Parliamentary Procedure Sample
Parliamentary Procedure Sample
Parliamentary Procedure Sample
Order of Business
1. Chair: The meeting will come to order.
A quorum (the number of members necessary, according to the constitution and
bylaws, to
do business) must be present to hold a business meeting.
2. Chair: The secretary will read the minutes of the last meeting.
Minutes are read.
3. Chair: Are there any corrections to the minutes?
Corrections are suggested without motion or vote.
4. Chair: If there are no (further) corrections, the minutes stand approved as read
5. Chair: We will have the report of the. . .
Officers (e.g., financial report by treasurer), Standing Committees, Special
Committees, etc.
If a committee report contains a recommendation, the reporting member (usually the
chair of
the committee) moves that the recommendation be adopted. Otherwise, the report is
without action.
6. Chair: Is there any unfinished business?
Action is completed on any business not settled when last meeting was adjourned.
7. Chair: Is there any new business?
Each new motion is discussed and settled before another main motion can be
8. Chair: Are there any announcements?
9. Chair: If there is no further business, the meeting will be adjourned.
10. Chair: The meeting is adjourned.
If assembly wishes to adjourn meeting before all business is completed, meeting
must be
adjourned by motion.
Main Motions
1. Member: Mr./Madame Chair. .
2. Chair: The chair recognizes (name of member).
3. Member: I move. . .
State the motion or proposal.
4. Member: I second the motion.
5. Chair: The motion has been made by (name of mover) and seconded . . . Is there
any discussion?
Any discussion must be addressed to the chair. Motion may be changed by amendment.
If the group does not wish to take final action on the motion, they may dispose of it in
some other way.
6. Chair: If there is no further discussion (silence is taken as consent), the motion is . . .
State the motion or proposal.
7. Chair: All in favor please say "Aye" (Yes).
8. Chair: All opposed, please say "No."
If the chair is able to tell from the "voice vote" (viva voce) whether there are more "Ayes"
or more "Nos," he/she announces the result.
9. Chair: The Ayes (or Nos) have it. The motion is carried (defeated).
If anyone calls "Division" (questions the voice vote), the chair calls for a show of hands
or a standing vote. If a majority demands it, the vote may be taken by ballot.
After a main motion has been made and seconded:
1. Member: I move to amend the motion by. . .
Inserting or adding a word, phrase, or sentence. Striking out a word, phrase or
Striking out and inserting a word or phrase or substituting a sentence or paragraph.
2. Member: I second the motion to amend.
3. Chair: It has been proposed to amend the motion to read as follows. . .
Chair states the main motion and the amendment, so the group will understand how
amendment changes the motion. Amendment is handled in the same way as a main
with . . .
4. Chair: Is there any discussion?
Questions can be asked and points can be made during this time.
5. Chair: If there is no further discussion, the amendment is. . .
Chair restates the amendment.
6. Chair: All in favor of the amendment. . .
Members vote and chair announces the outcome
7. Chair: The amendment is carried (defeated). The motion now before the house is . . .
Chair restates the motion-plus the amendment, if carried.
The Chair
Calls the meeting to order.
Keeps the meeting to its order of business
Handles discussion in an orderly way:
Use of Gavel
Rap once to: call meeting to order; maintain order; declare adjournment.
Organize the notes into clear, concise statements and record in permanent minute
book to be read at next meeting. Record each motion in a separate paragraph.
Minutes should be read and approved by assembly at the next regular meeting. If the
organization is not scheduled to meet for several months, minutes should be read
before adjournment of the meeting or a committee may be appointed to approve