy from undoing our blessings. You probably
know people who received much only to loose it all in mysterious ways, to suffer crippling health problems or other
misfortune. God works to prevent such experiences for as long as we continue obeying his word. On the highest
level were requested to Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as
well, (Matthew 6:33). It means putting his ways of righteous living, evangelism interests and charitable interests
ahead of our personal earthly interests. They need to matter to us more than our interests and needs. All the things
we need for our earthly living are given to us as we pursue his interests.
The Bottom Line
The whole truth about financial rewards is that any giver prospers. A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes
others will himself be refreshed, (Proverbs 11:25). It does not matter whether one gives to the work of God or to
the work of men. Neither does his religion or spiritual state matter. The law of seed time and harvest time applies to
all of us. One harvests whatever he sows.
A mango seed will always harvest mangoes no matter the soil it is planted in. It cannot change to oranges. Same
with material or financial seeds. That is why many people in the occult are very wealthy. They are not wealthy
because they are in occultism. It is because they know and aggressively apply the law of seed time and harvest time.
But they have their major problems that amount to severe bondage.