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Learning To Fight: Keywords

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Thore Graepel, Ralf Herbrich, Julian Gold

Microsoft Research Ltd.
7 J J Thomson Avenue, CB3 0FB
Cambridge, UK
Email: {thoreg|rherb|jgold}@microsoft.com

Reinforcement Learning, Fighting Games,
SARSA, Q-Learning, Markov Decision Process

We apply reinforcement learning to the problem
of finding good policies for a fighting agent in a
commercial computer game. The learning agent is
trained using the SARSA algorithm for on-policy
learning of an action-value function represented by
linear and neural network function approximators.
We discuss the selection and construction of features, actions, and rewards as well as other design
choices necessary to integrate the learning process into the game. The learning agent is trained
against the built-in AI of the game with different
rewards encouraging aggressive or defensive behaviour. We show that the learning agent finds interesting (and partly near optimal) policies in accordance with the reward functions provided. We
also discuss the particular challenges arising in the
application of reinforcement learning to the domain of computer games.

Computer games constitute a very interesting domain for the application of machine learning techniques. Games can often be considered simula-

tions of (aspects of) reality (Salen and Zimmerman, 2004). As a consequence, modelling the behaviour of agents in computer games may capture
aspects of behaviour in the real world. Also, the
competitive and interactive nature of games allows
the exploration of policies in a rich dynamic environment. In contrast to modelling behaviour in
the real world, there are (at least theoretically) two
great advantages enjoyed by a simulation/game approach: i.) full control of the game universe including full observability of the state ii.) reproducibility of experimental settings and results.
Computer games provide one of the rather few
domains in which artificial intelligence (game AI)
is currently applied in practice. That said, it is a
common complaint of gamers that the game AI behaves either in boring ways or is too strong or too
weak to provide interesting and entertaining game
play. Hence, adaptive game AI has the potential
of making games more interesting and ultimately
more fun to play. This is particularly true since the
sophistication of other areas of computer games
such as sound, graphics, and physics have leapt
ahead of AI in recent years and it is anticipated
that advances in game AI will be a considerable
driving force for the games market in the future.
In fact, games such as Creatures, Black and White
and Virtua Fighter 4 were designed around the notion of adaptation and learning.
Machine learning can be applied in different
computer game related scenarios (Rabin, 2002).
Supervised learning can be used to perform be-

havioural cloning of the player, e.g., to represent

him as an avatar at times when he is not available in
person for a multi-player game (this includes mitigating latency in network-based games). However,
the most appealing application of learning may be
a non-player character (NPC) that adapts by reinforcement learning (Sutton and Barto, 1998) in
response to the opponents behaviour and the environment during game play (see Stone and Sutton, 2001 for a RoboCup application), or even an
agent who learns by playing against a clone of himself (see Tesauro, 1995 for a Backgammon application). Alternatively, such an adapting NPC may
be useful at development time to create built-in AI
adapted to varying conditions, or even to systematically test built-in AI for exploitable weaknesses.
In this paper we apply the SARSA reinforcement learning algorithm (Rummery and Niranjan,
1994; Sutton and Barto, 1998) together with a
linear action-value function approximator to Tao
Feng, a state-of-the-art commercial fighting game
released for the Xbox game platform in 2003.
Fighting games constitute a classical genre of computer games in which two opponents carry out a
martial arts fight. Tao Feng provides about 12 different fighting characters with varying styles, combat taking place in 10 different arenas. There are
over 100 different actions (moves and combo attacks) available to the player. The game comprises
350 000 lines of code of which 64 000 constitute
the built-in AI, which is implemented as a nondeterministic finite-state machine.
A particular focus of the paper will be a discussion of the challenges that had to be met in order
to adapt standard reinforcement learning to a realtime computer game and integrate the learning process into such a complex code base. The paper is
structured as follows: We give a brief introduction to reinforcement learning with an emphasis
on learning the action-value function. Then, we
describe and discuss the specific choices made for
applying reinforcement learning to Tao Feng. Finally, we present and discuss experimental results.

Markov Decision Processes
We model the agents decision and learning process in the framework of reinforcement learning
(Sutton and Barto, 1998) which aims at finding
an (near) optimal policy for an agent acting in a
Markov decision process (MDP). An MDP is characterised by a tuple (S, A, T , R) with
1. A state space S with states s S. In the
most straight-forward case S is a finite set.
In Tao Feng the state can be represented by
nominal features such as physical situation of
a player (on the ground, in the air, knocked) or
spatial features (wall behind, wall to the right
etc.) However, depending on the representation chosen, real-valued state features such as
distance between players or state of the health
bar are conceivable as well.
2. An action space A with actions a A. We
will only consider the case of A being a finite
set. More precisely, we are dealing with action spaces A (s) that depend on the current
state s. Typical actions in Tao Feng include
punches, kicks, throws, blocks and combo
3. An unknown stochastic transition dynamics
0 : S A S [0, 1] which gives the
probability of a transition from state s to state
s 0 if action a A (s) is taken,

0 := Pst+1 |st =s,at =a s


In Tao Feng, the dynamics is given by the

(partially stochastic) state machine that drives
the game. In particular, the dynamics derives
from the combination of the game engine and
the built-in AI of the game.

