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Ramadan Action Plan

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Ramadan is a glimpse of the person
you can be every single day

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
All thanks and praise is due to Allah alone, the Lord of the Worlds. We praise Him, seek refuge with
Him, and seek His forgiveness. We seek refuge with Allah from the evils of our souls, and the mistakes
in our actions. Whomever Allah Guides, there is none who can misguide him, and whoever Allah misguides, there is none who can guide him. Verily, there is none worthy of being worshipped except Allah,
and Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is His servant and Messenger.

We would like to extend our warm and hearty welcome

to you, our brothers and sisters in Islam. JazakAllahu
khairan kathira for choosing Ramadan Action Plan as
your Ramadan daily planner for 2014!

This planner
will help you to
make the most
of your Ramadan
and prepare
you to maintain
the spirit even
after Ramadan!

Ramadan, the most awaited month of the hijri year

brings with it all sorts of goodness and happiness and
the wide mercy and forgiveness of Allah. Ramadan also
takes the believer closer to Allah and away from the
Devil and Hellfire. Truly, Ramadan is a wonderful gift of
Allah to all believers!
Just like how mangos are pressed for its juice, olives
for its oil and roses for its perfume, the benefits and
rewards of Ramadan will only be achieved if we work
hard and sincerely for it. This planner will help you to
make the most of your Ramadan and prepare you to
maintain the spirit even after Ramadan!
May Allah make this Ramadan beneficial, productive
and rejuvenating for the body and soul. May He answer
our prayers, accept our deeds, keep us steadfast and
intellectually and spiritually revived until the next
Ramadan. Aameen.

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.


_____________________________ (your name)

Solemnly make this pledge to my Lord and Cherisher, Allah the Almighty, seeking His assistance
and acceptance.
Every single action that I do will depend on the quality of my intention. Therefore, I testify
that I will always purify and renew my intention and seek for His Forgiveness solely to earn
His pleasures.
I promise I will not compare myself to anyone. I believe that everyone is at a different level and
success is when I am better than I was yesterday.
This Ramadan, I will bring myself to a better level by improving my character. I intend to always
repent, forgive others, stop doing bad habits and replace it with good habits. I agree to keep
track of my daily action, to practice self-control, and to motivate myself to do more everyday with
the right intention. I agree to continue doing with what I have learned and practiced this month
after Ramadan.
May Allah grant me guidance and strength to make this Ramadan productive. May He make it
easy for me to turn to Him completely and perpetually. Aameen.

Signed by





How to Use


Ramadan Guide
Ramadan Survival
Taraweeh Tips
Finishing Quran Tips


Write Down Your Goals

Master Dua List
Habit Breaker
Ramadan Reflection




Daily Planner Guide

1st Asharah
10 Planner Days
1st Asharah Reflection Page
2nd Asharah
10 Planner Days
2nd Asharah Reflection Page
3rd Asharah
Laylat Al-Qadr
10 Planner Days
3rd Asharah Reflection Page



6 Nufl Shawwal Fasts
Maintaining the Ramadan Spirit

This Ramadan Action Plan booklet is packed full of knowledge, productivity aids and
content to allow the facilitation of having your most successful Ramadan ever. Please find
below a step-by-step guide on how to use this planner so that you can, InshaAllah, utilise
it effectively.

Action 1 Sign Your Ramadan Pledge of Intention In The

Opening Section
This will subconsciously make you accountable for your
sincere intentions in Ramadan!

Action 2 Read The Knowledge Section Before

Ramadan Begins
Within the knowledge section, this booklet provides the
information necessary for your understanding on what
Ramadan is and what are the etiquettes of Ramadan.

Action 3 Complete The Productivity Section

Set out what you want to achieve in Ramadan and why.
Complete your goals, your requests from Allah and be honest
with how you feel about yourself before Ramadan begins.

Action 4 Follow The Day by Day Action Plan

In the planner section, a worshipping framework has been
provided for you in order to make your Ramadan effective and
productive. Carry this booklet around with you during the day
and fill out what you have achieved every evening after your
night prayers.

Action 5 Read The Post Ramadan Section

How do we maintain the spirit of Ramadan after it ends?
This section will help you sustain your feeling of peace and
piety InshaAllah.

99 Names of Allah Roadmap

Fasting the month of Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam. It is one of the greatest
acts of worship a believer can perform. It is an act that cleanses ones mind, body, and
soul from the spiritual and physical impurities of this world. It is an act that brings the
hearts of Muslims together on a worldwide level as they endeavour to practice the virtue
of self-discipline in unison. And it is an act that satiates the hungry soul for its eagerness
to please Allah.
Fasting the month of Ramadan is obligatory upon every Muslim, male and female, who is
healthy, sane and past the age of puberty.

The Purpose of Ramadan

The month of Ramadan is not like any other month; its purpose
is to rid us of those habits, which we have accumulated
throughout the rest of the year. It is a month that prepares
us for the remaining eleven months by teaching discipline
and self-control. Thus, Allah has made some acts, which
are beloved to man, like eating, drinking and fulfilling ones
desires, Haraam during fasting.
If we can control these desires (which are usually permissible
for us) in this month, then we can surely control ourselves
from other desires, which are not permissible, throughout the
remaining months.
Allah has sent this blessed month for us, so that we can create
a connection and draw closer to Allah by reaping the many
rewards that lie in this month.
A person who has been given the opportunity to be present
in this month can take this as a sign that Allah has given
them another opportunity to draw closer to Him and earn His
paradise through worship in this month.

As the blessed month of Ramadan approaches, we need to

prepare for it in such a way that we can gain the maximum
benefit of this month.

Here are some tips to help:

Ramadan is the
month where Allah
allows us to really
fulfill the purpose
of our being, and
the purpose of
our creation.

Discipline: Most people already know to abstain from eating,

drinking, and sexual relations from ones spouse during the
daytime of Ramadan.
However, a level of discipline must be developed to do
righteous acts and abstain from those acts, which would earn
the displeasure of Allah. This is a basic form of discipline that
needs to be developed but along with that, one needs to
have discipline in following a particular routine or schedule
for Ramadan. This will be the real life changing factor for an
individual i.e. waking up for Suhoor, praying Tahajjud, reciting
Quran, making dua, reading 5 daily Salah, making dhikr,
giving in charity, and other voluntary acts.
Devotional life (Ibadah): Ramadan is the month where Allah
allows us to really fulfill the purpose of our being, and the
purpose of our creation. Allah created us all to worship Him,
and Him alone.
Identifying with the Ummah: Fasting allows us to identify with
our brothers and sisters around the world who are suffering
from hunger and thirst, and to be grateful for whatever Allah
has given us.
Contact with the Quran: Ramadan is the month wherein
the Quran was revealed. This is the month of the Quran. It is
extremely essential to establish a relationship with the Quran.
Individuals should read at least one juz per day so that they
finish at a minimum, one entire Quran for the month of
Ramadan. If one can do more, then it is even better.

Then read one section of the Arabic part (if one can) and then
read the translation, followed by the commentary.
Also, try to memorize those chapters/surahs, which are read
often like Surah Mulk, Kahf, YaSeen, Waqiah, and Sajdah.

Ramadan is a
month of sacrifice
and struggle. It
is a month where
Allah wants our
time, our health,
our wealth, and our
whole being.

Sacrifice: Ramadan is a month of sacrifice and struggle. It is a

month where Allah wants our time, our health, our wealth, and
our whole being. We must strive to live this one month solely
worshipping our Creator. Allah will reward us in this world and
the next accordingly.

Be thankful for
all that we have in
every aspect, even
the basic things
we neglect and
take for granted.

Dua: The essence of worship is supplication to Allah. This

whole month, Allah is willing and readily open to accept all that
we ask of Him. It is only to our own loss and detriment that we
lack in begging Allah for the things we need.

Good Company: Ramadan is a month to maximize on good

deeds and keep bad deeds at zero. Being in the company of
the righteous will allow one to attain this goal.
The minimum benefit one gets by being in good company is
that one will not sin which in turn will cause one to become the
greatest worshiper.
As Narrated in Tirmidhi; The Prophet Muhammad (Peace be
upon him) took Abu Hurayrah (Radhiyallahu anhu)s hand and

We have Imaan, we have Islam, and we have been given the

Quran. The best way to appreciate a bounty is to use it for
its purpose.
Allah has blessed us with infinite blessing and bounties.
Ramadan is one of those bounties, so to fully appreciate
Ramadan, we must spend it in the way Allah would like us to
spend it and attain our goal, which is Taqwa.
Following the Sunnah: Allah has proclaimed the Prophet
Muhammad (Peace be upon him) as His beloved. If we follow
the Sunnah and show a resemblance, then we can also gain the
focus of Allah. Particularly follow the Sunnah acts, which the
Prophet (Peace be upon him) performed in Ramadan.

