"Ghettoside" Excerpt.
"Ghettoside" Excerpt.
"Ghettoside" Excerpt.
Los Angeles Police Det. John Skaggs carried the shoebox aloft like a
waiter bearing a platter.
The box contained a pair of high-top sneakers that once belonged
to a black teenage boy named Dovon Harris. Dovon, fifteen, had been
murdered the previous June, and the shoes had been sitting in an evidence locker for nearly a year.
Skaggs, forty-four, was the lead investigator on the case about to
go to trial.
At six foot four, he was a conspicuous sight in Watts, the southeast
corner of the vast city of Los Angeles, a big blondish man with a
loping stride in an expensive light-colored suit.
He stepped out of the bright morning light, turned down a narrow
walkway along a wall topped with a coil of razor wire, and approached a
heavy-duty steel ghetto doora security door with a perforated metal
screen of the kind that, along with stucco walls and barred win-dows,
represented one of L.A.s most distinctive architectural features. He
knocked and, without waiting for an answer, pushed the door open.
On the other side of the threshold stood a stout, dark-skinned
woman. Skaggs walked in and placed the open shoebox in her hands.
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ACircle of Grief
She landed with a thump on the green carpet. One of her orange slippers came off. On the TV across the room, the Fox 11 morning
anchors pattered brightly over the sound of her sobs.
Skaggs had been a homicide detective for twenty years. In that
time, he had been in a thousand living rooms like this oneeach with
its large TV, Afrocentric knickknacks, and imponderable grief.
They made a strange picture, the two of them: the tall white cop
and the weeping black woman. Skaggs, like most LAPD cops, was a
Republican. He would vote for John McCain for president that year.
His annual pay was in the six figures, and he lived in a suburban house
with a pool. It might be said of him that he was not just white, but a
Cauca-sian archetype with his blond-and-pink coloring and Scots-Irish
fea-tures. Watts had twice risen in revolt against such an iconthe
white occupier-cum-police-officerand so Skaggss presence in this
neighbor hood was all the more conspicuous for the historical
associations it evoked.
Pritchett had a background typical of Watts residents. She was the
granddaughter of a Louisiana cotton picker. Her mother had followed
the path of tens of thousands of black Louisianans who migrated west
in the 1960s, and Pritchett was born in L.A. a few months after the
Watts riots. She lived in a federally subsidized rental apartment, and
she was a Democrat who would weep in front of CNN later that fall
when Barack Obama won the presidential election, wishing her
mother were still alive to see it.
Despite their differences, they were kin of a sortmembers of a
small circle of Americans whose lives, in different ways, had been
molded by a bizarre phenomenon: a plague of murders among black
Homicide had ravaged the countrys black population for a century or more. But it was at best a curiosity to the mainstream. The raw
agony it visited on thousands of ordinary people was mostly invisible.
The consequences were only superficially discussed, the costs seldom
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Societys efforts to combat this mostly black-on-black murder epidemic were inept, fragmented, underfunded, contorted by a variety of
ideological, political, and racial sensitivities. When homicide did get
at-tention, the focus seemed to be on spectaclesmass shootings,
celebrity murdersa step removed from the people who were doing
most of the dying: black men.
They were the nations number one crime victims. They were the
people hurt most badly and most often, just 6 percent of the countrys
population but nearly 40 percent of those murdered. People talked a
lot about crime in America, but they tended to gloss over this aspect
that a plurality of those killed were not women, children, infants,
elders, nor victims of workplace or school shootings. Rather, they
were legions of Americas black men, many of them unemployed and
criminally involved. They were murdered every day, in every city,
their bodies stacking up by the thousands, year after year.
Dovon Harris was typical of these unseen victims. His murder received little media attention and was of the kind least likely to be
solved. John Skaggss Watts precinct kept records of scores of such
homicides dating back yearsshelves and shelves of blue binders
filled with the names of dead black men and boys. Most had been
killed by other black men and boys who still roamed free.
According to the old unwritten code of the Los Angeles Police Department, Dovons was a nothing murder. NHINo Human Involved, the cops used to say. It was only the newest shorthand for the
idea that murders of blacks somehow didnt count. Nigger lifes
cheap now, a white Tennessean offered during Reconstruction, when
asked to explain why black-on-black killing drew so little notice.
A congressional witness a few years later reported that when black
men in Louisiana were killed, a simple mention is made of it, perhaps
orally or in print, and nothing is done. There is no investigation made. A
late-nineteenth-century Louisiana newspaper editorial said, If ne-groes
continue to slaughter each other, we will have to conclude that
Providence has chosen to exterminate them in this way. In 1915, a
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ACircle of Grief
South Carolina official explained the pardon of a black man who had
killed another black: This is a case of one negro killing anotherthe old
familiar song. In 1930s Mississippi, the anthropologist Hortense
Powdermaker examined the workings of criminal justice and concluded
that the attitude of the Whites and of the courts . . . is one of complaisance toward violence among the Negroes. Studying Natchez, Mississippi, in the same period, a racially mixed team of social anthropologists
observed that the injury or death of a Negro is not considered by the
whites to be a serious matter. An Alabama sheriff of the era was more
concise: One less nigger, he said. In 1968, a New York journalist testifying as part of the Kerner Commissions investigation of riots across
the country said that for decades, little if any law enforcement has
prevailed among Negroes in America.... If a black man kills a black
man, the law is generally enforced at its minimum.
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enclaves such as Watts was itself a root cause of the violence, and that
this was a terrible problemperhaps the most terrible thing in
contem-porary American life. The systems failure to catch killers
effectively made black lives cheap.
To that unseen problem, John Skaggs was the antidote.
Had Dovons case been assigned to another detective, it might
easily have gone unsolved like hundreds of othersjust another blue
binder on a shelf. But in Skaggss hands, it had become a relentless
campaign for justice.
And Dovons mother knew it. That was the basis of their kinship.
So now Skaggs stood with one hand in his pocket, one on his hip,
regarding Pritchett on the floor, and did what years of homicide work
had taught him to do: he waited, silent and unhurried.
Not the least embarrassed, Pritchett closed her eyes as if she were
alone, pressed her face into the shoe of her dead son, and sobbed.
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