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Second Grade Master Spelling Lists

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Week 1

Sight words, r-controlled 'a"

and academic vocabulary
1. over
2. new
3. art
4. take
5. onIy
6. car
7. park
8. hard
9. barn
10. card
11. shark
12. dark
13. oh
14. eyes
15. timeIine
16. hoId
Week 2
Sight words, -ai- pattern, and
academic vocabulary
1. IittIe
2. work
3. know
4. pIace
5. years
6. rain
7. maiI
8. wait
9. paint
10. chant
11. paid
12. saiI
13. goods
14. services
15. pitch
16. voIume
Week 3
Sight word, -aw pattern, and
academic vocabulary
1. Iive
2. me
3. cooI
4. give
5. most
6. saw
7. Iaw
8. raw
9. jar
10. straw
11. draw
12. country
13. ocean
14. titIe
15. motion
16. change
Week 4
Sight words, r-controlled 'i",
and academic vocabulary
1. very
2. after
3. things
4. our
5. just
6. girI
7. dirt
8. shirt
9. third
10. thirst
11. birth
12. yeIIow
13. add
14. got
15. Iife
16. cycIe
Week 5
Sight words, -ight pattern,
and academic vocabulary
1. poIe
2. wire
3. fight
4. seen
5. eat
6. right
7. might
8. sight
9. tight
10. fIight
11. bright
12. Iost
13. far
14. push
15. puII
16. strength
Week 6
Sight words, -ol- pattern,
and academic vocabulary
1. say
2. great
3. four
4. heIp
5. through
6. goId
7. coId
8. foId
10. soId
11. toId
12. Iimited
13. resource
14. baby
15. parent
16. stages
Week 7
Sight words, -ou- pattern, and
academic vocabulary
1. Iate
2. before
3. Iine
4. side
5. too
6. Ioud
7. sound
8. found
9. shout
10. count
11. gave
12. urban
13. suburban
14. ruraI
15. magnet
16. touch
Week 8
Sight words, -ue pattern, and
academic vocabulary
1. means
2. oId
3. any
4. same
5. corn
6. bIue
7. true
8. cIue
9. gIue
10. due
11. argue
12. hero
13. song
14. cause
15. infIuence
16. kind
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2nd Crade MasLer Spelllng LlsL
Week 9
Sight words, r-controlled
'u", and academic
1. boy
2. soon
3. came
4. want
5. eggs
6. nurse
7. curve
8. turn
9. burn
10. curI
11. purse
12. growth
13. affect
14. fish
15. stress
16. fruit
Week 10
Sight words, Long -ea-
pattern, and academic
1. aIso
2. beat
3. seat
4. three
5. smaII
6. mean
7. cIean
8. peak
9. dream
10. beach
11. team
12. Iength
13. weight
14. height
15. meat
16. distance
Week 11
Sight words, short e -ea-
pattern, and academic
1. wear
2. put
3. end
4. does
5. another
6. head
7. bread
8. dead
9. sweat
10. deaf
11. spread
12. deaI
13. room
14. break
15. weather
16. soiI
Week 12
Sight words, -ew pattern,
and academic vocabulary
1. weII
2. Iarge
3. cook
4. sent
5. even
6. grew
7. stew
8. drew
9. chew
10. few
11. brew
12. evet
13. unit
14. metric
15. coIor
16. shape
Week 13
Sight words, r-controlled 'e"
-at family words
1. step
2. because
3. body
4. here
5. faII
6. germ
7. herd
8. cIerk
9. nerve
10. serve
11. fern
12. food
13. fueI
14. buiId
15. fIat
16. ago
Week 14
Sight words, -or- pattern,
and academic vocabulary
1. pIan
2. went
3. warm
4. read
5. Iie
6. short
7. core
8. sport
9. report
10. port
11. done
12. soIid
13. Iiquid
14. rise
15. size
16. door
Week 15
Sight words, final blend -
mp and academic
1. farm
2. fire
3. home
4. us
5. move
6. bump
7. stump
8. cIump
9. stamp
10. cIamp
11. camp
12. question
13. test
14. predict
15. observe
16. guess
Week 16
Sight words, final blend -st,
and academic vocabulary
1. try
2. rest
3. hand
4. seven
5. again
6. fast
7. past
8. Iast
9. cost
10. bIast
11. cast
12. oraI
13. box
14. data
15. record
16. fuII
2nd Crade MasLer Spelllng LlsL
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Week 17
Sight words, final blend
-nd, and academic
1. feet
2. off
3. Ied
4. speII
5. air
6. bend
7. send
8. mind
9. offend
10. sand
11. Iand
12. wind
13. yes
14. week
15. IabeI
16. steps
Week 18
Sight words, final blend
-sk, and academic
1. away
2. animaI
3. house
4. point
5. spot
6. desk
7. mask
8. task
9. ask
10. tusk
11. disk
12. events
13. abIe
14. equaI
15. pair
16. muItipIy
Week 19
Sight words, final digraph
-ch, and academic
1. Ietter
2. mother
3. baII
4. rich
5. study
6. much
7. such
8. patch
9. search
10. march
11. starch
12. repeat
13. subtract
14. divide
15. group
16. six
Week 20
Sight words, final digraph
