Waterflooding Surveillance and Monitoring: Putting Principles Into Practice
Waterflooding Surveillance and Monitoring: Putting Principles Into Practice
Waterflooding Surveillance and Monitoring: Putting Principles Into Practice
This paper illustrates how practical application of surveillance and
monitoring principles is a key to understanding reservoir performance and identifying opportunities that will improve ultimate oil
recovery. Implementation of various principles recommended by
industry experts is presented using examples from fields currently
in production.
Practices in processing valuable information and analyzing data
from different perspectives are presented in a methodical way on
the following bases: field, block, pattern, and wells. A novel diagnostic plot is presented to assess well performance and identify
problem wells for the field.
Results from the application of these practices in a pilot area
are shared, indicating that the nominal decline rate improved from
33 to 18% per year without any infill drilling. The change in the
decline rate is attributed primarily to effective waterflood management with a methodical approach, employing an integrated multifunctional team.
Although the suggested techniques can be applied to any oil
field undergoing a waterflood, they are of great value to mature
waterfloods that involve significant production history. In these
cases, prioritization is a key aspect to maintain focus on the opportunities that will add the most value during the final period of
the depletion cycle. Case studies illustrating the best surveillance
practices are discussed.
Surveillance and monitoring techniques were first discussed in
SPE literature in the early 1960s (Kunkel and Bagley 1965). Since
then, several highly recognized authors have published related
materials (Thakur 1991; Thakur and Satter 1998; Talash 1988;
Gulick and McCain 1998; Baker 1997, 1998; SPE Reprint 2003).
Industry experts recommend the following valuable principles:
The key ingredients of any surveillance program are planning
and accurate data collection.
To understand reservoir flows and reduce nonuniqueness
in interpretations, it is crucial to implement a multilevel surveillance effort.
A single technique in isolation is not generally indicative
because different parameters can cause similar plot signatures.
Controlled waterflooding through the use of pattern balancing requires time and technical effortsengineering and geologicalduring the life of the project.
Valuable insights into the performance of the waterflood can
be gained from individual-well plots such as Hall plots.
Surveillance techniques should always be a precursor to indepth studies, including numerical simulation.
A process to consistently evaluate the performance of a reservoirfrom field to block to pattern to well levelis discussed
with the help of real-life examples. Type plots and maps are used
to identify opportunities and promote team discussions to effectively manage a reservoir undergoing waterflood. Production history and basic reservoir characterization serve as primary input
variables for the recommended analysis.
Fig. 1 shows El Trapial field, where a direct relationship between VRR and oil-production rate is observed. Oil rate declines
when VRR drops below 100%, and it improves when VRR is close
to or greater than 100%. It is important to mention that no aquifer
support exists in this field.
The second example, shown in Fig. 2, corresponds to Bangko
field, where aquifer support does exist. It shows that oil rate is not
as dependent on VRR as in the first example.
The last example, shown in Fig. 3, corresponds to Meren field,
where some aquifer support exists.
Mapping. Time-lapse maps of GOR, water cut (Wcut), and
dynamic and static pressures are easy to obtain and are ex-
Fig. 1El Trapial field VRR plot showing a direct relationship between VRR and oil rate.
October 2007 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering
Fig. 2Bangko field VRR plot. Oil rate is not as dependant on VRR as in El Trapial field.
Fig. 4El Trapial field Wcut map showing contrasting Wcut. High
cuts in the south of the field and low cuts in the north.
Fig. 5El Trapial field GOR map showing low GORs in the
southeast of the field and higher than Rs values in the northwest
of the field.
A 3-month period has been used for this field. We have learned
that using a shorter period did not show any significant changes for
several wells (i.e., if there is a lack of new well-test data). On the
other hand, choosing longer periods could create difficulties when
trying to identify root causes for changes, especially if the field is
under a large amount of development activity such as workovers,
infill drilling, and injection-rate changes. Therefore, each field will
have an optimum period for analysis depending on well-test frequency and field activity.
Note that the same plot can be used to assess injector-well
performance if wellhead pressure and injection rate are plotted.
This will allow the users to monitor injectivity trends at a field level.
Block Level. The objective of this next level is to evaluate how
efficient the waterflood is performing, thus giving insights into the
existence of future opportunities.
When the field comprises hundreds of wells, it is helpful to
subdivide the field into groups defined by area. The geological
limits of these blocks should be honored, such as faults or hydraulically-known barriers. However, in many instances, it will be
Fig. 10Benchmark between fields of recovery factor vs. pore volumes injected.
+ 1 So Swc
Evol =
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1)
Swavg Swc
With the calculated values, both for the current stage and for
the estimated ultimate recovery (EUR), team discussions should
focus on the following questions:
Is there a wide range of calculated values between blocks?
On those blocks with low Evol at the EUR, is the low value
because of the areal or the vertical efficiency?
Because volumetric-sweep efficiency is the product of areal
(Ea) and vertical (Evert) efficiencies, evaluate the use of tracers to
investigate Ea. Concerning Evert, the use of vertical production and
injection profiles, and fingerprints is recommended.
Focus on extreme performers, high- and low- Evol blocks.
Those blocks with low Evol, steep oil decline, and high GOR
should have the highest potential. Therefore, the evaluation should
focus on putting more water into the reservoir in these areas. The
next level, pattern analysis, will help identify actions such as
changing injection rates, infill drilling, and conversions candidates.
Fig. 12An ABC plot for El Trapial field from before (April 2003) and after (July 2003).
For the other extreme population, when Evol is high, and Wcut
and oil rate are close to the economic limit, proceed to the patternlevel thinking about the benefits of shutting off water, changing
flow paths, and reducing injection.
Fig. 13 shows volumetric-efficiency values calculated from
Cobbs methodology for different blocks in El Trapial field. The
values range from as low as 0.1 to higher than 0.9. Note that the
calculated Evol values are only estimates, as these blocks use allocated pattern rates.
Pattern Level. Pattern-level evaluations will confirm the existence
of the opportunities identified at a block level and will facilitate in
developing an action plan.
Hundreds of patterns may constitute a field. At this point, the
focus should be on the patterns that constitute blocks with potential
improvement opportunities. This is especially important if human
resources are limited in looking at all patterns of the field.
In addition to the higher-level analysis already discussed, it is
important to look at the following factors.
PVI Per Year. It is an industry practice to assume that a waterflooded field will reach its economic limit when 1.5 to 2 pore
volumes are injected (Thakur 1998). Assuming a value of 2 PVI
and an average waterflood field life of 20 years, an average injection of 0.10 PVI/year is obtained. Therefore, it is recommended to
use a range between 0.05 and 0.20 PVI/year and investigate those
patterns that fall out of the range. Patterns with low PVI/year
Fig. 13Volumetric-efficiency calculation by block at economic limit for El Trapial field. Blocks with square or circle legends are
the ones with identified opportunities to improve performance of the field.
Fig. 14Injection-centered pattern-type plot showing target injection rate and oil production.
Fig. 15Production-well type plot showing oil rate, Wcut , and GOR.
October 2007 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering
Fig. 16Hall-plot examples. Dashed-line case well shows no change in injectivity. Solid-line case well suffered corrosion problems
that caused injection out of zone.
Fig. 17Location of El Trapial field waterflood-optimization pilot. Pattern configuration consisted of a confined area with four
inverted seven-spot patterns.