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Pollution Prevention Definition

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Pollution prevention definition

The definition of pollution prevention would include all

measures that have a goal of eliminating, avoiding and/or reducing pollution on our
planet. Pollution prevention is basically any measure that removes pollutants from our
environment, keeping it healthy and safe, not only for us but also for plants and animals.
The main reason why pollution prevention is more unsuccessful that successful is the
rapid growth of human population. Quite simply, more people means more pollution in
form of waste and different other pollutants.
People are now more educated than they were before but this sadly isnt enough to stop
excessive growth of pollution in many parts of the world. There are many people in the
world who still haven't developed environmental conscience, and sadly there are also
many people in the world who have adapted to living in polluted environment.
If we take a look at India for instance we can see that pollution, especially water
pollution, is out of control in many parts of the India. Even India's holy river Ganges is
heavily polluted and millions of people in India lack access to safe drinking water. The
similar situation is in China where air pollution is causing huge problems in many
Chinese cities.
China and India are two very negative examples of excessive environmental pollution
but there are many other countries in the world that need to make their pollution
prevention measures more effective. United States is also one of these, for instance Los
Angeles is among the world's cities most affected with air pollution.
There have been many pollution prevention programs and various other educational
programs with the purpose of explaining the people why pollution is running out of
control, and how can each and every one of us help in reducing pollution. But despite
these positive efforts pollution is still growing on global scale, and is together with
climate change and biodiversity loss the biggest environmental issue of our time.
People still do not spend enough time thinking about the negative consequences of
pollution. Many people still refuse to acknowledge the seriousness of pollution issue.
This ignorance could cost us dearly in years to come.

People must become aware that pollution is doing enormous damage to our
environment, and that protecting our environment means protecting ourselves because
clean environment is vital part of human well being.

How to Prevent Land Pollution

The best way to prevent land pollution is to recycle. Here are a few other ways you can
reduce land pollution:
Reuse any items that you can
Buy biodegradable products
Store all liquid chemicals and waste in spill-proof containers
Eat organic foods that are grown without pesticides
Dont use pesticides
Use a drip tray to collect engine oil
Buy products that have little packaging
Dont dump motor oil on the ground

Ways of Reducing Land Pollution

The prevention of land pollution is achievable and is something which can be addressed
by both individuals and companies. People have become increasingly conscious of what
causes land pollution, and improvements have been made to combat it in recent years.
Combating land pollution is not only important for the environment, it is also in the
interests of human health.
Reuse and Recycle
Reusing products will lessen the need to manufacture items, which will save energy by
itself. This will also result in fewer items being thrown away and ending up in landfill
sites. Items which can be reused include jars and plastic bottles. Empty jars can become
containers for other things, and empty bottles can be refilled with water or diluted fruit
juice. Recycling items has been made easier in recent years. Some local authorities
issue householders with specially designated bags or bins for holding recyclable items,
which are consequently collected with the weekly trash pickup.
More Biodegradable Products and Packaging

Packaging on many foods is unnecessary. A bunch of bananas wrapped in plastic is

superfluous, because the skin of the banana acts as a natural protection. Packaging will
end up in the land or in the sea, which will harm creatures who ingest it. A major source
of land pollution is plastic. In a landfill site, plastic will take a very long time to degrade.
Biodegradable products, on the other hand, are the opposite, and are more beneficial for
the environment.
Punishments and Incentives
Bringing in stiffer penalties for polluters will encourage both companies and individuals to
act more responsibly. Companies that build up a reputation for being a "clean" company
should be encouraged, which will, in turn, encourage other companies to become more
active in preventing land pollution. Offering grants to companies with a practical, but
green, agenda is one way of doing this. Companies which are negligent about chemical
waste should be not only more heavily fined, but they should be more stringently
monitored than they are at present.
Environmentally Aware Management of Nature
If the demand for organic food becomes stronger, then this will discourage the use of
pesticides during food production. Pesticides not only affect the creatures that are
targeted, but it has a detrimental effect on much of the life around an area where a
pesticide is used. Deforestation is also damaging to the land, as, when conducted on a
large scale, it will affect the whole ecosystem living under the forest canopy.

Read more: Ways of Reducing Land Pollution |

eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/info_8015296_ways-reducing-landpollution.html#ixzz1XGuMP0sR

Ways to Overcome Land Pollution

The Environmental Protection Agency, or EPA, advocates three ways to avoid land
pollution: composting, recycling and source reduction. Of the three, the agency
recommends source reduction as the most effective. Recycling and composting support
source reduction in overcoming land waste, according to the EPA. The Clean Air Council
reports that each American creates 56 tons of trash each year, with only 10 percent of it
recycled and the rest accumulating in landfills.
Reduce Product Packaging
Consumer packaging not only increases the price of a product, it also adds to
environmental waste. CaRecycle, part of the California Department of Resources
Recycling and Recovery, encourages consumers to reduce product packaging in the

grocery store by purchasing unwrapped products, as well as larger-size items that use
less packaging per ounce. Use of a cloth grocery bag eliminates the need for plastic film
bags. Cutting down packaging in student lunches also reduces the amount of packaging
that later goes into landfills. Eliminating the use of small packaged condiments,
disposable juice packaging, as well as plastic and zippered sandwich bags amount to a
savings of more than 540 items per California student each year.
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Recycling reduces the amount of items buried in landfills, as well as providing energy
and cost savings. The Container Recycling Institute notes that nearly 100 billion tons of
aluminum cans were produced in 2006. In the same year, 80 billion plastic or PET
bottles along 20 billion one-way glass bottles were produced. The CRI reports that the
number of soft drinks packaged in PET plastic bottles is increasing each year. All of
these products, if not recycled, end up as land pollution.

Even with current recycling, the Clean Air Council reports that the U.S. produces enough
waste each year to "fill 63,000 garbage trucks," equivalent to a line of trucks "that would
stretch from the Earth, halfway to the moon," according to the council.
The St. Charles County Division of Environmental Services in Missouri notes that waste
deposited into landfills takes decades to decompose, due to a design that involves tight
packing and a cover that prevents access to the air.

