HOME Lab Setup VSphere5
HOME Lab Setup VSphere5
HOME Lab Setup VSphere5
0 Lab
Step-by-Step Instructions
Send questions/suggestions to bryan.sullins@gmail.com
Version 1.0 Jan 29, 2012
I used VMware Workstation 7.1, but Im sure Workstation 8 probably has an updated option (not
verified). The ESX Server 4 option will work fine for the lab we are creating here.
Install ESXi 5.0 into each VM. Setup (Host/IP) is as follows, please see accompanying Visio diagram:
DNS Server: (The vCenter Server IP)
Default Gateway: (Must be a working IP)
Optional If you have it available, add the vCenter Machine into a Domain (must run a separate Domain
Controller and youd run DNS on that instead).
Part 4: Install vCenter on your newly installed Windows Server 2008 R2 VM:
Line up the vCenter Installation iso using the Virtual Machine Settings menu from the Windows Server
2008 R2 VM in Workstation:
Launch the vCenter Server Installer inside the VM and take the defaults. It may not resolve the FQDN.
Ignore it. I strongly suggest using entries in the hosts file (as above).
Make sure that all 3 VMs (both ESXi VMs and the vCenter VM) are powered on in VMware Workstation
on the Main Host:
Part 5: Install the vSphere Client and Connect to your new vCenter Server:
Use any web Browser on the Windows Machine from which you intend to run the vSphere client.
Download and Install the vSphere Client from your new vCenter Server:
After successfully logging in, add your ESXi hosts into your vCenter interface and you are ready to
NOTE: If your client is not using the vCenter DNS Server, then connect using the vCenter IP Address.
To setup nfs:
Edit /etc/exports:
Connect both ESXi hosts to your new NFS Server using the same Datastore name:
Now you can create a new VM in your vSphere Client and install the OS of your choice. Be sure to install
it onto the Shared NFS storage location you just created.
Portgroup Setup on each ESXi Host is as follows:
The Warnings on the ESXi Objects are because HA requires a minimum of 2 shared datastores.
As above we have only setup 1. You can either setup another NFS share or ignore the error
(which you would not do in a production environment).
A Successful vMotion: