Cleaning Up Bunker Fuels. But at What Cost?: January 2010
Cleaning Up Bunker Fuels. But at What Cost?: January 2010
Cleaning Up Bunker Fuels. But at What Cost?: January 2010
Airlines have responded to this pressure and promised to Those vessels connected to shore power whilst alongside
cut annual carbon dioxide emissions of 650 million tonnes by (known as cold-ironing) are exempted. When cold ironing ships
50% by 2050. That amount of emitted greenhouse gas is half in berth switch to shore-side electricity in ports, and cut the
that produced by the global shipping industry so the need for need for burning MGO in port. This swap both cuts fuel costs
emissions and sulfur limiting legislation is evident within the for ships and also brings the promise of tax breaks from the EU
marine industry. as it would cut emissions significantly.
The revised Annex VI will allow for an Emission Control Area In the tanker spot market however, it is the charterers’ decision
to be designated for SOx and particulate matter, or NOx, or all to allow slow-steaming and owners must seek their approval
three types of emissions from ships, subject to a proposal from for this to take place. Nevertheless, slow-steaming had been
a party or parties to the Annex, which would be considered for cited by tanker sources as providing an ongoing relief from the
adoption by MARPOL, if supported by a demonstrated need to overcapacity in the market.
prevent, reduce and control one or all three of those emissions
With ever cleaner fuels increasingly costing high amounts,
from ships.
the practice of slow steaming will become more and more
Alongside the MARPOL legislation, the EU has also been prevalent, sources in the tanker market believe particularly if
taking steps to limit sulfur in its member states’ seas, before the low sulphur premiums seen in the past re-emerge once the
the MARPOL legislation comes into force. The first test of this global economies pick up.
tightening environmental legislation has been the recent entry
The greater expense is not of course restricted to marine fuel However while many traders and suppliers saw the buying
oil with lower sulphur distillates also being stronger. Platts patterns for distillates shift well in advance of the EU
began assessments of marine gasoil in the same port at the legislation, changes to storage had not been so successfully
beginning of this year and the current premium over marine migrated.
diesel oil shows that the cost to shippers of the switch to the
former was fuel was a premium of $20-40/mt. This of course “We have enough barges for MGO but tank storage is tight for
varies according to market conditions and in spite of tankers the moment in all parts of Hamburg, so we will see what comes
storing huge quantities of gasoil off the coasts of Europe. up in the next few weeks and months. We need storage tanks
Admittedly however, this gasoil needs to be blended to marine and this will be a problem, because for now we have a lot of
specifications. tanks for fuel or MDO but not for MGO. So we have to clean
tanks etc, [and to] clean a tank etc. costs a lot of money,” a
Another implication, with particular regard to the January source in Hamburg commented.
legislation is enforcement. The legislation itself states that fuel
changeovers must be recorded in ships’ logbooks a process As the new legislation comes into force and sulfur levels
which many sources have questioned and only time will tell are cut further and further, the bunker industry and ship
how this method of self regulation is successful. owners are already looking at their options to meet the new
requirements. However the biggest concern is what the
As EU ports have realized that ships distillate use will move increased pricing will do to the balance sheets of an industry
entirely from marine diesel oil to marine gasoil due to the sulfur already suffering from the global economic downturn and in
cap, they saw demand for diesel fall away from the middle of many sectors a heavy order-book.
The price of ship fuel is going to become and an ever more
Although some traders feel that the better supplied gasoil important consideration.
market may actually lead to prices for gasoil coming down.
“More demand will gain influence of the price, but I do not
think the prices will go massively up, because on the MGO side
we have a lot more [supply] competition,” one trader said.
Source: Platts
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