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Entry # 1: What Psychology Means To You (10 Marks)

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Entry # 1: What psychology means to you (10 Marks)

Many persons when they hear the word psychology have varying opinions of what it is about. For your
first portfolio entry, take some time to think about and then describe in two paragraphs what psychology
means to you. You should include:

a clear description of your ideas/thoughts/views about psychology as a discipline/field of

study/practice, and
your views on the usefulness of psychology as a discipline to your life.

Psychology is a broad field with many specialties, but fundamentally psychology is the
science of behavior and mental processes (Zimbardo 2009). The word psychology is derived
from the Greek word psyche, meaning soul or mind so to me psychology is really the study of
the mind. Base on what I know of psychology it is a science, it attempts to investigate the causes
of behaviour using systematic and objective procedures. These procedures are used for
observation, measurement, and analysis. They are then supported by academic or theoretical
interpretations, generalizations, explanations, and predictions.Psychology helps to define why we
do what we do and why we act in a specific way as a group of people as well as an individual.
Like every other science it seeks to explain the reason why something reacts the ways it does
when it is affected by other factors or when it simply come in contact with other elements.
Knowing that psychology is the study of the human mind this science can help me in my
daily life to be a better communicator and understanding the people around me even more. Being
a better communicator will allow me to respond to people around me in a more positive way,
listen more and excuse patience. Psychology can also help me to analyze situations more
critically by using my eight thinking skills. It can be said that psychology is a very, very diverse
field that can be applied to almost any field of study. So a background in psychology can
improve the career path I decide to take, which is the field of marketing. Even help me with
family life, this is dealing with situations with my husband and growing adolescents as they
struggle in finding their identity at certain stage in life.

Entry #2: Personal Reflection/Psychology in my life (25 Marks)

For your second entry you are asked to reflect on a personal life experience and use a psychological
concept/theory to relate/explain this life experience. This entry requires you to:
a) select a concept/theory from topic two, Lifespan Development, and provide a concise but clear
explanation of the concept/theory. (5 Marks)
b) reflect on your life experiences, then choose ONE experience, episode or event and provide a
brief description of the experience, episode or experience. (5 Marks)
c) use ONLY the concept/theory you selected for this entry to discuss or demonstrate how this
concept explains the life event you have identified. (15 Marks)

Topic #
2: Lifespan development

Kohlbergs theory of moral development

Erik Erickson s theory of psychosocial development-low possibility
Jean Piagets theory of cognitive development
Sigmunds Freuds theory of psychosexual development
Gender and Identity development

Lawrence Kohlberg (1927-1987) is the developer of the lifespan theory, Moral

Development. Lawrence Kohlberg modified and expanded on Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive
development to form a theory of his own that explained the development of moral reasoning.
Kohlberg proposed that moral development is a continual process that occurs throughout the
lifespan of an individual; as a result he outlined three different levels each level is then further
sub-divided into two stages to make a total of six stages (Rathus, 2003).
Cherry stated that the first level of Kohlberg theory is referred to as the preconventional
level which occurs from birth to age 9. During this period moral judgments are based largely on
expectation of rewards or punishments. Stage 1 is called obedience and punishment, at this
stage; children see rules as fixed. Obeying the rules is important because it is a means to avoid
punishment. The second stage is individualism and exchange at this stage , children account for
individual points of view and judge actions based on what satisfies their own needs.
The second level is the conventional level, a period during which moral judgement
largely reflect social conventions. Stage 3 is the interpersonal relationships often referred to as
the "good boy-good girl" orientation, this stage focused on living up to social expectations and
roles. Stage 4 is maintaining social order at this stage people begin to focus on maintaining law
and order by following the rules, doing ones duty and respecting authority (Kendra Cherry).
According to about.com the third level is called the post conventional level at this stage
morality is determined by what is best for the majority of people. Stage 5 which is social
contract and individual rights people begin to account for the differing values, opinions, and
beliefs of other people. Lastly Stage 6, universal principles is where people follow these
internalized principles of justice, even if they conflict with laws and rules.

I can vividly remember when I was about five years old, my older brother, Theo and I use
to go buy ice cream on Sundays. During that time he would stop to play video games at his
friends house. My mother had forbidden this so he made me promise not to tell, I didnt. One
particular Sunday we were taking longer than usual to return home so mommy came looking for
us. She found us at Marios house playing games and scolded us. She then told me that she
would keep my sixth birthday party if I informed her whenever I see Theo going to Marios
house and if I knew and did not tell her she would spank me so hard I would not be able to sit on
my butt again. Wanting my party to be held I informed on my brother and he was punished, I felt
bad but soon got over it when I found out that mommy was going to keep a party for me.
At age five it is clear I was at the preconventional level where my moral judgements were
based on either reward are punishments. I told on my brother because I wanted to avoid another
punishment and certainly I wanted to obtain the reward of a party. At this stage I was focusing on
myself and acted in a manner where I would obtain pleasure instead of pain according to
Kohlbergs theory. I did what was necessary to satisfy my own needs because at that time I
thought it was the right thing to do. My mother and I made on exchange you scratch my back.
Ill scratch yours that was fair to me. In my eyes I did what was essential to obtain what I
wanted, I did not care about my brother at the time because he had nothing to offer me. Based on
the moral development theory Kohlberg would say I did what I did because in my eyes reward
meant good and punishment meant bad. While at the preconventional stage I made judgments of
good on the basis of what I liked and wanted or what helped me, and bad on the basis of what I
do not liked or what hurts me.
So it is evident that when I was five years old I was at the preconventional stage of
Kohlbergs theory where doing right should come with a reward and bad with punishments.