Nearly 12 percent of all food is thrown into the trash each year. Food, along with lawn
cuttings and trimming, accounts for over 26 percent of all municipal wastes in the U.S.,
according to the EPA. Composting food and yard trimmings is a significant way to
reduce land pollution.
In addition to reuse of grocery bags, other reuse techniques involve buying used
furniture, cars and household appliances. Online public boards and classified advertising
in newspapers offer opportunities to exchange or buy items for reuse. Wastewater
reused to irrigate medians, public areas and nonfood crops saves primary water
sources. Wastewater can also be reused for industrial processes, according to Caigan

McKenzie, a member of the National Environmental Services Center. Reuse also means
that auto and computer parts reused in new products do not enter landfills.

Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/164542-ways-to-overcome-landpollution/#ixzz1XGufNxM5

How to Prevent Air Pollution

The number one way to prevent air pollution is to walk or bike more and drive less. This
will prevent fossil fuels from polluting the air. Here are some other ways to prevent air
Carpool or join a ride share with friends and coworkers
Dont smoke
Keep your car maintenance up-to-date
If you have to drive, do your errands at one time
Dont buy products that come in aerosol spray cans
Avoid using lighter fluid when barbecuing outside
When you drive accelerate slowly and use cruise control
Always replace your cars air filter
Use a push or electric lawnmower rather than a gas-powered one
Dont use harsh chemical cleaners that can emit fumes
Inspect your gas appliances and heaters regularly

How to Reduce Air Pollution Problems

To help with air pollution problems you need to understand that the quality of the air we
breathe matters. After all, if you have kids then you may one day have grand kids and it
will only get worse for them. So, you need to make up your mind that you will do your
part and do it as soon as you can.
Recycling is a great way to help reduce air pollution. Instead of throwing everything
away find ways to reuse it. Check out the recycling programs and centers in your area
and get involved. You might even make a few dollars, since some places give small cash
rewards. Get busy and recycle today.
Trade in your fume throwing gas lawnmower for an electric one. Or get one of the old
fashion push mowers that also provide exercise. Some of the gas lawnmowers people
are using are like baby smog monsters. This is an easy way for you to help reduce air
pollution problems.
Ride with a friend or take public transport; the less vehicles running around the better.
Anytime you get a chance walk or ride a bicycle instead of driving. Do all your errands in
one trip such as the store, bank, cleaners etc. Oh and drive a vehicle that gets better
mpg instead of a gas guzzler.
Get rid of toxic chemicals at home. There are plenty of non-toxic household products on
the market to choose from these days and while painting use a brush instead of a
sprayer. These are a few ways that you can help reduce air pollution problems with very
little effort.
While you're at it reduce energy use. There are many small things you can do to help
pollution problems. For example, use energy efficient appliances and unplug them when
not in use, keep heat down in winter and A/C in summer, insulate well and seal air leaks
at windows and doors.

Plant trees and keep the trees you have healthy. Trees reduce air pollution problems.
They do this by producing oxygen, providing shade in summer and blocking cold winds
in winter, thus helping us be energy efficient.
Lastly, know that there are many other ways you can help, however, this short list will get
you started. So, don't delay and do your part today.

Read more: How to Reduce Air Pollution Problems |

eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_5351333_reduce-air-pollutionproblems.html#ixzz1XGr1v6ap
Top 10 ways to reduce air pollution
Save money and help improve air quality.
By Janet Rowe

Smog alerts are becoming a regular feature of life in the city. But you can be part of the
solution: even small changes in your daily routine can help us all breathe easier this
1. Get a summer tune-up
"The biggest source of [polluting] emissions in Canada is passenger road transportation.
It's 49.9 per cent," says Chris Wolnik, Executive Director of Sarnia's Canadian Centre for
Pollution Prevention. One way to cut pollutants is to keep your vehicle maintained yearround: Ontario's compulsory Drive Clean program has reduced emissions in the Toronto
area by 15%.
2. Don't idle
Do you keep the car running while dashing into the store for milk? "Even that 30 seconds
makes a difference," says Wolnik. "If you accumulate that for everyone, that's huge." For
example, if citizens of my own community, Whitby, Ontario, idled our cars 5 minutes less
every day, we could make a cumulative annual CO2 reduction of 4,209 tonnes -- and
save $1.3 million in gas.

3. Review your driving habits

Aggressive driving -- hard braking and sudden acceleration -- eats up fuel. Owners of
manual transmission vehicles should also not be driving in a too-low gear.
4. Think aerodynamic
Increased air drag on your car causes the engine to burn more fuel. According to
Environment Canada, simply keeping your tires properly inflated can reduce vehicle
emissions by 5 per cent. You can also make a difference by emptying the trunk and
removing roof racks when they're not being used.
5. What do you drive?
According to the Clean Air Partnership, SUVs produce 20 per cent more CO2 (6 tonnes
per year) than a mid-size car (5 tonnes) -- and that difference translates directly into how
much you pay at the pumps.

6. Leaving the car at home

What if you didn't drive at all? Big savings: according to the Clean Air Day website, a
year's worth of city bus tickets typically costs less than $1,000 -- whereas the average
car eats up nearly $7,000 per year. But you don't have to scrap your car completely -- on
the pollution front, even small changes add up. Occasional carpooling, walking the kids
to school, or cycling are other ways to get where you're going.
7. How far do you drive?
I was shocked when I calculated my family's air pollution quotient on Environment
Canada's One-Tonne Challenge website. Commuting 40 km into the city, our small car is
spewing out 1.63 tonnes per year more than it would for a trip half that distance. Living
closer to work, schools and shops makes a difference.
8. Keep your lawn green
According to the Clean Air Foundation, one hour out on the lawn with a gas-powered
mower produces emissions equal to driving an average car for 550 km. Finding an
alternative has more benefits than merely saving gas: electric mowers are generally
quieter, and push mowers give a workout.
9. Save power
In every province except B.C., Qubec and Newfoundland, coal-burning power plants
contribute to the electricity grid. Save power, save the air. Ways to cut electricity use in
summer include planting trees around the house, running ceiling fans instead of an air

conditioner, installing window blinds for daytime use, opening windows at night, and
hanging clothes to dry.
10. Recycle
It takes energy to create and to dispose of products, which means electricity used, coal
burned, trucks driven, and more. Environment Canada says reducing your garbage by 1
kg saves 2 kg of CO2 emissions.
"I think most people don't realize every little bit makes a difference," says Wolnik. "No
matter how small the action is, if a thousand people do it, they're going to make a bigger
difference. Pick the actions you can do quickly and easily, and work with those. Make it
feasible for yourself. It's possible!"