-sh, and academic
1. stiII
2. Iearn
3. shouId
4. America
5. worId
6. hush
7. sIush
8. dash
9. wash
10. wish
11. dish
12. money
13. coin
14. biII
15. cents
16. doIIars
Week 21
Final -es pattern, and
academic vocabulary
1. boxes
2. foxes
3. messes
4. dishes
5. couches
6. brushes
7. bushes
8. rushes
9. wishes
10. washes
11. dashes
12. find
13. whoIe
14. fear
15. fair
16. share
Week 22
Final -ing pattern, and
academic vocabulary
1. thing
2. string
3. sing
4. bring
5. spring
6. ring
7. king
8. sting
9. wings
10. cIing
11. sIing
12. chart
13. waII
14. greater
15. smaIIer
16. road
Week 23
Final digraphs -gh/-ph, and
academic vocabulary
1. graph
2. Iaugh
3. paragraph
4. tough
5. rough
6. enough
7. triumph
8. dough
9. though
10. cough
11. gIyph
12. cIassify
13. wide
14. store
15. answer
16. modeI
Week 24
Final digraph -th, and
academic vocabulary
1. bath
2. math
3. moth
4. sIoth
5. breath
6. mouth
7. path
8. cIoth
9. tooth
10. death
11. months
12. hour
13. minute
14. second
15. year
16. miIe
2nd Crade MasLer Spelllng LlsL
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Week 25
Final digraph -ck, and
academic vocabulary
1. row
2. stack
3. pack
4. dock
5. Iock
6. quack
7. rope
8. snack
9. quick
10. neck
11. check
12. circIe
13. square
14. rectangIe
15. triangIe
16. pIane
Week 26
Final digraph -nk, and
academic vocabulary
1. drink
2. think
3. sink
4. stink
5. wink
6. thank
7. bank
8. drank
9. honk
10. bIank
11. shrink
12. gone
13. cube
14. pyramid
15. root
16. meet
Week 27
Final blend -ft, and
academic vocabulary
1. soft
2. Iift
3. shift
4. drift
5. gift
6. Ieft
7. raft
8. craft
9. Ioft
10. swift
11. sift
12. apart
13. form
14. ride
15. arrange
16. geometry
Week 28
Final blend -lt, and
academic vocabulary
1. boIt
2. joIt
3. coIt
4. feIt
5. beIt
6. weIt
7. buiIt
8. stiIt
9. wiIt
10. meIt
11. saIt
12. face
13. edge
14. Iay
15. arms
16. taIIy
Week 29
Initial wh- pattern, and
academic vocabulary
1. whaIe
2. when
3. where
4. what
5. why
6. which
7. whistIe
8. whip
9. white
10. whiIe
11. whirI
12. sun
13. woman
14. dispIay
15. knew
16. himseIf
Week 30
Words with the suffix
-ly and academic
1. badIy
2. madIy
3. quickIy
4. weekIy
5. daiIy
6. sadIy
7. gIadIy
8. proudIy
9. softIy
10. IoudIy
11. braveIy
12. care
13. hiII
14. case
15. simpIe
16. Iake
Week 31
Words with the suffix
-er. and academic
1. painter
2. washer
3. dryer
4. fIyer
5. server
6. workers
7. singer
8. teacher
9. speaker
10. thinker
11. dreamer
12. taII
13. Iead
14. probIem
15. age
16. appIe
Week 32
Words with the suffix -
est, and academic
1. fastest
2. sIowest
3. biggest
4. shortest
5. Ioudest
6. softest
7. smartest
8. siIIiest
9. brightest
10. funniest
11. bravest
12. act
13. context
14. poem
15. seIect
16. tone
2nd Crade MasLer Spelllng LlsL
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Monday: WrlLe each spelllng word Lhree Llmes.
1uesday: WrlLe your spelllng words ln alphabeLlcal order.
Wednesday: Choose Lwo of your spelllng words.
WrlLe a senLence uslng each of Lhem.
1hursday: 1ake a pracLlce LesL. Ask an adulL Lo read your words Lo
you so you can wrlLe Lhem wlLhouL looklng aL Lhe llsL.
Week 33
Words with the suffix -
ful, and academic
1. thankfuI
2. ears
3. hopefuI
4. gratefuI
5. thoughtfuI
6. usefuI
7. forgetfuI
8. painfuI
9. joyfuI
10. carefuI
11. heIpfuI
12. connect
13. seIf
14. text
15. Iove
16. meaning
Week 34
Words with the suffix -
ness, and academic
1. happiness
2. darkness
3. Iikeness
4. kindness
5. sickness
6. heIpfuIness
7. goodness
8. brightness
9. seeds
10. bones
11. cows
12. Iisten
13. speak
14. power
15. write
16. appIy
Week 35
Words with the suffix -
able, and academic
1. IikabIe
2. acceptabIe
3. adorabIe
4. chewabIe
5. agreeabIe
6. bearabIe
7. usabIe
8. comfortabIe
9. IovabIe
10. sizabIe
11. vaIuabIe
12. prefix
13. suffix
14. narrative
15. eights
16. contents
Week 36 Final
-sion/-tion, and
1. addition
2. subtraction
3. fiction
4. division
5. education
6. recreation
7. confusion
8. vacation
9. Iocation
10. expIosion
11. direction
12. gIass
13. key
14. fig
15. sensibIe
16. support
2nd Crade MasLer Spelllng LlsL
nd Crade Spelllng AcLlvlLles
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