Prioritize your supplications. Ask firstly for yourself, then your

family, community, then the Ummah at large. Within that,
prioritize and ask for things pertaining to the hereafter, then
ask for things pertaining to this world.
There are certain things Allah loves to do, and one of them is
to answer the supplications of His servants who call unto Him.

Gratitude: The secret to an increase in anything is to be

thankful for it. Be thankful for all that we have in every aspect,
even the basic things we neglect and take for granted.

The best way for anything to be done is the way of the Sunnah.

Remember, Ramadan
is a glimpse of the
person that you can
be every single day.

In order to get the most benefit, and to allow ease to carry it

on after Ramadan ends, do not tire one self out in the initial
stages of Ramadan, rather figure out a routine that works and
stick to it regularly.
The most beloved of actions to Allah are those that are done
consistently even though they may seem minor. We all need
to be thankful for the good that we have done and also for the
evil we are able to abstain from. We also need to be thankful
for whatever level of steadfastness that we have.
Remember, Ramadan is a glimpse of the person that you can
be every single day.

said, O Abu Hurayrah, abstain from all prohibitions and you

will become the best worshiper.


Ramadan can be a physical, mental and spiritual challenge for any human being. The key
is to face Ramadan with the right attitude and prepare for the challenge ahead. Please find
below Ramadan survival tips, which detail what can go wrong in Ramadan and tips on how
to combat it!


Tips on How to Survive!

What Can Go Wrong?

Tips on How to Survive!

What Can Go Wrong?

Weakened Immune

Have a childrens multi-vitamin at

Suhoor to ensure your body obtains all
its required nutrients.

Body & Muscle Fatigue

Perform light cardiovascular exercises.


Take small power naps through the day.

Large Studyload

Study towards Iftar time and give

yourself a small treat to motivate you
to study.


Avoid eating oily foods after Iftar before

you go to sleep and sour flavoured
foods during Suhoor.


Put your head between your legs to

allow blood to rush to your brain.


Plan your day ahead and identify at

what times in the day you are active.

Workload Frustration


Stomach Burn

Eat plenty of natural unsweetened yoghurt.

Break your day down into manageable

chunks and block off time for cooling
down and worshipping Allah.


Whilst Ramadan is about spiritual re-connection, there is a huge need to link it to our
physical and nutritional routine. Consuming the right types of food in the right amount
is important.

Healthy Meal Ideas

Fruits &


The pre-dawn meal (suhoor) is not obligatory, but it is a blessed part of fasting we
shouldnt abandon.


Amr ibn al Aas

narrated that Allahs Messenger


Fats &

When it comes to Suhoor, it is difficult to decide

what are the best foods to eat. These healthy Suhoor
ideas will give you a varied and balanced diet during
Ramadan. They include ingredients from the major five
food groups.

The difference between our fasting and that of the people of the Book is eating shortly before
dawn [Muslim].

Make It A Healthy Ramadan

Fasting during Ramadan carries a high risk of dehydration.
Furthermore, as fasting individuals are encouraged to wake up
very early to have Suhoor, sleep deprivation and dehydration
can lead to headaches.
Here are some tips on healthy fasting:
1) Dont skip Suhoor (pre-dawn meal).
2) Dont overeat during Iftar (dinner).
3) Avoid eating fried foods, salty foods and high-sugar foods.
4) Aim to drink 5-8 glasses of water between Iftar and Suhoor.

Suhoor meal ideas:

Bagels and Bananas
2 tablespoons of a natural nut butter, such as almond,
cashew or peanut
1 teaspoon organic honey (acacia honey is a favourite)
Pinch of salt
1 whole-wheat bagel, split and toasted
1 small banana, sliced
1. Stir together the nut butter, honey and salt in a
small bowl.
2. Divide the mixture between warm bagel halves and
top with banana slices.



Maxi Cheese Melt

Other Suhoor Suggestions


2 heaped tablespoons canned cooked beans

1 thick slice organic whole-wheat bread, toasted
1 tablespoon prepared salsa (available in jars)
1 tablespoon shredded cheese, such as Mexican
blend or Jack

1. Spread beans on toast. Top with salsa, then cheese.
2. Microwave on high temperature until the cheese is
melted and the beans are hot, about 45 seconds.

A bowl of porridge with milk, slices of toast and a handful of unsalted nuts.

Wheat-based cereal with milk, a plain scone or crumpet and an apple

or banana.

A bowl of muesli or granola based cereal with fruit.

Granola with fruit and yogurt and a handful of dried fruits

Toasted sandwich with nutella and sliced bananas on top, and a glass of milk.

Iftar meal ideas

Vanilla Banana Smoothie


2 ripe bananas
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon ground allspice
10 ice cubes (for ultimate hydration and a more
fluid smoothie)

Combine the essence, bananas, cinnamon, allspice and
ice cubes in a blender; blend until smooth.


Pitta bread with chicken, salad and hummus and one or two pieces of Baklava
(or any traditional sweet/dark chocolate).

Chicken with boiled rice, vegetable curry and mixed salad, followed by fruit
salad with single cream.

Baked fish with roasted vegetables, or fish curry with rice followed by sweet
vermicelli or an alternative dessert.

Pasta boiled with vegetables and chicken or fish, and a slice of plain cake
with custard.

Tuna, red bell pepper, fresh coriander and sweetcorn mixed together in a
brown pitta bread with lettuce, cucumber and a dollop of Greek yoghurt.
Followed by a bowl of fresh fruit salad.


The Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) became more generous in Ramadan than he
already was. Ramadan is a time for generosity and giving. It is a time when we think about
those who have less than us as well as thank Allah for everything he has given us. Ramadan
is an honourable and blessed month, and the rewards for generosity are multiplied in it.

The upper hand is better than the lower hand, (i.e., he who gives

The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said, The best charity is that given in Ramadan.

giving charity: Do not show lethargy or negligence in giving alms


and charity till your last breath. (Bukhari and Muslim)

Abu Hurairah (RadiallaahuAnhu) reported Allahs Messenger (Peace be upon him) as

5) Do not count the charity you give: Spend in charity and do

saying: Charity does not in any way decrease the wealth and the servant who forgives, Allah

not keep count for then Allah will also keep count in giving you
provision. (Bukhari and Muslim)

charity is better than him who takes it). One should start giving first
to his dependents (Bukhari, Vol. 2, Hadith 508)
4) Not to delay giving of charity nor show lethargy or negligence in

adds to his respect; and the one who shows humility, Allah elevates him in the estimation (of the
people). (Muslim)

What Is Zakat?
Charitable Tips!

5 principles of giving

Visit the sick.

To be able to enjoy Allah Taalas tremendous rewards for

every act of charity that we do or give, we need to observe the
following teachings:

As you are fasting donate

your lunch / coffee money
to a charity.

1) Charity must be done sincerely for the pleasure of Allah

Taala and not out of riya (show off) to gain praise or recognition
from others.
2) Charity must be from halal (lawful) source: Abu Hurairah
(RadiallaahuAnhu) narrated that Allahs Messenger (Peace be upon
him) said, If one gives in charity what equals one date-fruit from
the honestly earned money, and Allah accepts only the honestly
earned money, Allah takes it in His Right (hand). And then,
enlarges its reward for that person (who has given it), as anyone of
you brings up his baby horse, so much so that it becomes as big as
a mountain. (Bukhari, Vol. 2, Hadith 491)
3) Begin charity with your dependents: Hakim ibn Hizam narrated

Good conduct, even if its

a simple thank you/ good
day to your bus driver in
the morning.

Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam and an act of worship.

The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said pay zakat out of your
property, for truly it is a purifier which purifies you, and be kind to
your relatives and acknowledge the rights of the poor, neighbours
and beggars
Click here to calculate how much zakat you should pay

Dont Have Anything To Give?

Spare some time to help

out at the local masjid or
Islamic institution.

Abu Musa narrated that the Prophet (Peace be upon him) said,

Help your parents/ guardians

in your home.

what will he do? He said, He should work with his hands and

Invite your neighbours

for Iftar.

people further asked, If he cannot do even that? He replied,

Provide food for Iftar at a

local foodbank

Every Muslim has to give in charity. The people asked, O Allahs

Messenger (Peace be upon him)! If someone has nothing to give,
benefit himself and also give in charity (from what he earns). The
Then he should help the needy who appeal for help. Then the
people asked, If he cannot do that? He replied,Then he should
perform all that is good and keep away from all that is evil and this
will be regarded as charitable deeds. (Bukhari Vol. 2, Hadith 524)

that the Prophet (Peace be upon him) said:




Spend some
time to gain an
understanding of
the lessons behind
Allahs words.