How to Prevent Water Pollution

The best way to prevent water pollution is to not throw trash and other harmful chemicals
into our water supplies. Here are a few more ways you can prevent water pollution:
Wash your car far away from any stormwater drains
Dont throw trash, chemicals or solvents into sewer drains
Inspect your septic system every 3-5 years
Avoid using pesticides and fertilizers that can run off into water systems
Sweep your driveway instead of hosing it down
Always pump your waste-holding tanks on your boat
Use non-toxic cleaning materials
Clean up oil and other liquid spills with kitty litter and sweet them up
Dont wash paint brushes in the sink
How to Reduce Water Pollution
Reduce the amount of runoff that comes from your property. Reducing runoff pollution
actually has two components: improving the quality of runoff and reducing the quantity.
This article deals with the former, but check out the related wikiHow for steps you can
take to reduce the amount of runoff from your yard.

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Maintain your vehicle. You can see the stains from leaky cars all over any parking lot.
The chemicals--motor oil, transmission fluid, and antifreeze, just to name a few--almost
always get washed directly into the nearest river or body of water. Have your vehicle
regularly serviced and immediately repair any leaks you notice. Driving less or getting rid
of your car entirely will do a tremendous service to the environment.
Minimize your use of fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides. The chemicals you spray or
spread on your home, lawn, or garden don't stay there. Traces of these poisons get
washed into storm drains with rainwater or snowmelt. Multiply these small amounts by
thousands of households, and the effects on watersheds and aquatic life can be
catastrophic. Think twice before using these products, and consider alternatives (i.e.
pulling weeds, living with a few bugs around the house, or using natural predators to
control pests and organic methods to control weeds). Take an integrated pest
management (IPM) approach to controlling undesirable organisms, and you often won't
have to use toxic chemicals at all. If you do need to use these chemicals, use only as
much as you need; target their application, and don't apply them right before rainfall is
Replace your lawn and high-maintenance plants with native plants. Lawns require a lot
of water and, generally, a lot of chemicals. The same can be said for many other plants
that aren't necessary suited for survival in your yard. By replacing these highmaintenance plants with native species, you can reduce or eliminate your use of
pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers, and you won't have to spend as much time tending
your yard. You can also dramatically lower your water use and help prevent runoff and
Properly store and dispose of chemicals. Many household chemicals and automotive
products are extremely toxic both to humans and to other organisms. Protect water
quality by making sure these chemicals are stored in tightly sealed containers and that
they aren't exposed to extreme temperatures. Clean up spills carefully, rather than
leaving them on the ground or washing them into the street. When it comes time to get
rid of used or unwanted chemicals, take them to your local hazardous waste recycling

facility. In the U.S., Earth911.org maintains a recycling locator on its website. Better yet,
reduce your use of toxic substances by using non-toxic alternatives. The U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency has a list of some of these alternatives on its website.
Clean up pet waste. Pet waste contains harmful bacteria and other pollutants. While a
good rain storm may wash your dog or cat's poop away, it isn't really gone--it's in the
water supply. Promptly pick up after your pet, and seal the waste in a plastic bag before
throwing it in the trash.
Contain and/or compost yard waste. Yard waste that sits around can easily wash into
storm drains when it rains. Even if the waste doesn't contain chemicals such as
herbicides and pesticides, the introduction of large quantities of sticks, leaves, and grass
clippings can overwhelm waterways with unhealthy quantities of nutrients. Remember,
even beneficial and necessary substances can be harmful if there's too much of them,
and waterways can't handle the sudden inflow of mass quantities of organic matter
washed down storm drains.

Compost yard wastes. Your compost should be contained in a bin or barrel--some

municipalities provide these for free or at low cost--to prevent the materials from being
washed away.
Use a mulching mower instead of bagging grass clippings. Mulching mowers add a
natural layer of compost to your lawn, and you don't have to deal with disposal of grass
Dispose of yard and grass clippings properly. If you don't compost or have yard wastes
that you can't compost, contact your local waste management or environmental
protection agency to determine how to dispose of yard wastes. Many jurisdictions
provide regularly schedule yard waste pickups, and others allow you to schedule
separate pickups. In any case, bag or otherwise contain the material while you're waiting
for pickup.
Contain disturbed soil. If your revamping your landscape or tearing out old sod, you can
end up with big piles of dirt and organic matter. These are highly susceptible to being
washed away in runoff and should therefore be covered or otherwise contained, even if
they will only be there for a short time.
Pick up litter and properly dispose of trash. Litter isn't just unsightly; it can also contribute
to water pollution. Just about every material--from paper to cigarette butts to aluminum

cans and old appliances--contains chemicals that can leach out into the environment.
Everybody knows that littering is a no-no, but it's important to understand that trash or
junk sitting in your yard can be just as harmful as trash illegally dumped by the side of
the road.
Avoid using salt to de-ice walkways. In colder climates, salting walkways and driveways
is a common practice. It's so common, in fact, that freshwater streams and lakes in
these areas have been found to have extraordinarily high concentrations of salt--high
enough to kill off fish and other aquatic organisms. Regularly and thoroughly shovel
and/or sweep snow from your walkways instead of relying on salt, and sparingly apply
non-toxic alternatives to salt to surfaces that need de-icing or extra traction. Examples of
alternatives to salt include gravel and biodegradable, low-toxicity chemicals such as
calcium magnesium acetate and liquid potassium acetate.
Maintain your septic system. If you have a septic system, have it regularly inspected and
maintained. Overloaded or improperly functioning septic systems can spew raw sewage
directly into bodies of water or can contaminate groundwater. Most septic systems
should be pumped every 2-3 years.
Maintain a vegetated buffer between your yard and bodies of water. If you live near a
body of water, keep or plant a buffer of vegetation to capture runoff from your yard. Don't
mow your lawn all the way up to the shore, and seriously consider replacing a lawn
buffer with native plants. This area should be completely free of pet waste, pesticides,
herbicides, or fertilizers. People who live in close proximity to streams, lakes, and
oceans have a special responsibility in the fight against water pollution, because they
can more directly contaminate these bodies of waters than others who live further away.

ways to prevent noise pollution?

