Places To Intervene in A System Review
Places To Intervene in A System Review
Places To Intervene in A System Review
better is to change the way that people and they’re working with (cut down on eating out or
processes are connected to one another and in what find a little higher paying job).
order, changing the way things are connected to one The Rules of the System
another is often expensive (like moving two The rules relate to incentives, punishments and
departments closer together so they can constraints, including a system’s scope and
communicate better with one another). boundaries. The tax code of the IRS is an example
of a complex body of rules that radically influences
Regulating Negative Feedback Loops the behavior of corporations and individuals. A
A thermostat is the classic example of a negative subsidy is another example of a rule that influences
feedback subsystem. The user sets a goal by behavior. The cost of water and gasoline in the
entering a target temperature. The thermostat United States are both heavily subsidized. If the
compares room temperature to the target, and then subsidies were removed, and people had to pay the
compensates for any difference by either turning on true cost of these things, their behavior would likely
the air conditioning or the furnace. Negative be altered. Rules change behavior. Power over rules
feedback loops self-correct. If some stock is out of is real power.
whack with our goal for it (like our weight) chances
are it’s because there’s a inadequate or weak The Power of Self-Organization
negative. Self-organization shows up as evolution and
revolution. This is an extremely powerful type of
Driving Positive Feedback Loops change. New systems are successful if they evolve
Positive feedback is self-reinforcing. Imagine a to be more fit in their environment than the systems
small group of rabbits that breed to have baby they are replacing. The replacement of horses by
rabbits, who grow up to breed and create yet more automobiles is an example. The introduction of the
rabbits. The increasing rabbit population is car required the evolution of whole new systems
governed by positive feedback —rabbits create and subsystems like gas stations, paved roads,
more rabbits and more rabbits create even more petroleum refinement, and mass production
rabbits. The reproductive cycle is a positive techniques. Both evolution and revolution have a
feedback loop. So is investing money in a bank at a common impetus— diversity. To increase the
constant rate of interest with reinvestment. These chances of creating a new type of system that
loops drive growth. They can also precipitate replaces a less efficient one, allow for more
collapse. A virus that infects one rabbit is diversity of ideas and experiments to take place.
transmitted to two, who transmit it to four others,
and then to eight and so on. (An immune system is a The Goals of the System
negative feedback loop.) Finding ways to either Goals influence everything further down the list. If
create positive feedback loops (like fashion crazes) the overall goal is to take a whirlpool bath instead of
or to impede them is a very powerful way to just a normal one, major components of the system
influence what is happening in a system. must be changed—like the addition of air jets and
the controls for how forceful they are, as well as the
Information Flows size of the tub.
Often we don’t have the information we need in
order to know what to change in a system. It’s like The Mindset or Paradigm
trying to fill a bathtub to the right level without The highest place to intervene—the most effective
either being able to look at the bath or to use your and the most difficult—is how we think about the
hand to gauge the amount of water that’s already in systems we are trying to change. Egyptians built
it. Sometimes just showing people information pyramids because they believed in an afterlife. We
about the state of a stock (how much cash they have build skyscrapers because we believe that
in the bank), or the rate of a flow (how fast their downtown space is extremely valuable. We engage
cash is entering the bank through income or leaving in capitalism because we agree with Adam Smith
the bank through expenses) is enough to get them to that the selfish actions of individual players in
make the necessary changes to improve the system markets wonderfully accumulates to the common