4. An average reward function Ras,s 0 : S A

S R which assigns a reward to the agent
if it carries out action a A (s) in state s and
ends up in state s 0 ,
Ras,s 0 := Ert+1 |st =s,at =a,st+1 =s 0 [r ] .


age expected reward. In order to make the agent

autonomous in a given environment it must be
equipped with a (stochastic) policy : S A
[0, 1] which prescribes the probability of taking
a A (s) in state s S, satisfying
aA(s) (s, a) = 1 for all states s S. A typical
goal of reinforcement learning is to find a policy
that maximises the discounted return

Rt := rt+1 + rt+2 + =
k rt+k+1 , (3)

The reward is a key element for learning,

because it provides the feedback signal on
which the learning agent can improve. In Tao
Feng the reward is typically tied to the healthk=0
bar, the traditional goal of the game being
to decrease the opponents health-bar while where 0 < 1 is called the discount rate. The
maintaining ones own.
infinite sum Rt takes finite values for < 1 (conAs seen above, a Markov decision process models vergence of geometric series), = 0 correspondsome relevant aspects of the fighting agents situ- ing to a myopic agent and larger values of ination. However, one must keep in mind that two creasing the planning horizon.
We will focus on methods involving the stateimportant aspects are neglected in this model:
action value function Q : S A R for a given
1. The state space used in practice provides only policy defined as
an approximation to the true and complete
state, parts of which remain unobservable
Q (s, a) := E |st =s,at =a [Rt ]
(see, e.g., Kaelbing et al., 1998 for a dis#
cussion of partially observable MDPs). The
k rt+k+1 .
= E |st =s,at =a
missing state information includes details of
the environment as well as hidden states in the
Its value indicates how beneficial (in terms of fuopponents built-in AI. However, the probture expected discounted reward) it is for the agent
lem is partly overcome by the assumption
to take action a A (s) when in state s. We prefer
of a stochastic transition dynamics which althe state-action value function Q : S A R to
lows us to model the resulting uncertainty as
the state-value function V : S R, because Q
a noise process.
immediately provides a policy without requiring a
2. The MDP model is ignorant of the adversarial model of the dynamics T .
aspects of fighting in that the behaviour of the
The optimal way of using Q for generating a
opponent is simply captured by the transition policy is by choosing the action a with the highest
dynamics T given in (1). Depending on the associated Q value in a given state s. However,
nature of the game AI it might be more appro- this choice is optimal only with respect to exploitpriate to consider game-theoretic models that ing current knowledge. In order to be successful
take into account that there is more than one in the long run we need to balance exploration and
decision-making agent involved (see, e.g., Fi- exploitation. We use the soft-max or Gibbs policy
lar and Vrieze, 1996 on competitive MDPs)
exp ( Q (s, a))
(s, a) := P
a 0 A(s) exp ( Q (s, a ))

Learning in Markov Decision Processes

where the temperature parameter 0 deterThe goal of the agent is to devise a sequence mines how peaked the probability distribution is

of actions (at )
t=0 so as to maximise his aver- around a .

SARSA and Q-Learning

The SARSA algorithm (Rummery and Niranjan,
1994) is an on-policy temporal difference learning
algorithm for Markov decision processes (Sutton
and Barto, 1998). It is based on the following update equation

Q (s, a) (1 ) Q (s, a)+ r + Q s 0 , a 0 ,
where 0 1 is a learning rate parameter and
0 < 1 is the discount factor for future rewards.
The update equation states that for a given stateaction pair (s, a) SA the new state-action
value is obtained by adding a small (depending on
) correction to the old value. The correction is
the difference between the immediate reward r increased by the discounted future state-action value
Q s 0 , a 0 and the old state-action value Q (s, a).
SARSA (s, a, r, s 0 , a 0 ) is an on-policy learning algorithm in the sense that it estimates the value of
the same policy that it is using for control. QLearning (Watkins and Dayan, 1992) constitutes
an off-policy alternative
to SARSA and replaces

the term Q s , a by maxa 0 A(s 0 ) Q s 0 , a 0 in
the above equation. This allows for separating the
policy being evaluated from the policy used for
The update equation as given assumes a tabular
representation of the Q function. In practice, even
for small problems such a representation is unsuitable for learning because an unrealistic amount of
data would be necessary to estimate all the independent table entries reliably. As a consequence
we decided to represent the state-action value function Q (s, a) with different function approximators
(see Sutton and Barto, 1998).