On their own, each person can reduce their noise pollution amounts by...
*Rakeing leaves by hand, don't use a noisy leaf blower.
*Triming bushes or shrubs by hand, don't use a noisy bush trimmer.
*Sound proof rooms that might have music conducted in them, like a room with a piano
or if someone in the hosue plays drums or guitar or whatever. This can be done simply
with curtains, window inserts, carpeting, and closing windows and doors.

*Not blasting music on the radio or computer or speakers. Be considerate of your own
ears and those of other around you.
*Not slamming doors / car doors, close them eaily and with only as much force as
needed. (People don't usually think of this, but imagine - how loud is it when you slam
your car door? Pretty tolerable. But imagine thousands of people doing so. Now that can
start to get loud.
*Turninf off the TV or radio when you aren't actually fully listening to it.
*Traiing their dogs not to bark so much.
*Not yelling. Have civil conversations. Call someone or go find them instead of yelling
across the street for them, for example.
*Planting trees and bushes around you house. They help keep the air clean, absorb
sound, give privacy, and add nice design and looks to a house.
*Doing noisy things (dishes, hammering, ect.) over or on a rubber mat to reduce noise.
*Puting carpets, rugs, mats, throw rugs, ect. in their houses / mats outside.
*Puting fabric window coverings instead of plastic or wooden shades / blinds.
*Not revving up a motorcycle or car unless it is actually needed for the drive.
*Don't beep your carn horn "just because", make sure it is a legitamate reason.

more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_are_ways_to_prevent_noise_pollution#ixzz1XGQ
When unwanted sound created by human beings hits our ears and disturbs the
environment, noise pollution is created. Chiefly, noise pollution comes from barking
dogs, loud music, vehicles, aircraft and rail transport, air-conditioners, factories,
amplified music and construction work.
Sources of noise: All transportation systems create noise pollution. With residences
created adjacent to factories, they experience noise pollution and its adverse effects.
Besides transportation noise, noise can come from factory appliances, power tools and
audio entertainment systems.
Measures of noise: Noise pollution is measured in decibels. When noise is at 45
decibels, no human being can sleep, and at 120 decibels the ear is in pain and hearing
begins to be damaged at 85 decibels.
Effects of noise pollution

Human health: Noise pollution disturbs our health and behavior in a number of ways
including deafness causing lack of sleep, irritability, indigestion, heartburn, high blood
pressure, ulcers, and heart disease. Just one noise explosion from a passing truck
drastically alters our endocrinal, neurological, and cardiovascular functions in many
individuals. If this is prolonged or frequent, the physiological disturbances become
chronic and contribute to mental illness.
Annoyance: Sometimes, even low levels of noise are irritating and can be frustrating,
and high volumes can be annoying. Natural sounds are less irritating than those we find
uncontrollable but intermittent sounds such as a tap dripping water can be more irritating
than the sound of falling rain.
Speech interference: Noise more than 50dB can be very difficult to hear and interpret
and cause problems such as partial deafness.
Sleep interference: Very high levels of noise can wake people from their sleep with a jerk
and keep them awake or disturb their sleep pattern. This could make them irritable and
tired the next day.
Decreased work performance: Increased noise levels gives rise to a lack of
concentration and accuracy at work, and reduce ones productivity and performance.
Difficult tasks can be impaired, and instructions or warnings difficult to be heard and
interpreted, causing accidents.
How to avoid sources of noise pollution
Traffic: Dont live or work near major intersections or roads, shopping centers and
sporting facilities. Valleys and falls are noisier than flat roads.
Barking dogs: As a dog owner, you should take care to see that your dog doesnt annoy
the neighbors with its barking and yowling.
Aircraft: Before buying a home, see how far it is from the local airport.
Neighbors: Be a good neighbor by not annoying those who live next door with your
music or lawn mowing.
Solving noise problems: Many noise problems can be prevented by considering others
and talking through problems. Be a good and concerned neighbor by discussing a
common problem calmly and in a collaborative spirit to find a common solution.

7 Most Effeicient Ways of Reducing Pollution

1. Drive smart and in the right vehicle. One of the most effective ways to reduce pollution
is to drive the right vehicle. An electric vehicle or at least a hybrid is environmentally
friendly and will help in preventing pollution. Even if you just shop for a gasoline-fueled

car with lower emissions, it will have a positive impact on the environment and assist in
reducing pollution. Driving smart also goes a long way. Here are some basic ways to
reduce pollution while actually driving: accelerate gradually, use cruise control when
possible, replace your air filter, report smoking vehicles, and keep your tires inflated.
2. Minimize Vehicle Use. Even better than driving smart is to drive as little as possible in
general. Ride a bicycle, use public transport, or carpool whenever you can. Combine
appointments and errands into a single trip when you can, which will reduce the exhaust
fumes and emissions in the long run. This is important for preventing pollution.