Tip 1) Read an English translation of the Quran every

day. Usually in Taraweeh prayers the Imam covers 1 Juz
and a bit of Quran every night. Spend some time to gain
an understanding of the lessons behind shared through
Allahs words.

The Quran has approximately 600 pages. If you divide it on 30 days, that is 20 pages a day.
But, if you divide it through 5 prayers a day
You only need to read 4 pages after every prayer in Ramadan.

Is this not possible for you? Then follow the tips below!

Tip 2) Do not overfill your stomach at Iftar otherwise you

will become lazy and sleepy for Taraweeh. Instead, eat your
blessed food in small portions during and after Iftar.

Dont be overwhelmed
For some, as much as they aspire to complete the recitation
of the Quran during Ramadan, the number of pages or the
length of the Quran overwhelms them. Remove I cant from
your vocabulary and eliminate negative thinking.

Tip 3) Avoid eating strong odour foods and gaseous drinks

during Iftar. You know why!
Tip 4) Avoid slouching or lying down after Iftar as you tend to
not get back up.
Tip 5) If you are praying Taraweeh in your home it is nice
to light a candle and turn the lights off. This creates a nice
focused and peaceful atmosphere.
Tip 6) Make sure all your work is taken care of before you start
your Taraweeh prayers as this will ensure your mind is clear
and at peace when praying in the night.
Tip 7) Dress in your nicest and most comfortable clothes and
wear perfume.
Tip 8) Do dua before Taraweeh that Allah increases
your concentration.
Tip 9) Thank the Imam(s) for leading all the prayers and buy
them a small personal gift from yourself for their efforts.

One of the best

times at which
to recite Quran, is
after Suhoor.

Plan ahead
Structure a realistic plan, around your work hours, of how to
complete the recitation of Quran within the month by dividing
each Juz up per day. Draw up this personal plan, review it
constantly, and put it into action!
Seize the Moment
One of the best times at which to recite Quran, is after Suhoor.
The Prophet (Peace be upon him) asked Allah to bless our
Ummah in the early hours, and you will also be more likely to
memorise ayahs at this time.
Other Tips!
Hold your quran up
Make dua to Allah
Dont be slouching
when reading


Have a quran reading corner/

room/dedicated space
Read together with someone in
your house beside each other etc





Step 1 Define your one thing

What do you want to ask from Allah this Ramadan?

Step 1 Define your one thing

What is the One Thing you want to change about yourself or develop this Ramadan?

Step 2 How to achieve your One Thing
What actions are you going to take in order to achieve your One Thing?


Not Started In Progress


Dua is a weapon of a believer, a pillar of religion, and a light of the heavens and the
earth. [al-Hakim]

Best times to supplicate

The last third of the night
Between Adhan and Iqamah
Whilst in sujood

Help Section

Suggested Actions

Have a think about

1) Reading specific books

Laylat Al-Qadr

2) Learning a certain topic

After Obligatory Salah

current stage of your life.

3) Memorizing or enhancing your understanding

of certain surahs

When it is raining

2) What is it that is missing from your

4) Incorporating a daily Islamic schedule

character and knowledge?

5) Aiming to remove your biggest weakness

3) How do you want to feel after Ramadan?

6) Starting a new project

1) What is truly important to you at the


An hour on Friday

Whilst travelling
At the Adhan


How do you feel?

Can you please just make this page how you think is best. Essentially this is
a page to fill out before you start Ramadan which details how you feel about
yourself, your heart, your state of mind etc.


Bad Habit


Overcoming Tips

Listen to music

Listen to Quran or Nasheeds.


Change the topic or suggest

an activity.

Get Angry

Walk away from the situation and

perform ablution.

Disrespect an

Put yourself in their shoes, and

remain patient with them.

Delaying Prayer

Think of what will give you more

rewards, prayer or what you are
occupied with.

Rushing Prayer

Spend more time in Sujood.


Be more productive and set

daily goals.

Use Curse Words

Use alternative words like potato

or banana or say Astagfirullah.

Wasting too
much time on

Increase your amount of worship.

Stress over
little things

Build your trust in Allah and make

lots of dua.


Give yourself a weekly allowance

and stick to it.

Skip Suhoor

Do not go to bed late.

Miss a Prayer

Keep in mind your priorities.

Use intoxicant


Strike Strike Strike Youre

How Do You Feel?

Write down how you feel about yourself before Ramadan starts, how you feel about your heart,
your mind and your imaan.


Find halal alternatives e.g. mountain

climbing, art, poetry, martial arts.




Each Day Has


Quote: Fasting is not only of the stomach but the eyes, the
tongue, the ears, the hands, the feet and every part of your
body that you can sin with

Hadith of the Day

Keeps you in
check everyday


Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum! Bi rahmatika astagheeth!

O Living and Eternal Maintainer! By Your 10 Days of Mercy

I seek help!

Deed of the Day

Dua of the Day

There is a
99 names of Allah
Roadmap at the
back of this book

Names of Allah
(memorize all 99 by end
of month!)
10 Sunnahs
(1st 10 days)
10 Dawah Dose
(2nd 10 days)
10 Purification Tips
(3rd 10 days)

Your Ramadan


How do you feel?


Can you please just make this page how you think is best. Essentially this is
a page to fill out before you start Ramadan which details how you feel about
yourself, your heart, your state of mind etc.


Hadith of the Day: Belief in Allah

Hadith of the Day: Showing off

Reported by Jabir (RA): When we ascended (a height) we would proclaim: Allahu Akbar (Allah is

Reported by Jundub (RA): The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said, "He who so acts to show off,

Greatest), and when we descended (from the height) we would proclaim: Subhan Allah (Allah is

Allah will disgrace him on the Day of Resurrection, and he who does good deeds so that people

free from imperfection). [Bukhari]

(may hold him in high esteem), Allah will expose his hidden evil intentions before the people on
the Day of Resurrection. [Bukhari & Muslim]

Prayed all 5 obligatory prayers

Sunnah of breaking fast with dates


Always break Fast with Dates if available, if not then

dried dates, if not then water.

Prayed all 5 obligatory prayers

Prayed Salat-ul Duha

Prayed Taraweeh Prayers
Completed 1 Juz of the Quran
Memorised hadith of the Day

Performed deed of the day

Practiced sunnah of the day

Allaahumma laa sahla 'illaa maa ja'altahu sahlan wa

'Anta taj'alul-hazna 'ithaa shi'ta sahlan
O Allah, there is no ease other than what You make
easy. If You please You ease sorrow.


Prayed Salat-ul Duha

Allah - Allah, He who has the Godhood which is the power to create
the entities.

Ar-Rahmaan - The Compassionate

Ar-Raheem - The Merciful

Al-Malik - The King, and The

Sovereign Lord

the middle finger, then the ring finger, then the pinkie

Prayed Taraweeh Prayers

finger, then the thumbs, then to move to the left hand

Completed 1 Juz of the Quran

until all the fingers are done, then to move to the right

Memorised hadith of the Day

Memorised dua of the Day
Performed deed of the day
Practiced sunnah of the day

Learnt Names of Allah


It is mustahabb to start with the hands before the feet,

and to start with the forefinger of the right hand, then

Volunteer to help make or serve the food at Iftar

whether you are at home or the Mosque

Memorised dua of the Day

Sunnah of cutting the nails

and start with the pinkie finger then the ring finger,
foot and start with the smallest toe on the right foot
and end with the smallest toe on the left foot. And
Allaah knows best. (Muslim)
When preparing food for Iftar keep aside a
separate portion and offer it to your neighbours
whether Muslim or Non-Muslim.

Learnt Names of Allah



Laa 'ilaaha 'illaa 'Anta subhaanaka 'innee kuntu minadh-dhaalimeen

There is none worthy of worship but You, glory is to
You. Surely, I was among the wrongdoers.
Al-Quddoos - The Holy

As-Salaam - The Source of Peace

Al-Mumin - Guardian of Faith



How do you feel?

Can you please just make this page how you think is best. Essentially this is
a page to fill out before you start Ramadan which details how you feel about
yourself, your heart, your state of mind etc.



Hadith of the Day: Charity

Hadith of the Day: Dressing Etiquettes

Reported by Abu Hurairah (RA): Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) said, He who gives

Reported by Abu Hurairah (RA): Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) said, When any of you

in charity the value of a date which he legally earned, and Allah accepts only that which is pure,

puts on his shoes, he should put on the right one first; and when he takes them off, he should

Allah accepts it with His Right Hand and fosters it for him, as one of you fosters his mare, until it

begin with the left. Let the right shoe be the first to be put on and the last to be taken off.

becomes like a mountain. [Bukhari & Muslim]

[Bukhari & Muslim]

Prayed all 5 obligatory prayers
Prayed Salat-ul Duha
Prayed Taraweeh Prayers

Sunnah way of drinking water

Imam Ahmad said When the food had four qualities,
it will have become perfect 1) when Allahs Name is
mentioned before having it 2) when Allah is thanked
after finishing it 3) when there are many hands to eat
from it 4) and when it is from legal, pure sources.