Algorithm 1 SARSA with linear function approximator and game embedding

Require: Learning rate 0 < , SoftMax parameter > 0 and Discount rate < 1
Require: functions
getStateVector(), getReward()
Require: functions
getExecutedAction(a )
Require: function
selectSoftMaxAction(s0 ,A, {wa } , )
Equation (5))
Initialise a : wa 0 and set a undefined,
for every frame in turn do
s0 getStateVector()
A getValidActions()
a 0 selectSoftMaxAction(s0 ,A, {wa } , )
submitAction(a 0 )
if getExecutedAction(a 0 ) 6= a 0 then
end if
if a 6= undefined then

wa wa + r + wa>0 s0 wa> s s
r getReward(s, s0 )
s s0 , a a 0
end if
end for

against the built-in AI or against a human player,

and develops fighting skills corresponding to the
reward function provided.

Choice of Learning Algorithm

The choice of the learning algorithm was mostly

determined by the design of Tao Feng. Although
we were in possession of the full code base of the
game, in practice, our ability to control the player
REINFORCEMENT LEARNING as well as to observe the environment was severely
limited by the structure of the code and the concurIN TAO FENG
rency of processes. Hence, at any point in time we
The goal of our project was to develop a learn- know neither the exact state nor the exact transiing fighter that starts at a level of ignorance com- tion dynamics (1) and reward function (2) for Tao
parable to a human beginner, plays Tao Feng either Feng. The application of methods based on the

state value function would require us to learn a separate model of the Tao Feng dynamics, thus introducing a layer of complication.
Although we originally intended to apply QLearning (Watkins and Dayan, 1992) it turned
out to be very difficult to reliably determine the
set A (s) of available actions
for the evaluation

of maxa 0 A(s 0 ) Q s 0 , a 0 . The reason for this
complication lies in the graphical animation system of Tao Feng, which rejects certain actions
depending on the animation state. As a consequence, it is only possible to submit a given action a (using submitAction(a)) and to check (using
getExecutedAction(a)) which action has actually
been performed. We chose the SARSA algorithm
(Rummery and Niranjan, 1994) because it does not
require knowledge of A (s).

Choice of Features, Actions, and Rewards

Features There are essentially three groups of
useful features, environment-related, opponentrelated and agent-related features. Environmentrelated features such as blocked behind are
designed to facilitate navigation of the arena.
Opponent-related features such as opponents
physical state and distance to opponent are designed to make the agent react to the opponent. Finally, features related to the learning fighters themselves such as my previous action and my physical state may serve to give the agents actions
continuity and consistency.
Actions While the game provides over 100
different actions, we focused on a number of
atomic actions such as simple punches, kicks
and throws. In addition, we constructed metaactions that are composed of repeated atomic actions such as block, stepleft, stepright
and lungeback. This was necessary because
some of these actions have a very short duration
and their execution in isolation has almost no effect. As an example, we constructed a meta action

block25 that holds up the block for 25 frames

corresponding to half a second.
Rewards In order to assess rewards it is necessary to define the end of a round. Since in Tao
Feng the two opponents do not act in sync (multithreading) there is no clear definition of a round.
We assign reward to the agent only when the subsequent action has been successfully selected thus
indicating completion of the previous one. As a
consequence, rounds have different durations 1t
(measured in seconds) over which the reward-peraction r is spread out. We take this into account by
considering the rate of reward r/1t in the learning.

Implementation Issues
The integration of the learning algorithms into the
code base was hindered by the complex multithreaded and animation centred architecture of the
system. Systematic monitoring of the learning process was only possible because we devised an online monitoring tool that continuously sent data
such as rewards, actions and parameters from the
Xbox via the network to a PC, where the data was
analysed and visualised in Matlab. Although the
implementation as such is not planned to be productised, it served as a test-bed for a library of
reusable modules including function approximators (look-up tables, linear function approximation,
and neural network) and learning algorithms (QLearning and SARSA), which are suitable for use
in future Xbox games.