3. Plant trees and plants. Trees and plants take carbon out of the environment and the
air we breathe. Planting more trees and landscaping helps with preventing pollution and
keeps the environment cleaner. So, grow a garden if you have a yard, or simply get lots
of plants to put around your apartment, and youll be reducing pollution.
4. Reuse and recycle. This is one of the most obvious ways to reduce pollution. When
you reuse and recycle items, it goes a long way in preserving new raw materials.
Recycling also minimizes the landfill garbage and the environmental damage caused by
manufacturing processes. Recycling is the most basic aid in preventing pollution.
5. Correctly dispose of hazardous materials. This includes pesticides, chemicals, and
any materials that can cause harm to the general population in the area. So, one of the
ways to reduce pollution is to dispose of them properly, instead of just throwing them into
the garbage can.
6. Replace fossil fuel use with renewable energy. This is probably one of the most
effective ways to reduce pollution. Fossil fuels cause a lot of damage to the environment
through pollution. Even to get them out of the earth is very polluting, becausemining of
any kind damages the earth and harms the environment.
7. Conserve energy when possible. This one is also important for preventing pollution,
because conservation of energy decreases demand, which conserves resources that
would be utilized otherwise. Some examples of things you can do to save energy
include: switching off the lights in rooms not in use, replace energy-sucking
incandescent bulbs with fluorescent ones, install window fans instead of AC units,
insulate the water heater, install a programmable thermostat that can turn off
automatically when the temperature has reached comfortable levels, use low-flow
shower heads. There are many other ways to save energy around the home as well and
most of them are very easy to implement, like unplugging electrical devices when not in

Chemical Pollution
There are several sources of chemical pollution like sewage and run off from domestic
households, discharges from industrial units, accidents and spills at sea, discharges
from mining and oil rigs and discharges from agricultural lands and units. Constant
pollutants include pesticides, such as DDT, and industrial chemicals, most notably the

chemical pollution
Pollution caused by substances of chemical nature, including chlorinated hydrocarbon
pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls, metals as mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic, etc.

Chemical pollution is when chemicals makes pollution. It infects a lot of places just like
the ocean! Chemical pollution could be caused by chemicals just like weed/insect killer.
more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_Meaning_of_chemical_pollution#ixzz1XG
Chemical pollution health effects may appear immediately following exposure or after
some time (weeks or even months) since the exposure occurred or started. This is
based on the type of pollutants and on the amounts to which we are exposed. Thus,
never assume that all is OK if no health effects appear immediately.
Fish is one of the most critically exposed foods (to chemical pollution) that may cause
serious poisoning in humans. Thus, always get fish from trusted sources and in general
try to learn more about the fish you are buying. If possible, reduce the consumption of
fish especially in the case of pregnant women and children, which are more sensitive.
Confined spaces are problematic to chemical pollution because the risks of serious
health effects are high. Such confined spaces may accumulate toxic gases or
asphyxiating gases which could be fatal if we enter such a space. This is why it is always
a good idea to first aerate well a confined space and then step into it. Warehouses or
storage confined spaces for fruits and vegetables may pose a serious risk as these

spaces are usually depleted in oxygen in order to prevent the ripping of the fruits and
While chemical pollution may affect any media (water, air, and soil), chemical pollution
could pose serious long-term risks when present in water bodies, such as oceans. This
is because large water bodies such as oceans and seas may serve as sinks to chemical
pollution. Various chemical pollutants may get deposed into aquatic sediments and can
concentrate and accumulate in sediments over longer time. Sediments may thus act as
secondary sources of various contaminants with potential for continuous release into
water. Additionally, some chemical pollutants may bioaccumulate into aquatic life (e.g.,
fish) which means that they are continuously absorbed into aquatic organisms (living
tissue) without being excreted. Thus, in time, if the aquatic life continue to be exposed to
a certain chemical water pollutant (which bioaccumulates), fish and other aquatic life
may get highly contaminated with that pollutant and is poisonous for human
consumption. If no tests are performed, the results could be disastrous. Thus, chemical
pollution in the ocean water could pose serious health risks to the ecosystem and
ultimately could cause from mild to deadly chemical intoxication in humans.
While chemical pollution of water may create acute long-term problems, the acute
chemical pollution effects on air are usually over short-terms, but could still be
disastrous. For example, an accident at a chemical plant may release poisonous gases
into the atmosphere which may pose a serious health risk for the residents in the close
vicinity, but only for a short-time following the accidental release. In contrast, the effects
of oil and chemical refineries on air pollution are less obvious but contribute to the
overall reduction of air quality and global warming (by adding carbon dioxide).
Water Pollution & Chemical Industry. Chemical industry is usually linked to polluted
waste streams. However, there are many other sources of water chemical pollution,
including transportation, agriculture, power plants, as well as household chemicals such
as detergents! In fact, the waste streams from chemical industry are now strictly
controlled and treated before being released in the environment. However, this was not
always the case in the past and many rivers and surface water bodies got contaminated
by dumping waste streams for various chemical plants as well as other industrial
sources. Pollution by chemical factory and chemical manufacture pollution of water and
environment was happening historically but current preventive measures are reassuring.
Household pollution and chemical contamination. We tend to think of household
chemicals or activities as anything but polluting! However, household chemicals involve
a variety of chemical products and mixtures that easily become chemical pollutants
when released in the environment. Even the everyday detergents are chemical
compounds that may pollute our environment! It is enough to read the label of various
products we are using to confirm that they are made by a variety of chemicals. While any
of these chemicals may pollute the environment, not all the chemicals pose the same
risks and not all of them persist in the environment. But some are. This is why, we can
preventchemical pollution at individual level by buying green environmental friendly

products and detergents. These will also pose less risk if accidentally spilled in our
Always evaluate any potential source that may be causing chemical water pollution,
especially if you are using a water stream for fishing, swimming, or any other activities.
How Can Air Pollution Cause Chemical Weathering? Chemical weathering means the
transformation or degradation of a chemical which usually happens when the chemical is
released in the environment. In air weathering is due to a combination of processes
which all result in the reduction of the pollutant concentration in air. Such processes are
dispersion, deposition with precipitation water, as well as chemical reaction and photodegradation of contaminants (degradation induced by UV light). All these processes,
make the acute air effects of chemical pollution to be generally shirt term (except for
indoor air).