Completed 1 Juz of the Quran

Memorised hadith of the Day
Memorised dua of the Day

Sit down
Take glass of water
in the right hand
Look inside the glass
Pray Bismillah

Performed deed of the day

Practiced sunnah of the day
Learnt Names of Allah

Drink in 3 breaths
removing the glass
from the mouth
after each sip.
Pray Alhamdulillah at
the end.

Donate something you have either to the local

Islamic Institution, a charity or Mosque so that they
may reap benefits from it.

Prayed all 5 obligatory prayers

Rabbi irhamhuma kama rabbayanee sagheera

My Lord, have mercy upon them as they brought me
up [when I was] small.
Al-Muhaimin - The Protector

Sunnah of using miswaak

The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said Were it not
for avoiding inflicting difficulties on my nation, I

Prayed Salat-ul Duha

Prayed Taraweeh Prayers
Completed 1 Juz of the Quran
Memorised hadith of the Day

would have ordered them to use Sewak upon the

performance of each prayer. (Al-Bukhari & Muslim)
Invite someone who is not your friend over for Iftar.
Building bridges with the unexpected takes you
further in life.

Memorised dua of the Day

Performed deed of the day
Practiced sunnah of the day
Learnt Names of Allah






Allahumma innaka afuwwun tuhibul afwa fafu anni

O Allah, You are Oft-Pardoning and You love to
pardon, so pardon me.
Al-Jabbaar - The Compeller

Al-Mutakabbir - The Majestic

Al-Khaaliq - The Creator

Al-Azeez - The Mighty, and

The Strong





Hadith of the Day: Wudu and Salat

Hadith of the Day: Forsaking others

Reported by `Uthman bin `Affan (RA): I heard Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) saying,

Reported by Abu Hurairah (RA): The Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) said, "It is not

When the time for a prescribed Salat is due and a Muslim performs its Wudu and its acts of

permissible for a believer to forsake his (Muslim) brother for more than three days. If three

bowing and prostration properly, this Salat will be an expiation for his past sins, so long as he does

days have passed, he should meet him and greet him; and if other responds to it they will both

not commit major sins, and this applies for ever. [Muslim]

share the reward; but if he does not respond, he will bear his sin and the one who (has taken
the initiative to) greet (the other) will be absolved of the sin of forsaking (one's brother in

Prayed all 5 obligatory prayers
Prayed Salat-ul Duha
Prayed Taraweeh Prayers
Completed 1 Juz of the Quran
Memorised hadith of the Day

Sunnah on waking up from sleep

The Prophet Muhammed (Peace be upon him) would,

Practiced sunnah of the day

Learnt Names of Allah




on awakening, rub His face and eyes with the palms of

His hands, in order to remove the effects of sleep.
If you know of anyone who is sick, even if you do
not know their family well then visit them and give
them your peace.

Prayed all 5 obligatory prayers

Prayed Salat-ul Duha
Prayed Taraweeh Prayers
Completed 1 Juz of the Quran

Memorised dua of the Day

Performed deed of the day

Faith). [Abu Dawud]

Memorised hadith of the Day

Rabbanainnana amanna faghfir lana thunoobanawaqina AAathaba annar

Our Lord, indeed we have believed, so forgive us our
sins and protect us from the punishment of the Fire.

Memorised dua of the Day

Performed deed of the day

The Sunnah when putting on or

removing clothes
Start by the right side upon wearing clothes. The
Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: (If you wear clothes
start with the right side) narrated by At-Termithi, Abu
Dawood, Ibn Majah, and it is authentic.
Upon taking off the clothes, start with the left side then
the right.
Motivate someone to achieve their dreams and let
them know youll always be there for them.

Practiced sunnah of the day

Learnt Names of Allah

Subhaanal-laahi wa bihamdihi, Subhaanal-laahil-'Adheem

Al-Bari - The Evolver, and The Maker

Al-Musawwir - The Fashioner

Al-Ghaffaar - The Forgiver


Glorified is Allah and praised is He. Glorified is Allah, the

Most Great.
Al-Wahhaab - The Bestower

Al-Qahhaar - The Subduer,

and The Dominant

Al-Razzaaq - The Sustainer,

The Provider





Hadith of the Day: Sneezing

Hadith of the Day: Allahs Blessings

Reported by Abu Hurairah (RA): The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: "When one of you

Reported by Mu`awiyah (RA): The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, When Allah

sneezes, he should say 'Alhamdulillah" (praise be to Allah), and his brother or his companion

wishes good for someone, He bestows upon him the understanding of Deen. [Bukhari & Muslim]

should say to him: 'Yarhamuk- Allah (may Allah have mercy on you). When he says this he should
reply: 'Yahdikumullh was yuslihu balakum (may Allah guide you and render sound your state of


affairs). [Bukhari]

Prayed all 5 obligatory prayers

Prayed all 5 obligatory prayers
Prayed Salat-ul Duha
Prayed Taraweeh Prayers
Completed 1 Juz of the Quran
Memorised hadith of the Day

Sunnah acts when entering or leaving

your house

Prayed Salat-ul Duha

Dua on entering a house O Allah I ask you the best

Prayed Taraweeh Prayers

out of entrance and the best out of exit, I enter in the

name of Allah and exit in the name of Allah, I put my
trust in Allah) then salute his family (Abu Dawood)
On leaving a house, the dua is in the name of Allah,
I put my trust in Allah, Whatever Allah wishes will be.
There is no strength except from Allah. (Trimidhi &
Abu Dawood)

Memorised dua of the Day

Smiling is contagious and is an act of charity. Pick

Practiced sunnah of the day

you encounter.

today to be your smiling day and smile at everyone

Learnt Names of Allah

Subhaanallaahi, walhamdu lillaahi, wa laa 'ilaaha


Glory is to Allah, and praise is to Allah, and there is

none worthy of worship but Allah, and Allah is the
Most Great.


for fasting after Ramadan is the month of Muharram,

and the best prayer after performing obligatory ones
is the night prayer. (Muslim)

Completed 1 Juz of the Quran

Memorised hadith of the Day
Memorised dua of the Day

Put together a basket of treats for someone for

Iftar. This may be someone who has suffered
hardship recently.

Performed deed of the day

Subhaanallaahil-'Adheemi wa bihamdihi.
Learnt Names of Allah





The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: The best time

Practiced sunnah of the day

Performed deed of the day


The Sunnah of praying at night

(Tahajjud Prayers)

'illallaahu, wallaahu 'Akbar.

Al-Fattaah - The Opener, The

Reliever, and The Judge


Glorified is Allah the Most Great and praised is He.

(Every time you recite this you will have a date palm
planted for you in Paradise).

Al-Qaabid - The Constricter, The

Retainer, and The Withholder

Al-Baasit - The Expander, and

The Englarger

Al-Khaafid - The Abaser

Al-Aleem - The All-knowing, and

The Knowledgeable





Hadith of the Day: About Suspicion

Hadith of the Day: Giving Charity

Reported by Abu Hurairah (RA): The Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) said: Beware of

Reported by Abu Musa Al-Ash`ari (RA): The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said, Giving in charity

suspicion, for suspicion is the worst of false tales. And do not count others faults, do not spy, do

is an obligation upon every Muslim. It was said (to him): What about one who does not find (the

not be envious of one another, do not desert (cut your relation) with one another, and do not hate

means) to do so? He (Peace be upon him) said, Let him work with his hands, thus doing benefit

one another. And be brothers (as Allah has ordered you!). (Bukhari and Muslim)

to himself and give in charity. It was said to him: What if he does not have (the means) to do
so? He (Peace be upon him) said, Then let him assist the needy, the aggrieved. It was said:

Prayed all 5 obligatory prayers

The Sunnah in going to the bathroom

What about if he cannot even do this? He (Peace be upon him) said, Then he should enjoin

Enter with the left leg and exit with the right one.

He should then abstain from evil, for verily, that is a charity from him. [Bukhari and Muslim]

good. He was asked: What if he cannot do that? He (the Prophet (Peace be upon him)) said,

Before entering recite the Duaa: I take refuge

Prayed Salat-ul Duha
Prayed Taraweeh Prayers
Completed 1 Juz of the Quran

with Allah from all the jinn (males and females)


(agreed upon)
On Exiting recite the Duaa: O Allah bless us
with forgiveness

Prayed all 5 obligatory prayers

Whenever the Prophet (Peace be upon him) lay down

Prayed Salat-ul Duha

for Salat then he would lie down on his right side and

Memorised hadith of the Day

Memorised dua of the Day

Meet up with an old friend and build a relationship

up with them again.

