Quantum Touch
Quantum Touch
Quantum Touch
Energy (LFE) of the body to promote optimal wellness. Life Force Energy, also
known as "chi" in Chinese and "prana" in Sanskrit, is the flow of energy that
sustains all living beings. Quantum-Touch teaches us how to focus, amplify, and
direct this energy, for a wide range of benefits with surprising and often
extraordinary results.
Although all healing is self healing, we can assist other people heal with their own
healing process.
Is Quantum-Touch Effective?
People have reported a wide range of organic conditions that have been helped
through Quantum-Touch. To give some sense of the spectrum of things we have
encountered, practitioners have reported varying degrees of success with pain
relief, cancer, reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome, reducing liver enzyme
levels, infections, hydrocephalus, improved eyesight, and much, much more.
Quantum-Touch works differently. We work with the premise that the body, given
the right conditions, knows how to heal itself.
It's our birthright to be in perfect health, to feel good, and to be pain free.
Quantum-Touch works with the Life-Force Energy of the body. Life-Force Energy,
(also called Prana, Chi, bio-energy, etc) is the difference between something that
is "alive" vs. something that is not "alive." So if you leave lettuce out on the
counter for a few days, you'll notice that it will become wilted - it will start losing
it's life-force energy. Just picked lettuce, on the other hand, still has it's life-force
energy intact. Similarly, if you life-force energy is low, you may feel tired,
drained, or depressed, etc. Pain, disease, inflammation, etc is created from a lack
of, or imbalance of our life-force energy. For example, if you have a garden hose
and you are trying to water the lawn - you can stop the flow of water by stepping
on the hose, or creating a kink in the hose. If you can remove the blockage in the
hose, then the water will flow freely.
We have many stories of people who have used Quantum-Touch to eliminate pain
- permanently! For case histories please visit Quantum-Touch website at
Every body is unique in it's capacity to heal. How quickly a person heals is due in
part to variables such as
Nutritional needs (does their body have the resources?)
Willingness to heal (on the surface it's always "yes," but underneath?)
Time (some things take time, such as tissue growth)