What is Chemical Pollution

Chemical pollution is when
certain compounds are or
are eliminated in the
environment. Chemicals
that disrupt ecosystem
processes. This cause of
the biological elements of
death or injury. Some
types of chemical
contamination? An
example is that of us
humans carrying toxic
waste or chemicals into
the ocean. This tends to
result in a leak. This is
how chemicals get
released. Antoher Way is
on purpose. They are
constantly downloading
things they do not want in
the ocean in the forests
and deserts. This cause of
a chemical or toxic
substance. The causes
are simply people. These
noxious liquids are
acetone cyanohydrin,

carbon disulphide, cresols,

naphthalene and tetraethyl
lead. acrylonitrile, carbon
tetrachloride, ethylene
dichloride and
phenol.benzene, styrene,
toluene and xylene.
acetone, phosphoric acid
and tallow. You can not
copy the forms in earlier
due to the fact that
copying and pasting into a
report i did not.
Effect of Chemical

The most alarming of all

man's assaults on the
environment is the
contamination of air, land,
rivers & sea with risky &
even lethal materials. The
chemicals sprayed on
croplands or forests or
gardens are long in the
soil, entering in to living
organisms, from six to five
in a chain of poisoning &
death. Chemical pollution
may have harmed the
brains of millions of kids
around the world in what
scientists call a "silent
The world is bathed in a
soup of industrial
chemicals that harm the
intellectual potential of the
next generation and may
increase the incidence of
diseases such as
Parkinson's disease, they

Every human being is
subjected to contact with
dangerous chemicals,
from the moment of
conception until death.
Allthis was produced by
the sudden and prodigious
development of an
industry for the production
of artificial or synthetic
chemicals with insecticidal
properties. What
distinguishes the new
synthetic herbicides is
their enormous biological
potency. They have
immense power not only
to the poison, but to enter
the body of most life
processes and adjust and
often fatal danger.
Therefore, the destruction
of enzymes whose
function is to protect the
body from destroying,
which blocks the oxidation
processes of the body
gets its energy, which
prevent the normal
functioning of various
organs and can initiate
positive cells and the
condition of slow
adjustment leading to
irreversible malignancy.
The role of low level of
contaminants such as lead
and mercury on the
developing brain has been
recognized for decades
and measures taken to
reduce exposure to a

maximum. But scientists

at the School of Public
Health at Harvard, in
Boston, say at least 202
chemicals known to the
ability to destroy the brain
and its effects on low
levels of exposure are
unknown. They say the
exposure limits for
chemicals should be
established for pregnant
women and young
children, recognizing the
distinct sensitivity of the
developing brain, which is
much more susceptible to
the toxic effects of
How to Control Chemical

1. They are found in home

products such as paints,
paint removers & other
solvents, wood
preservatives, aerosol
sprays, cleansers &
disinfectants, moth
repellents & air
fresheners, stored fuels &
automotive products,
hobby supplies & dry tidy
2. Use products outdoors
or in well ventilated
according to the
3.Buy in quantities that are
used quickly disposable

products used or rarely

used in its local collection
site for hazardous waste.
To find the nearest you,
call (651) 222-7678.
4. Do not store pesticides
that are not needed inside.
Dispose of non-ventilated
containers at your local
hazardous waste
collection on the web.
5. Do not disturb leadbased paint. Instead of
sanding or burning, cover
with paper or building
6. By replacing your
carpet, insist on products,
including the platform of
the carpet and glue, with
little or no formaldehyde
7. Do not leave the car
inside the garage. Do not
allow smoking in your
home. Buy one or more
carbon monoxide
detectors in your home.

Define Chemical Pollution

By Stacey Schifferdecker, eHow Contributor

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Chemical pollution damages the environment and poses both short-term and long-term
health dangers to human beings.

Chemical pollution occurs when chemicals resulting from human activities enter the
environment, contaminating air, water or soil. Acid rain, greenhouse gases and ozone
are all examples of chemical pollution.
Chemicals That Cause Water Pollution
Pesticides and fertilizers that contain nitrates and phosphates are a source of chemicals
that cause water pollution. These chemicals seep into the groundwater and mix with
runoff moving to lakes and rivers.
Industrial emissions can also cause water pollution. An example is mercury in waste
water from paper manufacturers. Instead of remaining inert as expected, the mercury
reacted to bacteria in the water and changed to methyl mercury. Now, mercury levels in
fish such as swordfish can pose dangers to people who eat it.
Chemicals that Cause Air Pollution
A major source of chemical pollution in the air is fossil fuels burned by utilities, industries
and motor vehicles.
Sulfur dioxide is produced when coal is burned. It is an ingredient of acid rain and can
cause lung damage to people who breathe large amounts of it.
Nitrogen oxides are a byproduct of motor vehicles such as cars, trucks and airplanes.
These oxides are also an ingredient of acid rain and can cause lung damage to people
over time.
Other chemicals that cause air pollution include ozone, carbon monoxide and lead.
Chemical Pollution in Soil
Chemical pollution in soil can be caused by overuse of fertilizers, pesticides and
herbicides. Construction and demolition sites are also sources of soil pollution, as are
mines, landfills and foundries.
Preventing Pollution
Individuals can help prevent chemical pollution by making simple changes in their habits
and activities. Some ways you can prevent chemical pollution include buying only the
chemicals you need, buying the least harmful or least hazardous products, mixing and
applying pesticides at the proper concentration and using alternative fuels.

Read more: Define Chemical Pollution |

eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/facts_6027793_define-chemicalpollution.html#ixzz1XGRQ6bLa

How to Prevent Chemical Pollution

By Alex Huebsch, eHow Contributor
updated December 13, 2010

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Preventing chemical pollution starts at the individual

level, but is a global problem.
Chemical pollution is harmful to humans, animals and the environment. Acid rain, ozone
depletion and greenhouse gases can be limited by taking the necessary steps in your
own household to prevent such pollution. Nearly everything humans do affects air, water
and soil quality. The goal of preventing chemical pollution can be achieved, but requires
public education, a change in mindset and alteration of longtime, ingrained operating

At Home
Use products that have been produced in a way that has reduced waste. Buy recycled
products. Buy durable products that use the least packaging possible. Buy only as much
chemical product as you need.