Performing wudu before sleeping

Prayed Taraweeh Prayers

Completed 1 Juz of the Quran

Performed deed of the day

Memorised hadith of the Day

for sleep at night, he would perform Wudu' as you do

place his right hand under his right cheek.
Create a thank you video for all your friends who
have been there for you.

Practiced sunnah of the day

Learnt Names of Allah



Rabbana faghfirlana thunoobana wakaffir AAannasayyi-atina watawaffana maAAa al-abrar

Our Lord, so forgive us our sins and remove from us
our misdeeds and cause us to die with the righteous.

Performed deed of the day

Practiced sunnah of the day
Learnt Names of Allah


Ar-Raafi - The Exalter, and

The Elevator


Al-Muiz - The Honorer

Al-Muthil - The Dishonorer, and
The Humiliator


Memorised dua of the Day



Rabbi ighfir warhamwaanta khayru arrahimeen

My Lord, forgive and have mercy, and You are the best
of the merciful.
As-Samee - The All-Hearing, and
The Hearer

Al-Baseer - The All-Seeing

Al-Hakam - The Judge






Use this page to re-lect on how your Ramadan is going so far and what you can do to make

Quote: And in sujood you will find what you have lost

your Ramadan better!

Take a moment to re-lect on how you feel.


My Best Deed/ Action So Far

What have I learned


Astaghfirullaha rabbi min kulli zhambin wa atoobu ilayh

O Allah! I seek forgiveness from all my sins, and I turn towards You
in repentance.

How close do I feel to my Lord

What am I going to carry on in the next 10 days

What can I do to make my Ramadan better?




Hadith of the Day: Prayers

Hadith of the Day: About Eating

Reported by Abu Hurairah (RA): I heard the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) saying,
When the Iqamah are pronounced, do not come to it running, you should walk calmly with
tranquility to join the congregation. Then join in what you catch for and complete what you miss.
[Bukhari & Muslim]

Prayed all 5 obligatory prayers
Prayed Salat-ul Duha

Our religion is beautiful as it encompasses everything

from how one dress to how one sleeps. When you
know why you do what you do, when someone
initiates a conversation you can explain.
Donate all your old unwanted clothes to a charity.

Performed deed of the day

Learnt Dawah Dose of the Day



finished the food [Muslim]

Prayed all 5 obligatory prayers
Prayed Salat-ul Duha
Prayed Taraweeh Prayers
Completed 1 Juz of the Quran

Memorised dua of the Day

La ilaha illa anta subhanaka inneekuntu mina

There is no deity except You; exalted are You. Indeed,
I have been of the wrongdoers.

Learnt Names of Allah


fingers (i.e., the thumb, the index finger and the middle finger) and licking them after having

Learn to improve your character. As a Muslim,

you are a representative of Islam and how you conduct
yourself on a day to day will make all the difference.
Learn from the best of examples Muhammad S.A.W.
Help your parents out with the housework by
cooking, cleaning and general household work.

Memorised hadith of the Day

Memorised hadith of the Day

Memorised dua of the Day

Reported by Ka`b bin Malik (RA): I saw Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) eating with three

Understand, practice and live Islam in your daily life.

Prayed Taraweeh Prayers

Completed 1 Juz of the Quran


Al-Adl - The Just

Al-Lateef - The Subtle One, and

The Gracious

Performed deed of the day

Learnt Dawah Dose of the Day
Learnt Names of Allah



Al-Khabeer - The Aware

Al-Haleem - The Forebearing, and

The Clement


Rabbana la tuzigh quloobanabaAAda ith hadaytana

wahab lana min ladunkarahmatan innaka anta alwahhab
Our Lord, let not our hearts deviate after You have
guidedus and grant us from Yourself mercy. Indeed,
You are the Bestower.

Al-Azeem - The Great One, and

The Mighty
Al-Ghafoor - The All-Forgiving, and
The Forgiving
Ash-Shakoor - The Grateful, and
The Appreciative

Al-Aliyy - The Most High, and

The Sublime




Hadith of the Day: Fajr Prayers

Hadith of the Day: What counts

Reported by `Aishah (RA): The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said, The two Rak`ah before the

Reported by Abu Hurairah (RA): The Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) said: Allah does not

dawn (Fajr) prayer are better than this world and all it contains. [Muslim]

Prayed all 5 obligatory prayers
Prayed Salat-ul Duha
Prayed Taraweeh Prayers
Completed 1 Juz of the Quran

Muslim friends. It is a very powerful book and has the

ability to touch hearts in ways we cannot even begin
to understand
Write a letter to your mother or guardian thanking
them for all their efforts.

Learnt Names of Allah

Rabbizidnee AAilma
My Lord, increase me in knowledge.
Al-Kabeer - The Most Great, and
The Great


Islam in a logical and simple way. The intent is to show

Prayed Salat-ul Duha

Prayed Taraweeh Prayers
Completed 1 Juz of the Quran

Islam) who has the skills to explain the fundamentals of

how beautiful Islam is.
Set up a small Islamic circle for a few hours with
your friends.

Rabbiibni lee AAindaka baytan fee aljannati

Performed deed of the day


Al-Muqeet - The Maintainer, and

The Guardian

Al-Haseeb - The Reckoner

My Lord, build for me near You a house in Paradise.

Learnt Dawah Dose of the Day

Learnt Names of Allah

Al-Hafeez - The Preserver, and
The Protector


Prayed all 5 obligatory prayers

Memorised dua of the Day



Share a book or cd of an experienced Daee (caller to

Memorised hadith of the Day

Memorised dua of the Day

Learnt Dawah Dose of the Day


Offer a translated copy of the Quran to your non-

Memorised hadith of the Day

Performed deed of the day

look at your physiques and wealth, but He looks at your hearts and deeds. [Muslim]


Aj-Jaleel - The Sublime One, and

The Beneficent

Al-Kareem - The Generous One, The

Bountiful, and The Gracious


Ar-Raqeeb - The Watcher, and

The Watchful


Al-Mujeeb - The Responsive, and

The Hearkener




Hadith of the Day: About Friday

Hadith of the Day: About Friday

Reported by Abu Hurairah (RA): The Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) said, The best day

Reported by Salman Al-Farisi (RA): Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) said, If a man takes

on which the sun has risen is Friday. On that day Adam was created, he was admitted to Jannah,

a bath on Friday, purifies himself thoroughly, uses oil and perfume which is available in the house,

and he was expelled therefrom. [Muslim]

sets forth for the mosque, does not (forcibly) sit between two persons, offers the prayer that is
prescribed for him and listens to the Imam silently, his sins between this Friday and the previous


Share a booklet that contains question and answers on

Friday will be forgiven. [Bukhari]

Islam which can be obtained from Islamic Centers.

Prayed all 5 obligatory prayers

Prayed Salat-ul Duha

depths of the night.

Prayed Taraweeh Prayers

Memorised dua of the Day

Our Lord, pour upon us patience and let us die as

Muslims [in submission to You].

Learnt Dawah Dose of the Day

Learnt Names of Allah

Al-Wasi - The Vast, The AllEmbracing, and The Knowledgeable


Al-Wadood - The Loving


Al-Hakeem - The Wise, and The

Judge of Judges



Prayed all 5 obligatory prayers

a text or email to those close to you in your life. You

Prayed Taraweeh Prayers

Rabbana afrigh AAalaynasabran watawaffana


Performed deed of the day

Share beneficial knowledge on social media. A short

Prayed Salat-ul Duha

Completed 1 Juz of the Quran

Memorised hadith of the Day


Do dua for all those who are close to you in the

Al-Majeed - The Most

Glorious One

Completed 1 Juz of the Quran

Memorised hadith of the Day
Memorised dua of the Day

quote, book or review of a class shared as a status,

never know its impact.
Sitting after Fajr remembering Allah until sunrise:
Whoever prays Fajr in congregation, then sits
remembering Allah until sunrise, then prays 2
rakats of salat has a complete reward of (Nafil) Hajj
and Umrah.

Performed deed of the day

Learnt Dawah Dose of the Day
Learnt Names of Allah

Rabbiinnee lima anzalta ilayya min khayrin faqeer

My Lord, indeed I am, for whatever good You would
send down to me, in need.



