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Redefining Geology

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and Modeling


Paradigm Redefines
The art of geology relies on assembling

Modern geological software combines

software capabilities are based on a

sparsely-sampled data at vastly different

applications that take geological

number of powerful foundations:

scales, and using stratigraphic as well

information as a primary data input,

as geometrical logic, supported by field

and attempt to generate geological

analogies, to populate areas where no

knowledge and parameters out of diverse

objective data exists. Today, of course,

data sources. The power of todays

it is rare for such a process to take place

evaluation, thereby gaining maximum

advanced computers, coupled with broad

without some support from seismic data.

information from well data

data integration, allows geologists to

While seismic is of lower resolution, it

apply a wealth of science and technology

does offer uniform sampling in all three

dimensions, and as such is invaluable
in guiding correlation and modeling
activities, as well as helping to develop
structural, characterization, and direct
property information.

to achieve geologically-consistent results.

These can be evaluated and qualified
for the uncertainties that are inherent in
both the input data and the variability of
geology. Paradigms unique geological

The highly efficient and thorough

processing and interpretation of well
measurements for optimal formation

Unique modeling tools, guided by

geological constraints, used to
construct structural and stratigraphic
models, in order to validate
interpretation utilizing a wide range of
structural analysis tools
The capacity to handle any amount of
complex faults, avoiding compromises
and simplifications
Multiple geostatistical methods to
assess and mitigate uncertainties
Seamless integration to seismic, field
production and other data sources
that enrich geological workflows,
and a direct process for generating
geocellular simulation grids, free from

3D well correlation

Continued success in exploration and production activities stems from a

combination of innovative technologies and the efficient integration of data,
disciplines and workflows.

Integrated geological interpretation

Innovation is the Key

Through our culture of ongoing
innovation and our close collaboration
with leading energy companies,
Paradigm now offers a mature and
versatile geological software suite,
designed to easily handle any project,
from a simple, small-scale survey to a
large, multi-disciplinary study involving
challenging geological scenarios. The
Paradigm Epos-based product integration
enables tight, iterative workflows that
make it possible to study and compare
different scenarios, estimate uncertainties,
and develop ranked strategies to guide
the decision-making process.
With over 200 scientists and programmers, Paradigm is a known innovator in many

The Initial Data: Formation

Evaluation and Petrophysics
Facies classification, borehole image
interpretation, mineralogy, core
interpretation and saturation determination
are some of the functionalities that a
geologist will find inside the industry-leading
Geolog formation evaluation system.
Extendable with the customers proprietary
characterization algorithms, and able to
process and generate multiple log types on
many wells, Geolog serves as a platform
for providing the best set of logs for use
in well-to-well correlation, seismic-to-well
correlation and reservoir model construction.
Geolog workspace showing log display, crossplot and multiplot views

Building The Framework:

Correlation and Cross-Sections
Taking logs directly from the petrophysicist,
well sections can be constructed that display
all the tracks needed to perform stratigraphic
correlation, while incorporating seismic
data (when available), interpretation and
production information in the same section.
Multi-scenario marker correlation can be
constructed to evaluate uncertainty. Net pay
thickness maps are constructed automatically
while markers are interpreted and pay zones
identified, using a variety of data analysis
tools. Erosions and fault gap information
are provided to construct TST and TVT
Marker correlation and associated elevation and thickness maps in the StratEarth well
correlation system

sections. Stratigraphic information created

while interpreting is then used directly for the
construction of the 3D stratigraphic model.

Collaborative software allows petrophysicists, geologists, drilling engineers and

well site staff to evaluate critical situations and discuss remedial action. This is of
particular importance for horizontal drilling.

Building the Earth Model:

Advanced Structural Modeling
Based on the stratigraphy column, interpreted
faults and salt bodies, the structural model
is constructed automatically, finding faultfault and fault-salt contacts and building
horizons following sequence stratigraphy rules.
Horizons and faults are constructed in order to
automatically create a sealed model that can be
used to generate 3D consistent maps, velocity
models, geological grids and flow simulation
grids. The 3D model, constructed using a 3D
unstructured mesh and the UVT Transform,
has none of the limitations of pillar-based
models. It can handle any kind of faulting,
and can represent any stratigraphy between

Faulted chrono-stratigraphic slice inside UVT model highlighting stratigraphic features


Unraveling Geological History:

Reconstruction Processes
The unstructured mesh and associated
UVT Transform contain the information
needed to perform 3D restoration of the
present-time model using a geo-mechanical
finite element technique. Eliminating the
need to construct a series of finite element
models, each layer of the 3D model can be
sequentially uncompacted and automatically
uneroded. Along with the restoration of the
3D structural model, a 4D basin grid can be
created in order to study basin maturity and
fluid migrations.

Sequential restoration of 3D models inside the Kine3D-3 restoration application

Paradigm geological solutions can rapidly integrate real-time Logging While

Drilling (LWD) data from the rig using the WITS-ML data transfer protocol. The
new data is accessed by all applications and can be visualized and used in all
relevant processes.