We performed experiments in order to see if we
could learn a good policy for fighting against the
built-in AI. We employed the SARSA learning algorithm with function approximation as detailed in
Algorithm 1. Throughout we used the parameter
settings = 0.01 and = 0.8. We used two
types of reward functions depending on the change

Average Reward/Action Frequency

Average Reward/Action Frequency

Average Reward
Agressive Actions
Neutral Actions
Defensive Actions







x 10


Average Reward
Agressive Actions
Neutral Actions
Defensive Actions







x 10

Figure 1: Average rewards and frequency of selected action classes for a Gibbs policy with = 2
in the aggressive setting using linear function approximators. The gray band indicates performance
of a uniformly random policy (mean 2 standard

Figure 2: Average rewards and frequency of selected action classes for a Gibbs policy with = 1
in the aggressive setting using linear function approximators. The gray band indicates performance
of a uniformly random policy (mean 2 standard

in health of both combatants, 1Hself and 1Hopp . In

order to encourage an aggressive fighting style we
defined raggressive := 0.71Hopp 0.31Hself . In
contrast, we also defined a peace-encouraging re
ward function raikido := 0.5 1Hopp + 1Hself .
In order to represent the game state s the learning agent used the following 15 features, which
were grouped into a feature vector s R3 {0, 1}12
suitable for input to the function approximators

kicklead, punchlead, punchtrail.

Distance to opponent coded in terms of three

real-valued features based on unit-variance
Gaussians placed at 1, 3 and 5 meters,
4 binary features coding which of the four
sides of the agents are blocked,
6 binary features coding the previous action
of the opponent,
2 binary features coding the physical situation of the opponent player (in air and
The learning agent was equipped with three classes
of actions:

Neutral: getup, run10, run25, run50,
crouch10, crouch25, crouch50.
In a first set of experiments we consider the reward function raggressive and use linear function approximators for the Q-function. The results for
= 2 and = 1 are shown in Figure 1 and
2. In both cases, the reward rate increases with
considerable fluctuations by 0.8 and 1.1, respectively. Starting from the random policy, which
loses approximately one reward unit per second,
the learning agent achieves a reduction of the loss
to 0.2 sec1 for = 2 and even a net gain
of reward of 0.1 sec1 for = 1. In the case
= 2 the average reward stagnates at a suboptimal level presumably being stuck in a local
optimum. From the action frequencies it can be
seen that despite the aggressive reward function,
the agent prefers defensive actions and lacks the

Average Reward/Action Frequency

Average Reward/Action Frequency


Average Reward
Agressive Actions
Neutral Actions
Defensive Actions






Average Reward
Agressive Actions
Neutral Actions
Defensive Actions





x 10



x 10

Figure 3: Average rewards and frequency of selected action classes for a Gibbs policy with = 2
in the aggressive setting using a neural network
function approximator with 3 hidden units

Figure 4: Average rewards and frequency of selected action classes for a Gibbs policy with = 2
in the Aikido setting using a linear function approximator.

degree of exploration necessary for discovering the

aggressive moves required for winning. In the
more explorative setting of = 1, the agent learns
more slowly due to increased exploration but eventually discovers the usefulness of aggressive actions around episode 30 000 which results in a winning policy.
In a second set of experiments we replaced the
linear function approximator with a feed-forward
neural network with 3 hidden units. The results
are shown in Figure 3. The learning agent finds a
policy similar in performance to the linear function
approximator at the same SoftMax parameter =
2. Interestingly, the learning curve is smoother and
the action selection appears to be less explorative.
However, we did not fully explore the parameter
space in order to avoid such local optimal.
In a third set of experiments, the reward function raggressive was replaced with raikido and we returned to linear function approximation. As can be
seen from Figure 4, the learning eventually results
in an optimal policy (zero reward, i.e., no punishment). Note that we only depicted the class of actions selected by the learning agent. For example,
in this particular case, a successful behaviour was
achieved by an ingenious combination of side stepping and blocking.

In summary, our experimental results show that

good policies can be learnt for varying reward
functions. Some of the resulting fighting agents
displayed interesting behaviour, others exposed
weaknesses of game engine and the built-in AI:
They found simple repetitive patterns of actions
that exploit gaps in the rule-based built-in AI, such
as the optimal policy found in Aikido mode (see
Figure 4). More exploration of the parameter space
and the feature set as well as the incorporation of
an eligibility trace in the SARSA update (Sutton
and Barto, 1998) may further improve the policies

This work demonstrates that reinforcement learning can be applied successfully to the task of learning behaviour of agents in fighting games with the
caveat that the implementation requires considerable insight into the mechanics of the game engine.
As mentioned earlier, our current approach neglects hidden state information and adversarial aspects of the game. One idea to tackle this problem is to separately model the game engine and
the opponent. Based on these two models, standard planning approaches (e.g., min-max search,

beam search) can be employed that take into ac- Watkins, C. J. C. H. and P. Dayan (1992). Q-learning.
Machine Learning 8, 279292.
count that there is more than one decision maker
in the game. Also an important aspect of human
fighting game play involves timing which is hardly
captured by the MDP model and requires explicit
representation of time.

We would like to thank JCAB, Glen Doren and
Shannon Loftis for providing us with the code base
and Mark Hatton for his initial involvement in the

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