Al-Baith - The Reserrector, and The

Raiser (from death)

Ash-Shaheed - The Witness

Al-Haqq - The Truth, The True, The

One who truly exists

Al-Wakeel - The Trustee





Hadith of the Day: Eating

Hadith of the Day: Hoarding vs Spending

Reported by Umaiyyah bin Makhshi (RA): Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) was sitting

Reported by Abu Umamah (RA): Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) said, O son of Adam, if

while a man was eating food. That man did not mention the Name of Allah (before commencing

you spend the surplus, it will be better for you; and if you retain it, it will be evil for you. You will

to eat) till only a morsel of food was left. When he raised it to his mouth, he said: Bismillah

not be reprimanded for storing what is enough for your need. First of all spend upon those who

awwalahu wa akhirahu (With the Name of Allah, in the beginning and in the end). Messenger of

are your dependents. [Tirmidhi]

Allah (Peace be upon him) smiled at this and said, Satan had been eating with him but
when he mentioned the Name of Allah, Satan vomited all that was in his stomach. [Abu Dawud


Ensure that you are praying your prayers on time at

Prayed all 5 obligatory prayers

that it is important. They will respect your decision.

& An-Nasai]

Prayed all 5 obligatory prayers
Prayed Salat-ul Duha
Prayed Taraweeh Prayers

Invite non-muslims to join a lecture or conference

where they can have the opportunity to learn
about Islam.
Asking Allah to forgive ALL Muslims.Whoever
seeks forgiveness for beleiving men and believing

Prayed Salat-ul Duha

Prayed Taraweeh Prayers

meet today.

Memorised hadith of the Day

allaahumma bika amsaynaa wa bika asbahnaa, wabika

Memorised dua of the Day

nahyaa wa bika namootu wa ilaykal-maseer

Memorised hadith of the Day

Performed deed of the day

Memorised dua of the Day

Learnt Dawah Dose of the Day

O Allah, by Your leave we have reached the evening

and by Your leave we have reached the morning, by
Your leave we live and die and unto You is our return.

Performed deed of the day

Learnt Dawah Dose of the Day
Learnt Names of Allah



Be extra complimentary to every single person you

Completed 1 Juz of the Quran

woman, Allah will write for him a good deed for

Completed 1 Juz of the Quran

work/class. Make it a priority and show those around

each believing man and believing woman.

laa ilaaha ill-allaahu wahdahu laa shareeka lah,

Learnt Names of Allah

lahul-mulku wa lahul-hamd, wa huwa alaa kulli

shayin qadeer
None has the right to be worshipped except Allah,
alone, without partner. To Him belongs all sovereignty
and praise and He is over all things omnipotent.

Al-Qawiyy - The Most Strong, and

The Strong.

Al-Hameed - The Praiseworthy



Al-Muhsee - The Counter, and

The Reckoner

Al-Mubdi - The Originator

Al-Mueed - The Reproducer

Al-Mateen - The Firm One

Al-Waliyy - The Protecting Friend,

The Supporter




Hadith of the Day: About Anger

Hadith of the Day: Simplicity in Faith

Reported by Abu Hurairah (RA): A man asked the Prophet (Peace be upon him) to give him advice,

Reported by Abu Umamah bin Tha`labah (RA): The Companions of Messenger of Allah (Peace be

and he (Peace be upon him) said, Do not get angry. The man repeated that several times and he

upon him) mentioned the life of the world before him. He (Peace be upon him) said, Do you not

(Peace be upon him) replied (every time), Do not get angry. [Bukhari]

hear? Do you not hear? Simplicity (in life) is part of Faith, simplicity is part of Faith.
[Abu Dawud]

Prayed all 5 obligatory prayers
Prayed Salat-ul Duha

Engage yourself in Charity work. Participate in doing

volunteer work in mainstream organizations such
initiatives and so on. It is a noble cause that helps
remove misconceptions about Islam

Prayed Taraweeh Prayers

Completed 1 Juz of the Quran

Bake a cake for Iftar for the Mosque or for

Learnt Names of Allah

Prayed Salat-ul Duha

Prayed Taraweeh Prayers
Completed 1 Juz of the Quran

allaahumma baarik lanaa feehi wa atimnaa

khayran minh


an Islamic occasion. This creates an opportunity

for Dawah.
Send a message out to all your contacts sharing a
good Islamic video, quote or image to inspire them
in Ramadan.

Whomever Allah feeds, should say: O Allah, bless it

for us and feed us better than it.

Memorised dua of the Day

Performed deed of the day
Learnt Dawah Dose of the Day
Learnt Names of Allah


At work/class, you can bring food to share during

Memorised hadith of the Day

Memorised dua of the Day

Learnt Dawah Dose of the Day

Prayed all 5 obligatory prayers

your home.

Memorised hadith of the Day

Performed deed of the day


as animal shelters, elderly centers, environmental

Al-Muhyi - The Restorer, and The

Giver of Life

Al-Mumeet - The Creator of Death,

and The Destroyer

Al-Hayy - The Alive

Al-Qayyoom - The Self-Subsisting



Allaa-humma in-ni aoodhu bi-ka mi-nal-joo, fa-in-nahu bisal-dajee, wa aoodhu bik-ka mi-nal-khi-yaanah,
fa-in-naha bisa-til-bitaanah
O Allah, I seek refuge with You from hunger, for it is
the worst bedfellow. And I seek refuge in You from
treachery, for it is the worst of associates.

Al-Waajid - The Perceiver, and

The Finder

Al-Waahid - The Unique, The One,

and The One without a partner

Al-Ahad - The One

As-Samad - The Eternal, and

The Independent



Use this page to re-lect on how your Ramadan is going so far and what you can do to make
your Ramadan better!


Quote: A Muslim always lives in hope

Take a moment to re-lect on how you feel.

My Best Deed/ Action So Far


Allahumma Ajirna min-an-naar.

"O Allah! Save me from the fire.

What have I learned

How close do I feel to my Lord

What am I going to carry on in the next 10 days

What can I do to make my Ramadan better?




How do you feel?


Can you please just make this page how you think is best. Essentially this is
a page to fill out before you start Ramadan which details how you feel about
yourself, your heart, your state of mind etc.

Preparing for The Night of Power: Laylat al-Qadr

Allahs Messenger (Peace be upon him) used to practice Itikaaf in the last ten nights and
would say: Seek out Lailatul-Qadr in the (odd nights) of the last ten days of Ramadhan.
[Bukhari, Muslim]
Verily! We have sent it (Quran) down in the Night of Decree (Lailatul-Qadr). And what will make
you know what the Night of Decree is? The Night of Decree is better than a thousand months.
Therein descend the angels and the Rooh (i.e. Gabriel) by Allaahs Permission with all Decrees,
Peace! Until the appearance of dawn. (Al-Qadr 97: 1-5)

Points to Consider in the Worship Plan

Any good act such

as charity during
Laylatul Qadr is
rewarded like you
have done it for
over 83 years

4) Give charity: Any good act such as charity during Laylatul

Qadr is rewarded like you have done it for over 83 years
5) Complete all tasks beforehand: This way, we are free
to worship during the 10 nights without being distracted by
worldly tasks.
6) No time wasting: There will be indeed an utter loss and
regret for those of us who waste these blessed 10 nights.
7) Making life changes: We should make the necessary
changes to improve ourselves as Muslims and what better time
to make such changes than during these blessed 10 nights
where we can change our lives forever.

1) Remain in Itikaf: The best way of catching the blessed

night is to remain in Itikaf, which both men and women can
do. If you cant manage 10 nights then do as many as you can!
2) Worship throughout all the 10 nights: As Ramadan can
be 29 or 30 days Laylat al-Qadr can be any of the last 10 nights
in Ramadan.
3) Best dua of the last 10 nights: Allahumma innaka
afuwwun, tuhibbul-afwa, fafu anni (O Allah, You
are Most Forgiving, and You love forgiveness; so forgive
me). [At-Tirmidhi].



How do you feel?


Can you please just make this page how you think is best. Essentially this is
a page to fill out before you start Ramadan which details how you feel about
yourself, your heart, your state of mind etc.


Hadith of the Day: About Surah Al-Ikhlas

Hadith of the Day: About Akhirah

Reported by Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri (RA): A man heard another reciting Surat Al-Ikhlas repeatedly.

Reported by `Adi bin Hatim (RA): Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) said, Everyone of you

The next morning he came to the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) and informed

will speak to his Rubb without an interpreter between them. He will look to his right side and will

him about it as if he considered it to be of little reward. On that the Messenger of Allah (Peace

see only the deeds he had previously done; he will look to his left and will see only the deeds he

be upon him) said, By Him in Whose Hand my soul is, this Surah is equal to one-third of

had previously done, and he will look in front of him and will see nothing but Fire (of Hell) before

the Quran. [Al-Bukhari]

his face. So protect yourselves from Fire (of Hell), even by giving half a date-fruit (in charity).
[Bukhari and Muslim]

Prayed all 5 obligatory prayers
Prayed Salat-ul Duha
Prayed Taraweeh Prayers
Completed 1 Juz of the Quran
Memorised hadith of the Day

When a heart loves, its love is in the way of Allah. If

it detests, it detests in the light of what He detests.
it withholds for Allah. This is the type of heart all
from this journey called life.
Send out handwritten Eid cards to your closest
friends and family.