Understanding the Trapping

From the stratigraphic faulted model,
reservoir juxtaposition or fault traps can
be studied. Juxtaposition maps and
displacement maps can be constructed,
and fault displacement analysis can be
performed. The UVT Transform contains
all the information needed to compute
information such as Smear Gouge Ratio, or
weighted Smear Gouge Ratio, which takes
into account the smearing potential.

Facies juxtaposition and branching faults on a fault surface, computed on a geological grid

Populating the Model:

The 3D model and UVT Transform contain
information about the paleo-geography
coordinates of all the cells of the geologic grid
created inside the 3D model. Geostatistical
algorithms are then run inside the paleo-space
in order to undo post-deposition deformation.
Contrary to pillar-based models, the UVT
Transform conserves paleo-distance, a necessary
condition for proper geostastitical computation
based on distance. Using a dynamic
uncertainty workflow, the user constructs a
reservoir property model by first performing a
facies distribution per layer, using a complete
set of categorical simulation algorithms,
including MPS. For each facies, it is possible to
populate the petrophysical parameters using
krigging or simulation methods.

Multi-realization of an MPS simulation derived from a conceptual model

Populating the Model:

Seismically-Derived Properties
Using the seismic data or seismically-derived
trend as secondary data inside the reservoir
model, and combining different attribute
volumes to constrain geological facies,
simulation is easily performed using various
seismic-to-well calibration tools. Uncertainty
about this calibration can be incorporated
in the model to study the overall value
of information brought by the seismic

Combined seismic and petrophysical facies to generate a reservoir model

A Uniform Approach to
Uncertainties in Petrophysics,
Structure and Properties
Uncertainty is everywhere in geology, as
information is sparse and very interpretative.
Uncertainty is not only present in the
algorithm that the modeler chooses to
use, it is also in all the parameters of those
algorithms. Uncertainty about correlation
coefficients, variogram range, or porosity
distribution mean that all can be input
and analyzed for sensitivity studies. When
dealing with uncertainty, the most important
factor is to know which parameters are
behind it, so that the workflow can be
optimized and steps can be taken to reduce

Tornado chart indicating most influential uncertainties

this uncertainty.

From Static to Dynamic:

A Mathematical Transform
The 3D model and UVT Transform can be
discretized to automatically construct a
flow simulation grid, where all necessary
faults are taken into account and all
cell geometries are optimized for highperformance flow simulation. The UVT
Transform also guarantees the spatial
integrity of the upscaling between the finescale geologic grid and the coarser
flow simulation grid.

Geological cross-section as computed and displayed in SKUA

Reservoir Simulation and History

A reservoir flow simulation grid can now
be constructed in any geological setting,
without compromising on fault geometry
or fault inclusion in the flow simulation
model. The incorporation of all the faults
needed to perform acceptable history
matching can be crucial in many reservoirs.

Multi-scenario comparison of flow simulation results

Workflow Management

important to multi-disciplinary projects,

and dialog boxes, and insert them into

All modeling processes are encapsulated

bringing together large amounts of data

existing menus. For customers or third-

inside workflow guides to help the

of different vintages, from a variety of

party technology companies, there is

occasional user, as well as to store all the

sources, and in some cases using different

also a possibility to add Epos connection

parameters used to construct a model for

reference systems and units.

capabilities to existing proprietary

auditability and QC purposes.

Data Management
The Paradigm application suite is built
atop a multi-user, multi-site and multi-OS
data management platform. Bulk data
can be shared between different projects
to minimize storage requirements.
Access to specific data is controlled by
administrator-defined security rules.

applications, in order to access Epos data

Building on the Paradigm Open

Framework: Development

repositories and make use of services

Paradigm applications are open, allowing

with Epos-based workflows in a

outside vendors to add proprietary or

third-party technologies to Paradigm
solutions. This can involve the
development of plug-ins that have full
access to the data model.

The importance of a mature data

The open Paradigm framework provides

infrastructure and a suite of effective

a very fast prototyping environment that

services built around it is increasingly

lets developers create new commands

such as cursor tracking. This makes it

possible to combine existing applications
seamless manner, and with minimal data
replication. Some Paradigm solutions
offer a high-level programming language
to add new algorithms and processes
directly within the user interface.

All Epos-based applications enable
interoperability with third-party
datastores, including:
- OpenWorks 2003.12, R5000
- GeoFrame 4.5
- OpenSpirit 3

System specifications
- 64-bit, for x64 architecture
- Microsoft Windows 7, XP, Vista
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.3 and
above, 6.0 and above

Integration of time-dependent micro-seismic data into the Paradigm 3D visualization window

The Paradigm Advantage

+ Paradigm solutions allow the user to refer back to the original field measurements if needed.
+ A unified, mathematically rigorous modeling architecture ensures across-the-board subsurface consistency.
+ Every Paradigm geological solution delivers both depth and breadth of proven, efficient technologies.
+ A new, customizable user interface provides superior ease of use.
+ Dual-platform support ensures unparalleled flexibility in deployment and usage.

2011. Paradigm Ltd.and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. The following are trademarks or registered trademarks of Paradigm Ltd. or its subsidiaries (collectively, Paradigm):
Paradigm, Paradigm logo and/or other Paradigm products referenced herein. All other trademarks are owned by their respective owners.


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