http://psychology.about.com/od/developmentalpsychology/a/kohlberg.htm. Retrieved September

Rathus, S. (2003). Psychology Concepts and Connections, Brief Version. Belmont, California:
Thomson Wadsworth.

Entry #3:Psychology and Popular Music (25 Marks)

The third entry in your portfolio will be based on the application of psychological principles to popular
music. You have been provided with three preselected songs from different genres of music. You are to:
a) select a concept/theory from topic three, Social Psychology, and provide a concise but clear
explanation of the concept/theory. (5 Marks)
b) select one of the three preselected songs provided and view the song on the Youtube link
provided. Use ONLY the concept/theory you selected for this entry, to discuss or demonstrate
how this concept is explained or is manifested in the song. (20 Marks)

Topic #3: Social Psychology


Obedience to authority
Bystander effect
Attribution Theory

An attribution is an assumption about why people do things. The process by which we make
inferences about the motives and traits of others through observation of their behavior is the
attribution process. It focuses on the processes by which people draw conclusion about the
factors that influence one anothers behavior. The attribution theory was developed by Fritz
Heider in the early part of the 20th century and is important because attributions lead us to
perceive others as purposeful actors or as victims of circumstances (Rathus, 2003). Fritz Heider
argued that there are two general types of attributions the internal attribution or dispositional
attribution which is caused by internal factors and external attribution also known as situational
attribution caused by external factors. Dispositional attribution ascribes a persons behavior to
internal factors such as personality traits, attitude, character and free will. While situational
attribution explains a persons action to external factors such as social influence or socialization.
Kassin (2008) stated that there are three Attribution theories, the Covariation Model by
Harold Kelley, the Weiners Model of Achievement and lastly the Correspondent Inference
Theory by Heider and Jones. The Attribution theories have been criticized as being mechanistic
and reductionist for assuming that people are rational, logical and systematic thinkers.
The song Back against the Wall by Beenie Man speaks about a man by the name of Tony
who was a young youth growing up in the garrison. At a tender age he chose to act in devious
manners like being influence by the older men in the community to participate in wrong doings
and dangerous acts. Unfortunately he was killed by Police Officers while attempting to rob a
bank. After vocalizing this in the song Beenie man further went on to say that Tony was a victim
of circumstance which is an individual who suffers ill consequences because of factors that were
out of his control. The factors that tony had no control over which led him to committing crime
are growing up in a garrison with a system that has lock of job opportunities and a education

structure that does not cater for the poor and less fortunate. And by doing this song Beenie Man
uses it as a source of motivation for the youths to not allow what happen to Tony happen to them.
He expressed that they should strive for greatness and be wise like he did and unite with each
other to create a better environmental because the world can be very cruel and vicious.
The Attribution theory from Social Psychology relates to the song back Against the Wall
because in the song Beenie Man seeks to explain why Tony did what he did, that is to participate
in and execute criminal behaviors such as attempted robbery. This is actually what the
Attribution Theory does; it is an assumption about why people do things. There are two types of
attributions the dispositional or the situational attribution as already stated. The type of
attribution that was shown in the song was the situational attribution which is caused by external
factors and it explains a person action though socialization and social influence. Basically
Beenie man made assumptions that Tony only became a criminal because of the external factors
of the environment in which they lived. The education system had fail for Tony and there was no
job opportunities for him so as a means to sustain his lifestyle be began to associate himself
through the process socialization with the wrong persons who influence him to engage in
dangerous activities. The attribution theory shows how people will interpret their environment in
such a way as to maintain a positive self-image about self or others. For example when students
succeed at an academics they are likely to want to attribute this success to their own efforts or
abilities; but when they fail, they will want to attribute their failure to factors over which they
have no control, such as bad teaching or bad luck. This is clearly what Beenie Man did in his
song, rather that blaming Tony for the bad choices he made he blame the system and
Babylon in an effort to made Tony look like a good guy an it is society and its leaders that are


Rathus, S. (2003). Psychology Concepts and Connections, Brief Version. Belmont, California:
Thomson Wadsworth.
Kassin, S, Fein, S, Markus, H. (2008).Social Psychology. Belmont, California: Wadsworth
Cengage Learning.
Weiner, B. (1992). Human Motivation: Metaphors, Theories and Research. Newbury Park, CA:
Sage Publications