Prayed all 5 obligatory prayers

impulses are its impetus. It is immersed in its concern

Prayed Salat-ul Duha

Its lust is its guide. Its ignorance is its leader. Its crude
with worldly objectives. It is drunk with its own fancies
and its love for hasty, fleeting pleasures.

Prayed Taraweeh Prayers

Completed 1 Juz of the Quran

Be a charity warrior for the day! Go out into the

public and help as many people as you can!

Memorised hadith of the Day

Memorised dua of the Day

Performed deed of the day

Learnt Names of Allah

The Dead Heart is the opposite of the healthy heart.

believers should strive to have before they depart

Memorised dua of the Day

Learnt Purification Tip


When it gives, it gives for Allah. If it withholds ,

allaahumma rahmataka arjoo, fa laa takilnee ilaa

nafsee tarfata aynin, wa aslih lee shanee kullahu, laa

Performed deed of the day

Allaahumma aati nafsee taq-waaha wa zak-kiha anta

ilaaha illaa ant

Learnt Purification Tip

khairu man zak-kaaha anta wali-yuha wa maw-laaha

O Allah, it is Your mercy that I hope for, so do not

leave me in charge of my affairs even for a blink of an
eye and rectify for me all of my affairs. None has the
right to be worshipped except You.

Learnt Names of Allah

O Allah, give my soul piety and purify it, for indeed

You are the best of those who can purify it, You are it's
Guardian and Master.

Al-Qaadir - The Able, The Capable,

and The One attributed with Power
Al-Muqtadir - The Powerful, and
The Dominant



Al-Muqaddim - The Expediter, and

The Promoter


Al-Muakh-khir - The Delayer,

and the Retarder

Al-Awwal - The First





Hadith of the Day: About Women

Hadith of the Day: About Fine Acts

Reported by Abu Hurairah (RA): The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said, A woman is married for

Reported by `Abdullah bin `Umar (RA): The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said, The finest act of

four things: for her wealth, for her lineage, for her beauty or for her piety. Select the pious, may

goodness is that a person should treat kindly the loved ones of his father. [Muslim]

you be blessed! [Bukhari & Muslim]

Prayed all 5 obligatory prayers
Prayed Salat-ul Duha
Prayed Taraweeh Prayers
Completed 1 Juz of the Quran
Memorised hadith of the Day
Memorised dua of the Day
Performed deed of the day


The Sick Heart is the most common amongst us; it is

the heart with life in it as well as illness. The former
sustains it at one moment, the latter at another,
and it follows whichever one of the two manages
to dominate it. It has love for Allah, faith in Him,
sincerity towards Him, and reliance upon Him, and
these are what give it life. It also has a craving for
lust and pleasure, and prefers them and strives to
experience them.

Prayed all 5 obligatory prayers

Prayed Salat-ul Duha

Completed 1 Juz of the Quran



coveting and miserliness. The two greatest enemies

of a human being are the Shaytaan and their
own desires.
Offer to help prepare for Taraweeh prayers by
cleaning the Masjid or your own home.

Memorised hadith of the Day

Memorised dua of the Day

Purchase a bunch of flowers for someone


Performed deed of the day

Learnt Purification Tip
Learnt Names of Allah


anger, backbiting, envy, lying, ostentation, hatred,

Prayed Taraweeh Prayers

Learnt Purification Tip

Learnt Names of Allah

The eight diseases, which can stain the heart, are

allaahumma innee aoodhu bika mi-nal-ajzi wal-kasal,

wal-jubn wal-bukhl, wal haram wa adhaabil-qabr
O Allah, I seek refuge with You from weakness, and
laziness, cowardice and miserliness, old and infirm
age, and the torment of the grave.
Al-Akhir - The Last, The One whose
Existence is without an end



Allaahumma in-ni aoodhu bika min ilmin laa yanfa,

wa min qalbin laa yakh-sha, wa min naf-sin laa tashba, wa min duwat-in laa yustajaabu laha
O Allah, I seek refuge with You from knowledge that
does not benefit, from a heart that does not get humbled [to Allah], from a soul which is never satisfied and
from a supplication which does not get answered.

Al-Walee - The Governor

Al-Mutaali - The Most Exalted, and

The High Exalted

Az-Zaahir - The Manifest

Al-Barr - The Source of All Goodness,

and The Righteous

Al-Baatin - The Hidden

At-Tawwaab - The Acceptor of

Repentance, and The Relenting




Hadith of the Day: About Repentance

Hadith of the Day: About Arrogance

Reported by Abu Musa (RA): The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said, Allah, the Exalted, stretches

Reported by Abu Hurairah (RA): Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, "While a man

His Hand during the night so that those who commit sins by day may repent, and He stretches His

was walking, dressed in clothes admiring himself, his hair combed, walking haughtily when Allah

Hand in the day so that those who commit sins by night may repent. He keeps doing so until the

caused the earth to swallow him. Now he will continue to go down in it (as a punishment) until the

sun rises from the West. [Muslim]

Day of Resurrection."[Muslim]

Prayed all 5 obligatory prayers
Prayed Salat-ul Duha
Prayed Taraweeh Prayers
Completed 1 Juz of the Quran
Memorised hadith of the Day

The first thing one must do in order to remove the


Just like our physical muscles, our spiritual muscles

Prayed all 5 obligatory prayers

strengthened. If you are struggling to keep up with

eight diseases is sincere repentance. List all of the

main sins you aim to eliminate in the future and
ask forgiveness for those sins specifically, the more
specific, the more aware you will be in the future. Allah
loves those who constantly repent.
Help to raise money for your favourite charity by
advertising on social media.

Prayed Salat-ul Duha

Prayed Taraweeh Prayers
Completed 1 Juz of the Quran
Memorised hadith of the Day

Memorised dua of the Day

Memorised dua of the Day

Performed deed of the day

Performed deed of the day

Learnt Purification Tip

Learnt Names of Allah



Allaahumma inni aoodhu bi-ka minal-faqr, wal-qillah, wal-dhil-lah, wa aoodhu bi-ka min an azlima aw
au uzlam

need to undergo regular training in order to be

the prayers, look at the spiritual causes that might
be hindering your access to this blessing. Are your
constantly engaged in sins for which you feel no guilt
or remorse? What type of people are you surrounded
by? Do you sleep in a state of ritual purity to facilitate
waking up for Fajr? Are the intentions behind your
acts sincere?
Send someone you love a bunch of flowers with an
Islamic reminder on the card.

Learnt Purification Tip

Learnt Names of Allah

O Allah, I seek refuge in You from absolute poverty,

paucity, humiliation, and I seek refuge in You from
oppressing or being oppressed.
Al-Muntaqim - The Avenger

Al-Afuww - The Pardoner, and

The Forgiver



Alhamdu lillaahil-lathee kasaanee haathaa

(aththawba) wa razaqaneehi min ghayri hawlim-minnee
wa laa quwwatin
Praise is to Allah, Who has clothed me with this (garment) and provided it for me, though I was powerless
myself and incapable.

Malik Al-Mulk - The Eternal Owner

of Sovereignty

Ar-Rauf - The Compassionate

Thul-Jalali wal-Ikram - The Lord of
Majesty and Bounty





Hadith of the Day: About Goodwill

Hadith of the Day: About Dhikr

Reported by Anas (RA): The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "Make things easy and do not

Reported by Abu Hurairah (RA): The Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) said: There are two

make them difficult, cheer the people up by conveying glad tidings to them and do not repulse

expressions which are very easy for the tongue to say, but they are very heavy in the Balance

(them).'' [Bukhari & Muslim]

and are very dear to the Most Beneficent (Allah) and they are: Subhan Allahi wabihamdihi and
Subhan Allahil Azim (i.e. Glorified is Allah and all praise is due to Him, Glorified is Allah, the All-

Prayed all 5 obligatory prayers
Prayed Salat-ul Duha

Read the Quran daily whether it is a few pages, or a

how often you do it. Make it a routine to read that
is usually the best time to do so.
Pass on all your old unwanted books to
someone else.

Memorised hadith of the Day

Hasbunallaahu wa ni'amal-wakeel.
Performed deed of the day

Allah is sufficient for us and the best of those on

whom to depend.