Use household chemicals and products before they go bad or reach their expiration
date. Give away things such as paint and chemicals to people who will use them.
Recycle, reuse or donate liquids from automobiles. Do not pour them down the drain or
throw them away in the regular trash.
Limit the use of your cars and motor vehicles. Riding a bike or taking public
transportation will help reduce the amount of chemicals put into the air.
Add insulation to your walls so that your house only uses the energy and heat it needs.
Caulk windows and doors. Excess heat and energy released into the atmosphere has
negative effects for the environment. Also, make certain your septic tank is adequately
lined to prevent leakage.
Use your fruit and vegetable waste as mulch or compost instead of chemical compost.
Try non-chemical herbicides and pesticides on your yard.
On the Job
Keep your work area clean and well labeled if your company uses chemicals. Keep
containers well sealed and have them inspected to make sure there is no contamination
and no leaks. The Delaware Department of Natural Resources says, "Keep waste
streams separate for re-use, recycling or treatment. Keep nonhazardous materials from
becoming contaminated."
Work to see that your company becomes involved in the industrial-waste exchange
program. Use recycled and non-toxic substances whenever possible. Invest more in
hazardous-waste programs. Use energy-efficient lighting and low-flow toilets.
Create incentives for employees to car pool and manage the company's vehicle use.
Reduce the use of motor vehicles whenever possible.

Make sure employees are given directions for working with specific chemicals. Run
frequent tests and offer classes and information sessions to keep your workers up to
date on proper movement, storage and disposal techniques for chemicals.
Use non-toxic and non-chemical solutions and products whenever possible.

Read more: How to Prevent Chemical Pollution |

eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_7637697_prevent-chemicalpollution.html#ixzz1XGRHlRrm

Causes of chemical pollution by ships

Image supplied courtesy of AMSA

Chemicals are carried in ships in two ways.

Firstly, in specially designed and constructed Chemical pollution can happen if shipping
chemical bulk carriers with chemical cargo containers are not properly stowed. During
tanks. Secondly, chemicals can be carried in bad weather chemical storage containers
a packaged form e.g. in drums and stowed inside a container could become dislodged
in a container carried by a container ship.
or break open allowing chemicals wrongly
loaded to mix with other chemicals.
When the cargo tanks in a chemical tanker
are cleaned, no residues are allowed to be Pollution of the sea, release of poisonous
pumped overboard. Either through human gases, explosion and/or fire may result if a
error or the crew breaks the regulations,
chemical tanker runs into trouble. A ship
chemical residues have been pumped into could run aground and break up or be
the sea, but this is very rare.
involved in a collision with another ship. This
type of incident can lead to a catastrophic
Chemicals are very hazardous. Special
disaster. Fortunately this rarely ever
regulations apply to how chemicals are
carried on a ship. For example, some
chemicals must not be loaded in the same Chemical tankers are specially designed,
shipping container as other chemicals,
built and maintained. It is very rare for one to
because, if they leak, they may either let off suffer damage through poor maintenance.
poisonous fumes or catch fire.

What are the various causes and adverse effects of chemical pollution ?
The various ways through which chemical pollution is caused and their adverse effects
have been discussed below:
1. From Industrial Wastes
When industrial wastes containing poisonous chemicals are dumped carelessly, they
contaminate vegetation, surface water as well as ground water supplies. Later on, these
chemicals find way into all those organisms that eat the plants or grass pr drink water
contaminated with these chemicals. Some of the large variety of industrial pollutants that
have been put into our natural waters or buried in the ground on large scale are: acids ,
bases, salts, metal solutions, oils grease, dyes , waste solvents, poisons such as
cyanides and mercury and variety of other chemicals.
Heavy metals such as lead, mercury, manganese, cadmium and chromium are generally
toxic to life forms in grater than trace amounts. In many countries, various surface water
bodies have already been heavily contaminated with poisonous chemicals posing a
serious danger to aquatic life. Fishes living in several highly polluted water bodies such
as rivers, lakes and along sea shores where untreated chemical effluents are released
are found to be so contaminated with poisonous chemicals that they are considered find
way in their bodies and cause many disease. In some cases, fishes are even found dead
due to the presence of high concentration of chemicals in water.
2. Accidents in Chemical Factories
Sometimes-chemical pollution caused by the accidental release of some toxic chemical;
in the factory. Such accident took place in the Union Carbide Plant at Bhopal in
December 1984. In this incidence, highly toxic Methyl Isocyanate (MIC) gas leaked from
the plant. This resulted in the death of thousands of people and animals in the
surrounding localities. Many more suffered from different types of aliments. The exact
impact of the chemical on the health of future generations cannot be assessed.
3. Excessive Use of Fertilizers
The excessive use of chemical fertilizers to boost the production also leads to
contamination of various water bodies. Contamination of water with fertilizers leads to
very undesirable effects such as eutrophication. This is due to the reason that phosphate
and nitrate encourage the growth of algae, which depletes the water body of its oxygen
content. As a result, fishes and other aquatic life forms are adversely affected. Moreover,
it is well established that nitrate in sufficient concentration is toxic to higher organisms
including human beings.
4. Use of Pesticides

The use of pesticides has also increased enormously in the recent past. These
pesticides find their way into lakes and rivers and contaminate them. Most of these
chemicals are toxic in nature. These chemicals get progressively concentrated in the
food chain. These chemicals can cause long-term damage to the health of human
beings. These pesticides find also enter our bodies directly if the food articles to which
these chemicals are sticking are not thoroughly washed before consuming.
DDT and other chlorinated hydrocarbons, which have long been used as pesticides,
have been found to be toxic. DDT is a highly stable compound. It is not easily
metabolised (broken down) by animals. It is deposited and stored in the fatty tissues.
Since DDT is not easily biodegradable, there is a resultant build up of this toxic chemical
within the animals, soil and water over a period. Investigations have revealed that people
living in some of the urban areas of our country have alarming amounts of DDT in their
bodies. DDT and other non-biodegradable pesticides are now being replaced with
biodegradable pesticides.
5. Release of Gaseous Pollutants in Air
Many industries release large number of pollutants in the atmosphere. These pollutants
are responsible for variety of diseases. Persons exposed to CO, CO2, SO2,
h7ydrocarbons and particulate matter suffer from headache, dizziness, irritation of the
eyes and nose, allergies, chest pain and many respiratory disorders.
6. Pollution Caused by Dust
Certain industries give rise to considerable amounts of dust. Workers exposed to various
types of injurious dusts suffer from a number of ailments. Following special
Pneumoconiosis is caused by inhalation of coal dust. Workers in coal, mines suffer from
this disease.
Silicosis is caused by stone (silica) dust. Workers in stone quarries or those engaged in
the cutting and grinding of stone from this disease.
Asbestosis is caused by asbestos dust. Workers involved in the manufacture of Beedis
and cigarettes may suffer from this disease.
Siderosis is caused by iron dust.
Workers involved in carpet weaving generally suffer from disorders such as asthma and
tuberculosis.. The persons exposed to smoke and other gaseous pollutants are also
more prone to lung disorders and infections.
The diseases mentioned above which arise due to occupation in which the individual is
involved are called occupational diseases terms are used for the diseases caused by
different types of dusts.
The Effects of Chemical Pollution on Plants