Entry #4: Psychology in my Profession (25 Marks)

Psychology as you would have now realized can be quite useful in various professions. Therefore, your
fourth and final portfolio entry requires you to think about how psychology is applicable in your field of
study. You are required to:
a) select a concept/theory from topic one, Motivation, and provide a concise but clear explanation
of the concept/theory. (5 Marks)
b) consider the many related areas associated with your field of study and select one specific area or
sub-discipline and provide a brief description of this area. (5 Marks)
c) use ONLY the concept/theory you selected for this entry, to discuss how this concept may be
applied to your field of study. (15 Marks)

Topic #1: Motivation


Maslows theory of motivation

Intrinsic/extrinsic motivation
Drive reduction

Entry #4: Psychology in my Profession

Psychologist Abraham Maslow coined the concept of a hierarchy of needs. This hierarchy
suggests that people are motivated to fulfil basic needs before moving on to more advanced
needs. This hierarchy is most often displayed as a pyramid. The lowest levels of the pyramid are
made up of the most basic needs, while the more complex needs are located at the top of the
pyramid (Cherry, 2012).Maslow believed that these needs are similar to instincts and play a
major role in motivating behaviour. McLeod (2012) stated that the hierarchy of needs can be
divided into basic or deficiency needs for example physiological, safety, love, and esteem and
the growth needs which can be cognitive, aesthetics and self-actualization.
According to Kendra Cherry (2012) the five level of needs are physiological, security, social,
esteem, and self actualization. Physiological needs include the most basic needs that are vital to
survival, such as the need for water, air, and food. Maslow believed that these needs are the most
basic and instinctive needs in the hierarchy. Security needs include needs for safety and security.
Social needs are needs for love, and affection. Also there are esteem needs this include the need
for things that reflect on self-esteem, personal worth, social recognition, and accomplishment.
Lastly self-actualizing needs this is when people are self-aware concerned with personal growth,
less concerned with the opinions of others, and interested fulfilling their potential.
Currently I am a student of University of Technology Jamaica where I am pursuing a
Bachelor Degree in Business Administration where I will major in the field of Marketing which
is the area of work I wish to obtain a job as a Marketing Manager. Marketing is a broad field and
The American Marketing Association defines marketing as "an organizational function and a set
of processes for creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers and for managing

customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders."Marketing
involves research to determine consumer preferences and to guide firms in dealing with those
preferences, determining advertising strategies and making advertising arrangements, as well as
designing and creating new products and pricing new products and services. Professionals in
marketing need good communication skills and must enjoy working with people. Careers in
Marketing include marketing management, brand management, advertising, marketing research,
retailing and consumer affairs.
Maslows Hierarchy of needs may be applied to my field of study by the means of motivating
me to satisfy my basic needs before progressing on to meet my growth needs. If and when I
become a Marketing Manager Maslow theory of motivation can assist me in the work place by
determining the direction of my behavior in the organization, and also my level of effort, and
level of persistence. According to Maslow it is a persons unsatisfied needs that influence his
behaviour and becomes a motivator. So in the workplace as a Marketing Manager I will want
certain psychological needs to be met like for example getting wages, lunch breaks, rest periods,
and work breaks. In an effort to achieve this I will work extremely hard so my superiors can
notice and reward me with such privileges. After my Psychological goals are met according to
Maslow I will work to meet a higher need which is my safety needs. These are needs for security,
protection, and stability. In the organization safety needs must be met for example feeling
secure, being qualify to receive pensions, and life insurance. When I am granted these I will have
no fear at work then I will be motivated to excel if not the quality work I produce will be
affected. Once my safety needs have been met, I will move to the next level of social needs. This
is the need for love, affection, and a sense of belongingness in the organization. As a Marketing
Manager I have to be a people person so feeling loved will allow me carry out my work more

effectively and efficiently though teamwork. Research has shown that promoting social
interaction among employees will increase morale and productivity. After the needs of safety
have been recognized and achieved; according to Maslow I can now pursue the needs of self
esteem. This is the need for respect, prestige, recognition, and personal sense of competence.
Being recognize for a job well done will motivate me to continue working hard as a Marketing
manager and this will build my self esteem to move on to the self-actualization needs. This is the
stage where I will want to move to a position where my maximum potential will be executed this
maybe head of the marketing department, this achievement will supply all the happiness I will
need and I will be fulfilled. Apart from using Maslows theory to guide my achievement as a
Marketer I can use the theory to study my costumes with what kind of product they will need to
satisfy their need because a product that promises to fulfil an esteem need will be virtually
useless to a customer whose safety needs are not yet met.

Rathus, S.A. (2007) Psychology: Concepts and Connections (8th Ed.). Belmont, CA:
Thomson Wadsworth.
http://www.simplypsychology.org/maslow.html. Retrieved November 2012.
http://psychology.about.com/od/theoriesofpersonality/a/hierarchyneeds. Retrieved
November 2012.

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