CIP25-Corrosion of Steel in Concrete
CIP25-Corrosion of Steel in Concrete
CIP25-Corrosion of Steel in Concrete
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CIP 25
Carbonation of concrete is another cause of steel corrosion. When concrete carbonates to the level of the
steel rebar, the normally alkaline environment, which
protects steel from corrosion, is replaced by a more
neutral environment. Under these conditions the steel
is not passive and rapid corrosion begins. The rate of
corrosion due to carbonated concrete cover is slower
than chloride-induced corrosion.
Occasionally, a lack of oxygen surrounding the steel rebar
will cause the metal to dissolve, leaving a low pH liquid.
Another ingredient for good quality concrete is air entrainment. It is necessary to protect the concrete from
freezing and thawing damage. Air entrainment also reduces bleeding and the corresponding increased permeability due to the bleed channels. Spalling and scaling can accelerate corrosion damage of the embedded
reinforcing bars. Proper scheduling of finishing operations is needed to ensure that the concrete does not scale,
spall, or crack excessively.
The correct amount of steel will help keep cracks tight.
ACI 224 helps the design engineer to minimize the formation of cracks that could be detrimental to embedded steel. In general, the maximum allowable crack
widths are 0.007 inch in deicing salt environments and
0.006 inch in marine environments.
Adequate cover over reinforcing steel is also an important factor. Chloride penetration and carbonation will
occur in the outer surface of even low permeability
concretes. Increasing the cover will delay the onset of
corrosion. For example, the time for chloride ions to
reach a steel rebar at 2 inches from the surface is four
times that with a 1 inch cover. ACI 318 recommends a
minimum of 1.5 inches of cover for most structures,
and increases it to 2 inches of cover for protection from
deicing salts. ACI 357 recommends 2.5 inches of minimum cover in marine environments. Larger aggregates
require more cover. For aggregates greater than 3/4 inch,
a rule of thumb is to add to the nominal maximum aggregate size 3/4 inch of cover for deicing salt exposure,
or 1-3/4 inch of cover for marine exposure. For example,
concrete with 1 inch aggregate in a marine exposure
should have a 2-3/4 inch minimum cover.
The concrete must be adequately consolidated and
cured. Moist curing for a minimum of seven days at
70F is needed for concrete with a 0.40 w/c ratio,
whereas six months is needed for a 0.60 w/c ratio to
obtain equivalent performance. Numerous studies show
that concrete porosity is reduced significantly with increased curing times and, correspondingly, corrosion
resistance is improved.
CIP 100/25/0060/10.0/DMSC