Learnt Names of Allah


Al-Muqsit - The Equitable, The One

who is Just in His judgment


Aj-Jaami - The Gatherer


Al-Ghaniyy - The Self-Sufficient, The

One who does not need the creation


Prayed all 5 obligatory prayers

Prayed Salat-ul Duha
Prayed Taraweeh Prayers
Completed 1 Juz of the Quran

Memorised dua of the Day

Learnt Purification Tip


amount after one of the obligatory prayersafter Fajr

Prayed Taraweeh Prayers

Completed 1 Juz of the Quran

Great). [Bukhari and Muslim]

whole juz. The importance isnt how much you do but

Al-Mughni - The Enricher

Memorised hadith of the Day

during the night, supplication, meditation, and

contemplation, as well as reading and studying the
Holy Qur'an and the Traditions of the Prophet (Peace
be upon him). Dhikr increases faith, enlightens our
inner-selves, brings people closer to Allah, and yields
tranquillity and joy in the heart.
Buy a bag of good groceries high-quality coffee,
whole-grain pasta, a box of decadent cookies or

Memorised dua of the Day

Performed deed of the day

other treats youd normally buy for yourself and

donate it to your local food bank or shelter.

Learnt Purification Tip

Learnt Names of Allah




There are many more forms of Dhikr: prayers

Innaa lillaahi wa 'innaa 'ilayhi raaji'oon, Allaahumma'-jurni fee museebatee wa 'akhliflee khayran minhaa
We are from Allah and unto Him we return. O Allah,
take me out of my plight and bring to me after it
something better.
Al-Maani - The Preventer, and
The Withholder
Ad-Daarr - The Distresser
An-Nafi - The Propitious

An-Noor - The Light, and The

One who guides




Hadith of the Day: About Dua

Hadith of the Day: About visiting the sick

Reported by Anas bin Malik (RA): The Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) used to say: O

Reported by Thauban (RA): The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: When a Muslim visits his sick

Allah! I seek refuge with You from helplessness, laziness, cowardice, old age and miserliness. I seek

brother, he is as if he were there in the Jannah as much as his visit lasts. [Muslim]

refuge with You from the punishment of the grave, and seek refuge with You from fitnah (trials or
afflictions etc.) of life and death. [Bukhari and Muslim]

Prayed all 5 obligatory prayers
Prayed Salat-ul Duha
Prayed Taraweeh Prayers
Completed 1 Juz of the Quran
Memorised hadith of the Day

When we exalt Allah and ask for our sins to be

forgiven, this removes arrogance from our hearts and
makes us humble. When we pray for Allah to guide
others, this removes malice and hatred from our hearts
ritual prayer is meant to prevent us from committing
sins and immoral deeds. When we remember the
Hereafter and the Day of Resurrection, this makes
us less attached to the world and more inclined to
help others.
Buy a small bottle of nice perfume (Attar)
for someone.

Learnt Purification Tip

and say:

Prayed Taraweeh Prayers

Completed 1 Juz of the Quran


AAoothu biAllahi an akoona mina aljahileen

I seek refuge in Allah from being among the ignorant.

Memorised hadith of the Day

Memorised dua of the Day
Performed deed of the day
Learnt Purification Tip
Learnt Names of Allah


(3 times) 2) Then say:


(7 times) 1) Bismillaah (three times)


2) 'A'oothu billaahi wa qudratihi min sharri maa 'ajidu



wonderful he or she is.

Prayed Salat-ul Duha

1) Put your hand on the place where you feel pain

Learnt Names of Allah

Send a text to someone to let him or her know how

Prayed all 5 obligatory prayers

and makes us love others for the sake of Allah. The

Memorised dua of the Day

Performed deed of the day


Al-Baaqi - The Everlasting

Al-Waarith - The Supreme

Inheritor, and The Heir

Ar-Rasheed - The Guide to the Right

Path, and The One who guides

As-Saboor - The Patient

wa 'uhaathiru (seven times)

Al-Haadi - The Guide

Al-Badi - The Incomparable

1) With the Name of Allah (three times).

2) I seek refuge in Allah and in His Power from
the evil of what I find and of what I guard against


(seven times).






Masha Allah on completing the month of Ramadan!

Eid Ul Fitr is the day of celebration on completing Sawm in the

month of Ramadan. The festival commences on the 1st of Shawwal
when the first sight of the new moon is seen in the sky.

As we leave this blessed month, take a moment to reflect on how you feel.

We celebrate this holy festival by thanking Allah Subhanau Thala

Goals Accomplished

My Best Deed/ Action So Far



What have I learnt this Ramadan?

Eid Ul Fitr is the

day of celebration
on completing
Sawm in the month
of Ramadan.

for giving us the strength and guidance in order to pursue self

control throughout the month of Ramadan

Rejoice on the day of Eid. Make the effort to do something
interesting with your family/friends; get children involved, prepare
fun activities and exchange gifts.


Make it a day to rekindle connections. Surprise call someone you

How close do I feel to my Lord?

Eid is also a great Dawah opportunity to not only educate your


Non Muslim friends, classmates, colleagues at work about the holy

What would I want to do better next Ramadan?

Revive the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet and feel the greatness


and mercy of our Rab on this blessed day.

have not spoken to in a while and convey your Salam, or surprise

visit someone with a gift.

festival but also to gift them traditional sweets and make them feel
loved and involved a kind gesture is a beautiful act of Dawah.

What am I going to carry on after Ramadan?




The Sunnahs of Eid



The Sunnahs of Eid
1) Recite the Eid Takbeer from Maghrib of the last day of
fasting till the Eid Prayer

Allaahu Akbar Allaahu Akbar Laa ilaaha illallaah Allaahu Akbar,

Allahu Akbar, Walillaahil hamd

It is highly recommended to fast six days of the month of Shawwal, as this is a meritorious
act which results in abundant reward. However, it is not required to fast six days
continuously without any interruption. One can fast according to convenience any time
during the month.
The Prophet (Peace be upon him) is reported to have said, Whoever fasts the month of
Ramadan, and then follows it up by (fasting) six days of Shawwal, it is as though he has
fasted the whole year. (Reported by Muslim)

Allah is Great, Allah is Great, there is no God but Allah is Great,

Allah is Great, to him belongs all Praise



Day 1

Day 4

5) Make sure you clean and groom yourself to please Allah

Subhanau Thala

Day 2

Day 5

6) Eat an odd number of dates, before leaving for Eid Prayer

Day 3

Day 6

2) Take a bath
3) Wear your best clothes and adorn yourself
4) Wear perfume (for men)

7) Walk to the place of Eid Prayer

8) Pray in a Musalah/Masjid other than your regular one
9) Choose an alternative route when going back home
after Eid Prayer
10. Go early for the Eid Prayer

Remember to maintain a big smile on

your face and increase your supplications
throughout the blessed day!



How does say one say goodbye to someone they love? You will only see them once a year.
There is no guarantee that you will meet again next year. With a heavy heart and holding
back the tears as you watch them leave, you silently whisper Until next year, InshaAllah.
That my dear brothers and sisters is how we feel when we say goodbye to the blessed
month of Ramadan.
Then you are left to fend yourself for the next 11 months. A feeling of dread, emptiness
and fear starts to seep in. Questions start to swirl in your head: What now? How do you
maintain that sense of Muslimness? Will you go back to your old ways?

and reflect on one of the 99 names of Allah SWT. Pick one and
reflect on its meaning. Seek beneficial knowledge. Islam is
Knowledge based. The more you know about it, the more you will

Make yourself
accountable and
strive to be the
best you can be.

love it. The less you know about it, the more you will dwindle Mufti Menk
4) The fourth method in maintaining momentum is by doing
consistent small deeds. Narrated `Aisha: Allahs Messenger
(Peace be upon him) said, Do good deeds properly, sincerely and
moderately and know that your deeds will not make you
enter Paradise, and that the most beloved deed to Allahs is the

1) The First thing is to remember Allah SWT. He did not leave us

to struggle after in darkness after Ramadan. God is the Guardian
of those who believe. He brings them out of the darkness into the
light. (2:257). Count your blessings, start writing in a journal. This
will keep your motivation up.

most regular and constant even though it were little. Sahih alBukhari 6464
On a final note, we all have been blessed with having the ability in
making a choice. Make yourself accountable and strive to be the
best you can be. You were not the same person you were before

2) The Second action point is to have a conversation with Allah

Ramadan. Seek Allah SWT in everything you do, make dua. He

SWT outside the obligatory acts, during the day. Intentionally

knows you are trying your best. You are a Soul, a mind, a servant

allocate some alone time to reflect away from the hustle and bustle
of life. Tell him anything, He is Al-Sami`, The All hearing. Truly,

of God & your worth is defined by that soul, that heart and that
moral character - Yasmin Mogahed

Allah is All-hearing, All-Seeing (31:28)

3) Realise you are not alone. As long as you are alive are
breathing, there will be times when you will feel irritable,
frustrated and even fed up. You may even give up but during
those times the questions you need to ask yourself is this What
are my intentions? Ramadan was the opportunity given to us
to strengthen our relationship with Allah SWT. So maintain that
connection with Him. Take a proactive stance, Learn, understand





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