By Bryan Cohen, eHow Contributor

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Garbage on a tree branch.

As society has become more industrialized, plants have had a difficult time staying alive.
More houses and buildings have been constructed over former forests and fields. Many
trees and plants have been cut down to provide us with raw materials. Not quite as
obvious to the eye, chemical pollutants have harmed many plants beyond repair. It is
only by curbing the amount of pollution we release that we can preserve plant life for
future generations.
Leaf Damage
Leaves are the receiving centers of carbon dioxide in the air, which is then converted
into oxygen. If a plant has healthy leaves, photosynthesis occurs, creating a planet-wide
balance of carbon dioxide and oxygen along with energy for the plant. When chemicals
like peroxyacyl nitrates, nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide damage leaves, the plant can
no longer produce energy and oxygen. Chemical pollution also makes leaves more
susceptible to disease, water loss and frost.
One of the reasons particular plants grow in an area is because of the soil composition
in that area. If the soil changes drastically in any way, it will lead to potential death for the
plant. Many chemical pollutants like sulfur dioxide increase the acidity of rain, which
saturates soil during a storm. This increases the overall pH of the soil and may make the
soil unfit for the plant that resides within it. Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides can also
wash away soil nutrients, reducing the amount of food for the plant.

Underwater Plants
Some chemicals like those found in oil spills can darken water, effectively blocking out
the sun to the organisms living below the surface. Plants require light from the sun to
carry out photosynthesis. When water is polluted to the point of darkening, the sun
cannot reach the plants, causing the underwater plants to have less energy and
potentially die from lack of sunlight.
Chemical pollutants lead indirectly to ozone molecules that damage plants.
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) along with some other chemicals are responsible for
damaging the ozone layer in the stratosphere and troposphere. This can lead to
increased levels of ultraviolet radiation, which can damage plants and animals alike.
When ozone molecules from the troposphere break down, they can cover up leaf
openings called stomata. These are the holes through which respiration occurs, leading
to slower photosynthesis and possible plant death.

Read more: The Effects of Chemical Pollution on Plants |

eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/list_6392688_effects-chemical-pollutionplants.html#ixzz1XGVv71Hx
Chemical Pollution 'Harms Children's Brains'
by Jeremy Laurance

Chemical pollution may have harmed the brains of millions of children around the world
in what scientists are calling a "silent pandemic".
The world is bathed in a soup of industrial chemicals which are damaging the intellectual
potential of the next generation and may increase the incidence of conditions such as
Parkinson's disease, they say.
One in every six children has a developmental disability, such as autism, attention deficit
disorder or cerebral palsy, the effects of which may be life-long.
The role of low-level pollutants, such as lead and mercury, on the growing brain has
been recognised for decades and measures taken to reduce exposure to a minimum.
But scientists from the Harvard School of Public Health, in Boston, say at least 202
chemicals are known to have the capacity to damage the brain and their effects at low
levels of exposure are unknown. They say limits for exposure to chemicals should be set
for pregnant women and young children, recognising the unique sensitivity of the
developing brain, which is much more susceptible to the toxic effects of chemicals.

Philippe Grandjean, visiting professor at Harvard and lead author of the review,
published in the online Lancet, said: "The human brain is a precious and vulnerable
organ. Even limited damage may have serious consequences. It probably is going to be
difficult [to set exposure limits] but this is a classical case where there really is a lot at
stake. We are talking about the brain development of future generations. There will be
an enormous cost of not regulating exposure."
Critics accused the scientists of scaremongering and said their claim of a silent
pandemic was a "gross overstatement".
The 202 chemicals listed by the authors have been shown to cause serious accidents
when ingested, or have been used in suicide attempts. They include chemicals used in
household products, such as aluminium in saucepans and soft-drink cans, and acetone
in nail-polish remover. The main exposure to the pollutants is through contamination of
the environment during manufacture, when the chemicals seep into ground water, are
carried in air or contaminate food.
Commenting on the review, Professor Nigel Brown, dean of medicine at St George's
School of Medicine, University of London, said: "This is a campaigning article. In their
enthusiasm, the authors verge on scaremongering.
"[Their claim] of a silent pandemic is a gross overstatement. It is possible that there is a
problem, we should be aware of this and we should study it but there is currently not a
shred of evidence of a pandemic."
What chemical pollution can do
Used in adhesives, printing ink and agricultural sprays. Can cause drowsiness and
Used to make nylon, paint and resin removers, and fungicides. Can cause headaches
and convulsions.
Used in nail-polish remover and to make plastics, fibres and drugs. Breathing it over long
periods can cause light-headedness and confusion.
Used as a petrol additive and in spray paints. Can cause an effect similar to
drunkenness followed by severe stomach, leg and back pain.

Used in dry cleaning. Breathing it for long periods may cause dizziness, poor coordination and difficulty concentrating.
Used to make pesticides, dyes and rubber. Breathing in small amounts over several
years may cause cancer.
Used in making plastics. Breathing small amounts over long periods causes alterations
in vision, hearing loss and slower reaction times.

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