Malaysia Contracts Act 1950
Malaysia Contracts Act 1950
Malaysia Contracts Act 1950
Section 21: Agreement void where both parties are under mistake as to matter of fact
Section 24: What considerations and object are lawful, and what not Void Agreements
Section 35: When event on which contract is contingent to be deemed impossible, if it is the
future conduct of a living person
Section 36: (1) When contracts become void which are contingent on happening of
specified event within fixed time
o (2) When contracts may be enforced which are contigent on specified event not
happening within fixed time
Section 44: (1) Any one of joint promisors may be compelled to perform
o (2) Each promisor may compel contribution
o (3) Sharing of loss by default in contribution
Section 47: Time for performance of promise where no application is to be made and no
time is specified
Section 48: Time and place for performance of promise where time is specified and no
application to be made
Section 49: Application for performance on certain day to be at proper time and place
Section 50: Place for performance of promise where no application to be made and no
place fixed
Section 52: Promisor not bound to perform unless reciprocal promisee ready and willing to
Section 54: Liability of party preventing event on which contract is to take effect
Section 55: Effect of defaults as to that promise which should be first performed, in contract
consisting of reciprocal promises
Section 56: (1) Effect of failure to perform at fixed time, in contract in which time is essential
o (2) Effect of failure when time is not essential
o (3) Effect of acceptance of performance at time other than that agreed upon
Section 58: Reciprocal promise to do things legal, and also other things illegal
Appropriation of Payments
Section 66: Obligation of person who has received advantage under void agreement, or
contract that becomes void
Section 68: Effect of neglect of promisee to afford promisor reasonable facilities for
Section 69: Claim for necessaries supplied to person incapable of contracting, or on his
Section 70: Reimbursement of person paying money due by another, in payment of which
he is interested
Section 73: Liability of person to whom money is paid, or thing delivered, by mistake or
under coercion
Section 74:
o (1) Compensation for loss or damage caused by breach of contract
o (2) Compensation for failure to discharge obligation resembling those created by
Section 75: Compensation for breach of contract where penalty stipulated for